Senin, 10 Oktober 2022

What Happened When The Ghost Disappeared In A Fog

What Happened When The Ghost Disappeared In A Fog

1.what was shinta doing when the accident happened 2.what was mrs.tika doing when the accident happened 3.what was febrian doing when the accident happened 4.what was mr.rani doing when the accident happened 5.what was mrs.umar doing when the accident happened

Daftar Isi

1. 1.what was shinta doing when the accident happened 2.what was mrs.tika doing when the accident happened 3.what was febrian doing when the accident happened 4.what was mr.rani doing when the accident happened 5.what was mrs.umar doing when the accident happened

jawaban semuanya:when the accident happened,they call police and hospital

2. What happened to Yam when he was in the island

Yam is want to back to the home


jawaban:apa yang terjadi kepada yam ketika dia berada di pulau

"what happened to yam when he was in the island"


happened:yang terjadi




he:dia (laki-laki)





tulisnya : apa yang terjadi kepada yam ketika dia berada di pulau

3. What is the definition of a cause? * 4 poin The result of what happened in a given situation. The effect of what happened in a given situation. The reason something happened in a given situation. What happened in a given situation.

Apa definisi penyebab? * 4 poin Hasil dari apa yang terjadi dalam situasi tertentu. Efek dari apa yang terjadi dalam situasi tertentu. Alasan mengapa sesuatu terjadi dalam situasi tertentu. Apa yang terjadi dalam situasi tertentu.

semoga membantu;)

#maaf kalo salah

4. what in indonesian is ghost= what in indians is ghost=


in Indonesia:

ghost = hantu

in Indian:

ghost = भूत / bhoot

5. what happened when the old woman found the snail?

apa yang dilakukan wanita tua saat menemukan siput/keong?

6. 1. What is the definition of an effect? A. What happened in a given situation B. The order of events in a given situation. C. The similarity meaning towards something.D. The result of what happened in a given situation E. The reason something happened in a given situation2. What is the definition of a cause? A. The reason something happened in a given situation. B. The effect of what happened in a given situation, C. The result of what happened in a given situation. D. The similarity meaning towards something. E. Something happened in a given situation.​





Dh tysm byebyebyebye

7. what happened when the prince and his two friends weee walking in the forest?


I don't know what happened in the forest because I didn't go with him

8. what happened in the end​


apa yang terjadi pada akhirnya


artinya adalah : apa yg terjadi pada akhir nya



apa yg terjadi di akhir peristiwa/ kejadian tersebut

9. 4. what happened to Yam when he was In the island ?

apa yang terjadi pada ubi dia di pulau itu?

10. What happened when the two men met the bear?

One of the men climbed up a tree while the other played dead.

11. .what is the definition of a cause? *4 pointhe result of what happened in a given situation.the effect of what happened in a given situation.the reason something happened in a given situation.what happened in a given situation.the good situation​


The result of what happened in a given situation.

12. what happened when the troubles come? ​


what will happen is you will be in a coffin :)


there is a trouble come to you

and you never can hold a trouble

you try to hold it so no one notice

and you were dead


13. what happened in the town​


gambar atau teksnya mana?


apa yang terjadi di kota

14. What happened when the wolf was eating greedily?

                                        he will glut and die
                           "dia akan kekenyangan lalu mati"

15. What was the writer doing when the earthquake happened


Apa yang penulis lakukan ketika gempa terjadi


maaf kak hanya bisa mengartikan

16. What happened when people burnt the forest

Question :

1. What happens when people burned the forest ?

Answer :

1. During wildfires, the nutrients from dead trees are returned to the soil. Fire also acts as a natural disinfectant, incinerating diseased plants and removing them from the flora population.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~  

If the answer is wrong, please forgive me TvT  

Hope you guys have a great day  

Stay safe :>

17. What happened when the Prince and his two friends were walking in the forest​


Apa yang terjadi ketika sang pangeran dan kedua temannya sedang berjalan di hutan


Maaf klo salah


arti nya : apa yang terjadi ketika pangeran dan kedua temannya berjalan di hutan ?

semoga membantu :)

18. What ..are you..(do) when the earthquake happened

Jawaban: what are you doing when the earthquake happened?

19. What happened when the granddaughter cooked the rice


Apa yang terjadi jika si cucu perempuan memasak sebuah nasi ?


What = Apa

Happened = Yang terjadi

When = Jika

The granddaughter = Si cucu perempuan

Cooked = memasak

The Rice = Sebuah nasi

? = Tanda tanya didalam kalimat introgative

20. what happened when the queen decline

apa yang terjadi ketika ratu ....
apa yang terjadi ketika kemunduran ratu

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