Selasa, 13 Desember 2022

What Was The Result Of John Overdrawing His Checking Account

What Was The Result Of John Overdrawing His Checking Account

What was the most significant result of the Marshall Plan on Politics?​

Daftar Isi

1. What was the most significant result of the Marshall Plan on Politics?​


It helped to restore the economy of western Europe. Why was the Marshall Plan beneficial to the United States as well as western Europe? European economic recovery meant that the sale of U.S. goods to European countries would increase.



Semoga bermanfaat ✌️

Bantu follow ya

2. What is the text about ?what happened on 6th of augustan 9th of august 1945?what was the background of theevents? what was the result of the events? how significant is the date of 2nd of september 1945​


Tentang apa teks tersebut ? apa yang terjadi pada tanggal 6 agustus 9 agustus 1945? apa yang melatarbelakangi kejadian tersebut? apa hasil dari kejadian tersebut? Betapa pentingnya tanggal 2 september 1945


hari pahlawan, bener gak sih? mon maap kalo salah :'(

3. what do you call a kind of cheque that is no amount of money in checking account?​


Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) which is the technical term for what's known as a “bounced check.”


maaf jika salah..

4. what is the result of ...?

= 2^(2^(2^1))
= 2^(2^2)
= 2^4
= 16

5. 1. What is the text about?What happened on 6 August and 9 August3. What was the background of the event4. What was the result of the events?5. How significant is the date of 2 September​

1. Tentang apakah naskah tersebut?

2. Apa yang terjadi pada 6 Agustus dan 9 Agustus

3. Apa latar belakang acara tersebut

4. Apa hasil dari acara tersebut?

5. Seberapa signifikan tanggal 2 September

6. What is the definition of Savings account?


A savings account is an account provided by a bank for individuals to save money and earn interest on the cash held in the account. A savings account can be used to save money for specific expenses or for longer-term undefined goals, all while earning interest on the money in the account.

7. 2. “Yes, I am very happy with my job.”What does the sentence express? *a. John is proud of his jobb. John does not like his jobc. John does not have a jobd. John is bored of his job​


a. John is proud of his job




8. what is the meaning of account on me?​


apa arti akun pada saya?


kalau saya cuman bisa segitu aja kak terima kasih maaf ya kalau salah


akun pada saya?

semoga membantu

9. What are the expression of checking understanding ? ( Tulis dgn artinya )​


jawab:Checking for understanding is an expression or expression used to find out how deeply someone understands an explanation given. To find out someone's understanding using questions (asking)


Apa ekspresi memeriksa pemahaman?

jawab:Checking for understanding adalah ekspresi atau ungkapan yang digunakan untuk mengetahui sedalam mana seseorang memahami sebuah penjelasan yang diberikan. Untuk mengetahui pemahaman seseorang menggunakan pertanyaan (asking).


apa ekspresi memeriksa pemahaman

semoga membantu ya tolong ikuti aku dong

10. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) .......... Came about as a result of the National Security Act of 1947. a. What b. It was c. Was what d. It was what








it was

11. What the purpose of checking for understanding? Jawab dalam b.inggris ya

To check if someone understand our meaning or not
Untuk memeriksa apakah seseorang paham apa yang kita maksud atau tidak
To check/to make sure if someone understood or not what are we talking about. [Untuk mengecek/memastikan apakah orang mengerti atau tidak apa yang sedang kita bicarakan.]

12. Mr Rahim had the same amount of money in his three bank accounts at first.He deposited $44 into Account B and $80 into Account C. In the end, the ratio ofthe amount of money in Account A to the amount of money in Account C was 2:7.How much money was there in Account B in the end?​


account B = 2x + 44 = 32 + 44 = $76

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

7x-2x = 5x

5x = $80

x = 80/5 = 16

account A = 2x = 2 x 16 = $32

account B = 2x + 44 = 32 + 44 = $76

account C = 2x + 80 = 32 + 80 = $112

13. What The result of 65x11=



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

maaf kalau salah

14. what is the result of breathing?

the result of breathing are co2 or we called carbondioksida dan h20carbondioxide CO2 and H20

15. Mr. Wang met with heavy traffic on the expressway. As a result, the speed of his car was reduced by 20%. what was the percentage increase in time taken for his journey? a. 10% b. 15% c. 20% d. 25% e. none of the above


D. 25%

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

waktu = Jarak : kecepatan


Jarak = 100 m,

Kecepatan awal 100 m/s

waktu awal = 1s

Kecepatan akhir turun 20% = 80 m/s

waktu akhir = 100/80 = 5/4 = 1¼

waktu akhir naik ¼ jam dari waktu awal = 25%

16. JOHN SNOWYohnsow was born in 1813 in Yorkand and was the eldest of nineihren, when he was fourteen, hestate working Yor a surgeon and wenton to study medicineIn 1855, a lot of people started inan area of London of the kness chocaand John Snow went there to study wwas happened. He discovered that thepeople who had died were drinking thesame waterBefore this study, no one knew howpeople got the illness. The result of hisstudy was important because theyexplained how the illness spread and alsohelped to start the science of publichealthcatscatsed1. What kind of text is it?2. What is the topic of the text?usand3. How old was John Snow?usand4. Where was John Snow born?5. Who was John Snow?​


yi18o9eiizue47926r729c7itj72iid0n ky97dicb2ok

17. What does the dialogue talk about?Habib asked to his friends about the result of speech competition.b. Adam asked to Habib about the result of speech competition.Habib asked to Adam about the result of speech competition.d. Adam asked to his friends about the result of speech competition.​


English gak jelas banget

18. what is the meaning of checking for underst anding?​


Checking for Understanding (CFU) is the backbone of effective instruction. Checking for Understanding is the teacher continually verifying that students are learning what is being taught while it is being taught.

19. 1. What is the text about? 2. What happened on 6th of August and 9th of August 194! 3. What was the background of the events? 4. What was the result of the events? 5. How significant is the date of 2nd of September 1945?


where the text?

how can i answer it without the text?



20. 1. What is the text about? 2. What happened on 6th of August and 9th of August 194! 3. What was the background of the events? 4. What was the result of the events? 5. How significant is the date of 2nd of September 1945?


1.tentang apa teksnya? 2.apa yang terjadi pada 6 Agustus dan 9 Agustus 194! 3.apa latar belakang acara tersebut? 4.apa hasil dari acara? 5.seberapa pentingkah tanggal September 1945?

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