Sabtu, 17 Desember 2022

According To The Monk What Is One Of Fortune s Traits

According To The Monk What Is One Of Fortune s Traits

According to Koentjaraningrat language is one of the 7 elements that shape a culture. So, what is not the other one?

Daftar Isi

1. According to Koentjaraningrat language is one of the 7 elements that shape a culture. So, what is not the other one?


water,soil,fire, light,wind,leaf,lightning

2. Which one is the type of invitation according to formality?


yang mana jenis undangan menurut formalitas.


itu b. Indonesia nya

maaf kalau salah

3. What is the usage of calculator? According to the text below is....


gak bisa bahasa enggres

To calculate numbers

4. 1.according to the above,what is the meaning of cellphone?


1.sesuai yang diatas apa arti dari ponsel

5. According to you what is the definition of Thought​


Thought is an action which causes the mind to gain new understanding through the means of what is already known. Whereas the thought process is a mental movement from one thing to another, from one proposition to another from what is already known to things that are not yet known.


Sorry if it's wrong ..

6. According to you,what is the definition/meaning of descriptive text?


a description text is a text which the function is to decribe someone,something,or someplace

~salam damai dari jodoh tae :)

7. What is the definition of movie according to an experts?

movie is a moving picture with several cast members aired as entertainment

8. 1.after reading the lyrics,what is the theme of the song 2.according to your opinion,what is the purpose of the song?​


2. jangan prnh menyerah


itu saja yang sy tau ^_^

mmf jika slah yaw

9. Personality Traits • What is personality trait? • What are some examples of personality trait? • Why is it important to know about our personality traits? • Why is it important to know about other people’s personality traits?​


• Personality traits are characteristics that describe an individual's behavior, thoughts, and feelings. They are often used to describe how a person reacts to different situations and how they interact with others.

• Some examples of personality traits include honesty, kindness, compassion, intelligence, and extroversion.

• It is important to know about our own personality traits because they can help us understand our strengths, weaknesses, and how we are likely to react in different situations. This self-awareness can help us make better decisions and navigate relationships more effectively.

• It is also important to know about other people's personality traits because it can help us understand how they are likely to behave and interact with us. This can be especially useful in professional settings where it is important to work effectively with others. Understanding personality traits can also help us communicate more effectively and have more fulfilling personal relationships.

10. Arti according to kate, what is the source of the misunderstanding

menurut Kate (nama orang) apa sumber kesalah pahaman

mungkin maksudnya si Kate, apa penyebab kesalah pahaman itu

11. 1. What is the meaning of explanation text?2. What is the purpose of explanation text?3. How is the structure of explanation text?4. What is the characteristic of explanation text?5. make one explanation text according to your knowledge


1. artinya

2. maksudnya

3. bagaimana strukturnya

4. apa karakteristiknya

5. buatlah satu teks 'itu' menurut pengalamanmu

12. what is the source of good character according to the writer​


The understanding of character is actually much better than just words. More than that, character is a choice that can determine a person's level of success.


semoga mendapatkan nilai yang baik

13. what is the cost of the materials needen to fix the damage according to Mr. Liverpool​

Jawaban: Berapa biaya bahan yang diperlukan menurut Tn. Liverpool -

Maaf Ya Kalo Salah

14. 1.according to the dialogue,What is the weather today? 2.What is santi's hope? 3. according to Sandra, What is the Cause of the change of the weather lately? 4 according to the dialogue, if the cause is increasing the volcanic activity, What is the people do? bantu terjemahin​


menurut dialog, bagaimana cuaca hari ini?apa yang santi harapkan?menurut sandra, apa penyebab perubahan cuaca akhir-akhir ini?

menurut dialog, jika penyebabnya adalah meningkatkan aktivitas vulkanik, apa yang akan dilakukan orang-orang?

*maaf kalau salah


1 bagaimana cuaca hari ini 2. apa yang santi harapkan3 apa penyebab perubahan cuaca akhir akhir ini4 penyebab nya adalah meningkat nya aktvitas gunung berapi ,,apa yang dilakukan orang orang itu

Penjelasan: tolong jadikan jawaban ter baik ya

15. Which one of these statements is correct according to the text above​


the rabbit devided the cheese equally

maaf klo salah yaa :) :) :)

16. What is the definition of movie according to an experts?

Apa definisi film menurut seorang ahli?

17. answer the following questions according to the text !1. what does the text talk about?2. what is the benefit of eating according to the text?3. what is the impacts of fast food for humans health?4. what does the study show?5. what is the goal of the text?

1. It is about the pros and cons of eating fast food.

2. Eating can give humans energy to work, study, and do other activities.

3. It causes obesity and cancer.

4. It shows that the chemical additives in fast food lead to weight and disease issues.

5. The goal is to bring awareness to people to eat healthy food..

18. What is the cost of materials needed to fix the damage according to mr.liverpool?


Berapa biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk memperbaiki kerusakan mr.pool


maaf kak klo salah

semoga membantu kak

makasih kak

19. What is Wisnu S pusing with Ranti according to the dialog​


Apa itu Wisnu S pusing dengan Ranti menurut dialog



maaf kalo salah

20. According to Mr. Putra,what is the characteristic of the house in the seaview?​



Bono: "apa yang kamu lakukan, putra?"

Putra: "Saya sedang melihat brosur rumah. Ada tiga rumah di kota. Tetapi saya tidak bisa memutuskan mana yang harus saya beli.

Bono: "Coba saya lihat. Hmm .. Kenapa kamu tidak membeli rumah saat matahari terbenam? Kelihatannya paling nyaman di sana dan lebih murah daripada rumah di agung

Putra: "Itu benar, tapi ada di ma

benar, tapi itu di jalan utama, di sebelah semua kafe dan restoran.

tidak: "Jadi? Itu berarti di bagian kota yang paling nyaman.

Putra: "Tapi saya yakin ini lebih berisik daripada rumah lainnya.

Bono: "Bagaimana dengan pemandangan laut?"

Putra: "Ya, itu rumah termurah di kota, dan mungkin qui

ouse di kota, dan mungkin lebih tenang daripada Matahari Terbenam.

Bono: "Kalau begitu, bagaimana kalau kamu membeli rumah di pemandangan laut?

Putra: "Saya tidak tahu. Kelihatannya sangat kotor, bukan begitu?"

Bono: "Mungkin tidak sebersih yang lain, tapi

Memang tidak sebersih yang lainnya, tetapi brosur itu mengatakan bahwa ada orang yang paling ramah di kota."

Putra: "Saya suka Grand. Ini yang paling mewah dari tiga rumah, dan mewah dari tiga rumah, dan itu adalah yang terdekat dengan pantai."

Bono: "Tapi itu terlalu mahal! Kamu tidak akan mampu!"

· Aktif, saya kira Anda benar. Oke, coba saya lihat rumah di The Seaview. Saya yakin itu akan terjadi

baiklah. "


1. Who are involved in the dialogue?


2. What is Putra doing?


According to Bono, where is the location of the most comfortable house?


4. Accrording to Putra, what is the characteristic of the house in Seaview?


5. In what location does Bono mostly like?



1.putra and Bono

2.look at the home brochure

3.a house that has a sea view

4.looks very dirty

5.a house with a sea view


jangan lupa follow,kasih like dan bintang nya yaa ;)

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