Kamis, 24 November 2022

Few Families Can Survive On A Single Salary

Few Families Can Survive On A Single Salary

Camels can go a week or more without water.They can also survive for a few months without food.A thin membrane on each eye protects their eyes from sandstorms. bahasa Indonesia nya​

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1. Camels can go a week or more without water.They can also survive for a few months without food.A thin membrane on each eye protects their eyes from sandstorms. bahasa Indonesia nya​


Unta bisa bertahan seminggu atau lebih tanpa air.

Mereka juga bisa bertahan hidup selama beberapa bulan tanpa makanan.

Sebuah selaput tipis di setiap mata melindungi mata mereka dari badai pasir.

Bahasa indo nya:

Unta bisa bertahan hidup hingga berminggu” tanpa minum dan dia juga bertahan tanpa makan hingga berbulan”

Bagian kecil membran (bulu mata) di kedua mata nya membantu utk melindungi diri dari badai pasir,

Maaf klo salah, jadikan jawaban terbaik Kaka :)

2. perbedaan kata hold on dan survive

Hold on = tunggu
survive = bertahanKlo hold on itu bisa berarti pegangan meskipun ada yang artinya bertahan tapi klo survive itu artinya bertahan saja, ga ada yng lain. Maaf klo salah

3. 1. Rani is happy. She is havin ____ guests todaya. Fewb. A fewc. Littled. A little2. I always save ____ money from my salary every month. a. Fewb. A fewc. Littled. A little​


No . 1 d.A little

No.2 b.a few

Jadikan jawaban terbaik ya


Rani is happy. She is havin ____ guests today

a. Few

b. A few

c. Little

d. A little


Rani senang. Dia memiliki ____ tamu hari ini

a. Beberapa

b. Beberapa

c. Sedikit

d. Sedikit


D. A Litte


I always save ____ money from my salary every month.

a. Few

b. A few

c. Little

d. A little


Saya selalu menabung ____ uang dari gaji saya setiap bulan.

Sebuah. Beberapa

b. Beberapa

c. Sedikit

d. Sedikit


A. Few




4. Mr Yeo monthly salary is $5000. In a particular month, he spent 35% of his salary on rental room, 20% on food, $500 as a self reward, and he invest the remaining of his salary. How much did he invest his money?​


salary = $5000

35% for rental room

20% for food


(100-55)% × $5000

45% × $5000 = $2250

$500 for self reward

the rest for invest = $2250 - $500 = $1750

5. why can't whales survive on land for a long time although they breathe air?

mengapa paus tdk bisa bertahan di darat dgn waktu yg lama meski mereka menghirup udara?

6. What will you spend your first salary on? *

maybe gift for you

semoga membantu


arti:untuk apa anda akan menghabiskan gaji pertama anda?

7. which hotels can survive and prosper more

hotel maleo its the perfect place

8. 9. What is your expected salary?A. High rate, please.B. No, I can't mention it.C. It is based on the salary agreementD. You can pay me after work.​


c. it is based on the salary agreement

9. Mr Yeo monthly salary is $5000. In a particular month, he spent 35% of his salary on rental room, 20% on food, $500 as a self reward, and he invest the remaining of his salary. How much did he invest his money?



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

35% * 5000 = 1750 = Money for rental room

20% * 5000 = 1000 = Money for food

500 = Money for self award

5000-1750-1000-500 = 1750 for investing

10. What can reduce an employee's one day salary

time ?
or duration in a work

11. Can I have....jam in my sandwich?a. fewb. a fewc. littled. a little​




Can I have a few jam in my sandwich?


Opsi (B)


[tex] \boxed{ \color{skyblue} \tt{SemogaMembantu:)}}[/tex]

12. Can a marriage survive betrayal? what do you think?

Yes. It takes time and work. About 60 percent of husbands and 40 percent of wives will have an affair at some point in their marriages. The offended partner needs to make the choice to forgive, and learn to live with a memory that can't simply be erased. infidelity is never forgotten, but it can gradually fade into murky background of a strong yet mature marriage.

semoga membantu :) langganan ke aku aj ya haha ^^

13. Urutkan kalimat di bawah dengan benar Can-produce-a-single-to-3.000-droplets-single-cough-produce


A single cough can produce up to 3000 droplets


#ditambah up jadi up to ya...soalnya kalo to doang jadi aneh kalimatnya

14. why can bears survive in cold weather​


Because they are hibernating during the winter, beside they have thick fur.


Terjemahan: karena mereka berhibernasi selama musim dingin, disamping memiliki bulu yg tebal.


bears are animal who have thick fur


15. a....can reach a long distamce in few hours

it can be a plane or a cheetaha plane can reach a long distance in few hours.

16. emily : can people survive without water for three days ?arfin : no , they can't .what do you think ?emily : few people can although they will become very weak write sentences based on the dialogs using ' can /cannot ' and ' be + able to / not able to

a. People can not survive for three days without water
    People will not be able survive for three days without water

b. Few people can survive although they will become very weak
    Few people will be able survive although they will very weak

17. Ethan’s monthly salary is $1850. In a particular month, he spent 20.5% of his salary on room rental, $690 on food and $940 on other expenses. Express thr amount that he overspent as a percentage of his monthly salary, giving your answer correct to decimal places



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

money spent for room rental = 1850 * 20,5% = $379,25

total money spent = 379,25+690+940 = $2009,25

total salary = $1850

total money overspent = 1850-2009,25 = -$159,25

percentage = 159,25/1850*100% = 8,608%

18. make on example many,much,a few,few,a litte and little​


many : three are many students at the fields

much : there ia much sugar in the jar

a few : Desi has a few pens on her drawer

a little : i have a little many


dah itu aja yg aku msh inget

19. Write 5 sentences in English based on 2 activities on your project photos using little/a little/few/a few/ many/much/a lot of​

Jawabannya ada di komentar ya..tadi error :)

20. how long can the animals survive?

sebutkan hewan yang berekor panjanghewan ap yg bertahan lama? harimau dan singa
jadikan jawaban terbaik dong!!!!!!!!

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