Jumat, 25 November 2022

Which Strategy Makes Use Of Summarizing To Understand Written Documents

Which Strategy Makes Use Of Summarizing To Understand Written Documents

the definitionLabel is the written text on the product packaging which detailed descriptions of the product and how to use it​

Daftar Isi

1. the definitionLabel is the written text on the product packaging which detailed descriptions of the product and how to use it​



Label adalah teks tertulis pada kemasan produk yang berisi penjelasan rinci tentang produk dan cara penggunaannya


itu terjemahannya maaf kalo salah

2. 2. Radit : Which part of the body do we use to speak?Yoko3. Putri : Which part of the body do we use to walk?Ayu: Which part of the body do we use to read books?4. YokoPutri: Which part of the body do we use to taste sugar?5. SintaRadit6. Ayu : Which part of the body do we use to bring a bag?Bara​


2) Mouth.

3) Legs.

4) Eyes.

5) Tongue.

6) Hands.


2) Speak (Berbicara) ---> Mouth (Mulut)

3) Walk (Berjalan) ---> Legs (Kedua kaki)

4) Read (Membaca) ---> Eyes (Kedua Mata)

5) Taste (Mencicipi) ---> Tongue (Lidah)

6) Bring (Membawa) ---> Hands (Kedua Tangan/Tangan)

3. Which section of the newpaper makes you want to read more?________________​


The most important news events typically appear on the front page of the first section of the paper. Most newspapers are divided into sections. Typical sections include: national/international news; local news; sports; entertainment/amusements; classified advertisements; and neighborhood news.


im sorry if im wrong

4. Which expression do we use to get an attention? (which = yang mana)


Expressionnya untuk mendapat perhatian(Attention) :

1.Excuse me,May i have your Attention

2.Please calm down and pay Attention please

3.Ok Students please sit down and and Pay Attention on the Exams (Untuk Guru dan Murid)

And Many More(Dan lain lain/DLL)


Semoga ini membantu Bayar aja dengan jawaban terbaik May this helps you for greater grade ;)

5. which one of five desigsn makes the best comparison?​


ini artinya

manakah dari lima desain yang membuat perbandingan terbaik?


maaf kalo salah jawabannya:)

6. Which one is the right use of"SHOULD?​


'Should' can be used:

Should' can be used:To express something that is probable. Examples: “John should be here by 2:00 PM.” “He should be bringing Jennifer with him.

Should' can be used:To express something that is probable. Examples: “John should be here by 2:00 PM.” “He should be bringing Jennifer with him.To ask questions. Examples: “Should we turn left at this street?” ...

Should' can be used:To express something that is probable. Examples: “John should be here by 2:00 PM.” “He should be bringing Jennifer with him.To ask questions. Examples: “Should we turn left at this street?” ...To show obligation, give recommendation or even an opinion. Examples: “You should stop eating fast food.”

Should' can be used:To express something that is probable. Examples: “John should be here by 2:00 PM.” “He should be bringing Jennifer with him.To ask questions. Examples: “Should we turn left at this street?” ...To show obligation, give recommendation or even an opinion. Examples: “You should stop eating fast food.”Lain kali pertanyaan sama soalnya ya..

7. can we use expression of congratulation in written? plis bantu​

Answer :

Can . For example, congratulating a friend by letter or message via handphone .

An example of a congratulation is :

Congratulations on your victory in the drawing contest! I hope you can continue the race to a higher level .Congratulations on the birth of your child, aunt. I hope I can play with him when he grows up, hehe .Congratulations on your promotion, I hope you can do better things okay !


; hope to help u !

; cmiiw

8. about-makes-acidrain-of-just-understand-all-what-explained-mr.russel-us

What mr.russel just explained about aciddain makes us understand maaf kalo salah

9. 1. a ginseng is something which we use to ...2. a bag is something which we use to ...3. a bed is something which we use to ...4. a pen is something which we use to ...5. a camera is something which we use to ...

1.make herbal
2.store something
5.take a picture1.add spirit
2.bring books and other,that pencil,erser,and ruler
5 .take a picture

10. What is the meaning of “private activities” on 2nd paragraph?a. Private activities are the activities which belonging to or for the use of one particular person or group of people only.b.Private activities are the activities which belonging to or for the use of two particular person or group of people only.c.Private activities are the activities which belonging to or for the use of three particular person or group of people only.d.Private activities are the activities which belonging to or for the use of four particular person or group of people only.Please Answers.​


the answer is "a" because private means something that only some of them knows


i dont really understand but please show me the picture of the 2nd paragraph you mean


Private activities are the activities which belonging to or for the use of two particular person or group of people only.



11. Mana singular dan plurelnya ? Intelligence ia the ability to use thought and knowledges to understand thongs.


singular : thought

plural: knowledges

12. which section of the newspaper makes you want to read more?______________tolong jawab ya kak ​

Artinya:Bagian mana dari surat kabar yang membuat Anda ingin membaca lebih banyak

the title / the headlines

13. Which makes them especially beneficial to twenty-first-century students. Because today’s students can expect to hold multiple jobs—some of which may not even exist yet—during.


durian, jambu, pisang, dan cheri sorry

14. Don't use "you", "I", etc. Change the sentence into passive. Kalo kalimatnya "I think literature is entirety of written expression in the fiction, which interpret the meaning of nature and life, desire to understand, express, and finally share to history/experiences." Kalimat passivenya jadi gimana ya?

Literature is thought to be the entirety of written expression in the fiction, of which the meaning of nature and life, desire to understand are interpreted , and history/ experiences are finally shared.

15. To be aware of. To be familiar with. To have memory of. To understand to.....

Harus diperhatikan. Untuk akrab dengan. Untuk memiliki memori. Untuk dimengerti

16. What is the angle of depression which the direction of sight to the visible horizon makes with the plane of the true horizon called?​


apa sudut depresi yang arah penglihatan ke cakrawala terlihat membuat dengan bidang cakrawala yang sebenarnya disenut?

maaf saya cuma bisa mengartikanya saja

17. who most probably makes use of the ​


yang kemungkinan besar membuat kita menjadi anggota

18. Which one is the expression of Summarizing and concluding in presenting a report? *A.In conclusion, ....B.Next ....C.Now I’d like to discuss ....D.For example, ....E.As an illustration, ....​


A. In conclusion

cemoga membantu

19. Which senses do birds of prey use to catch their food? They use senses of tolong secepatnya


They use senses of exceptional sight to hunting food.

maaf kalo salah

20. How to understand genre of text

To Understand the genre of the text that you should do :

1. See the tenses are used. if using simple present tense so it is called Descriptive text, or Report text
If using simple pas, it is called Recount or Narrative text

2. You can see the structure of the text. because if we know the structure so can know the text

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