Rabu, 26 Oktober 2022

Information On Four Investment Proposals Is Given Below

Information On Four Investment Proposals Is Given Below

fill in the tabel below based on the information given in the text above​

Daftar Isi

1. fill in the tabel below based on the information given in the text above​


where is the table?

thank you

2. Fill in the table below based on the information given in the text above! bisa bantu gak?? mau dikumpup hari ini


soalny aja ga lengkap. cil bocil

hah?? maksut soalnya gmn

3. fill in the table below based on the information given in the text above no.4 and no.5​


isi tabel di bawah ini berdasarkan informasi yang diberikan pada teks no.4 dan no.5 di atas

4. What information is found on a wine bottle?

artinya: informasi apa yang ditemukan pada botol kawat?

What information is found on a wine bottle?


Informasi apa yang ditemukan pada botol anggur?

5. write a short information report about the solar system. some information is given in the graphic organizer below but you may have to refer to some books on the solar system in order to complete the report.

I do not understand and maybe I was wrong to answer

6. Based on the label below, write the detail information about the label​

This cola contains : carbonated water , high fructose corn Syrup , caramel color , sugar , phosporic acid , caffeine, citric acid , natural flavors

150 calories , fat 0 g , sodium 30 mg (1%) ,carbohydrate (14%) ,sugar 41g , and protein 0g . serving size 1 can

7. write wish sentence based on information given below 1. she broke up with her boyfriend 2. i have not finished my task


1. I wish I have a new boyfriend

2. I wish I finish my task quickly

Ini menurut saya ya




8. Make Future Tenses Sentence Based On The Information Given​


1. school will be erase on 2030

2. The Kardashians are going to travel

3. the bus left

4. Mr. Bayu is meeting


9. complete the transctional convrsations based on suggest and offer given below. the first one is done for you

Anda di suruh untuk melengkapi percakapan..........

10. in pairs, make a memorandum based on the situation below.! Situation : Information is about company travel that is for all personals. it is from personnel of fiver (Simon Gonzalles). It is on 15th December,2009.Tolong Dijawab.!

berpasangan, buat memorandum berdasarkan situasi di bawah.!
Situasi: Informasi adalah tentang perjalanan perusahaan yang diperuntukkan bagi semua orang. itu dari personil fiver (Simon Gonzalles). Tanggal 15 Desember 2009.

11. Jelaskan tentang return on Investment!

ROI (Return On Investment) adalah salah satu bentuk dari rasio profitabilitas yang dimaksudkan dapat mengukur kemampuan perusahaan dengan keseluruhan dana yang ditanamkan dalam aktiva yang digunakan untuk operasinya perusahaan untuk menghasilkan keuntungan.

semoga membantu

12. give information using comparisons based on the clues given​

in 1940 the number of people killed in trafic is higher than in 2010

india has lower population percentage than china

happy learning....

13. It is Aguanten three on it is four fonfy five artinya

itu aguanten tiga di atasnya adalah empat lima fonfy

14. Read the following information on four different person. then answer, the questions that follow


Sorry But The Question U Give Is Not Understanding

15. Write Wish Sentences Based On Information Given Below!3. She Broke Up Up With Boy Friends4. I heaven't Finished My Task​

Tp pertanyaan nya tidak jelas

16. answer the question below based on your own information

Artinya,Jawab pertanyaan di bawah ini berdasarkan informasi kamu sendiri.


17. write a short information report about the solar system.some information is given in the graphic organizer below but you may have to refer to some books on the solar system in order to complete the report

solar systems are what you would call multiple planets that orbit a star. our own solar system is located in the milky way galaxy which is a spiral galaxy with millions to billions of stars and thousands to hundreds of thousands of solar system with trillions of exoplanets inside of them.

18. The card below is best given in​

at graduation day


semoga membantu :-D

19. read the following information on four different persons. then answer the questions that follow

Informationnya mana kampank??

20. what kind of the text is given below

jenis teks apa yang di berikan di bawah ini

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