Senin, 19 Desember 2022

60 Days From March 7

60 Days From March 7

April has 30 days march has 31 days April has..... days than march

Daftar Isi

1. April has 30 days march has 31 days April has..... days than march

April has FEWER Days than March. (April mempunyai hari yang lebih sedikit dari Maret)

2. Thirty-one-march-days-has



March has thirty one days

Berdasarkan Rumus Present Tense:

(+) S + VERB 1 (-s/es) + O

= March + has + thirty one days

(Bulan Maret memiliki 31 hari)

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang PRESENT TENSE:



=== Semoga Membantu ===

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Level: JHS

Materi: Present Tense

Kode Mapel: 5

Kode Kategorisasi: 7.5

3. susunlah kalimat days there thirty one are in march

There are thirty one days in march

I hope this is true for you, have a nice day !
Brainly is the Best !there are thirty one days in march

4. write the date of six days after march 5th!what day is it?

March 11th,sunday.

Sorry If i wrong

5. Amara starts an exercise programme on the 3rd of March. She decides she will swim every 3 days and cycle every 4 days. On which dates in March will she swim and cycle on the same daypake cara yahh​


19th march

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

aku pakai b.indo ya

berenang : 3 hari

bersepeda : 4 hari

3, 6, 9, 12, 15

4, 8, 12, 16

KPK nya 16 hari

3 maret + 16 hari = 19 maret

6. Max swims every 10 days, Jesua swims every 15 days, while Jonatan swims every 20 days. They are swimming for the first time on February 20th 2016, they will swim again on... Select one: A. 20 March 2016 B. 22 March 2016 C. 22 April 2016 D. 22 May 2016

b. 22 march 2016

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

kalau benar jadikan jwban tercerdas ya

7. What is the text about? a. Migrants march in hungary b. Budapest’s new march event c. Refugees taking a part in a march d. New march from hungary to Austria e. Trip to hegyeshalom


A. Migrants march in Hungary

8. astronomically, from march to august in?jangan dilapor lah cari poin nya susah oi :(​

Jawaban:18 Fenomena Astronomi yang Akan Terjadi pada Agustus

1 Agustus: posisi tertinggi Venus ketika Matahari terbit

1-3 Agustus: tripel konjungsi Bulan-Jupiter-Saturnus

3 Agustus: perihelion Mars

3-4 Agustus: fase Bulan Purnama

6 Agustus: perihelion Merkurius

9 Agustus: Apogee Bulan

9 Agustus: Konjungsi Bulan-Mars

11-12 Agustus: fase Perbani akhir

12-13 Agustus: puncak Hujan Meteor Perseid

13 Agustus: Elongasi Barat Maksimum Venus

13 Agustus: fase Dikotomi Venus

16 Agustus: Konjungsi Bulan-Venus

17 Agustus: Konjungsi Superior Merkurius

19 Agustus: fase Bulan baru

19 Agustus: Konjungsi Bulan-Merkurius

21 Agustus: Perigee Bulan

26 Agustus: fase Perbani awal

28-30 Agustus: tripel konjungsi Bulan-Jupiter-Saturnus

9. write the date of six days ofter March 5th ! what day is it ?

6 hari setelah tanggal 5 maret = selasa
six days after march 5th = tuesday / 11th march
^-^ Semoga membantusix day after march 5th

6th - monday
7th - tuesday
8th - wednesday
9th - thursday
10th - friday
11th - saturday

so six day after march 5th is saturday (march 11th)

10. The................seasons last from march to september in our country

The RAINY seasons last from March to September in our country.
Rainy season jawabannya gan

11. January has... daysFebruary has...daysMarch has... days.April has...daysMay has...daysJune has...daysJuly has...days.August has...days.September has...daysOctober has ....daysNovember has... days.December has... days.​


January has thirty one days.

February has twenty eight or twenty nine days.

March has thirty one days.

April has thirty days.

May has thirty one days.

June has thirty days.

July has thirty one days.

August has thirty one days.

September has thirty days.

October has thirty one days.

November has thirty days.

December has thirty one days.​


Pada soal di atas, diminta untuk menuliskan jumlah hari pada bulan.

Jumlah hari yaitu 28/29 hari, 30 hari, dan 31 hari.

28 = twenty eight.

29 = twenty nine.

30 = thirty.

31 = thirty one.

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai months in a year pada


12. apa arti The spring season lasts from late March to late June.Summer begins from late June until late September. ​


apa arti

The spring season lasts from late March to late June.

Summer begins from late June until late September. ​


Musim semi berlangsung dari akhir Maret hingga akhir Juni.

Musim panas dimulai dari akhir Juni hingga akhir September.


13. Dialog menggunakan gambar 7 march

maaf ini bukan b.inggris

14. Days of the week are Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday s. Week days are 5 days from Monday until Friday. Weekend are 2 days from Saturday to Sunday 2. What day is it? It's Monday​


hari rabu


Hari dalam seminggu adalah Senin Selasa Rabu Kamis Jumat Sabtu Minggu s. Hari minggu adalah 5 hari dari Senin sampai Jumat. Akhir pekan adalah 2 hari dari Sabtu sampai Minggu 2. Hari apa itu? Ini hari Senin hari Rabu



2. What day is it?

It is Saturday.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Days (nama hari) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Semoga membantu ya.

15. The right from for writting dates in a letter is... A.12th March,2017 B.March 12th,2017 C.2017, March 12th D.March 12, 2017

B. March 12th,2017 semoga bermanfaat B. March 12th,2017 maaf kalo salah

16. hayyukk bantuin jwb an nya yh...: write the date of six days after March 5th?​


tulis tanggal enam hari setelah 5 Maret?

:29 Februari


maaf jika salah:)

17. 30.AnnouncementTo students of SD Harapan Dukun,Friday, 25 March 2020, EkstraFootball. Start at. 03.00 p.m. Jointogether in the school yard.FromHeadmasterWhat day students join together?a. 255 March 2020b. 25nd March 2020c. 25th March 2020d. 25 March 2020artikan semua y ​

D. 25 March 2020

Wish help you


b. 25nd match 2020


maf klo slh

18. What month has twenty eight or twenty nine days...januaryfebruaryaprilmarch​


It's February


Februari memiliki 28 hari pada tahun biasa

Februari memiliki 29 hari pada tahun kabisat

' February '

hope this helps ;l

19. What is 2/5 of 35 days? A. 14 days B. 7 daysC. 21 days D. 35 days​


A.) 14 days



I hope this helps

(Semoga Membantu)



A.14 Days


jangan lupa follow

20. write the date of six days after march 5 th! what day is it

the six days after 5th march is 11th of march

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