Selasa, 20 Desember 2022

How Many Ounces In 2 1 2 Pounds

How Many Ounces In 2 1 2 Pounds

If 1.00 pounds = 1.20 euros, How many pounds is 60.00 euros?

Daftar Isi

1. If 1.00 pounds = 1.20 euros, How many pounds is 60.00 euros?


1.00 pounds = 1.20 euros

60.00 pounds = 60.00×1.20 = 72.00 euros

2. An alloy of silver and gold weight 15 ounces in air and 14 ounces in water. Assumming that silver loses 1/10 of its weight in water and that gold loses 1/19 of its weight, how many ounces of each metal are in the alloy?


the weight of each metal is

gold = 10 ⁵ / ₉ounce

silver = 4 ⁴ / ₉ ounce

Penjelasan soal:

Soal tersebut menjelaskan bahwa

Terdapat campuran emas dan logamJika di udara 15 ons di air 14 onsJika di air emas kehilangan ¹/₁₉ beratnya dan perak kehilangan ¹/₁₀ beratnya

Pembahasan soal:

karena berat asli campuran logam tersebut adalah 15 ons, maka dapat ditulis dengan

[tex]\boxed {emas \ + \ perak \ = \ 15 \ ons}[/tex]

Lalu saya misalkan,

emas = a

perak = b

[tex]\boxed { a+b = 15 }[/tex]

di sini saya akan menggunakan metode eliminasi

a+b = 15

lalu kita masukkan persamaan tersebut menjadi

[tex]\frac{19-1}{19} a + \frac{10-1}{10} = 14\\\\\ \frac{18}{19}a + \frac{9}{10}b = 14 ---> (\times 190) \\\\\frac{18 \times 190}{19} a + \frac{9 \times 190}{10} b = 14 \times 190\\\\\ 180a+171b = 2660[/tex]

lalu kita samakan vaiabel a agar dapat di eliminasi

a+b = 15 ---> ( ×180)

180a + 180b = 2700


180a + 180b = 2700

180a + 171b = 2660

_________________ -

9b = 40

b = 40/9

b = 4 ⁴/₉  ons

a = 15 - 4 ⁴/₉

a = 10 ⁵/₉ gram

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

Rumus SPLDV beserta cara penyelesaian

contoh soal

Detail jawaban:

Mapel : Matematika

Kelas : 11

Materi : Bab 4 - Program Linear Dua Variabel

Kata kunci : paduan logam, berat di air dan udara

Kode soal : 2

Kode kategorisasi : 11.2.4



3. 5 ounces tapioca,5 grams salt 5000 mg pepper how many grams are their mixture

500 grams of tapioca + 5 grams of salt + 5 grams of pepper = 510 grams

maaf kalau salah

4. how many ounces of pure silver must be added to 36 oz kf 60% pure silver to make an alloy that is 76% pure silver?

36 ounce → 60% pure
x              → 76% pure

x = 36 x 76 / 60 = 45,6 ounce

You need to add 45,6 - 36 = 9,6 ounce of pure silver.

5. How much hamburger meat are they going to need? A.three pounds B.ten hamburger C.nine pounds packages E.six bags


i dont know, how could i know?


lack of information

6. 2 pence berapa rupiah dan 5 pounds berapa rupiah

2 pence = Rp 319.36
5 pounds = Rp 79.752.52

7. 1. 0.25 tons = quintals 2. 1.5 kg - 785 g = ounces pake cara nya ya


1. 1 ton = 10 quintals

0,25 ton = 2,5 quintals

2. 1.5 kg = 1500 g

1 ounce = 100 g

 1500 g - 785 g = 715 g

= 7,15 ounce

Jawaban dan Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1. 1 ton = 10 kuintal

0,25 ton = 2,5 kuintal

2. 1 kg = 35,2 ons

1 g = 0,03 ons

52,9 ons - 27,7 ons = 25,2 ons

8. Ingredients:16 ounces cream cheese, 2 packages, softened1/2 cup sugar1/2 teaspoon vanilla2 large eggs4 ounces semi-sweet chocolate chips1 prepared Graham cracker crustDirections:Beat cream cheese, sugar and vanilla at medium speed until well-blended. Blend in 2 eggs. Stir in chocolate chips then pour batter into Graham cracker chust. (you may sprinkle 1/4 cup mini semi sweet chocolate chips on top if you desire). Bake at 35 celsius for 40 minutes, or until certer is almost set. Cool. For best results refrigerate for 3 hoursQuestion1. How many person in the cake for?a.2 b.5 c. 62. The goal og text is to tell abaout?a. How to beat cream cheesb. How to bland sugar and vanillac. How to backe chocolate cheese cake d. How to make chocolate cheese cake3. the text calld is a/an....... a. Explanation b. Descriptionc. Report d. Procedure​​


1. How many person in the cake for?

C. 6.

2. The goal of text is to tell about?

D. How to make chocolate cheese cake.

3. The text called is a/an.......

D. Procedure.


Pada bagian atas soal seharusnya terdapat

A quick and easy cheese cake recipe

Yield : 6 servings

Prep. Time :5 minutes

Cook Time : 40 minutes

Total Time : 45 minutes

1. Perhatikan penjelasan "yield: 6 servings".

2. Pada ingredients, bahan yan digunakan adalah cream cheese dan chocolate chips.

3. Teks di atas merupakan teks prosedur.

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai procodure text pada


9. Sam uses 1 1/4 ounces of ham on each sandwich. If he makes 4 1/2 sandwiches, how much ham will he use? gimana pake caranya


[tex]\sf \boxed{\sf \green{answer \: by} \: \blue{barujalan265} }[/tex]

10. the doll is 500 pounds and you only have 450 pounds how much money that you need to get?


500 pounds -450 pounds=50 pounds

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

11. fruit in the world reaching 80 pounds in weight and up artinya​


buah di dunia mencapai berat 80 pon ke atas

12. An alloy of silver and gold weight15 ounces in air and 14 ounces in water.Assumming that silver loses 1/10 of itsweight in water and that gold loses 1/19of its weight, how many ounces of eachmetal are in the alloy?Translate :Sebuah campuran logam perak dan emas memiliki berat 15 ons di udara dan 14 ons di air. Jika perak kehilangan 1/10 beratnya di air, dan emas 1/19 dari beratnya, berapa ons masing-masing logam di campuran tersebut?​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Let original length = x and

Original breadth = y

Original area = xy

New lenght = Ë£/₂

New breadth = 3y

New area = (Ë£/₂ × 3y) = ³/₂ xy

∴ Increate % = ¹/₂ xy × 1/xy × 100

                     = 50%







13. recipe.1. WeightWeight can be measured in kilos, pounds, oz. Look at the examples.250 gram of riceb. 3 pounds of potatoes2 oz. of buttera.C.2 oz.of butter​


yg ditanyakan apa?


14. Problem: The owner of Chips etc. produces 2 kinds of chips: Lime (L) and Vinegar (V). He has a limited amount of the 3 ingredients used to produce these chips available for his next production run: 4800 ounces of salt, 9600 ounces of flour, and 2000 ounces of herbs. A bag of Lime chips requires 2 ounces of salt, 6 ounces of flour, and 1 ounce of herbs to produce; while a bag of Vinegar chips requires 3 ounces of salt, 8 ounces of flour, and 2 ounces of herbs. Profits for a bag of Lime chips are $0.40, and for a bag of Vinegar chips $0.50. For the production combination of 800 bags of Lime and 600 bags of Vinegar, which resource is not completely used up and how much is remaining?




Bank mandiri

catherina debora rorimpandey

15. How many hamburger and hot dog buns are they going to need? a. Three pounds a piece b. five packages a piece c. Nine pounds a pieced. Seven packages a piecee. Six bags a piece​


How many hamburger and hot dog buns are they going to need?

a. Three pounds a piece

b. five packages a piece

c. Nine pounds a piece

d. Seven packages a piece

e. Six bags a piece


Berapa banyak roti hamburger dan hot dog yang akan mereka butuhkan?

a. Tiga pon sepotong

b. lima paket satu potong

c. Sembilan pon sepotong

d. Tujuh paket satu potong

e. Enam kantong satu potong






16. 1. Annie has 7/10 of a pound of birdseed left to share equally among 7 bird cages in her pet shop. How many pounds can she put in each birdcage? A. Annie can put 10 pounds of bird seed in each cage. B. Annie can put 49/10 pounds of bird seed in each cage. C. Annie can put 1/10 pounds of bird seed in each cage. D. Annie can put 1/7 pound of bird seed in each cage. 2. Pia bought cheese that weighs 6 and 3/4 kilograms. If she will use 1/8 pound of cheese for a cheesecake recipe, how many portions can she make? A. Pia can make 432 portions. B. Pia can make 216 portions. C. Pia can make 108 portions. D. Pia can make 54 portions.


1.C.Annie can put 1/10 pounds of bird seed in each cage.

2.C. Pia can make 108 portions.

17. Here is the list of vegetables to buy,please,make the shopping list 1. Cabbage 1/2 kilogram 2. Broccoli 1 kilogram 3. Spinach 2 bunch of 4. Cucumber 5 ounces 5. Potato 1 1/2 kilograms 6. Cornelia 2 ounces 7. Bengkoang 2 kilograms 8. Garlic 1 kilograms

1. Half a Kilogram of Cabbage
2. 1 Kilogram of Broccoli
3. 2 bunches of spinach
4. 5 ounces of cucumber
5. 1 and a half kilograms of potatoes
6. 2 ounces of cornelia
7. 2 kilograms of Bengkoang
8. 1 Kilogram of Garlic

18. A.1. How much is the Oriental soup mix?2. Can you find any cat food?3. What kind of fruit drink is on sale?4. How much is the cough syrup?5. How many ounces (oz.) is the ketchup?6. Can you find any milk?7. What is there for babies?8. How many things cost a dollar or more?9. How many drinks are there?10. How many ice-cream bars are in a box?bantu jawab dong kakk:(((​


1.eighty nine cent

2.yes i can

3.lemonade juice(fruit drinks)

4.three dollar and seventy nine cent

5.28 oz i cant juice


9.two(lemonade drink(fruit drinks),baby juice

19. Norah uses an ounce of butter to make 9 cookies. how many cookies can she bake with 8 ounces of butter?


72 cookies

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Butter. cookies

1 ounce. 9 cookies

8 ounces. x cookies

1/8 = 9/x

x = (8 x 9)/1

x = 72

20. 5 ounces tapioca,5 grams salt 5000 mg pepper how many grams are their mixture

1005 gram

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

5 ounces = 500 gram

5 gram = 5 gram

5000 mg = 500 gram

500+5+500= 1005 gram

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