Selasa, 01 November 2022

How Many Wheelbarrows In A Yard Of Dirt

How Many Wheelbarrows In A Yard Of Dirt

how many (child).........are three in the school yard?​

Daftar Isi

1. how many (child).........are three in the school yard?​

jawaban:3 orang anak di halaman sekolah

2. how many (child).........are three in the school yard?​


Semoga membantu dan jangan LUPA berikan jawaban TERCEDAS

3. A yard contains rabbits and pheasants only. There are 35 heads and 98 feet in the yard. How many rabbits and pheasants does the yard contain?​


Halaman hanya berisi kelinci dan burung pegar. Ada 35 kepala dan 98 kaki di halaman. Berapa banyak kelinci dan burung pegar yang ada di halaman?=65

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

maaf jika salah, semoga membantu

4. Choose the correct form with much,many,a lot of! 1. Didi gets (many/a lot of) money from his mother. 2. I have (much/many) chocolate bar in refrigerator 3. There are (much/a lot of) children in the yard 4. Nela, how (much/many) glass of orange juice do you drink today? 5. Lola buys (much/many) avocadoes

1 a lot of
2 many
3 a lot of
4 many
5 manyAnswer:
1. Didi gets a lot of money from his mother.
Alasan: karena uang adalah uncountable noun

2. I have many chocolate bar in refrigerator.
Alasan ; karena chocolate bar adalah countable noun

3. There are a lot children in the yard.
Alasan: krn children adalah bisa countable noun ,bisa jg uncountable noun

4. Nela, how many glass of orange juice do you drink today?
Alasan : krn glass of orange juice adalah countable noun.

5. Lola buys many avocadoes.
Avocados adalah countable noun.


5. 1.How many rooms are there in your house?. 2.What is your favorite room?.. 3.Does your home have a yard?..

1. 11 rooms bedroom
3.yes, I have.I have a yard1.four

6. in ordet to get rid of the dirt pertanyaan apa yang cocok dengan jwban itu

What do You do with That soap?
: In order tO Get the Rid of the dirtWhat do we do the cleaning ?

7. In my house, there is a Manggo tree in … back yard.c. a c. the d. an d. many​




karena the adalah artikel.

8. choose the correcy form with much,many or a lot of! 1Didi gets(many/a lot of )money from his mother 2.I have(much/many)chocolate bar in refrigerator 3.there are(much/a lot of)childern in the yard. 4.Nela,how(much/many)glassbof orange juice do you think today? 5.Lola buys(much/many)avicadoes. #yng mau bntuin mksih bnyak♥

1. a lot of
2. many
3. a lot of
4. many
5. many

9. soal3. what is the dirt for4. how many step are there5. what is the first step6 how many inches do we have ti dig the diry 7. why do we have to dig the dirt8. how many seeds should we put in each hole 9. where do we have to put the plant 10. how do we should water the plant

4. 6 step
5. firstly, put the dirt in the flower pot
6. 1 inch
8. 3 seeds
9. in a place which has enough sunshine
10. to make plant grow fast

maaf gak semua dijawab

10. The correct sentence is........1 poinO There is a children in the yardO There is many children in the yardO There are some children in the yard​


There are some children in the yard​


yang pertama sama yang kedua harusnya there are karena children itu banyak


There are some children in the yard. ✅


"children" merupakan kata plural (jamak) jadi mestinya menggunakan "are".

=> opsi pertama salah karena menggunakan "is a", dimana seharusnya itu digunakan untuk kata singular.

=> opsi kedua salah karena "many" itu untuk menunjukkan sesuatu yang jamak. di samping itu, kalimat tersebut menggunakan kata "is" di mana seharusnya itu untuk kata singular. sedangkan children adalah plural.

jadi jawaban yang paling benar yaitu opsi ketiga yakni "There are some children in the yard".


:: semoga membantu ::

11. 1. Nama banguna / The name of buiding?2. Who built it?3. When did the building build?4. Where is the building loated ?5. What is the building for?6. How many rooms is the buiding?7. What colour is the building?8. How tall is the building ?9. Who lord the building?10. Is there any park in font of building?11. Is there any park behind of building?12. How many lamps are there in the building?13. Is there any big tree in yard ?14. Is there any pool in yard?15. Is there gate in front of the building?​


2.siapa yg membangun itu? pembangun mengerjakan bangunan?

4.dimana bangunan diletakkan?

5.bangunan utk apa?

6.ada brp byk kamar² yg ada pada bangunan?

7.apa wrn bangunan nya?

8.apa yg diceritakan pembangun?

9.sp tuan pembangun?

10.apkh ada yang byk taman disekitar bangunan?

11.apkh ada byk taman yg mjd bangunan?

12.brp byk lampu² yg ada di bangunan?

13?apkh ada byk pohon bsr didlm halaman?

14.apkh ada byk kolam didlm halaman?

Penjelasan:smg membantu! Tinggal no.15 aja okee

12. SMP Patriot is quite big. It has many rooms. It also has a big yard with a flag pole in the middle. The school is very green . The teachers and students plant many trees there. Where is the flag pole? A. In the middle of school building. B. In the middle of SMP Patriot. C. In the middle of the tree D. In the middle of the yard.


D. In the middle of the yard.


It also has a big yard with a flag pole in the middle.

13. Ini maksudnya gimana sih?gapahamಥ_ಥSMP Pancasila is quite big. It has manyrooms. It also has a big yard with flag polein the middle. The school is very green. Theteacher and students plant many trees there.a. in the middle of the yardb. in the middle of school buildingc. in the middle of SMP Pancasilad. in the middle of the trees​


A. In the middle of the yard.


Jadi soalnya kurang lebih menanyakan "Dimana letak flag pole?". Maka menurur teks, ada di lapangan. Dan di tengah lapangan ada 'flag pole'. Maka letaknya di tengah lapangan / jawaban a.

14. Dayu: edo:"in order to get rid of the dirt"

why do we need to wash our sandals?

Dayu: Why do we need to clean it?

15. The correct sentence is........ *10O There is a children in the yardO There is many children in the yard​


There is many children in the yard


Children artinya anak-anak sehingga diberi awalan many (banyak)

Kalau satu anak jadinya "a child" (bukan a children)

Jadi, jawabannya "There is many children in the yard"

(Disana banyak anak-anak di taman)


B. There is many children in the yard


Semoga Membantu, jadikan jawaban ini terbaik dan tercedas :)))))))))))

16. There are many things in the yard 1. There are many trees in the yard. 2. There is a bird cage on one tree. There is a bird in it. 3. 4. 5. 6. Etc. Tolong di jawab ya kak...

There are many things in the yard

1. There are many trees in the yard.

2. There is a bird cage on one tree. There is a bird in it.

3.there is a bench near the tree

4.there is a hoe under the tree

5.there is a watering can beside the hoe.

6. There is a wheel barrow in the yard.

7. There is spade against the wheel barrow

8. There are some posts in the yard

9. There are some flowers near the pot

17. in order to get rid of dirt​


use cleaners


I hope this helps

18. many people your people in my family3........... ......... a fridge in your kitcen4.yes of course ..... .....5........ there.....bhs stops near your home 6.....the aren't i have to drive to ...tress your yard ​


1 how many people are there in your family

2 there are seven people in my family

3 is there a fridge in your kitchen

4 yes of course there is

5 are there some bus stops near your home

6 no they aren't i have to drive to college

7 how tall trees are in your yard


kalo ada yang salah lu yang tanggung bukan gw :)

19. How To Make a Dirt Pot :)

yes in gross نعم في الإجمالي  po në  bya dalam kasarruto   
1.)Make a special quadrangle shape by digging the ground, the size of the pool can be adjusted with the amount of cow dung produced. But you should not be too small so you do not have trouble when managing it. The bias size is 3 m x 3 m with a depth of 1 m or 1.5 m.   

2.) Give a roof or cover so that no rain water into the pond manure, try not to worry the roof when the activities of cow dung.   

3.)Put cow dung into the cavities every time there is dirt in the cage, usually this is done on the morning of every cleaning of the cage.   

4.) To make animal waste can dry out immediately, sprinkle burning ash or dry soil evenly.    

5.)After a full collage, leave the animal's waste disintegrating and dry. Usually this takes about 3 months.

sudah saya trnaslate ke inggris

20. 1. How is salsa's house?2. How many bedrooms are there in salsa's house?3. Is there front yard in salsa's house?4. what does salsa do in her front yard?5. who is asking about salsa's house?​


1.It is big

2.4 bedrooms


4.She play in the front yard sometime



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