Minggu, 30 Oktober 2022

What Happened To The Snowman During The Heat Wave

What Happened To The Snowman During The Heat Wave

What happened during the celebration of the newborn baby

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1. What happened during the celebration of the newborn baby


Several things that happened during the celebration of the newborn baby are as the follows.

The parents express their gratitude to the Lord for the newborn baby.The parents asks the guests to deliver their prayer for the newborn baby to stay healthy.


Pada kesempatan kali ini, soal meminta kita untuk menyajikan hal yang terjadi ketika perayaan bayi yang baru lahir. Di Indonesia sendiri, tradisi yang kerap dilakukan adalah syukuran. Pada acara ini, keluarga bersyukur atas kehadiran anak baru sang bayi dan memohon doa akan kesehatannya di kemudian hari.

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang materi celebration pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/8756882


2. What happened during the writer's adolescence period


He probably start having thought towards the opposite gender, hence, he might start jacking off.

3. What happened during the celebration of the new born baby?


2. the witch is angry and she curse the princess, but the youngest fairy come and lighten the curse.



4. what happened to the floor​


apa yg terjadi dengan lantai

Follow My Tiktok :SiBobbyOfficial


stick to the floor because of cement

5. what happened to the grasshooper in the winter?​


when the weather turns cold, the adult grasshoppers die. but the eggs can survive winter to hatch into baby grasshoppers when the weather warms in spring.

Penjelasan (Translate):

Soal: apa yang terjadi pada belalang di musim dingin?Jawaban: saat cuaca berubah dingin, belalang dewasa mati. namun telur-telur tersebut dapat bertahan hidup di musim dingin hingga menetas menjadi bayi belalang saat cuaca menghangat di musim semi.

semoga membantu yaa ^^

6. 1. What happened to the Mr. Steven’s house? 2. What happened to the roof? 3. Where was the car dropped by the wind? 4. How are the Steven’s helped out by during their ordeal? 5. Was the house insured? 6. What kinds of renovations are being done to the house? a

Jawaban:sir not to make u sad wheres the story


7. what happened to the girl

Artinya:Apa yang terjadi pada gadis itu?

Jawabannya: Maybe she has sick or she has have a headache

8. what happened to the speakers​


The Speaker was captured during the Red Legion's attack on The City. When the Guardian and the Vanguard fought to recapture The City from the Red Legion, The Speaker was released from his restraints by The Consul and died shortly afterwards.


Pembicara ditangkap selama serangan Legiun Merah di Kota. Ketika Penjaga dan Pelopor berjuang untuk merebut kembali Kota dari Legiun Merah, TheSpeaker dibebaskan dari pengekangannya.



사랑해 (´∩。 ᵕ • 。∩`)


9. what happened to the grasshooper in the winter? ​


What's happened to the grasshopper is the engine failed to run the power.

10. what happened to the ring that the hawk gave to the hen?

the ring dissapeared because the hen threw it.

11. What is the effect of the terrible heat wave? A. Starvation B. Dehydration C. Diaseases D. Famine

B. Dehydration B. Dehydration

I hope it can help you ^_^

12. What happened to the gojek driver


apa yang terjadi pada pengendara gojek


what happened to you bre ._.

13. What happened to the woman?


The woman is very happinesse


Semoga membantu'")

14. 1. What were the cicadas doing during the summer?2. What were the ants doing during the summer?3. Why did the ants work hard during the summer?4. What happened to the cicadas when winter came?why?5. What happened to the ants when winter came?why?6. Why couldn't the cicadas fly in the winter?7. What can we learn from the story?8. Why didn't the ants give food to the cicadas?9.do you think the ants did the right things?

1. The Cicadas Didn't do anything , The Sang and danced all day.
2. They Wanted to have enough food for the whole winter
3. Because They Knew that in the Winter they would have to stay in their anthill
4. The Cicadas Get hungry then all the cicadas were dead , because they doesn't have any food for them
5. The ants stay in the anthill and waiting for the turn of the season with their food
6. Because their wings were wet from the rain
7. Do not lazy to work hard ,because if you are lazy , you will not get anything
8. Because The Cicadas were Swagger and feel the smartest of the other ants
9. Nope , because no matter how arrogant the cicadas is , because they will regret his actions , therefore try to keep each other helpful

Semoga Membantu !!
Maaf Kalau salah

15. What actually happened to the rabbit?​




sia th maenya taapal


artinya:apa yang sebenarnya terjadi pada kelinci itu?


maaf kalo salah

16. What happened to the Titanic?

Titanic had an accident because it hit an iceberg

maafkan kalau salah

Titanic sinks#Semoga membantu

17. 1. What are heat waves?2. When do heat waves have the most impact?3. What doesn't cause clouds to form to offer relief with precipitation?4. What does a person do to cool down his/her body during a heat wave?5. Where do heal waves usually occur?​

Jawaban serta penjelasan:

1. Heat waves are extended periods of unusually hot weather that affect human and animal's health as wel as energy use.

2. temperatures at least 9 degrees Fahrenheit, greater than the average daily maximum. They usually apo M most impacts during summer months when normal temperatures are already high.

3. precipitation Heat waves only add to drought conditions by greatly increasing evaporation and stress on plants and water supplies.

4. In plural to cool down he body, a person will sweat to release heat and provide A Source of moisture for evaporate which cools the skin surface. of the humidity is high, sweating that does not cause much cooling because the air already contains a lot of moisture and evaporation is slow.

5. waves are common impacts vary globally The UK experiences

pelajari lebih lanjut:

Selamat mengerjakan

@belajar bersama pijay1234

18. what happened to the boy then?​

the boy disappeared

semoga membantuu

19. what happened to the girl?

The girl taking a walkapa yang sudah terjadi oleh gadis itu?

20. What happened to the gardener in the forest


Apa yang terjadi pada tukang kebun di hutan

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