Kamis, 17 November 2022

What Is 1 4 Of 32

What Is 1 4 Of 32

1. I think of a number and subtract 33. the answer is 5. what is the number? 2. A number times 11 is 132. what is the number? 3. A number divided by 13 is 4. what is the number? 4. I think of a number and add 8. the answer is 32. what is the number? TOLONG BANTU KAK SEKALIAN KLO ADA CARANYA

Daftar Isi

1. 1. I think of a number and subtract 33. the answer is 5. what is the number? 2. A number times 11 is 132. what is the number? 3. A number divided by 13 is 4. what is the number? 4. I think of a number and add 8. the answer is 32. what is the number? TOLONG BANTU KAK SEKALIAN KLO ADA CARANYA

x - 33 = 5
x = 5 + 33
x = 38

x . 11 = 132
x = 132 : 11
x = 12

x : 13 = 4
x = 4 . 13
x = 52

x + 8 = 32
x = 32 - 8
x = 24

2. 32. What is descriptive text?33. Write the structure of descriptive text34. Write 5 kinds of jobs35. Write down the meaning of these word1. Uaually2. Always3. Sometimes4. Seldom5. NeverevenjoinsSheningng.​


32. -

33. -

34. doctor, nurse, pilot, teacher, chef

35. 1) biasanya

2) selalu

3) kadang-kadang

4) jarang

5) tidak pernah

i don't know what you mean?


make my answer the smartest, tks

3. Activity 32 Find an article about an animal in an enyclopaedia. Rewrite the text on your book and answer the following questions. 1. What is the text about? 2. What is the function of the text? 3. What are the tenses used in the text? 4. Identify the structure of the text! 5. Underline the passive voices in the text!



............ MIKIR WOI

4. Spend your time on 38 hard quiz questions!1) What is Prince William's full name? 2) What's the name of the Coco Pops mascot? 3) What year did Vincent Van Gogh die? 4) Switzerland is made up of how many cantons? 5) Which political figure became Baronness of Kesteven?6) Who designed the Eiffel Tower? 7) In Harry Potter, where does Vernon Dursley work? 8) Which English city was once known as Duroliponte?9) How many tombs are there in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt?10) Where is the oldest tree in the world?11) When was the LEGO brick invented?12) How big is the diameter of a basketball hoop in inches?13) When was the first computer invented?14) What is St Kitts and Nevis?15) How many languages has Harry Potter been translated into?16) How was the European Recovery Program in the 1940s more commonly known?17) Brandon Lee died during the making of which movie?18) Vehicles from which country use the international registration letter MA?19) Who directed The Silence of the Lambs?20) What is Mel Gibson's middle name?21) Who drew Felix the cat?22) What do you call a group of bears?23) Which body of the water was called "mare nostrum" by the Romans?24) What’s the maximum score you can achieve in 10-pin bowling?25) What is dermatophobia the fear of?26) What does a Geiger Counter measure?27) Where in the human body would you find the medulla oblongata?28) Who collaborated with Karl Marx to produce “The Communist Manifesto”?29) How many legs does a lobster have?30) Where was the first British colony in the Americas?31) Who is the author of the novel 'War and Peace'?32) Who was Bruce Forsyth's first female assistant on the Generation Game?33) What type of clothing is a Glengarry?34) Which American actor and film maker was born Mark Sinclair?35) Which long distance train had its first run in October 1883?36) 'Moonshine' was a slang term for which type of beverage?37) The wood of a cricket bat is traditionally made from which type of tree?38) Tom Cruise is an outspoken member of which religion?39) What is Cher's last name?40) What is the largest moon of Saturn called?​

1.William Arthur Philip Louis

2.Coco the Monkey

3.29 Juli 1890

4.26 cantons

5.Margaret Hilda

6.Gustave Eiffel

7. grunnings


9.62 known tombs

10.Methuselah Grove in the White Mountains of eastern California

11. 1958

12. 18 inches

13. When was the first computer invented?

14.Saint Kitts dan Nevis (Saint Kitts and Nevis)

15.Asturian, Greenlandic, Gujarati, Macedonian, Malayalam, and Nepali.

16.Marshall Plan

17. The Crow

18. Morocco

19.Jonathan Demme

20.Mel Columcille Gerard Gibson

21.Pat Sullivan

22.a sleuth or a sloth

23.Mediterranean Sea

24.300 points

25.Fear and avoidance of skin.


27.in front of the brain

28.Communist Manifesto

29. 10 legs

30.Jamestown, Virginia

31.Leo Tolstoy

32.Rosemarie Ford

33.Glengarry bonnet

34. 18 July 1967

35.in 1883 year

36.bootleg (or illicit) whiskey

37.bat willow

38.Church of Scientology

39.Cherilyn Sarkisian



semoga membantu kaks ^._.^

5. a. Jika a = -3, b = 7 dan C = 5, Hitunglah nilai dari 3a + 5b : c! b. Budi is 32 years. In 10 years time, Budi's age will be the sum of the ages his three sons. What do the ages of each of Budi's three sons add up to atau present? c. Sebuah semangka beratnya 1 kg mengandung 95% air. sesudah beberapa lama dibiarkan di bawah sinar matahari , kandungan air semangka itu turun menjadi 90%. berapa berat semangka sekarang ? d. suatu botol yang berkapasitas 760ml digunakan untuk mengisikan air ke dalam galon berkapasitas 19 liter. berapa kali botol tersebut digunakan untuk membuat penuh sebuah galon kosong?e. hitunglah nilai dari 1/8 dikurangi 2/3 + 3/5 = f. What is the value of 1/2-3 - 4/5-6 - 7/8-9 = g. jika x : y = 3 : 4 tentukan nilai dari x/x-y - x²/x²+ y² =Mohon bantuannya kakak" :) ​






b.budi 32 in 10 years time=42

the three sons will be 15 yeras old


90%=9 ons /9hg

d.1 liter=1000 mililiter

19 liter =19000 mili liter

setiap botol 760

jadi 19000:760=25 botol

e.2/3+3/5=hasilnya trus 1/8-hasil tadi.


g.udah lupa maaf banget

6. 1. who is the singer of the song above? 2. you look as good as you outlook" ( line 32) 3. what can you conclude from the first stanza? 4. what does the singer feel about love and life? 5. when does the singer sing a song?​


1. jason mraz

2. ? (i dont get it)

3. a summertime

4. they does because of their experience bout the day with sunshine that makes him happy with love and life.

5. in the same roads, trough the tree and past the gates.


semoga membantu <3

7. KD 3.126. Football, basketball, gymnastic, are kinds of ...27. The biggest temple in Indonesia is ....28. There ... many apples on the plate.29. Carrot contents Vitamine ....30. Crocodile likes to cat...KD 3.231. A: What do you have?a cup of coffee32. Tomato, cabbage, corn, onion, and carrot are the names of ....33. If you meet someone at 08.00 am, you should say ....34. The opposite of big is.....35. Cinta laurn is my favorite actress, ... is very beautiful.III. URAIANJawablah pertanyaan berikut dengan jelas dan benar !1KD 1.136. Mention 5 kind of the bedroom!37. Mention 5 kinds of the classroom !38. Mention 5 month in a year!KD 3.239. Mention 5 names of vegetables !40. Mention 4 kinds of sports that you know !​


26. sports

27. borobudur

28. are

29. A

30. ?

31. ?

32. vegetables

33. good morning

34. small

35. she

36. bed, mirror, fan, tv, pillows

37. white board, tables, chairs, marker, eraser

38. january, february, march, april, may

39. carrot, tomato, onion, mustard, spinach

40. football, tennis, basket ball, cycling

8. SPAGHEKITA The Finest Quality of Pasta Spaghetti with Chicken Sauce Nutrition Fact Serving size per 105 gr. Amount per serving Energy 310 Kal Protein Fat Carbohydrate Dietary Fiber Vitamin A 70% Vitamin BI 73% Vitamin B12 32% Vitamin C 48% Folic Acid 50% Ferro 7% Calcium Zinc 6% 8 gr 4 gr 50 gr 4 g 9% 1. The purpose of the labels above is... 2. According to the text above, which nutrition contains the highest weight? 3. We can find that kind of text in package of... 4.What is the product use for? 5. Which nutrition has the least percentage? tolong bantu saya menjawab soal bahasa Inggris 1 sd 5


1. to inform the reader about spaghekita nutritional information

2. chicken sauce nutrition

3. description text

4. food

5 calcium zinc


sorry if not correct

9. 26. Mrs. Rania is my father's mom. She is my27. A: How old is your niece?B В. is six years old.28. A: Don'tB: Ok.Whatfarmerfather's jobCanHeShe1. grandmotherflight attendantShe reads announcement29. Mrs Dona is aat the planestand on the table30. The ... digs the ground.31. A: ... is he doing?B: He is filling a form4. They32. A. you put the glass on the table?B: Sure.33. Myis a soldierstudy at SDN Banjarbaru Permai34. My brothers are seven years old35. A: What do you think of?B: He is brave​


26. Ibu Rania adalah ibu dari ayah saya. Dia adalah

27. A: Berapa usia keponakan Anda?

B В. berusia enam tahun.

28. J: Jangan

B: Oke.



pekerjaan ayah




1. nenek


Dia membaca pengumuman

29. Nyonya Dona adalah a

di pesawat

berdiri di atas meja

30. The ... menggali tanah.

31. A: ... apa yang dia lakukan?

B: Dia sedang mengisi formulir

4. Mereka

32. A. Anda meletakkan gelas di atas meja?

B: Tentu.

33. Saya

adalah seorang tentara

belajar di SDN Banjarbaru Permai

34. Saudara laki-laki saya berumur tujuh tahun

35. A: Apa yang Anda pikirkan?

B: Dia pemberani


10. 1. Two bodies of mass A and mass B areplaced at a distance of 2d. A gravitationalforce due to this position is 32 N. What isthe gravitational force between the twomasses if the distance is changed to d/2?2. What is the gravitational force betweenthe Sun and the Earth? (take, the mass ofthe Sun = 4 x 10^30 Kg; mass of the Earth= 8 x 10^24 Kg; G = 6 x 10^(-11)N-m^2/kg^2; and the orbital radiusbetween the Sun and the Earth=2 x 10^11m)3. The gravitational force between objects Pand Q is 60 newtons. If the mass of B werea quarter as large as it currently is whileA's mass remains the same, how large isthe gravitational force now?​

If the distance is changed to d/2, the gravitational force will be 512 N.The Sun and the Earth have the gravitational force as large as 4,8×10²² N between them.Due to the reduction of the mass of B, the gravitational force is 240 N.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Ingat rumus Hukum Gravitasi Newton:

F = G×m₁×m₂/r²


F: gaya gravitasi (N)

G: konstanta gravitasi = 6,673×10⁻¹¹ Nm²kg⁻²

m₁: massa benda pertama (kg)

m₂: massa benda kedua (kg)

r: jarak antara pusat kedua benda (m)

Untuk nomor 1:


Kondisi awal:

m₁ = A

m₂ = B

r = 2d

F = 32 N

Kondisi baru:

r = d/2

Ditanya: F pada kondisi baru


Pada kondisi awal:

[tex]32=G\times \frac{A\times B}{(2d)^2} \\32=G\times \frac{A\times B}{4d^2}\\d^2=G\times \frac{A\times B}{4\times 32}\\d^2=G\times \frac{A\times B}{128}...(1)[/tex]

Pada kondisi baru (substitusi d² di persamaan (1)):

[tex]F=G\times \frac{A\times B}{(\frac{d}{2} )^2} \\=G\times \frac{A\times B}{\frac{d^2}{4} }\\=4\times G\times \frac{A\times B}{G\times \frac{A\times B}{128}}\\=4\times 128=512 \text{ N}[/tex]

Jadi, ketika jaraknya diubah, gaya gravitasinya menjadi sebesar 512 N.

Untuk nomor 2:


m₁ = 4×10³⁰ kg

m₂ = 8×10²⁴ kg

G = 6×10⁻¹¹ Nm²kg⁻²

r = 2×10¹¹ m

Ditanya: F


[tex]F=6\times 10^{-11}\times \frac{4\times 10^{30}\times 8\times 10^{24}}{(2\times 10^{11})^2} \\=\frac{6\times 4\times 8}{4}\times \frac{10^{-11}\times 10^{30}\times 10^{24}}{10^{22}} \\=48\times 10^{21}\\=4,8\times 10^{22} \text{ N}[/tex]

Jadi, gaya gravitasi antara matahari dan bumi adalah 4,8×10²² N.

Untuk nomor 3:

Pada soal, kemungkinan ada kesalahan tulis. Anggap objek yang dimaksud adalah A dan B.


Kondisi awal:

F = 60 N

m₁ = A

m₂ = B/4

r = r

Kondisi baru:

m₁ = A

m₂ = B

r = r

Ditanya: F pada kondisi baru


Pada kondisi awal:

[tex]60=G\times \frac{A\times \frac{B}{4} }{r^2} \\r^2=G\times \frac{A\times B}{4\times 60}\\r^2=G\times \frac{A\times B}{240}...(1)[/tex]

Pada kondisi baru (substitusi r² di persamaan (1)):

[tex]F=G\times \frac{A\times B}{r^2} \\=G\times \frac{A\times B}{G\times \frac{A\times B}{240}}\\=240 \text{ N}[/tex]

Jadi, ketika jaraknya diubah, gaya gravitasinya menjadi sebesar 240 N.

Pelajari lebih lanjut:Materi tentang Menghitung Gaya Gravitasi antara Dua Planet https://brainly.co.id/tugas/22651092Materi tentang Menghitung Gaya Gravitasi antara Tiga Benda https://brainly.co.id/tugas/22634087Materi tentang Konsep Gaya Gravitasi antara Dua Benda https://brainly.co.id/tugas/858089


11. 31.what does kinar's uncle do? He is.....32. What is jus duty?33. Where does he work?34.uses -to check-A doctor-A stethoscope-heartbeat1. 2. 3. 4. 5The correct arrangement of the words is.....35. Arrange these sentences into a good dialogue between Joko and bambang. 1.he is a postman. 2.by the way, what does he look like? 3.what does your brother do? 4.he delivers packages and letters. 5.what is his duty? 6.he works in post office. 7.he is smart and diligent. 8.where does he work?plis jawab we kasih 20 poin​


31. He is moved to a house near the state hospital


33. He does work for the hospital

34. A doctor uses a stethoscope to check heartbeat


Maaf aku cm tau itu aj

12. CREATIVEZEN MOZAICPLAYSMP316GB MP3 PLAYERUp to 32-Hours Audio,5-Hours Video Playback- 1.8 TFT Display, Built-In SpeakerSAVE 50- FM Radio with 32 Presets-8 EQ Settings. VolumePostriction Control-99Regular InstantAfter InstantW5776582SavingsQuestions1. What is the kind of the text?2. What is the name of the product?3. How is the regular price of the product?4. Can we play FM radio using the product?5. What may we add to make the advertisement more complete? HOTSPrice​


1. Advertisement

2. Zen Mozaic

3. not know.

4. Yes

5. Price.

13. urgently requiredwe are joint venture multyfinance company is looking for :MARKETING OFFICERwith the following qualifications:1.Male,max,32 yearsold2.Min.3 year experience in banking industry 3.Graduated from reputable university with IP min, 294.Good command in English and computer is a must5.Domicile ini Semarangsend your application letter including expected salary,CV,copy of junior high school certificate, University certificate/ transcript and a recent photograph within two weeks to : PT DIPO STAR FINANCE pertanyaan !!!1.What kind of text is it ?2.What is the purpose of the text?3.What does the text tell us about4.how many qualifications are there ?5.How long should you send your application letter? #JAWABKAKPLEASE

1. Job Vacancy

2. to announce about job vacancy

3. joint venture multyfinance company is looking for a marketing officer

4.  Five

5. two weeks

14. the following text is for questions 32 and 33 mrs Keller's classroom rules 1.try your very best . 2.have lots of fun . 3.always listen. 4.practice makes perfect . 5.follow directions. 6.ask lots of questions. 7.don't get discouraged. 8.say please and thank you .9.always tell the truth. 10.treat each other kindly. 32 .what should the students say to show their politeness? a.say please and thank you .b .ask lots of questions.c.try their very best. d.have lots of fun. 33.what should the students do to show their curiosity? a.treat each other kindly. b.ask lots of questions .c.always tell the truth. d.follow directions.

32. a. say please and thank you
33. b. ask lots of questions

15. 29. Find the equivalent fractions of 26/30= *1 pointA. 12/14B. 13/15C. 16/15D. 15/1330. Which sign is correct for the fractions 9/15 .... 9/22 *1 pointA. >B. <C. =D. /31. Which one is greater 3/8 or 1/2 *1 pointA. 1/2B. 3/8C. Same (=)D. No answer32. Irfan ate 1/6 of a pizza. Yoga ate 5/18 of the same pizza. What fraction of pizza did they eat together? *1 pointA. 6/9B. 10/9C. 8/9D. 4/933. Barli ate 3/4 of a cake. Rayyan ate 7/16 of the same cake. How much more cake did Barli eat than Rayyan? *1 pointA. 10/16B. 10/6C. 5/14D. 5/1634. Subtract this fractions. 3/4 - 1/20= *1 pointA. 2/10B. 7/10C. 4/10D. 6/10Bantuuu​








Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


16. My special day is comingI turn to 14 and growingMom & Dad are having a Party, they sayIt's for meYour smiling face we hope to seeSo come and bring your Family, it will be lots, of fun.The party begins at three and at five It's all done.Saturday, 16 March 2018Josh's house32 Ridgeland Avenue1. What kind of the text is it?2. The party will finish at...3. "... It will be lost of fun."The "it" word refers to...4. How old will he be on March 2022?5. What is the synonym of the word "fun" on the text?

1. invitation card
2. five
3. the party
4. 18 y.o
5. happy

1.An Invitation Text
2.At Five
3."it" refers to the party
4.he would be 18 years old

17. I. Read the text and answer these questions!There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my brother andself. My father's name is Maulana. He is a teacher. He is 35 years old my mother is Zuliana Sheis a nurse. She is 32 years old. My brother and I are students. My name is Zak Maulana.mybrother's name is Farid Maulana. I'm 12 years old, and my brother is 10 vears old. I am in thefirst year of SMP and my brother is in class five of SD. We live at Gajah Mada street no. 34Padang. We are happy family.1. How many people are there in Zaki's family?2. What is Zaki's fathe. name?3. How old is Zaki's father?4. Who is Zaki's brother?5. Where does the family live?​




3.35 Years old

4.Farid Maulana

5.Gajah Mada Street no.34 Padang

18. 32. Read the manual and answer the questions!1 Unlock the back cover release latch, 4 Align the contacts of the battery withand lift the back cover.the corresponding connectors on thebattery compartment, and insert the2battery in the direction of the arrow.2 If the battery is inserted, lift thebattery in the direction of the arrowto remove it!5 To replace the back cover, direct thetop locking catches toward their slots,and press down until the cover locksinto place.12UserGuido Manual.Coma) What is the text about?b) What happaned to the battery if we lift it in the wrong direction of the arrow?​


Iam not human yes iam not wibu

19. eat, vegetables, cheese, and sauce.ast, snack in the afternoon or at the time ofThe following text is for number 32 10 35.How to Make a SandwichSandwich is a food made of bread stuffed with meat, vegetabsandwiches are usually served during brealdastsnack in the aftempicnic with the family. Here is the recipe on making a sandwichIngredients:(1) 8 pieces of white bread(2) 1 onion, chop it(3) 2 boiled eggs cut it into pieces(4) 4 cheddar cheese(5) 8 tablespoons of mayonnaise(6) 4 pieces of lettuceSteps:(1) Remove the skin of white bread then toasted it without butter(2) Remove the bread from toaster and blast it with mayonnaise3) Prepare the other ingredients: onion, eggs, cheddar and lettuce. Stack them on the ord.(4) Add mayonnaise on the top then cover it with another bread.(5) Cut the bread into two, sandwich is ready to serve32. What is the main ingredient of sandwich?a Breadc. SausageVegetablesd. Meat33. Wat must we do to the bread before toasting it?. Prepare itRemove the skinut into two formsd​

32. A. bread
33. B. remove the skin (step 1)


32. a. Bread

33. Remove the skin


Kalo nulis pertanyaan & pilihan a b c nya itu yang jelas ya dekkk

20. Competence Attainment ValueKnowledgeSkillRemedialRead the following advertisement then answer the questions below it carefullyCREATIVEZEN MOZAIC16GB MP3 PLAYERMP3SAVE 30House PlaybackTT Dplay Bost-in Spencer- Radio with 32 PresetsBEQ Stung Volumestriction Control*129"-50 = $7998Questions1 What is the kind of the text?2. What is the name of the product?3. How is the regular price of the product?4. Can we play FM radio using the product?5 What may we add to make the advertisement more complete? HOTS​


1.the kind of the text is advertisement

2.the name of the product is creative zen mozaic 16gb mp3 player

3.the regular price of the product is $129⁹⁹

4.yes we can

5.we may add the name of the shop that sell it and the shop phone number


semoga membantu

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