Sabtu, 14 Januari 2023

An Event A Will Occur With Probability 0 5

An Event A Will Occur With Probability 0 5

If ln (odds) .... of an event is 0, what is the probability of that event.

Daftar Isi

1. If ln (odds) .... of an event is 0, what is the probability of that event.


Several times, or will happen often


maap nih kalo salah

2. How would you go about attempting to come up with the probability of a ""super-event"" or the probability of a ""unique event ?


Bagaimana Anda mencoba menemukan probabilitas "" peristiwa super "" atau kemungkinan "peristiwa unik"?


maaf cuman bisa ngasih artinya saja

3. why did the rengasdengklok event occur?​

because golongan tua n golongan muda have different opinion

4. Tolong di jawab1.who gives the announcement?=> can the participant join with his event?=>3.who is the announcement given?=>4.where will the event be held?=>5.-when will celebrate - indonesian's Independed Day done?=> -when will the event he started?=> -when will the event he ended?=>

1.m. jacky h.
3.for all students junior high school 7 jakarta
4.hall of junior high school 7 jakarta
6.13 february 2013 , 07.00
7.after finish
maaf y banyak gak tau dan klo ada slh

5. make an annoucement about an event that will be held at your school!​



The marble-on-spoon race is on

Tuesday at 9 o'clock.

Please register with Miss Atiek

6. how will the learning process occur ​


bagaimana proses pembelajaran akan terjadi


sorry if wrong:)

7. Why did the rengasdengklok event occur?

Mengapa rengasdengklok acara yang terjadi?

8. natural disaster frequently ... i many parts in india a. occur b. occured c. occurs d. will occur ini pertanyaan penggunaan apa ya?

past tense 
aku rasa jawabannya B

9. 3. If gasoline vapor will occur. With air, combustion A. Mixed B. Had mixed C. Mixes D. Mixture.


B. Had mixed


jika penguapan gas terjadi, dengan udara, pembakaran yg telah tercampur (B)

10. An iniviatio card should provide information about the name of the .......when the event will be held when the event will take place


An invitation card should provide information about the name of the Place when the event will be held,when the event will take place.

Sekolah kamu akan mengadakan acara terkait masalah pemanasan global. Tetapi sebelum acara berhenti sebagai ketua organisasi siswa, kamu ingin melakukan pertemuan dengan semua anggota organisasi siswa untuk persiapan terakhir untuk acara tersebut. Membuat pengumuman yang memberitahukan bahwa pertemuan akan diadakan pada hari Senin, 16 Januari 2012 setelah sekolah.

12. The probability of drawing a green ball in an experiment is 3/8. What is the probability of not drawing a green ball?​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:



semoag membantu!

13. Finding the Probability of an Event The state vehicle inspection bureau provided the following information on the percentage of cars that fail an annual vehicle inspection due to having faulty lights: 15% of all cars have one faulty light, 10% have two faulty lights, and 5% have three or more faulty lights. a. What is the probability that a randomly selected car will have no faulty lights? b. What is the probability that a randomly selected car will have at most one faulty light? c. What is the probability that a randomly selected car will fail an inspection due to a faulty light?


1. [tex]P(X)=1\\P(X)=P(A)+P(B)+P(C)+P(D)=1[/tex]

when D = all cars have no faulty light so :

[tex]1 = 0.15+0.1+0.05+P(D)\\P(D)=1-0.15-0.1-0.05\\=0.7[/tex]

The probability that a randomly selected car will have no faulty lights is 70%

2. When at most one faulty lights :

the cars will get one faulty light or no one so the probabilities are:


The probability that a randomly selected car will have at most one faulty lights is 85%

3.Total fail inspection is :


The probability that a randomly selected car will fail an inspection due to a faulty light is 30%

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Probability is 100% if that's true or 0% if that's false so in this case, there are 3 probabilities, first one 0,15 when all cars have one faulty light, second one 0,1 when all cars have two faulty light, third one 0,05% when all cars have three ore more faulty light.

denote that :

all cars have one faulty light = A

all cars have two faulty light = B

all cars have three faulty light = C

14. Select the correct interpretation of the probability of getting an 11 when a pair of dice is rolled. Interpret an event as significant if its probability is less than or equal to 0.05.




We are considering that we have 2 dices with 6 faces each (so, the probability to gettig any face in any dish is 1/6). To get an 11, we only have two ways to obtain it:

Dice 1= 6 and Dice 2 =5


Dice 1= 5 and Dice 2 =6

So, the probability of the event is given as:

P(Dice1=5 ∧ Dice2=6) ∪ P(Dice1=6 ∧ Dice2=5) = P(Dice1=5) x P(Dice2=6) + P(Dice1=6) x P(Dice2=5) = 1/6 x 1/6 + 1/6 x 1/6 = 1/36 + 1/36 = 2/36 = 1/18.

As 1/18 = 0,055, and 0,055 > 0,05

15. John is playing a chess game against Peter. If the probability that John will win is 4/7 and the probability that Peter will win is 1/7 , find the probability that the chess game will end in a draw.

John probability + Peter probability

= 4/7 + 1/7 = 5/7

Draw probability

= 7/7 - 5/7 = 2/7

So the probability that the chess will end in a draw is 2/7

16. An airline sells T tickets for a flight with S seats, where T > S. Passengers turn up for the flight independently, and the probability that a passenger with a ticket will turn up for a flight is pt. The pilot is eccentric, and will fly only if precisely E passengers turn up, where E < S. Write an expression for the probability the pilot will fly.​



17. 3. If gasoline vapor will occur. with air, combustion A. Mixed B. had mixed C. mixes D. Mixture

C. Mixes

Hope this helps!

18. The numbers 1 to 50 are in a hat. If the probability of drawing an even number is 25/50, what is the probability of NOT drawing an even number? Express this probability as a fraction.

Jawab:Angka 1 sampai 50 ada di topi. Jika peluang terambilnya bilangan genap adalah 25/50, berapa peluang terambilnya bilangan genap? Nyatakan peluang ini sebagai pecahan.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Ini arti bahasa inggris ke bahasa indonesia.... Jadikan jawaban yang terbaik!



The numbers 1 to 50 are in a hat. If the probability of drawing an even number is 25/50, what is the probability of NOT drawing an even number? Express this probability as a fraction.



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19. if an invitation mentions "a venue", what does it mean?A. The time when event will be heldB. The place where an event will be heldC. The date when an event will be heldD. The person who Invites us

Venue artinya tempat

Maka jawaban yng paling tepat adalah
B. The place where an event will be held
Jawabannya maaf kalo slah ya mksh

20. The probability that it will rain on any day is 1/5. Calculate an estimate of the number of days it will rain in a month with 30 days


6 days

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Probability = 1/5

Number of days = 30

30 x 1/5 = 30/5 = 6 Days

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