Rabu, 30 November 2022

What Do The Articles Of The Constitution Explicitly Outline Apex

What Do The Articles Of The Constitution Explicitly Outline Apex

The following day,the 1945 constitution was.....it consist of 37 short and vague articles

Daftar Isi

1. The following day,the 1945 constitution was.....it consist of 37 short and vague articles

keesokan harinya,UUD 1945.....terdiri dari 37 artikel pendek dan samar

2. what the use of articles?

Apa penggunaan artikel?apa arti penggunaan artikel?. maaf yabklo slh

3. what are the articles of faith?​


Faith in Allah is very closely related to the science of Islamic monotheism. Where this faith must be realized in rubuiyah, ukuiyah, and asma'wa in nature. Faith in God who has developed correctly in each of them will make it good for Allah SWT. always involve God.


maaf jika salah.

4. 5 poinThe foundation of Indonesiannation's law in establishingcooperative relations with othercountries is contained in....OArticle 12 of 1945 Constitution ofthe Republic of IndonesiaArticle 14 of 1945 Constitution ofthe Republic of IndonesiaArticle 13 of 1945 Constitution ofthe Republic of IndonesiaArticle 15 of 1945 Constitution ofOthe Republic of Indonesia​

Article 11 of 1945 Constitution of  the Republic of Indonesia is about the foundation of Indonesian  nation's law in establishing  cooperative relations with o ther  countries.


Article 11 of 1945 Constitution of  the Republic of Indonesia is included in Chapter 3 "State Government's Authority". Here are the contents of Article 11 of 1945 Constitution of  the Republic of Indonesia in English and Bahasa Indonesia (the original version).


(1) The President with the approval of the House of Representatives can declare war, makes reconciliation and contracts with other countries. ****)

(2) The President in making another international reconciliation that has broad and fundamental effects on people's lives related to the state's financial burden, and/or requires changes or the formation of laws must be with the consent of the House of Representatives. ***)

(3) Further provisions regarding international agreements are regulated by the law. ***)

(Bahasa Indonesia)

(1) Presiden dengan persetujuan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat menyatakan perang, membuat perdamaian dan perjanjian dengan negara lain.****)

(2) Presiden dalam membuat perjanjian internasional lainnya yang menimbulkan akibat yang luas dan mendasar bagi kehidupan rakyat yang terkait dengan beban keuangan negara, dan/atau mengharuskan perubahan atau pembentukan undang-undang harus dengan persetujuan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat.***)

(3) Ketentuan lebih lanjut tentang perjanjian internasional diatur dengan undang-undang.***)

In this part, we can conclude that when our state government wish to take any cooperative relations with other countries, the president must discuss it with the House of Representatives and get their approval. If the House of Representatives refuses the president's proposal, therefore the action cannot be taken.

(Di bagian ini, kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa ketika pemerintahan negara kita ingin mengambil tindakan kerja sama apapun dengan negara lain, presiden harus mempertimbangkannya bersama Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat dan mendapat persetujuan. Jika DPR menolak usul presiden, maka tindakan tersebut tidak dapat dilakukan.)

Pelajari Lebih LanjutPerbedaan hubungan internasional dengan kerja sama internasional : https://brainly.co.id/tugas/4717446Perbedaan kerja sama regional dengan internasional : https://brainly.co.id/tugas/56970832 landasan hukum bangsa indonesia melaksanakan hubungan internasional : https://brainly.co.id/tugas/9730220

Detail Jawaban

Mapel : PPKn

Kelas : 7

Materi : Bab 5 - Kerjasama dalam  Berbagai Bidang Kehidupan

Kata kunci : cooperative relations with other countries, Article 11 Constitution of The Republic of Indonesia

Kode soal : 9

Kode kategorisasi : 7.9.5

5. What is the relationship between the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution and the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence? tolong jawab yaa trimakasi

The Proclamation of Independence is a "Proclamation of Independence", while the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution is a "Declaration of Independence". ... The preamble to the 1945 Constitution is a statement of independence which contains the lofty ideals of the proclamation of independence.

Maaf kalau salah

Semoga membantu


Proklamasi kemerdekaan merupakan suatu"proclamation of indenpendence",sedangkan penbukaan uud 1945 adalah "Declaration of independence" pembukaan uud 1945 adalah pernyataan kemerdekaan yang mengandung cita cita luhur dari proklamasi kemerdekaan.

maaf kalau salah')

6. kak help me 1. KEEP THE ROOM CLEAN What does the Notice mean? *a. Do not throw rubbish in the roomb. Do not sleep in the roomc. Do not destroy everything in the roomd. Do not speak in the room2. SHOPLIFTER WILL BE PROSECUTED Which of the following sentences explain the sign above best? *a. The shoplifters are welcomeb. The shop is only for the shoplifterc. If you steal any of the articles you should pay for itd. If you steal any articles, the police will arrest you​


1. A do not throw rubbish in the room

2. D kalau nyuri ya pasti ditangkep polisi


1. rubbish (sampah) , sampah = kotor, katanya jaga kebersihan ruangan (keep the room clean)

2. shoplifter = maling, prosecuted = diciduk/dituntut

7. Have you ever met someone special? What happend? How did you feel? Make the outline of the story below

Yes, I have.
My heart beating so fast.
I feel so happy. but I'm speechless when close to her.

8. underline the nouns of these sentences then identify the articles and the form of the nouns


1. I have a flower garden(singular). There are many flowers(plural) in it.

2. Your books(plural) are in the closet(singular) in the front of hallway(singular).

3. My Mom asked me to eat potatoes(plural) and vegetables(plural).

4. An encyclopedia(singular)

5. The doctor(singular)

6. A man(singular), A woman(singular), The station (singular), An argument(singular)

7. Clothes(plural), A vest(singular), A hat(singular), Pants(plural), Shoes(plural), My family(singular)

8. the hospital(singular), My house(singular), A patient(singular)

9. a job(singular), The ground(singular)

10. My brother(singular), a deer(singular), the park(singular).


Noun : kata benda yaitu diantaranya orang, benda mati, benda bidup, dll. Objek yang dapat melakukan aktivititas(jika makhluk hidup)Singular : Kata benda yang jumlahnya hanya satu atau tunggal. contoh : a girl, a rabbit, a cat, etcPlural : kata benda lebih dari satu atau jamak. contoh : students, princesses, etcArticle : yaitu partikel awalan yang biasanya ditulis sebelum kata benda. Yanf dimaksud artikel yaitu "The". Contoh : The teacher, the post office, etc.

9. What is persuasion? ( dalam essai) what is the outline of persuasion? Pls answer this ASAP

ersuasion is an act or process of presenting arguments to move, motivate, or change your audience. Aristotle taught that rhetoric, or the art of public speaking, involves the faculty of observing in any given case the available means of persuasion (Covino, W. A. and Jolliffe, D. A., 1995). In the case of President Obama, he may have appealed to your sense of duty and national values. In persuading your parents to lend you the car keys, you may have asked one parent instead of the other, calculating the probable response of each parent and electing to approach the one who was more likely to adopt your position (and give you the keys). Persuasion can be implicit or explicit and can have both positive and negative effects. In this chapter we’ll discuss the importance of ethics, as we have in previous chapters, when presenting your audience with arguments in order to motivate them to adopt your view, consider your points, or change their behavior

10. the meaning of constitution is

Konstitusi adalah keseluruhan sistem aturan yang menetapkan dan mengatur kehidupan kenegaraan melalui sistem pemerintahan negara dan tata hubungan secara timbal balik antar lembaga dan antara negara dengan wadah negara.

Semoga Membantu

11. The 1945 Constitution has been amended four times in the Annual Session of the People's Consultative Assembly. Mention the dates of the sessions! ​


mungkin ini yg di maksud

tahun perubahannya:1999,2000,2001,2002

maaf klo slh

12. 1. Please explain what is the occupation?2. Please explain what is the profession?8. What is the function of description of adjective?1. Please mention two types of adjectives?Please mention three of articles?Please mention some of possesive adjective?What is the snake habbit?What is the butterfly habbit?What is the chair function?1. What is the fan function?​

1. a person's usual or principal work or business, especially as a means of earning a living

2. Profession is who shows their special knowledge publicly.

3.that is, it provides more detail about a noun

4. - Please pass me the pen

- Would you like an apple or a banana?

- Can you make me a cup of tea?

5. are my, your, his, her, its, our, their, and whose

6. Some snakes live in habitats on land, including forests, prairies, and deserts. Others live in water environments.

7. Butterflies are found in every habitat from tropical forests to open grasslands to Arctic tundra and on every continent except Antarctica.

8. for sitting

9. for cooling people and room

13. lembaga negara yg bertugas sebagai the guardian of constitution adalah...​


mahkamah konstitusional

Jawabannya adalah Mahkamah konstitusi

14. The United States Constitution of 1787 is now one of the oldest constitution in the world ​

Konstitusi US pada tahun 1787 sekarang adalah salah satu konstitusi tertua di dunia

15. apa arti pertanyaan berikut1. Are the rights and responsibilities of a citizen in a democratic state limited? Explainyour answer2. What is meant by freedom of speech and press?3. What is the central idea of paragraph 4?4. What is meant by the motto the people are supreme"5. In which article of the 1945 constitution do we find the ideas of paragraph 4 above?6. What are the civil right according to the text?7. They may argue, pass resolution........(par 3) what does the word "they" refer to?8. What is the meaning of sentence: they have no heredaty right in their jobs?9. What are the right of Indonesia citizens according to the 1945 Constitution?10. What are the responsibilities of Indonesian citizens according to the 1945Constitution?​


1. Apakah hak dan kewajiban warga negara dalam negara demokratis dibatasi? jelaskan

Jawaban Anda

2. Apa yang dimaksud dengan kebebasan berbicara dan pers?

3. Apa gagasan utama paragraf 4?

4. Yang dimaksud dengan semboyan rakyat adalah yang tertinggi "

5. Dalam pasal UUD 1945 yang manakah kita menemukan gagasan ayat 4 di atas?

6. Apa hak sipil menurut teks?

7. Mereka mungkin berdebat, memberikan resolusi ........ (par 3) merujuk pada apa kata "mereka"?

8. Apa yang dimaksud dengan kalimat: mereka tidak memiliki hak turun-temurun dalam pekerjaannya?

9. Apa hak warga negara Indonesia menurut UUD 1945?

10. Apa tanggung jawab warga negara Indonesia menurut UUD 1945



itu terjemahannya

16. Have you ever met someone special? What happened? How did you feel? Make the outline of the story bellow:


17. have you ever met someone special? What happend? How did you feel? Make the outline of the story below

Yes, i have. She is my best friend. It happened when i was in the first day at school, and she was my chair mate from 7th grade until now, she was always being nice to me. And finally she became my bestfriend. I feel very happy and so blessed.

18. Underline the nouns of three sentences, then identify the articles and the form of the nouns!


ka tolong ga ada gambarnya ya ka ok

19. 1.Find the title of articles using the word ''too''2.Find at least 2 articles3.Compare each articles based on the use of ''too''4.Write a resume based on the articles​


1.you can too

2.you are very helpful

20. fungsi apex of the bladder

Apex of Bladder artinya puncak pada kandung kemih. Fungsi utama kandung kemih adalah untuk melayani sebagai reservoir untuk menyimpan urin yang dihasilkan ketika produk limbah ginjal yang difilter dari darah.

Ga puas tanyakan lagi ya kakak (^^)/

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