Sabtu, 19 November 2022

Why Couldn t Egg Tempera Be Applied Thickly To A Painting

Why Couldn t Egg Tempera Be Applied Thickly To A Painting

why might it be useful to know something about all the different types of hotel before applied a job

Daftar Isi

1. why might it be useful to know something about all the different types of hotel before applied a job

because if we want to apply for a job we must know the parts and everything about it so that we are easy to work and there are no mistakes

sorry if wrong

2. apa tujuan dan manfaat egg painting

1 biaya murah
2 mudah di dapat
1 mengedit akan lebih alamitujuan utk mengurangi limbah tentu saja juga utk membuka lapangan kerja bagi ushaa egg painting manfaat nya utk memprindah ruangan
ada byk kok;)

3. apa sih kelebihan dan kekurangan dari egg painting itu

kelebihan :
-untuk hiasaan dinding
-nilai ekonomisnya tinggi
-memperindah ruangan (yg di pasangi)
kekurangan :
-harga relatif mahal
-mudah rusak
-tidak bisa dibawa kemana manakelebihan untuk hiasan dinding

4. tolong bantu kak no 34 sampai 40 *makasiPut in 'Can' , 'Can t', 'Could' or 'Couldn t' to the following sentences!​

Present tense (Masa kini)

Can = Bisa, Can't = Tidak bisa

Past tense (Masa lampau)

Could = Bisa, Couldn't = Tidak bisa

34. Can

35. Can't

36. Could

37. Could

38. Couldn't

39. Can't

40. Can

5. bagaimana cara pemasaran produk egg painting

dgn cara olshop dll
ada byk sihh tapi mls ngetik:'v

6. tujuan dan manfaat membuat egg painting

1 biaya murah
2 mudah di dapat

1 mengedit akan lebih alami

7. Therefore it couldn be the one you lost.par 6 the underlined word refers to

Oleh karena itu, itu tidak bisa menjadi yang Anda kehilangan. Kata yang digarisbawahi kata bergaris bawah

8. WhAt is a modem? how does a modem work? What software can be applied to support a modem?

1.Modem comes from the abbreviation Demodulator Modulator. Modulator is a part that converts the information signal into the carrier signal and is ready to be sent, while the Demodulator is the part that separates the information signal from the carrier signal received so that the information can be received properly.
2.When a computer is connected to a telephone cable for later use on the internet, if our computer uploads / sends data, then information / data from a computer in digital form will be converted by the modem into an analog form to be sent via
3.Modem (modulator-demodulator) is a device used to deliver and receive data from a PC to another PC via telephone cable. Modem is a tool whose job is to exchange data from digital to analog and vice versa.

9. Ap bahasa indonesianya Couldn""t add account to Classroom. Try again or use another account


tidak bisa meng add akun ke kelas coba lagi atau gunakan akun lain

10. What a beautiful painting! You have a talent to be a painter. ​


Lukisan yg sangat indah!anda memiliki bakat untuk pelukis

11. The car was expensive ....we couldn' t afford to buy it. Lengkapi kedua kalimat tersebut menggunakan konjungsi yang tepat?


The car was expensive so that we couldn't afford to buy it.




The car was expensive So we couldnt afford to buy it

12. Why does the writer write the above text? A. To describe his favorite painting. B. To tell the readers about his hobby. C. To attract the readers to buy his painting. D. To inform everyone about favorite painting.​


A.To describe his favorite painting



Descriptive text-> teks yang memuat fakta-fakta dan mendeskripsikan sesuatu biasanya secara rinci /detail , bisa sampai ukuran terhadap sesuatu yang disampaikan

Generic Structure:

A.IDENTIFICATION-> mengidentifikasi sesuatu yang  disampaikan

B.DESCRIPTION-> mendeskripsikan sesuatu yang disampaikan secara akurat

AIM/GOAL/PURPOSE OF DESCRIPTIVE: To describe the writer's thing / place/person




Why does the writer write the above text?

The writer writes the above text because to describe his favorite painting.

Perhatikan kalimat pertama dari teks tersebut: My favorite painting is the pencil-drawing of myself made by my friend Sofiyadi.


Teks di atas menceritakan tentang lukisan kesukaan penulis yang dibuat oleh temannya Sofiyadi dengan menggunakan pensil. Dari deskripsi awal diketahui bahwa teks ini adalah descriptive text. Pada bagian berikutnya menjelaskannya lebih mendetail.

Ciri descriptive text pada teks di atas adalah penggunaan simple present tense.

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai descriptive text pada


13. i don’t know what to buy mum for her birthday. a. why not getting her a painting?b. why not get her a painting?


a. Because her don't like painting

b. Because her dont's like painting

mohon jadikan jawaban yang terbaik


saya tidak tahu apa yang membeli ibu untuk ulang tahunnya

a. mengapa tidak memberinya lukisan?

b. mengapa tidak memberinya lukisan?

semoga membantu

14. Respond to the following "What a beautiful painting. You have a talent to be a painter"

Thank you..
........................Thanks for the compliment.

15. Why did he want to throw the egg away?

 because he didnt like egg,,

16. A: Why did you buy this paint?B:1 my bed room tomorrow.a. will be paintingb. am going to paintC. will paintd. painte, have​


B. I am going to paint my bed room tomorrow


Semoga membantu ^^

17. A...Is a template with a specific design that can be applied to a slide or to the entire presentation




maaf kalo salah

18. contoh membuat proposal pemasaran egg painting

itu jawabnya ya..................

19. Painting tools are all … that can be used to process painting materials. * A. materials B. technique C. tools D. media




Sorry If Wrong ;)


D. media


maaf kalo salah :)

20. 2 at Doctors have good don't be to painting


arti dari kata tersebut adalah

Di dokter ada baiknya jangan melukis

maaf klo salah

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