Senin, 21 November 2022

What Size Laryngoscope Blade For 32 Weeks 1 4 Kg

What Size Laryngoscope Blade For 32 Weeks 1 4 Kg

Hi, Odi, I (see, not) ……………… you for weeks. What (you, do)……………. lately?

Daftar Isi

1. Hi, Odi, I (see, not) ……………… you for weeks. What (you, do)……………. lately?


didn't see , what have you been doing

semoga membantu :D

2. which would you rather have? why? a) 10 cents a week for eight weeks or 20 cents every two weeks for the same eight weeks? b) 25 cents a week for 10 weeks or 20 cents every two weeks for the same 10 weeks c) 20 cents a week for 20 weeks or 30 cents every other week for the same 20 weeks

c) 20 cents a week for 20 weeks or 30 cents every other week for the same 20 weeks

3. We (be) here for two weeks The correct present perfect tense sentence is.... A. We are here for two weeks. B. We were here for two weeks. C. We have been here for two weeks D.we had been here for two weeks. E. We had be here for two weeks.


B. We were here for two weeks.


4. Change the following sentence into positive form!She didn't bake a cake for me two weeks ago.A. She didn't baked a cake for me two weeks ago.B. She is baking a cake for me two weeks agoC. She bake a cake for me two weeks ago.D. She did bake a cake for me two weeks agoE. She baked a cake for me two weeks ago​


Ubahlah kalimat berikut menjadi bentuk positif!

Dia tidak membuatkan kue untukku dua minggu lalu.

A. Dia tidak membuatkan kue untukku dua minggu lalu.

B. Dia membuat kue untukku dua minggu yang lalu

C. Dia membuat kue untuk saya dua minggu yang lalu.

D. Dia memanggang kue untukku dua minggu yang lalu

E. Dia membuatkan kue untukku dua minggu yang lalu


Jadi jawaban diatas adalah A.

5. What is the estimated completion time for this project? what is the estimated project budget? what is the probability that the project can be completed in 35 weeks?


Berapa perkiraan waktu penyelesaian untuk proyek ini? berapa perkiraan anggaran proyek? berapa probabilitas bahwa proyek dapat diselesaikan dalam 35 minggu?

6. How long is suggested for the experiment? weekC.two weeksD.three weeks​

Jawaban: week


maaf kalo salah

semoga membantu

7. The dialogue for number 8-10: "Yes, Please. I'm looking for a jacket”.Shopkeeper: "Mayl ... you?'ReniShopkeeper: "What color do you want?"ReniShopkeeper: "What size?”Reni"Blue, please?"​

may i help you


semoga membantu yaa.....

8. 1. What it is? 2. Where does it live? 3. How is the size? 4. What color is it? 5. Function?

1 apakah ini?
2 dimana ini tinggal?
3 bagaimana ukurannya?
4 warna apakah ini?
5 fungsi?

9. what is the serving size?​


berapa ukuran porsi


maaaf kaalau salalh


English: Serving size is a standardized amount of food. It may be used to quantify recommended amounts, as is the case with the MyPlate food groups, or represent quantities that people typically consume on a Nutrition Facts label. Portion size is the amount of a food you choose to eat — which may be more or less than a serving.

Indo:Ukuran porsi adalah jumlah makanan standar. Ini dapat digunakan untuk mengukur jumlah yang direkomendasikan, seperti halnya dengan kelompok makanan MyPlate, atau mewakili jumlah yang biasanya dikonsumsi orang pada label Fakta Gizi. Ukuran porsi adalah jumlah makanan yang Anda pilih untuk dimakan - yang mungkin lebih atau kurang dari satu porsi.


maaf klo salah karena gk tau itu mau cari terjemahan atau artinya:(


10. Frank is ..... Holiday for three weeks


frank is on holiday for three weeks

11. we (live) here for weeks

we alive here for a weeks

moga membantu✨

12. 5 Months to weeks what is it?​


20 weeks

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1 month = 4 weeks

5 months = 5 × 4 weeks

5 months = 20 weeks

maaf kalau salah

Jawab:In 5 Months there are 20 weeks

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1 Month = 4 Weeks

5 Month x 4 Weeks = 20 weeks

13. 2. 1 (walk) to work every day for the last six weeks.​





14. what time......they......two weeks ago​


gak tahujsjsjsjwjsjeejje

15. Students stay at home for two weeks.


pelajar diam di rumah untuk dua Minggu

kalo benar kasih jawaban terbaik

Para murid tetap dirumah untuk 2 minggu

16. identify the grammatical errors in the following sentences-what should we do while stays home for two weeks? ​


stays nya salah seharusnya staying


jika ada kata while maka setiap verb+ing

semoga membantuuu


stay di ganti menjadi staying


well karena there is this thing called v1 v2 v3 and using v2 u have to use ing to belakang nya

17. A clock gained 5 s in 2 weeks. At this rate, how many weeks would it take for the clock to gain a full minute? *1 point12 weeks24 weeks30 weeks​

Answer: 12 weeks


1 minute = 60 second

60 : 5= 12 weeks

18. 4How long has your dad(go) to Bristol ?For 3 weeks​




How long has your dad gone to Bristol ?

For 3 weeks

karna has merupakan relating verb yang menjadikan verb go menjadi gone ( v3)

19. What Size...your shoes ?​

my shoe size is 38

sorry if I didn't answer it right

20. (+) you have visited me for two weeks(-)(?)​


(-)you have not visited me for two weeks

(?)have you visited me for two weeks

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