Senin, 21 November 2022

A Customer Ordered A Product Online For 299

A Customer Ordered A Product Online For 299

make a summary of the are ordered by the customertolong dong kak bbutuhh

Daftar Isi

1. make a summary of the are ordered by the customertolong dong kak bbutuhh


Chandra ordered 5 vanilla doughnuts, 10 chocolate doughnuts, 10 cheese doughnuts, 5 green tea doughnuts, and 1 original brownie, with white butter creme as the icing, and cookies as the topping.

Chandra's order is for Jennie's 9th birthday. He also requested for a special message on top of the brownies, and to add a little baloon drawing.

The total is Rp. 105.000.00, with Rp. 50.000 prepaid. Chandra pays with cash.

The order was made at April 20th, 2020, and taken by Desita. The order will be picked up on April 24th, 2020 at 1.00 pm

Maaf kalo ada yang ketinggalan

2. A customer online driver (..................) dissapointed by driver's attitude.

jawaban: "is" untuk present (sekarang), "was" untuk past (lampau/sudah terjadi)."is" (present)
"was" (past)

3. fungsi dari microsoft office online,contact us,customer feedback options,check for updates

1. untuk online
2. menghubungi microsoft
3. ?
4. untuk cek update

4. If a company loses $5 for every $100 in revenue for a certain product, what is the profit margin for that product?




sorry aku gak paham di pertanyaan e tp menurutku itu jawaban e gk bermaksud korupsi points ya maaf

5. If a customer … chocolate ice cream from the restaurant,he or she will get extra topping. order will order ordered ordering orders

If a customer … chocolate ice cream from the restaurant, he or she will get extra topping.


If a customer orders chocolate ice cream from the restaurant, he or she will get extra topping.


Meaning = Orders: Memesan

6. Bentuk passiv dari The sales promotion girl persuade a customer to buy the product


Customers are persuaded to buy the product by the sales promotion girl


passive voice digunakan untuk menunjukkan ketertarikan pada seseorang atau objek yang dikenai tindakan dan bukan seseorang atau objek yang melakukan tindakan. Jadi, hal atau orang yang terpenting akan menjadi subjek kalimat.

7. Kinerja transportasi akan menentukan kinerja......A. Plan, manufacturing, dan customer relationship managementB. Procurement, manufacturing, dan customer relationship managementC. Procedure, Manufacturing, dan customer relationship managementD. Product, Manufacturing, dan Customer relationship management E. Picture, maufacturing, dan customer relationship management​


B.Procurement, manufacturing, dan customer relationship management


Jawaban: Kinerja transportasi akan menentukan kinerja pengadaan (procurement), produksi (manufacturing), dan customer relationship management. Aktivitas transportasi akan mengkonsumsi sumber daya keuangan, waktu, dan sumber daya lingkungan.



8. What do you fill if we want to buy a product online

What do you fill if we want to buy a product online


Apa yang Anda isi jika kita ingin membeli produk secara online

9. Saat sedang melakukan riset terhadap industri yang sedang diteliti, ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan, yaitu...A. Customer Trend Research, Product Trend Research, Owned Digital Channel AuditB. Market Research, Product Trend Research, Owned Digital Channel AuditC. Market Research, Customer Trend Research, Product Trend ResearchD. Product Research, Owned Digital Channel AuditE. Tidak ada jawaban yang benar​


B. Market research, product trend research, owner digital channel audit.


semoga membantu mohon maaf kalau salah

10. Passive voice dari kata "ricko made a cup of coffee for the customer "?

a cup of coffee was made by ricko for the customer.

Kalimat aktif di atas berbentuk past tense. Sehingga
Object + was/were + v3 + by subject + complement

11. her husband............a glass of red winea. was orderedb. orderc. orderedd. have ordered​


Simple Past Tense:

C. Ordered


Jawaban dicetak tebal pilihan C. ordered dan merupakan materi pembelajaran bentuk kalimat  Simple Past Tense karena menjelaskan aktivitas kegiatan di masa lampau dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Pilihan a. salah karena merupakan bentuk pasif

Pilihan b. salah karena subjeknya adalah her husband, harusnya "orders"

Pilihan c. salah karena subjeknya adalah her husband, jadi harusnya "has"

Semoga membantu ya.

12. What are the steps in buying products online? Number these sentences in the correct order. a. The costumer opens an account. b. The customer goes to the check-out. c. The customer puts the item(s) in a shopping cart. d. The customer pays for the product (s) with a credit or debit card. e. The customer goes to the website. f. The customer searches and/or browses the website. g. The customer chooses the item(s) to buy. h. The customer checks the order.


f. the customer searches and/or browses the website.

e. the customer goes to the website.

a. the customer opens an account.

g. th customer chooses the item/s to buy.

c. the customer puts the item/s in a shopping cart.

h. the customer checks the order.

b. the customer goes to the check-out.

d. the customer pays for the product/s with a credit or debit card.

f - e - a - g - c - h - b - d

13. 315 ... -299 a < B >


315 ... -299

a . <

b. >

315 > -299

B. >

( positif lebih besar dari negatif)

14. Explain how unethical business practices degrade the quality of the experience a customer has with a service or product. How is the International Organization for Standardization trying to encourage ethical business behavior?


Jelaskan bagaimana praktik bisnis yang tidak etis menurunkan kualitas pengalaman yang dimiliki pelanggan dengan layanan atau produk. Bagaimana Organisasi Internasional untuk Standardisasi mencoba mendorong perilaku bisnis yang etis?

15. Seorang product marketing manager sedang mencoba membangun timnya. dari beberapa role di bawah ini, mana yang menurutmu kurang relevan untuk sebuah tim produk marketing?customer data analyst: bertugas menganalis data yang didapat dari customera. ux designer: bertugas membuat produk yang memudahkan kebutuhan customerb. performance marketing specialist: bertugas memasarkan produk langsung kecustomerc. product developer: bertugas mengembangkan produk sesuai dengan demand daricustomerd. customer data analyst: bertugas menganalis data yang didapat dari customer


b. performance marketing specialist: bertugas memasarkan produk langsung kecustomer


Cara memasarkan je customer yaitu dengan menawarkan produk dan barang tersebut sehingga bertugas menganalis data yang didapat dari customer tersebut dapat di mengerti serta data barang tersebut dapat di pasarkan secara langsung.

16. Questions:1. What is the kind of the advertisement?2. What must the customers do if they want to buy the product?3. How much do customers pay for the simplicity product?4. How long warranty will a customer get for the simplicity product?5. What thing must be added for the advertisment? Give your opinion!​mohon di bantu tolong​


1. brochure (?)

2. contact the number on the paper

3. maaf tulisannya gak jelas jadi ga bisa jawab

4. 3 years

5. the offline store information

17. What product do you like to sell? Make a simple advertisement to persuade the customer to buy the product!


i like to sell noodle


come here lady and gentelman come and eat the most uniqe noodle it made from china the spice is farm in italia come and eat indomie goreng

18. is reading a label of a product imprrtant for us​


yea,bc if u're not reading that u could'nt know what is the product's name


yes it is,or we won't know what is the product


19. saya mau bertanya , apakah jawaban saya sudah benar dalam kalimat active : Oppo give a gift for the customer, Passive voice : A gift is given by Oppo for the customer​


setau aku udah bener


give nya udh jadi given, udh ada by nya juga

20. Mrs. tin makes clothes for her customer she is a ​


she is a tailor



She's a tailor

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