Jumat, 11 November 2022

Which Of The Following Is Not A Property Of Variance

Which Of The Following Is Not A Property Of Variance

which of the following is not the property of pyramid?A. PrismB. SquareC.PointedD.TriangularE.Rectangular

Daftar Isi

1. which of the following is not the property of pyramid?A. PrismB. SquareC.PointedD.TriangularE.Rectangular

my answer is B. Square
most is B.......square

2. which of the following is not the property of pyramid?A. PrismB. SquareC.PointedD.TriangularE.Rectangular

I choose E.Rectangular
mungkinnn pointed.. 
kalo prism pasti
square rectaular, pyramid kan dr batu" kotak
triangular, pyramid kan sgitiga :v 
jadi mungkin pointed
maaf kalo salah

3. Which of these is an example of investigating an intensive property?


Properti intensif adalah properti massal , artinya ini adalah properti fisik lokal dari suatu sistem yang tidak bergantung pada ukuran sistem atau jumlah material dalam sistem. Contoh sifat intensif meliputi suhu , T ; indeks bias , n ; kepadatan , ρ ; dan kekerasan suatu benda, η .

Sebaliknya, sifat ekstensif seperti massa , volume , dan entropi sistem adalah aditif untuk subsistem karena mereka meningkat dan menurun seiring mereka tumbuh semakin besar dan kecil. [3]

Kedua kategori ini tidak lengkap karena beberapa sifat fisik tidak hanya intensif atau ekstensif. [4] Misalnya, impedansi listrik dari dua subsistem adalah aditif jika - dan hanya jika - keduanya digabungkan secara seri ; sedangkan jika mereka digabungkan secara paralel , impedansi yang dihasilkan lebih kecil dari pada kedua subsistem.

Istilah kuantitas intensif dan ekstensif diperkenalkan oleh fisikawan dan kimiawan Amerika Richard C. Tolman pada tahun 1917. [5]


Properti intensif

Properti intensif adalah kuantitas fisik yang nilainya tidak bergantung pada jumlah zat yang diukurnya. Misalnya, suhu suatu sistem dalam kesetimbangan termal sama dengan suhu bagian mana pun darinya. Jika sistem dibagi oleh dinding yang permeabel terhadap panas atau materi, suhu masing-masing subsistem identik; jika suatu sistem dibagi dengan dinding yang tidak tembus panas dan materi, maka subsistem dapat memiliki suhu yang berbeda. Demikian juga untuk densitas sistem yang homogen; jika sistem dibagi menjadi dua, sifat ekstensif, seperti massa dan volume, masing-masing dibagi menjadi dua, dan sifat intensif, kepadatan, tetap sama di setiap subsistem. Selain itu, titik didih suatu zat adalah contoh lain dari sifat intensif. Misalnya, titik didih air adalah 100 ° C pada tekanan satu atmosfer , yang tetap benar berapa pun jumlahnya.

Perbedaan antara sifat intensif dan ekstensif memiliki beberapa kegunaan teoretis. Misalnya, dalam termodinamika, keadaan sistem kompresibel sederhana sepenuhnya ditentukan oleh dua properti intensif dan independen, bersama dengan satu properti ekstensif, seperti massa. Properti intensif lainnya diturunkan dari dua variabel intensif tersebut.


Contoh properti intensif meliputi: [3] [5] [4]

potensi kimia , μ

warna [6]

konsentrasi , c

kepadatan , ρ (atau berat jenis )

permeabilitas magnetik , μ

titik leleh dan titik didih [7]

molalitas , m atau b

tekanan , hal

Indeks bias

Konduktansi spesifik (atau konduktivitas listrik)

kapasitas panas spesifik , c p

energi internal spesifik , u

rotasi spesifik , [ α ]

volume tertentu , v

potensi reduksi standar , [7] E °

tegangan permukaan

suhu , T

konduktivitas termal


Lihat Daftar properti bahan untuk daftar yang lebih lengkap yang secara khusus berkaitan dengan bahan.


yang lebih lengkap ada di wiki pedia

4. property agent sells a house for $350.000, of which commission of 20%. The amount of commission the agent receives is ….$60.000 $67.000$70.000 $78.000​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

[tex] \frac{20}{100} \times 350.000 = 70.000[/tex]

5. The following which is not state taxis... . (A) Property tax (B) Value added tax (C) Income tax (D) Sales tax on luxury goods (E) Motor vehicle tax

The following which is not state taxis... .(A) Property tax(B) Value added tax(C) Income tax(D) Sales tax on luxury goods(E) Motor vehicle tax

Berikut ini yang bukan pajak negara ....(A) Pajak properti(B) Pajak pertambahan nilai(C) Pajak penghasilan(D) Pajak penjualan untuk barang mewah(E) Pajak kendaraan bermotor

(B) Value added tax

(B) Pajak pertambahan nilai

6. 1. If the standard standard deviation of a given problem is obtained as 4.3. What is the variance? a. 2.0736 b. 18.490 c. 16.200

Jawab: 18,490

Jawab B

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Standar Deviasi = √Varian

4,3 = √Var

Var = 4,3² = 18,490

Jawab B

7. What is the most important property needed by each of the following a) a car radiator b) a rivet

property needed by each of the following b) a rivetAnswer

A Car Radiator
=>It needs a mixture of coolant and water

A Rivet
=> It needs a Rivet gun and a buckling bar.


8. the guard of your property

penjaga barang anda (mungkin)storing objects.............................

9. What is the property of a scrapyard magnet?


Apa sifat magnet scrapyard?

10. 5. Which sentence below is one ofthe classroom rules? A. Wear white socks and black shoes.B. Join flag ceremonyC. Wear uniformD. Take care of your property​

C wear uniform kayanya5. Which sentence below is one of the classroom rule?
C. Wesr uniform

11. Which property of lights allows you to see yourself in a mirror?


A reflection appears to be the same distance from the "other side" of the mirror as the viewer's eyes are from the mirror

12. 1. Why is it important that engineers know about the properties of materials?2. Why is the property of stretchiness important for bungee cord?3. How could you test different materials to see which is the most absorbent?​


1. Engineering materials are important in everyday life because of their versatile structural properties.

2.Why is the property of stretchiness important for a bungee cord? If it wasn't stretchy you wouldn't bounce back up. It also allows you to slow down safely

3.You can dip the material using a sponge and soak it in water and others


no 3 klo ga yakin cari sendiri aja:) semoga membantu..

13. A block of metal is taken from the earth to the moon.which property of the block changesA.VoluneB.DensityC.WeightD.Mass​


C. weight


karena massa selalu tetap, sedangkan berat dipengaruhi gravitasi

14. Antara berikut, yang manakah sifat sebatian ion? Which of the following is the property of ionic compound? A) Tidak larut dalam air. Does not dissolve in water.B) Larut dalam pelarut organik. Dissolve in organic solvent.C) Takat lebur dan takat didih yang tinggi. High melting and boiling points.D) Mengkonduksikan elektrik dalam keadaan pepejal. Conducts electricity in solid state.​


C) Takat lebur dan takat didih yang tinggi.

High melting and boiling points.



angin membawa ku

melewati jalan batu

mengingat semua yang ku bantu

walau pada akhirnya aku menjadi batu


Tau Kan artinya?

15. What is the effect on children of growing up in property?

The child will be spoiled, lazy and not loose with the property so he can not hang out with his friends

I hope this helps ✔️✔️✔️

16. what id the physical property of a liquid

Liquids are almost incompressible. In liquids molecules are pretty close to each other. The molecules does not have lot of space between them. The molecules can not squeezed closer to one another.

Liquids have fixed volume but no fixed shape.They have fixed volume but they do not have fixed or definite shape. If you take 100 ml of water, pour water in a cup, it will take the shape of the cup. Now pour the liquid from cup to a bottle, the liquid has changed its shape and now it has taken the shape of bottle.

Liquids flow from higher to lower level.fluid is a mutual change between gas and liquid, ie evaporation and condensation. It is used extensively in distillation chemical processes, one of the most widespread and beneficial methods of purifying liquids.

semoga membantu

17. 2. Based on the rhombus ABCD below, which is not a property of a rhombus is... с o B A. AB = BC = CD = AD B. AO = CO and BO = DO C. AC and BD are axes of symmetry D. the sum of ZBAD and BCD is 360°foto di bawah itu translate nya ​

<BAD + <BCD + <ABC + <ADC = 360° (D)



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

A. Benar, salah satu sifat belah ketupat mempunyai 4 sisi sama panjang

B. Benar, O merupakan titik tengah AC dan BD

C. Benar, kedua diagonal belah ketupat merupakan sumbu simetri

D. Salah, yang hasilnya 360 derajat seharusnya jumlah 4 sudut belah ketupat

18. what is the Ratio of the laws of inheritance and the laws on property​


The laws of inheritance and the laws on property are two separate legal concepts that are generally governed by different sets of rules and regulations. While there may be some overlap between the two, the ratio or relationship between them can vary depending on the specific legal system in question.

In general, the laws of inheritance are concerned with how a person's property and assets are distributed after their death, typically according to the terms of a will or through intestacy laws if no will is in place. These laws are typically based on a set of legal guidelines that aim to ensure that a deceased person's assets are distributed fairly among their heirs.

On the other hand, the laws on property are concerned with the legal rights and obligations associated with owning and managing property, as well as the legal mechanisms for transferring property from one owner to another. These laws can cover a wide range of issues related to property, such as ownership, possession, use, and transfer.

While the laws of inheritance and the laws on property can be related in certain respects, they are generally distinct legal concepts that are governed by different sets of laws and regulations. As such, it is difficult to define a specific ratio or relationship between them that applies universally across all legal systems.

19. Which of these is an example of investigating an intensive property? A. weighing sand in a bag B. measuring the length of wire C. determining if a rock is magnetic D. recording the volume of water in a cylinder

Intensive properties are properties that are independent on the mass of a sample. Weighing sand in a bag exhibits an extensive property since the amount of sand in the bag matters. The length of the wire translates to the mass of the wire. The greater the length, the greater the mass of the wire. Volume as well is dependent on mass. Hence, the answer to this problem is the third option:determining if a rock is magnetic because whether the sample is taken small or at large, the property to be tested is still determined regardless of the size

tolong berikan. jawaban paling cerdas

20. The pH level of bottled water is averaged at 6.9 with variance of 0.3, what is the probability of: a)Getting a bottled water with pH level less than 6.5?



[tex]\sigma^2 = 0.3 \to \sigma = 0.548, \mu = 6.9[/tex]

a. X = 6.5 => P(X < 6.5) = ?

[tex]Z = \dfrac{\overline{X}-\mu}{\sigma}\\\\Z = \dfrac{6.5-6.9}{0.548} = -0.73\\\\P(\overline X< 6.5) = P(Z < -0.73)\\\\\text{berdasarkan tabel Z :}\\\\P(Z < -0.73) = 0.2327\\\\\boxed{\boxed{\textbf{\huge{$\boldsymbol{P(\overline X< 6.5) = 0.2327 = 23.27\%}$}}}}[/tex]

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