Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2022

Why Isn t This An Effective Visual Aid For The Speech

Why Isn t This An Effective Visual Aid For The Speech

the chocolate isn' t popular nowadays ​

Daftar Isi


coklat tidak populer saat ini


coklat tidak populer sekarang ini

2. 1 .what is the speech about 2.who delivers the speech 3.who are the audience 4.why is the speech delivered 5.why does the speakers think that she suits for the position



1. pidato tentang apa

2. siapa yang menyampaikan pidato

3. siapa penontonnya

4. mengapa pidato disampaikan

5. mengapa pembicara berpikir bahwa dia cocok untuk posisi tersebut


Just info

jawaban terdapat di soal,bisa berbentuk percakapan atau teks.

semoga membantu

semoga membantumaaf klo salah

3. apa artinya''The,isn' t it?​


"The house is blue isn't it?


"Rumah yang biru , bukan ?"



Thearticle(Katasandang)adalahKata yang tidak memiliki arti namun menjelaskan Nomina( kata benda ).

Contoh kata sandang / artikel:

SangYang si

Semoga bermanfaat ^_^


The house is blue. Isn't it? Or rumahnya warna biru bukan?


Because at the last sentences use isn't, So the missing word is "is"

4. 1. What is this advertisement for ? 2. Do you think the ad is effective?Does it make you more likely to buy the product? 3. What things does the ad NOT say about this product? 4. Why could this be an example of greenwashing? 5. Can you think of any other example of greenwashing?


1.Advertising or in Indonesian formal advertising is all forms of promotional messages such as goods, services, finished products, and ideas delivered through the media at the cost of sponsorship and shown to the majority of the public.


5. bantu ya kak besok kumpulsoal:1.what is the speech about?2.who delivers the speech?3.who are the audience?4.why is the speech delivered?5.why does the speaker think that she suits for the position?6.what does she promisa?7.what does the speaker looks like?8.what does the speaker hope to again through the speech?9."please vote for me,........"(paragraph 5)what is the synonym of 'vote' ?10.suppose you have the right to vote . Will you vote for the speaker? why?​


1.she's persuade people to vote her


3.The classmate

4.She want to be voted so she can be the class captain

5.she have experience on junior high school

6.she Will encourage her classmate to be outstanding in non academic and academic she promise to that she Will carry this responbility

7.She has charisma of course

8.Her classmate vote her


10.yes,I think she Will she has ambition

6. Why is the speech delivered?


because speech is out of sound

7. 1. What is the speech about? 2. Who delivers the speech? 3. Who are the audience? 4. Why is the speech delivered? 5. Why does the speaker think that she suits for the position? 6. What does she promise? 7. What does the speaker looks like? 8. What does the speaker hope to gain through the speech? 9. "Please vote for her What is the synonym of 'vote'? 10. Suppose you have the right to vote. Will you vote for the speaker? Why?



2. Dewi

3. Mrs Anita and Dewi Classmates.

4. because Dewi is one of the candidate for class captain

5. Because she has experienced as a cLass captain and leadership of organization

6. make the best commitment and the best class

7. she has leadership and experienced in many extracurriculer

8. make a good friendship and keep togetherness

9. election

10. yes. because she is suitable for the class captain and she has experience in leadership

8. tolong di jawab Semuah kak, Please 1.what is the speech about?2.who delivers the speech?3.who are the audience?4.why is the speech delivered?5.why does the speaker think that she suits for the position?6.what does she promise?7.what does the speaker looks like?8.what does the speaker hope to gain through the speech?9. "please vote for me, ..." (Paragraph 5) what is the synonym of 'vote' ?10.suppose you have the right to vote. will you vote for the speaker? Why?​


1. selection for candidats captain class

2. Dewi

3. Anita and my classmates

4. She has to deliver a speech to ensure her classmstes to ellect

5. Dewi have leadership and comunication skills as the basic skills for a leader

6. we will make a good friendship and keep togethernes which will make our class great.

7. she has would like to carry out this responsibility with all my heart and honesty.

8. please for vote me hope dewi

9. select

10. yes, because she woud work together

to reach great archievement

9. task 191.what is the speech about?2.who delivers the speech?3.who are the audience4.why is the speech delivered?5.what activities does the speaker attend?6.what were the speaker's leadership experiences?8.what does the speaker hope to gain through the speech?10.suppose you have a right to vote.will you vote for the speaker?why?​




why=kurang tau aku jawabannya...maaf kalo salah

10. How about this one ? It's more interesting acconding to you ,isn' t it

Bagaimana dengan yang satu ini? Ini lebih menarik untukmu, bukan?

semoga membantu^^

11. 6 what is the advertisement about?7 what is the active uv cell protection effective for?8 why do people use this cream?9is this product for people with dry skin?10 "skin compatibility<- (ini digaris bawahi) and dermatologically proven ".What is the definition of the underlined word?​

text / advertisement nya dimana ya tolong difoto

12. Task 191.What is the speech about?2.Who delivers the speech?3.Who are the audience4.Why is the speech delivered?5.What activities does the speaker attend?6.What were the speaker's leadership experiences?8.What does the speaker hope to gain through the speech?10.Suppose you have a right to vote.Will you vote for the speaker?Why?​


Tugas 191. Tentang apakah pidato itu? 2. Siapa yang menyampaikan pidato? 3. Siapa audiens 4. Mengapa pidato disampaikan? 5. Kegiatan apa yang dihadiri pembicara? 6. Apa pengalaman kepemimpinan pembicara? apa yang diharapkan pembicara melalui pidatonya? 10. Misalkan Anda memiliki hak untuk memilih. Apakah Anda akan memilih pembicara? Mengapa?



13. I bought this beautiful pencil case for just fifteen tous and rupiahs and this very simple plastic purse for twenty thousand rupiahs. Funny isn,t it? The pencil case is more beautiful but it is chaper. The purse is simpler but it is more expensive


Saya membeli kotak pensil yang indah ini dengan harga hanya lima belas tous dan rupiah dan dompet plastik yang sangat sederhana ini seharga dua puluh ribu rupiah. Lucu bukan? Tempat pensil lebih indah tetapi lebih chaper. Dompetnya lebih sederhana tetapi lebih mahal

ini mau di translate atau gimna??

maaf klo slah dan gk nyambung translate nya..

14. D.complete the sentences with correct tags.Then.match them with the answers in the box.Read your work aloud. 1.Your parents don"t believe that you won the speech competition......? 2.During the final exam the students don"t leave the room before the bell rings.......? 3.Your wallet isn"t new......? 4.You took a dance course,.........? 5. Andi left a message for me,......? 6. My solution doesn"t solve your problem.......? 7.The abstract painting isn"t hard to understand......? 8.Seeing the show,your little brother doesn"t look happy.....?

1. do they?
2. do they?
3. is it?
4. didn't you?
5. didn't he?
6. does it?
7. is it?
8. does he?

15. 1. What is the speech about? 2. Who delivers the speech? 3. Who are the audience? 4. Why is the speech delivered? 5. Why does the speaker think that she suits for the position? 6. What does she promise? 7. What does the speaker looks like? 8. What does the speaker hope to gain through the speech? 9. "Please vote for me, ...." (Paragraph 5) What is the synonym of 'vote'? 10. Suppose you have the right to vote. Will you vote for the speaker? Why?

I got a girl crush hate to admit it but,Boys and girls aren’t here in AMS around with him.yaa

16. Apa artinya''The,isn' t it?​

Jawaban:rumah berwarna biru, bukan ?



rumah bewarna biru,apakah iya


semoga membantu

17. 1. What is the speech about?2. Who delivers the speech?3. Who are the audience?4. Why is the speech delivered?5. Why does the speaker think that she suits for the position?6. What does she promise?7. What does the speaker looks like?8. What does the speaker hope to gain through the speech?9. "Please vote for me, ....” (Paragraph 5)What is the synonym of 'vote'?10. Suppose you have the right to vote. Will you vote for the speaker? Why?​

itukan soal teks, mohon dicantumkan juga teksnya... sedikit cerdas dong dik :')

*nomor 9 bisa diisi dengan Ellect

18. Write an opening of speech the topic is why school must have laboratory.

Good morning everyone
Its a pleasure to meet you guys in this morning...
Today i will discuss about why we must have a school laboratory a laboratory is a place where people can learn and do an experiment it is very important because the laboratory is where you can do physics, chemistry, experiment, experience something, etc. sometimes people just look at the laboratory and say its not that important but you can litterly do anything from sience to math in laboratory we need it to do experiment that could potentialy change the world so please do it for me just next time when you see laboratory think how much people can spent hours to help the world by starting to apriciate something to change the world with it

thanks ihope this help
(btw im in 5th grade)

19. ..... there isn' t JAWAB

tidak ada maaf kalau salah

20. I bought this beautiful pencil case for just fifteen tous and rupiahs and this very simple plastic purse for twenty thousand rupiahs. Funny isn,t it? The pencil case is more beautiful but it is chaper. The purse is simpler but it is more expensive


Saya membeli kotak pensil yang indah ini dengan harga hanya lima belas tous dan rupiah dan dompet plastik yang sangat sederhana ini seharga dua puluh ribu rupiah. Lucu bukan? Tempat pensil lebih indah tetapi lebih chaper. Dompetnya lebih sederhana tetapi lebih mahal

ini mau di translate atau gimna??

maaf klo slah translate nya

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