Senin, 30 Januari 2023

1 4 10 Practice Spoken Assignment

1 4 10 Practice Spoken Assignment

tolong guys 1-10 practice 4 makasih!!!

1. tolong guys 1-10 practice 4 makasih!!!

1. has not finished
2. have worked
3. have loaded
4. have finded
5. has did
6. have getted
7. have edited
8. has teached
9. have landed
10. does, has received

2. practice 4 kelas 10 ​


1) is giving

2) travels

3) stays

4) is having

5) is drinking

6) is reading

7) plays

8) practices

9) goes

10) gets up

11) gets

12) wears

sorry ya kalau salah

3. bantu practice 1, dari no.1 sampai 10​


1. calcium

2. depends

3. source

4. consume

5. details

6. relieve

7. lotion

8. drowsiness

9. reach

10. broken


Practice 1

1. Calcium

2. Depends

3. Source

4. Consume

5. Details

6. Relieve

7. Lotion

8. Drowsiness

9. Reach

10. Broken


4. Tolong bantu mengartikan practice 4 dan 5.yang practice 4 artikan practice 5 jika mengartikannya false.tolong diartikan kebenarannya.Makasih


Soalnya tidak Ada?


ini Soalnya Mana ya?

5. Tolong dong practice 10

1.kbo iwo
2.all thouses
3.the Balinese
4.great anger
5.people of Balinese
6.kbo iwo
7.the water

6. tolong di jawab yak yang assignment 9 dan 10​


Assignment 9

3. 8th of May

4. 19th of April

5. 12th of March

6. 2nd of January

7. 17th of December

8. 31st of July

9. 11th of August

10. 13th of November

11. 3th of February

12. 5th of June

Assignment 10

1. Tiur and Eko are talking

2. The conversation is about Scout day

3. Scout day falls on the 14th of August

4. Yes, there is another commemoration in the same week as Scout day

5. It is Independence day

7. 4. spoken / must / English / be / here.​


must be spoken english here



8. bantu practice 3, no.1-10 yak​


1. was washed

2. were distributed

3. was bought

4. were brought

5. was sent

6. was written

7. was built

8. was watched

9. was helped

10. was found

9. kk, tolong bantu yang nomor 1-5 assignment 4​


1. Hotter

2. Younger

3. Bigger

4. Taller

5. Longer

maaf kalo salah yaa

10. kk, tolong bantu nmor 1-5 yang assignment 4​


1. Smaller

2. Younger

3. Thicker

4. Taller

5. Bigger

11. kk, tolong bantu nmor 1-5 yang assignment 4​


1. Hotter

2. Younger

3. Bigger

4. Taller

5. Longer

12. bantu practice 3, no.1-10 makasih :)​

1. Has destroyed (The storm itu singular, makanya pakai 'has')

2. Have seen

3. Have drunk

4. Has hurt (V1 = Hurt, V3 = Hurt)

5. Has fallen

6. Have gone (Subject nya itu "Her friends" lebih dari satu, makanya pakai Have)

7. Has had (V1 = Have, V3 = Had)

8. Have lost

9. Have bought

10. Has done.

Present Perfect Tense adalah bentuk kata kerja yang menyatakan situasi atau perbuatan yang bermula di waktu lampau dan berhubungan dengan waktu sekarang.


13. practice math tolong dijawab practice 1 sama practice 2​


Pratice 1

1. 13+(8+6)=(13+8)+6=27

2. (26+(-8))+12=26+((-8)+12=30

3. 75+((-110+24)=75+(-86)=-11

4. 9(12.5)=(9.12)5=540

5. (17.(-5))4=17((-5).4)=-340

Pratice 2

6. 12(3+6)=(12.3)+(12.6)=36+72+108

7. 25((-5)+3)=(25.(-5))+(25.3)=-125+75=-50

8. 8(9+(-2))=(8.9)+(8.(-2))=72+(-16)=46

9. 60(5-2)=(60.5)-(60.2)=300-120=180

10. 75((-2)-6)=(75.(-2))-(75.6)=-150-170= -330

semoga membantu, dan maaf klo salah


Pratice 1 :

1. 13 + ( 8 + 6 ) = (13+8)+6=27

2. ( 26 + (-8) ) + 12 = 26 + ( -8 + 12 ) = 30

3. 75 + ( (-110 ) + 24 ) = ( 75 + (-86)) = -11

4. 9 × ( 12 × 5 ) = ( 9 × 12 ) × 5 = 108 × 5 = 540

5. ( 17 × (-5)) × 4 = 17 × ( (-5) × 4) = 17 × (-20) =-340

Pratice 2 :

1. 12 × ( 3 + 6 ) = ( 12 × 3 ) + ( 12 × 6 ) = 108

2. 25 × ((-5) + 3 ) = ( 25 × (-5)) + ( 25 × 3 ) = -50

3. 8 × ( 9 + (-2)) = ( 8 × 9 ) + ( 8 × (-2)) = 56

4. 60 × ( 5 - 2 ) = ( 60 × 5 ) - ( 60 × 2 ) = 180

5. 75 × ( -20 - 6 ) = ( 75 × (-20)) - ( 75 × 6 ) = -1.950


14. tolong jawab yang nomer 1 sampai 7 practice 4

Sorry jawab asal asal, mungkin ada yang benar

15. practice 3 dan practice 4tolong bantu kak​


1. i should have passed the exam

2. should accept

3. should have came

4. should have followed

5. should have checked

practice 4

2. daddy should not be going over the speed limit

3. my friend should come to my house at 8.00am

4. i should not eat spicy meatballs yesterday

5. i should not think about all my paperwork

6. my friends should not have talked about their personal life.

please mark as brainliest mks

16. kerjakan practice 4 &practice 5.practice 6 nya gak usah ya

practice 4
1. pilot
2. electrician
3. photographer
4. driver
5. receptionist
6. flight attendant
7. carpenter
8. tailor

practice 5 tolong diketik soalnya di komen atau difoto yang lebih jelas terus dipost lagi di soal baru
semoga membantu :)

17. Answer of practice 4 answer following questions based on the text in practice 1

Choice C is the best answer. In lines 10-13, the narrator explains that “the machinery of [his] destiny has worked in secret” to prepare him for this journey, as “its clockwork” has propelled him to “this time and place.” By using the phrases “the machinery” and “its clockwork,” the narrator is show- ing that powerful and independent forces are causing him to journey to the North Pole.
Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because they do not indicate the main purpose of lines 10-13. While lines 10-13 mention that these powerful and independent forces have been working “for years, for a lifetime” to convince the narrator to journey to the North Pole, they do not expose a hidden side of the narrator, demonstrate the narrator’s manner, or explain the amount of time the narrator has spent preparing for his expedition.

Maaf ya kalau salah Semoga membantu

18. 1. spoken text adalah 2. visual text adalah

spoken teks adalah penyusun kalimat
visual teks adalahcara propesormenulis kalimat dengan carabiasa atau mengartikan sendiri

19. english.... in AustraliaA. Is spokenB. are spokenC. was spokenD. were spoken​

A. is spoken..................

20. assignment 1 ...........​

itu sepertinya diperintah untuk menunjukkan jalan,jadi diberi arahan/jalur sesuai yang dikatakan pada soal

Straight: lurus (hingga sampai kartini street)

Right. : kanan

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