Selasa, 03 Januari 2023

7 4 Code Practice: Question 1

7 4 Code Practice: Question 1

tolong jawab yang nomer 1 sampai 7 practice 4

1. tolong jawab yang nomer 1 sampai 7 practice 4

Sorry jawab asal asal, mungkin ada yang benar

2. mandiri kelas 7 b.inggris hal 34practice 1 dan practice 2​


1. books

2. butterflies

3. glasses

4 knives

5. boys

6. students

7. babies

8. cars

9 Errasers

10. apples

11. Umbrellas

12. envlopes

13. foxes

14. houses

15. policemans

16. fishes


18. beaches

19. shelfs

20 flies

3. bantu practice 7, dari no.1-7 makasihh​


1. A. learning

2.B.Is sleeping

4.A. is rolling


6. D. Was beating

7.B. Did-laugh


1. A. learning

2. B. Is sleeping

3. B. Gives

4. A. Is rolling

5. C. Let's

6. D. Was beating

7. B. Did-laugh


mohon dijadikan jawaban yg terbaik ya kak/dek ^^

4. tolong kerjakan practice 6 dan practice 7

practice 6:

5. Bahasa ingris practice 7 kelas 7​


practice itu artinya latihan. terus soalnya apa?? .....

6. practice 3 dan practice 4tolong bantu kak​


1. i should have passed the exam

2. should accept

3. should have came

4. should have followed

5. should have checked

practice 4

2. daddy should not be going over the speed limit

3. my friend should come to my house at 8.00am

4. i should not eat spicy meatballs yesterday

5. i should not think about all my paperwork

6. my friends should not have talked about their personal life.

please mark as brainliest mks

7. tolong bantu practice 7 ?

Sepertinya text-nya seperti ini:

I saw a honor film at Galaxy cinema last night. It was “Pulau Hantu” playing on. I read the poster on newspaper yesterday. It made me curious to see the film.
I went to the cinema alone. I went there by a bicycle. I was 8.00 when I arrived there. There had been many people queuing up to get the tickets.
I came into the cinema soon after I got my ticket. I had my seat on the forefront. And at 8.30 the movie was played on.

After the movie was over, I left the cinema quickly. My watch showed 11.30 pm as I got on my bicycle. I pedaled hard on my bicycle and was soon speeding home. My thought went back to the movie I had just seen. It was a scary story. I could remember clearly a woman screaming as she was being attached by a ghost. Somehow that frightful scene stayed in my mind. And I could not forget it.
The road was dark and quiet. I had to pass a graveyard on the way home. As I approached the graveyard. I heard some sounds behind me. I was frightened and began to cycle faster. The sound came nearer and nearer. Then I heard a familiar voice calling me. I looked back and saw Hadi, my classmate. He had also seen the movie and was frightened too. He had cycled after me so that she would not be alone. Both of us laughed out loud over our behavior.We went home together. We pedaled our bicycle calmly. We both went not scared any more.

1. what time did the writer watch the movie?
⇒ the writer watched the movie at eight o'clock.

2. what kind of movie did the writer watch?
⇒the writer wated horror movie.

3. why did the writer begin to cycle faster?
⇒ because the writer heard some sounds behind him.

4. why did Hadi cycle after the writer?
⇒ because he had also seen the movie and was frightened too, so that he would not be alone

8. Practice 7 Nomor 1 sampai 5 besok dikumpul

1. Make Moster with Bright Eyes
2. yes, I can because all of the materials are available
3. there are 5 step
4. cut, knife, mistar and scotch tape
5. - cut the card
- connect the loose
- turn the monster face
- tape the bulbs
- attach a wire.

9. Practice 7 Practice 1 tolong jawab in jgn ngasal... Maaf huruf nya kurang jls

coba di foto ulang dengan pencahayaan yg terang trims.....

10. practice math tolong dijawab practice 1 sama practice 2​


Pratice 1

1. 13+(8+6)=(13+8)+6=27

2. (26+(-8))+12=26+((-8)+12=30

3. 75+((-110+24)=75+(-86)=-11

4. 9(12.5)=(9.12)5=540

5. (17.(-5))4=17((-5).4)=-340

Pratice 2

6. 12(3+6)=(12.3)+(12.6)=36+72+108

7. 25((-5)+3)=(25.(-5))+(25.3)=-125+75=-50

8. 8(9+(-2))=(8.9)+(8.(-2))=72+(-16)=46

9. 60(5-2)=(60.5)-(60.2)=300-120=180

10. 75((-2)-6)=(75.(-2))-(75.6)=-150-170= -330

semoga membantu, dan maaf klo salah


Pratice 1 :

1. 13 + ( 8 + 6 ) = (13+8)+6=27

2. ( 26 + (-8) ) + 12 = 26 + ( -8 + 12 ) = 30

3. 75 + ( (-110 ) + 24 ) = ( 75 + (-86)) = -11

4. 9 × ( 12 × 5 ) = ( 9 × 12 ) × 5 = 108 × 5 = 540

5. ( 17 × (-5)) × 4 = 17 × ( (-5) × 4) = 17 × (-20) =-340

Pratice 2 :

1. 12 × ( 3 + 6 ) = ( 12 × 3 ) + ( 12 × 6 ) = 108

2. 25 × ((-5) + 3 ) = ( 25 × (-5)) + ( 25 × 3 ) = -50

3. 8 × ( 9 + (-2)) = ( 8 × 9 ) + ( 8 × (-2)) = 56

4. 60 × ( 5 - 2 ) = ( 60 × 5 ) - ( 60 × 2 ) = 180

5. 75 × ( -20 - 6 ) = ( 75 × (-20)) - ( 75 × 6 ) = -1.950


11. Please answer the questionYang practice 5 tolong ya bsk kumpul..... Makasih

1. were waiting, arrived
2. was swimming, saw
3. were, playing, started
4. cryed, was hearing
5. was raining, got up

12. Tolong di jawab practice 7


maaf ka bukan apa² .Tapi kalau bisa tambahin fotonya jdi orng tau hrs jwb gmn,atau gk di ketik pertanyaan nya,terima kasih☺️.

13. question word practice : Tom's father has captured two criminals in the hiding placejadikan question word​


(+) Tom's father has captured two criminals in the hiding place.

(?) Has Tom's father capture the two criminals in the hiding place?


Semoga membantu

14. Answer of practice 4 answer following questions based on the text in practice 1

Choice C is the best answer. In lines 10-13, the narrator explains that “the machinery of [his] destiny has worked in secret” to prepare him for this journey, as “its clockwork” has propelled him to “this time and place.” By using the phrases “the machinery” and “its clockwork,” the narrator is show- ing that powerful and independent forces are causing him to journey to the North Pole.
Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because they do not indicate the main purpose of lines 10-13. While lines 10-13 mention that these powerful and independent forces have been working “for years, for a lifetime” to convince the narrator to journey to the North Pole, they do not expose a hidden side of the narrator, demonstrate the narrator’s manner, or explain the amount of time the narrator has spent preparing for his expedition.

Maaf ya kalau salah Semoga membantu

15. task 2 speaking practice the following dialogue and answer the question

where is the questions?

16. Bahasa ingris practice 7 kelas 7

maksudnya apa toh yang jelas dong

17. bahasa English SPEAKING practice the dialogue below qnd answer the question​


ah males gw


jadi babi merupakan hewan yang melata dan dapat merayap di pohon pohon. mereka memiliki mata tiga dan kaki 24. mereka bisa bernafas menggunakan ekor. mereka memiliki 6/2 otak. mereka sangat hebat. wow

18. task 1 practice the following dialogue and answer the question! tolong di bantu

1.) Sherly and Jojo.

2.) By greeting/telling him (?)

4.) Yes, she does (?)

5.) Because she can’t play any instruments.

Maaf cuma tahu ini saja...

19. yang practice 7, tolong yaaaa​

1. I went to the beach, but I don't go to the lake.
2. We watched a horror film, but we don't watch an action movie.
3. Amora visited the museum, but she didn't visit the zoo.
4. Andre spoke to Yudi, but Andri didn't spoke to Anita.

20. Tolong bantu mengartikan practice 4 dan 5.yang practice 4 artikan practice 5 jika mengartikannya false.tolong diartikan kebenarannya.Makasih


Soalnya tidak Ada?


ini Soalnya Mana ya?

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