Kamis, 29 Desember 2022

Which Of The Following Is Not An Identity

Which Of The Following Is Not An Identity

This document contains the identity of family members.this is a/an​

Daftar Isi

1. This document contains the identity of family members.this is a/an​


Dokumen ini berisi identitas anggota keluarga. Ini adalah a / an


2. What is the meaning of self-identity?

mungkin jawabannya Identitas Diriidentitas diri kalo gak salah

3. what is the meaning of self-identity

self identity is how you identify yourself.
do you see yourself as male, female, genderless, genderfluid, an apache helicopter? cis, homo, asexual, pansexual, etc?

4. Write your advice of the followingproblems using 'should+present forma. I lost my identity cardb. My body is overweight​


a. you should have report it to the police in the present

b. you should go to the gym in the present

mohon maaf kalo salah

download aja buku guru

6. what is definition of self identity?


self identity is the identity of someone, such as age, marital status, adress, etc


self identity is defined as an integrated assessment of an individual on his own image as a unique person, which differentiates himself from others.


self identity didefinisikan sebagai sebuah penilaian terintegrasi seorang individu terhadap citra dirinya sendiri sebagai seseorang yang unik, yang membedakan dirinya dengan orang lain.

7. what is definition of identity card?​


Identity card is a card that let people who see it knows who you are


Identity card = kartu identitas

Semoga membantu

8. Activity 16Complete the following statements based on the text in Activity 15.1. The purpose of the text is2. The news is about3. The identity of the victim is4. The location of the incident is5. The incident occured on6. The incident happened because7. Such accident was not the first because8. The attraction is named "The Flight of The Gibbons" because9. The "Sky Rangers" are10. The responsibility of this accident is fully taken by.bantu jawab kak​


2. News is information about current events. This may be provided through many different media: word of mouth, printing, postal systems, broadcasting, electronic communication, or through the testimony of observers and witnesses to events. ... The genre of news as we know it today is closely associated with the newspaper.

3. A person with a victim identity is someone who has identified with whatever crises, traumas, illnesses or other difficulties have occurred in their lives, particularly those that began very early in life.


maaf kak. akau hanya bisa menjawab nomor 2 dan 3

9. identity the structure of the text rainbow​


identitas struktur pelangi teks

10. The following are the meanings of the verb to beShowing an existencee.g. there is a monkey insideshowing a locatione.g. I am at school nowshowing an identitye.g. They are my sistershowing a qualitye.g. he is hand some​










Berikut ini adalah arti dari kata kerja to be

Menunjukkan keberadaan

misalnya ada monyet di dalam

menunjukkan lokasi

misalnya Saya di sekolah sekarang

menunjukkan identitas

misalnya Mereka adalah saudara perempuanku

menunjukkan kualitas

misalnya dia memberikan beberapa


semoga membantu

11. What is the function of identity form


itu artinya ya kak


maaf kurang paham soalnya

12. what is characteristic of identity card?

in identity card,they are a name and a photo of human,V^:in identity card,they are a name and a photo of human.
Thank you for a poin!

13. what is the social function of asking information about self-identity?

apa fungsi sosial meminta informasi tentang identitas diri

kkalau kamu nanya ati nya jawaaban nya yang diatasSocial for meeting nice interaction with people

14. by using an appropriate identity, find the value of 4 x 247

4 x 247 = 988

So the answer is 988


The answer is attached to the picture.


4 × 247 = 988

So, the value of 4 × 247 is 988

answer by : Kellx


15. please write an describe of your identity,loot at the examples abovejawab​


for example

my Name is Nayla

iam from makasar

iam 16 years old

my favorit colour is black

and bla bla bla


maksud pertanyaan tersebut adalah meminta kamu untuk mendeskripsikan diri kamu dalam bahasa Inggris. mulai dari nama, alamat, kelas, makanan kesukaan,umur dan lain lain

16. Explain what is the meaning of telling self identity

memperkenalkan identitas sendiri




Identitas diri adalah proses menjadi seorang individu yang unik dengan peran yang penting dalam hidup, suatu kesadaran akan kesatuan dan kesinambungan pribadi, serta keyakinan yang relatif stabil sepanjang rentang kehidupan,dan merupakan pengorganisasian dorongan-dorongan.

17. What is the name of the owner of students identity card ?


Student Card

Basic English

18. make 20 qestion about •my personal identity •the identity of family members •the people


•My Personal Identity:
- What's your name?
-How old are you?
-Where are you from?
-Where do you live?
- When Was you born?
-Where was you born?
- who is your Idol?

• The Identity of family Members:
-What is your father name's?
-Do you have a sister?
-Do you have a brother?
-How many Cousin have you got?
-What is your Father job's?
-What is you brother name's?

•The people:
- How do they looks like?
-Have you got blond hair?
-how do you looks like?
-what is they're hobby?
- How old is he?
- Are they have got a Flat nose?
- Can you describe your mother?
-is he a basketball player?

That is

•My Personal Identity: 
- What's your name?
- How old are you?
- Where are you from?
- Where do you live?
- When were you born? 
- Where were you born?
- Who is your idol?

• The Identity of family Members:
- What is your father's name?
- Do you have a sister?
- Do you have a brother?
- How many cousins have you got?
- What is your father's job?
- What is your brother's name?

•The people: 
- How do they look like?
- Have you got blond hair?
- How do you look like? 
- What is their hobby?
- How old is your brother?
- Do they have flat nose? 
- Can you describe your mother?
- Is he a basketball player? 

Cuma ngebenerin yang penjawab sebelumnya udah jawab, kok. Credits to the replier.

19. 4. Complete the following table of identity!Hello... is WidyTam of Mts DarulHasanah1... in WonomulyoMy ... is reading bookMy favorite ... is blueMy favorite ... is friedriceNice to see you​

My name

I live

Semoga membantu

20. what is definition of self identity


Self-identity refers to a person's self-conception, self-referent cognitions, or self-definition that people apply to themselves as a consequence of the structural role positions he or she occupies or a particular behavior he or she engages in regularly.


y'all need jesus

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