Minggu, 02 Oktober 2022

What Is Unique About The House In Which Emily

What Is Unique About The House In Which Emily

What is unique about the grandma

Daftar Isi

1. What is unique about the grandma


apa yang unik tentang nenek

2. Prambanan temple .what is unique about the Prambanan temple​


Prambanan temple unique is made without machine

3. 5.What is unique about the grandma?please help me:)

She have a unique smell which is light scent of jasmine

4. Read the film review below! Question : What does the reviewer think is unique visual about the Wolfwalkers?


to wipe out the last pack-untuk menghapus paket terakhir

5. 1. What does the poster tell you about?2. What is the meaning of costume party?3. What is the meaning of the character or weapon must be unique?

1. tentang hal yang diiklankan atau pemberitahuan yang diterbitkan oleh suatu lembaga atau seseorang

2. pesta kostum adalah pesta yang dimana para tamu undangan harus memakai kostum tertentu

3. karakteristik dari sebuah senjata yang harus unik

6. what is one of the unique tradition at nias osland ​


Hombo or stone jumping


karena di situ tertulis, one of the unique traditions is Homboor stone jumping

semoga membantu :)

7. 1.what is a rumah gadang?2 what do people call the three small buildings in front of a rumah gadang?3.what is the main function of the rangkiang ?4.what are the house used of the rumah gadang ?5.why is the construction of a rumah gadang unique?6.why is fire the main enemy of a rumah gadang?​


1. apa yang dimaksud dengan rumah gadang?

2 orang menyebut tiga bangunan kecil di depan rumah gadang itu apa?

3. apakah fungsi utama rangkiang?

4. Rumah apa yang digunakan sebagai rumah gadang?

5. mengapa konstruksi rumah gadang unik?

6. mengapa api menjadi musuh utama rumah gadang?


1.Rumah gadang is a traditional house from padang

8. my house is 3 kilometers away from school. emily`s house is only 500 meters away from school. so, my house is ....... [FAR] Emily`s in other words, emily`s house.is ....... [close] mine, from our school.

far than, closer thanJarak rumah saya menuju sekolah adalah 3 kilometer. Rumah Emily hanya berjarak 500 meter dari sekolah. jadi rumah saya far than (lebih jauh dari) Emily, dengan kata lain, Rumah Emily closer than (lebih dekat daripada) saya, dari sekolah kami. :)

9. What is unique about dayak ikat

apa yg unik dari dayak ikat
^^maaf kalo salah^^

10. Joe: Is that unique house yours? 4 poin Jovi: yes, that is. Joe: Wow, how amazing the house it's so beauiful. The sentence "How amazing the house” in the dialogue expresses....


Compliment (pujian)


The expression of compliment, seperti artinya, adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk memuji seseorang.

Salah satu caranya adalah menggunakan kata how. Berikut rumus beserta contohnya:


➧ How + kata sifat (adj)

➧ How + kata keterangan (adv)


∙ How handsome

∙ How beautiful she is

∙ How amazing you are

∙ How lovely

11. Read the dialog below and classify the expressions which are used in asking orgiving opinion!Full Day SchoolEmily :Hi Tom! What are you doing?Tommy : I’m reading an educational news.Emily : Any good news?Tommy : I’ve just read about full day school.Emily : So what is your opinion about that?Tommy : In my mind, it is useful for Indonesian education development.Because if school time is extended until 4 or 5 PM, students can learn more. So, Indonesia’s educational ranking in the world can be increased.Emily : But how about the students? What do you think about them?Tommy : In my opinion if the teacher can bring class situation more fun, giving them exciting activities, so the student will enjoy their day in school.Emily : I think you’re right. Okay. See you later because the bell rings 1.ASKING OPINION 2.GIVING OPINION​


- Asking opinion

So what is your opinion about that?What do you think about them?

- Giving opinion

In my mind, it is useful for Indonesian education development. In my opinion if the teacher can bring class situation more fun, giving  them exciting activities..

semoga membantu :)


Asking Opinion :Emily :

So what's your opinion about that?, what do you think about them?

Giving Opinion : Tommy : in my mind, it is useful for Indonesian aducation development, and in my opinion if the teacher can bring class situation more fun ,giving them exciting activities, so the student will enjoy their day in school.

12. The workers was building the unique house when the accident happened.The correct passive form of the sentence is ....A. The unique house has been being built by the workers when the accident happens.B. The unique house was being buildby the workers when the accident happened.C. The workers is building the unigue house when the accident is being happened.D. The unique house is built by the workers when the accident happened.E. The unique house was being built by the workers when the accident happened. ​


The correct passive form of the sentence is... E


A passive voice construction is a grammatical voice construction that is found in many languages. In a clause with passive voice, the grammatical subject expresses the theme or patient of the main verb – that is, the person or thing that undergoes the action or has its state changed.

Semoga membantu

13. "My alarm clock is very unique in appearance." (paragraph 2).What does the underlined word mean?

yang diunderline kata apa?kata yang di garisin apa?

14. arti what does emily think about raka?

Apa yang emily pikirkan tentang/mengenai raka?

15. B. Read the following dialogue and then answer the questions! : Hi Tom! What are you doing? I'm reading a newspaper. : Any good news? Emily Tommy Emily I So what is your opinion about that? Tommy: In my view, it is useful for Indonesian education development. If school time until 4 or 5 PM, students can learn more. So, Indonesia's educational rankin can be increased. Emily : Do you think like that? But how about the students? Don't you think it is them in school all day? Tommy No, if the teacher can bring class situation more fun, giving them exciting a student will enjoy their day in school. Emily : I think you're right. Questions: 1. Who are involved in the dialogue? Answer: EMily, tommy 2. What are they talking about? Answer: 't've Just read abort full day school- What is Tommy doing? Answer: 3. 4. What is Emely's opinion about full day school? Answer: 5. How can the class become more fun in full day school? Answer:​


i like play my bird


itu jawabannya

16. They have a unique house That is...............house

traditional house
moga membantu


They have a Unique Housethat's was Unique house

17. 1. what kind of text above ?2. the text tells us about ?3. the unique characteristic of giraffe is ?4. the second paragraph mainly discused about ?5. the word "it" in third paragraph refers to ?​

1. Report text.

2. About giraffe.

3. They have a very long neck and two small homs on its head.

4. Giraffe's food.

5. It refers to giraffe.

Hope this will help, good luck<3

18. 1. Where is Batu Londa Graveyard?2. What is funeral?3. What is Londa?4. Why is the way of funeral in Tana Toraja unique?5. What is paragraph one about?​

1. Di mana Batu Londa?

2. Apa itu pemakaman?

3. Apa itu Londa?

4. Mengapa cara pemakaman di Tana Toraja unique?

5. Paragraf pertama tentang apa?

19. 7 The following dialog is for questions number 16 to 20. Emily : Hi Tom! What are you doing? Tommy : I'm reading a newspaper. Emily : Any good news? Tommy : I've just read about full day school, Emily : So what is your opinion about that? Tommy : In my view, it is useful for Indonesian education development. Because if school time is extended until 4 or 5 p.m., students can learn more. So, Indonesia's educational ranking in the world can be increased. Emily : Do you think like that? But how about the students? Don't you think it is too boring for them? In school all day.​


7 dialog berikut adalah untuk pertanyaan nomor 16 sampai 20. Hai Tom! Apa yang kau lakukan? Aku sedang membaca koran. Ada kabar baik? Aku baru saja membaca tentang sekolah seharian penuh, Emily jadi apa pendapatmu tentang itu? Dalam pandangan saya, hal ini berguna bagi perkembangan pendidikan di indonesia. Karena jika waktu sekolah diperpanjang sampai 4 atau 5 sore, siswa dapat belajar lebih banyak. Jadi, peringkat pendidikan Indonesia di dunia dapat ditingkatkan. Apa kau berpikir seperti itu? Tapi bagaimana dengan para siswa? Jangan anda pikir itu terlalu membosankan bagi mereka? Di sekolah sepanjang hari.


semoga bermanfaat ya ʘ‿ʘ

20. What is the grade that Emily received on her final exam?

berapa nilai/poin yang Emily dapatkan pada ujian akhir?

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