Sabtu, 28 Januari 2023

Becky Has 30 T Shirts In A Drawer

Becky Has 30 T Shirts In A Drawer

we has ....... of paper in the drawer

Daftar Isi

1. we has ....... of paper in the drawer

He has found .......We have / He has a lot of paper in the drawer ( kita memiliki banyak kertas di lemari )

sedikit ralat, untuk kata "We" pasangan nya adalah "Have". Kalau "Has" itu pasangannya "She","He","It"

sorry kalau salah, karena kalimat masih kurang jelas :)

2. 4/7 of the T-shirts in a crate are in size S. The rest are in size M and size L. The ratio of the number of T-shirts in size M to the number of T-shirts in size L is 2: 3. There are 48 more T-shirts in size L than in size M. Find the aumber of T-shirts in size S.

The number of T-shirts in size S

[tex]size \: s \div size \: m \div size \: l \\ ( \frac{4 \times 5}{35}) \div \frac{(35 - 4 \times 5) \times (\frac{2}{2 + 3} )}{35} \div \frac{(35 - 4 \times 5) \times ( \frac{3}{2 + 3} )}{35} \\ \\( \frac{20}{35} ) \div( \frac{6}{35}) \div ( \frac{9}{35} ) \\ \\ ( \frac{20}{9 - 6} ) \times 48 \: T-shirts \\ \\ \frac{20}{3} \times 48 \: T-shirts = 320 \: T-shirts[/tex]

3. Apa suara pasif dari : Chika has ordered 3 t-shirts

3 t shirst has been ordered by chika

4. Ap arti in the drawer

artinya adalah
di dalam laci

5. There (------) a wallet in the drawer.(+) *Jawaban Anda​


(+) There is a wallet in the drawer

6. recording the sentence adding " there is,there are,there isn't, there aren't ." 1. purple sweater - a - the dresser - in -drawer2. T Shirts - Some - Floor -on3. Thungs - some - the bed​

1. a purple sweater in the dresser drawer

2. t shirts on floor some

3. some thungs the bad

penjelasan : maap kalo salah,semoga membantu

7. my father has....old cassettes in his drawer

Jawabannya Adalah .. AN

8. Ali ingin membeli sebuah t-shirts seharga Rp 150.000 setelah dikenai diskon 20% maka Ali harus membayar t-shirts tersebut sebesar..

20℅ = 20/100 × 150000
= 30000

150000-30000=Rp. 120000

jadi, Ali harus membayar t-shirts dengan harga 120000Diketahui
Harga T-Shirt = Rp150.000
Diskon/Potongan Harga = 20%

Berarti Ali harus membayar = 100%-20% = 80%
80%x150.000 = 80/100x150.000 = Rp120.000

Jadi Ali harus membayar sebesar Rp120.000
Semoga membantu:)

9. 1.has-his-in-room a calender-my school-is3. drawer-exercise books-many-have-your-in-you​

1. My brother has a calender in his room.

2. My school is in the city.

3. You have many exercise books in your drawer.

Semoga membantu, kak! ^^



10. apa arti Indonesia mr.gani wants a white T-shirts

Tuan Gani menginginkan kaos putihTuan Gani menginginkan kaos putih.

Semoga Membantu⛅
Jadikan Yang Terbaik✌

11. I have four new T-shirts​


Aku punya 4 baju baru


Itu dalam bahasa indonesia


aku mempunyai 4 (empat) kaos baru

12. +this shop sells T-shirts-?

- This shop does'nt sell T-Shirt
? Does this shop sell T-Shirt ?

13. the badminton club in a school spent $681 to buy 50 t-shirts and shorts for each members. Each t shirt cost $12 and each pairs of shorts cost $15. how many t shirts did the club buy?


Tshirt: 25×12$

answer: 25

14. b.inggris ka recording the sentence adding " there is,there are,there isn't, there aren't ." 1. purple sweater - a - the dresser - in -drawer 2. T Shirts - Some - Floor -on 3. Things - some - the bed​ ​


1. There is a purple sweater in the dresser drawer

2. There are some t-shirts on the floor

3. There are some things on the bed


Semoga membantu

15. my father has......old cassettes in his drawer

Jawaban Di Titik Titiknya Adalah ANmy father has ...... old cassettes in his drawer (logisnya sih "many" karena ada akhiran "es" stelah kata cassetes yg berarti banyak)

16. Please fill in the blanks with have or has! 1. Aisyah _______ a skirt 2. Ali and Ahmad ________ t-shirts. 3. You ______ trousers. 4. Ahmad _____ shoes. 5. We ________ socks.


1. has

2. have

3. have

4. has

5. have

semoga membantu


1. has

2. have

3. have

4. has

5. have


I, you, we, they = have

he, she, it = has

17. Fajar has ____ erasers in the drawer A.Few B.Any C.Some D.Much

Fajar has (c) some erasers in the drawerFajar has some erasers in the drawer.
artinya : Fajar memiliki beberapa penghapus di dalam laci.

18. Choose the correct sentence for the picture. *a.Both T-shirts are the same size, but they are in different colors.b.Both T-shirts are in the same color and size.c.both T-shirts are in the same color​


a. both T-shirts are the same size, but they are in different colors


kaos kanan warna ungu, kaos kiri warna merah jadi warnanya beda.


a. Both T-shirts are the same size, but they are in different colors.


Arti : a. Kedua kaos memiliki ukuran yang sama, namun memiliki warna yang berbeda.

19. There are 5 pairs of different colours of socks in a drawer. How many socks must Jeena remove from the drawer before she has a pair of the same colour?


8 socks

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

5 pairs of different colours can be written as 5

5 - 1 = 4 pairs

So Jeena must remove 4 pairs, or:

4 x 2 = 8 socks

Because 1 pair = 2 socks

20. Andi and Billy are wearing T-shirts; ...T-shirts are blue. *ОмуO YourO TheirOOur​




Andi and Billy are wearing T-shirts; their T-shirts are blue.

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