Rabu, 21 Desember 2022

Identify Effective Techniques For Accurate Pipet Use

Identify Effective Techniques For Accurate Pipet Use

1. identify the use of to be.2. identify the use of to have.3. identify the use of simple present.​

Daftar Isi

1. 1. identify the use of to be.2. identify the use of to have.3. identify the use of simple present.​


mengidentifikasipenggunaantobe.mengidentifikasipenggunaantoheve.mengidentifikasipenggunaan tosimplepresent.

2. Identify and use expressions to give suggestions,


- I think ....

- in my opinion ...

3. what we use table for?what we use window for?what we use globe for?what we use door for?what we use clock for?what we use chair for?what we use white-/blackboard for?what we use cupboard for?what we use picture for?what we use AC for?​


1 to put stuf,place to eat

2to see the outside world

3 to see / search countries

4 the door as a divider between one room to another

5 to see the time

6 to sit /rest

7to write words (for school)

8 to keep /save stuff

9to decorate the room or for something else

10 to refresh the room temperature (use to make cold air

maaf jika ada kesalahan

1. Tables are widely used in communication, research, and data analysis. Tables appear in print media, handwritten notes, computer software, architectural ornamentation, traffic signs, and many other places.

2. we usually use window so that we could look the outside.

3. to see another country from around the world.

4. each people has 1 door (or more) at their house to enter or exit the house as well as to secure the house.

5. so that we can see what time it is.

6. we use chair so that we can sit

7. to explain something by writing on the board

8. to store our important items like clothes

9. (kurang tau maaf T^T)

10. to cooling the room

Pesan :

Mohon maaf ada yang gak di jawab, semoga membantu.

4. Create a procedural text for people to use. you are free to use item/product of your choice but the item/ product should not be overly complex or too simple. be creative in your choice. use the techniques for writing effective procedural text you have learnt in building blocks. you can publish it on a blog or print it and showcase in the clasrooms use this organizer to write down the ideas for your procedural text. procedural writing organizer 1.what procedure are you writing 2.who is your audience?who are these instructions/directions for? 3.what do they need to know before following your procedure 4.briefly,identify the steps you will elaborate in your final writing: tolong!!!!!

Buat teks prosedural untuk digunakan orang. Anda bebas menggunakan item / produk pilihan Anda namun item / produk tidak boleh terlalu rumit atau terlalu sederhana. jadilah kreatif sesuai pilihanmu gunakan teknik penulisan teks prosedural yang efektif yang telah Anda pelajari di blok bangunan.
Anda bisa mempublikasikannya di blog atau mencetaknya dan memajangnya di klas kamar

gunakan organizer ini untuk menuliskan ide-ide teks prosedural Anda.

penyelenggara penulisan prosedural

Prosedur apa yang kamu tulis?

2.who adalah audiens Anda? Siapakah petunjuk / petunjuk ini?

3. Apa yang perlu mereka ketahui sebelum mengikuti prosedur Anda

4.briefly, identifikasikan langkah-langkah yang akan Anda urapi dalam tulisan terakhir Anda:

5. Do the reading activities involve ‘reading for the gist’ techniques? Why? Give your opinion.

According to me,
It is for making us better understand the content contained in the story or the text.

6. create a procedural text for people to use. you are free to use item/product of your choice but the item/ product should not be overly complex or too simple. be creative in your choice. use the techniques for writing effective procedural text you have learnt in building blocks. you can publish it on a blog or print it and showcase in the clasrooms use this organizer to write down the ideals for your procedural text. procedural writing organizer 1. what procedure are you writing? 2. who is your audience? who are these instructions/directions for? 3. what do they need to know before following your procedural? 4. briefly, identify the steps you will elaborate in your final writing? tolong bantuin please

How To Make Orang Juice

Ingredients :
1. Oranges 2. Knife 3. Glass 4. Orange squeezer     

Steps :
1.  Slice some oranges into two parts with the knife
2. Squeeze the two parts of the orange with the orange squeezer
3. Pour the orange's fluid into the glass
4. Add a little sugar if you want the orange juice taste sweeter
5. Add an ice cube to make your orange juice fresher
6. Enjoy !   

Cara membuat jus jeruk :  

Bahan yang diperlukan :
1. Jeruk
2. Pisau
3. Gelas
4. Alat pemeras jeruk   

Langkah-langkah :
1. Potong jeruk menjadi dua bagian menggunakan pisau
2. Peras dua bagian jeruk tersebut dengan alat pemeras jeruk
3. Tuang cairan jeruk kedalam gelas
4. Tambahkan sedikit gula ika anda ingin jus jeruk anda terasa lebih manis
5. Tambahkan beberapa es untuk membuat jus jeruk anda lebih segar
6. Nikmati !  

Di soalmu, kamu disuruh buat teks prosedur yg tidak terlalu rumit dan tidak terlalu simple, apakah jawaban ini sudah memenuhi persyaratan ?

7. Use the same table to identify the facts about anidan

saya tidak mengerti dengan pertanyaan anda

8. At The Of this chapter, ask yourself the following questions to identify how effective your learning process is

arti dari pertanyaan anda adalah ....Di bagian The Dari bab ini, tanyakan pada diri Anda pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut untuk mengidentifikasi seberapa efektif proses pembelajaran anda

9. Conditioner what we use them for Clock what we use them for Globe what we use them for Picture what we use them for Wall what we use them for Floor what we use them for

1. making hair strong and soft

2.knowing what time is it

3. simulation of Earth

4. knowing photos

5.bariering room

6. walking

10. Identify and use expressions to respond to agreement, and disagreement, and

Respond agreement :

- I agree

- Yeah, I think so I agree with you

Respond disagreement :

- Sorry, I can't catch it

- I don't think so, sorry

- I don't agree

11. identify the use of expressing hope and its response in dialogues above


here is my answer


1.Gets better soon

2.I have faith

3.Of course

I got 3 answers only sorry

12. During the early period of ocean navigation, (……….) any need for sophisticated instruments and techniques.


There was hardly.


Karena kalimat di atas menunjukkan kalau peristiwa tersebut telah terjadi.

13. tolong bantu jawab tugas ku ya? Let’s Create/Contribute Create a procedural text for people to use. You are free to use item/product of your choice but the item/product should not be overly complex or too simple. Be creative in your choice. Use the techniques for writing effective procedural text you have learnt in building blocks. You can publish it on a blog or print it and showcase it in the classroom. Use this organizer to write down the ideas for your procedural text. Procedural Writing Organizer 1. What procedure are you writing? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 2. Who is your audience? Who are these instructions/directions for? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 3. What do they need to know before following your procedure? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 4. Briefly, identify the steps you will elaborate in your final writing: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

1. I am writing how to make patties. 2 my audience is the housewives. These instructions/directions for women who love practice cook. 3. They need to know about the purpose of my presentation and the ingredients and the materials which will be needed. 4. First, beat the butter and sugar until creamy. Second, add lightly the egg and vanila. Beat them well. And then, sift the flour and salt together. Next, fold in dry ingrefients alternately with milk. Mix well. Drop heaped teaspoonfuls of mixture into well-greased patty tins or papers. Then, bake in a moderately hot oven for 10-15 minutes. Finally, cool on a wire rack and the devorate it with butter icing.

14. diantara pipet mohr, pipet serologi,pipet gondok dan buret . mana yang lebih akurat dan apa alasannya

Diantara pipet mohr, pipet serologi, pipet gondok dan buret, yang paling akurat untuk mengukur volume larutan adalah pipet gondok. Hal ini dikarenakan pada pipet gondok terdapat bagian menggembung pada bagian tengahnya yang berfungsi untuk memindahkan larutan pada volume tetap.


Pengenalan bahan kimia merupakan hal yang sangat penting untuk diketahu apabila bekerja dilingkungan laboratorium. setiap bahan kimia yang ada di labratorium memiliki sifat dan karakteristik tersendiri. Oleh karena itu produsen telah memberikan simbol pada botol untuk mengindikasian sifat bahan kimia yang ada di dalamnya. Berikut ini adalah beberapa simbol yang digunakan :

Harmful : bahan kimia dapat menyebabkan iritasi, luka bakar pada kulit, berlendir, mengganggu sistem pernafasan bila kontak dengan kulit, dihirup atau ditelan. Misal NaOH, C6H5OH, Cl2.Toxic : Bahan kimia bersifat racun,  dapat menyebabkan kematian atau sakit yang serius bila masuk ke dalam tubuh melalui pernafasan, menghirup uap, bau atau debu, atau penyerapan melalui kulit. Misal CCl4, H2S, C6H6Corrosive : Bahan kimia bersifat korosif,  dapat merusak jaringan hidup, menyebabkan iritasi pada kulit, gatal-gatal bahkan dapat menyebabkan kulit mengelupas. Misal H2SO4, HNO3, HClFlammable : Bahan kimia memiliki titik nyala rendah dan mudah menyala/terbakar dengan api bunsen, permukaan metal panas atau loncatan bunga api. Misal C2H5OC2H5, CS2, C2H2Explosive : Bahan kimia bersifat dapat meledak dengan adanya panas, percikan bunga api, guncangan atau gesekan. Misal KClO3, NH4NO3, C6H2(NO2)3CH3Oxidising : Bahan kimia bersifat pengoksidasi, dapat menyebabkan kebakaran dengan menghasilkan panas saat kontak dengan bahan organik, bahan pereduksi, dll. Misal KMnO4, H2O2, K2Cr2O7Nature Polluting : Bahan kimia bersifat berbahaya bagi satu atau beberapa komponen dalam lingkungan kehidupan. Misal AgNO3, Hg2Cl2, HgCl2Pelajari lebih lanjutAsam basa di link brainly.co.id/tugas/811152Korosi di link brainly.co.id/tugas/8547970Bahan kimia di link brainly.co.id/tugas/9979073Detail tambahan

Kelas : X SMA

Mapel : Kimia

Materi : Pendahuluan Ilmu Kimia

Kode : 10.7.1

Kata Kunci : Simbol bahan kimia, laboratorium, korosif

15. Complete the sentences !Lengkapilah kalimat-kaimat berikut!1. I use my.2. I use my3. I use my4. I use my.5. I use my6. I use my7. I use my.8. I use my9. I use my10. I use my.... for hearingfor smellingfor tasting the food.for kicking the ball.for listening music.for singing a song.for bringing the bag.for pointing somethingfor touching.for watching TV.​

Jawaban :

1. ears for hearing

2. nose for smelling

3. tongue for tasting the food

4. foot for kicking the ball

5. ears for listening music

6. mouth for singing

7. hand for bringing the bag

8. tumb for ponting something

9. finger for touching

10. eyes for watcing TV

16. what is the product effective for? tolong dong terjemahin dlm bahasa Indonesia ​


apa bagian efektif dari produknya ?


untuk apa produk itu efektif

selamat mengerjakan ya

17. Forecasts are typically more accurate for the near future than they are for the longer future. this occurs because ......

Jawaban: the near term holds less uncertainty than the long term

18. Perbedaan Use to dan Use for adalah


Penggunaan used to sebagai kata sifat memang sudah jelas dan used to selalu sementara use to tidak pernah digunakan. Jika dilihat dari contoh di atas, used to selalu diikuti oleh kata benda. “Staying” dan “sleeping” merupakan gerunds, kata-kata yang dibentuk dari kata kerja tetapi berfungsi sebagai kata benda.


semoga membantu

19. Explain principles of effective advertising for different markets!


To be able to use advertisements effectively on different markets, the advertisement must be able to describe the product in an eye-catchy way to grab the market’s attention. The choices of words used in making and advertisement is akos a critical factor, you need to make your market understand the benefits and functions of your product and how it may be different and special from the others.

20. 1. What we use globe for? 2. What we use clock for? 3. What we use whiteboard for? 4. What we use cupboard for? 5. What we use air conditioner for?

1 for see the earth 2 to know what clock it is 3 for writing 4 store book and more 5 to make the room colder

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