Minggu, 15 Januari 2023

Classify The Transformation As A Reduction Oxidation Or Neither

Classify The Transformation As A Reduction Oxidation Or Neither

The following changes occur in a dry cell. For each change, decide if it is oxidation or reduction and give a reason for your choice. Zn to Zn2+

Daftar Isi

1. The following changes occur in a dry cell. For each change, decide if it is oxidation or reduction and give a reason for your choice. Zn to Zn2+


Zn to Zn2+ is oxidation


oxidation = increase oxidation number

reductuon = decrease oxidation number

2. The following changes occur in a dry cell. For each change, decide if it is oxidation or reduction and give a reason for your choice. Zn to Zn2+


Reaksi logam seng dalam larutan tembaga sulfat.

Proses yang terjadi dalam reaksi redoks ini ditunjukkan di bawah ini sebagai dua reaksi setengah yang terpisah, yang kemudian dapat digabungkan menjadi reaksi redoks penuh.

Jawaban:aku gk tau maaf yaa

Penjelasan: terimakasih semoga bermanfaat

3. Would you classify the QueVision system as personal, group, or enterprise information system?


Would you classify the QueVision system as a personal, group, or enterprise system? Enterprise System because it is trying to have a better interaction withemployees and customers.



4. The boy enjoys....fruit...vegetable explaining both are gross to him A. neither,norB. either,orC. Both,andD. Neither,or




5. complete the sentences with either... or or neither ... or​


1. neither nor

2. neither nor

3. either or

4. either or

5. neither nor

6. either or


maaf kalau salah

6. Why is it difficult to classify the hawk as a secondary consumer?


Because the hawk is a strong animal


Semoga membantu:)

answer = Because the hulk is strong animal ok

7. combine the following sentences with "either.....or....." or "neither.....nor....."!​

1. either be quiet or go home!

2. either ridho must attend the party or his brother must attend the party

3. neither eka nor sinta go to school yesterday

4. there are neither bus nor taxi available

5. neither deddy going picnic nor going fishing with his father

8. Classify each of the following items as owner's drawing, revenue, or expense. Nomer 8-11 dong, makasih​


8. E, R, E, E, D, R, E

9. R, I, E

10. Assets

      Current Assets                            121.500

         Cash                       49.000

         Acc. Receivable     72.500

      Total Asset                                  121.500


   Equity and Liabilities

      Owner Equity                                31.500

         Owner Capital         31.500

      Current Liabilities                          90.000

         Acc. Payable            90.000

      Total Equity and Liabilities           121.500

9. the theacher neither knew or heard about the news apakah uda benar​

Jawaban:The teacher neither knew nor heard about the news


10. Read the following sentences then classify into asking or expressing intention​


Bacalah kalimat berikut kemudian klasifikasikan menjadi bertanya atau mengungkapkan niat

11. fill the blank with both, either, or neither​


1. They have both a green hat and a black jacket

2. She loves both blue jackets and red jackest

3. I buy both yellow shoes and black shoes

4. He has eithera blue pen and a red pen

5. We wash either the blue shirts or the red shirts

6. You must buy eithergreen apples or red apples

7. Jason and Rama wear neither blue t-shirts nor red t-shirts

8. My sister likes neither a yellow watch nor a black watch

9. The teachers brinng neither math books nor science books

10. i need to buy both a green pen anda black pen



jadikan jwbn terbaik yaa :)

12. Fill in the blanks with 'so' or 'neither'


Isi bagian yang kosong dengan 'jadi' atau 'tidak keduanya'

13. the use neither/or dlm bahasa indonesia

penggunaan kata yang bermakna sama

14. .... the oxidation process continues, the liberty statue turns into green.a. Asb. beforec. whend. towards​




karena kalimat "the oxidation process continues" menunjukkan waktu

As the oxidation process continues, the liberty statue turns into green.

Semoga membantu.

15. 8. Which is the pair words that use Lo choose between two possibilities? a. As ... as and Either ... or d. Neither ... nor b. Both ... 5 MAN 10​



maaf kalo salah

semoga membantu :)

16. Tolong sekali ada tugas kimia disuruh translate artikel kimia dari inggris ke indonesia.tolong di bantu yang pandai bahasa inggris Oxidizing Agent in The Body Oxidation-reductions are used all the time. Burning, bleaching, batteries, metallurgy, and photography all rely on oxidation-reduction reactions. An important application of oxidation-reduction reactions is in electrochemical cells. (These types of cells should not be confused with biological cells. The word cell comes from cella, Latin for chamber or small room.) In an electrochemical cell, the oxidation reaction is physically separated from the reduction reaction, and the electrons pass between the two reactions through a conductor. Oxidation occurs at the anode and reduction occurs at the cathode. Oxidation-reduction reactions are responsible for food spoilage. The main source of oxidation is oxygen from the air. Preservatives that are added to foods are often reducing agents. Oxidation reactions are important in many reactions that keep our bodies going. But oxidation has also been blamed for aging, cancer, hardening of the arteries, and rheumatoid arthritis. Research is being done to evaluate the benefits of antioxidants in foods and dietary supplements. Antioxidants are natural reducing agents, such as fat soluble vitamin E and vitamin C (ascorbic acid). These substances might inhibit damaging byproducts of oxidation reactions that can occur in the human body after exposure to some toxic chemicals. One concern that scientists studying antioxidants have is that substances do not always act the same way in the human body that they do outside of it. For example, vitamin C is a reducing agent. If lemon juice is squirted on a cut apple, the vitamin C in the juice will prevent the browning of the apple that is caused by oxidation of the apple by the air. However, vitamin C might act as an oxidizing agent in the body.

Pengoksidasi agen di tubuhOksidasi-reduksi digunakan sepanjang waktu. Terbakar, pemutihan, baterai, metalurgi, dan fotografi semua bergantung pada reaksi oksidasi-reduksi. Sebuah aplikasi penting dari reaksi oksidasi-reduksi dalam sel elektrokimia. (Ini jenis sel tidak harus bingung dengan sel biologis. Sel berasal dari kata cella, bahasa Latin untuk ruang atau kamar kecil.) Dalam sel elektrokimia, reaksi oksidasi secara fisik terpisah dari reaksi reduksi, dan elektron melewati antara dua reaksi melalui konduktor. Oksidasi terjadi pada anoda dan reduksi terjadi di katoda.

Reaksi oksidasi-reduksi bertanggung jawab untuk pembusukan makanan. Sumber utama oksidasi oksigen dari udara. Pengawet yang ditambahkan ke makanan sering pereduksi.
 Reaksi oksidasi yang penting dalam banyak reaksi yang menjaga tubuh kita akan. Tapi oksidasi juga telah disalahkan untuk penuaan, kanker, pengerasan arteri, dan rheumatoid arthritis. Penelitian yang dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi manfaat antioksidan dalam makanan dan suplemen makanan. Antioksidan adalah zat pereduksi alami, seperti larut dalam lemak vitamin E dan vitamin C (asam askorbat). Zat-zat ini mungkin menghambat produk sampingan yang merusak reaksi oksidasi yang dapat terjadi dalam tubuh manusia setelah terpapar beberapa bahan kimia beracun. Salah satu kekhawatiran bahwa para ilmuwan mempelajari antioksidan adalah bahwa zat tidak selalu bertindak dengan cara yang sama dalam tubuh manusia yang mereka lakukan di luar itu. Misalnya, vitamin C adalah agen mengurangi. Jika jus lemon yang disemprotkan pada luka apel, vitamin C dalam jus akan mencegah browning apel yang disebabkan oleh oksidasi apel oleh udara. Namun, vitamin C mungkin bertindak sebagai agen pengoksidasi dalam tubuh.

Maaf kalo salah, semoga membantu, jika puas jadikan jawaban terbaik ya:)


giving advice (A)

because sentence please have acookie, is the sentences for giving advice

18. The boy enjoys______vegetables, but I can't remember which one. A. neither, on B. either, or C. both, and D. neither, or


b. both,and

maaf kalo salah

19. combine the following sentences with "either....or...."or"neither....nor..."!​


sorry if i get it wrong

20. 7. Which is the pair words that use to join two positive ideas? a. As... as b. Both ... and c. Either ... or d. Neither mor​



maaf kalo salah :)

semoga bermanfaat ya :)

♦ Bahasa Inggris ♦


7. Which is the pair words that use to join two positive ideas? a. As... as b. Both ... and c. Either ... or d. Neither mor

♦ Bahasa Indonesia ♦


Manakah pasangan kata yang digunakan untuk menggabungkan dua ide positif? A. Sebagai ... sebagai b. Keduanya ... dan c. Entah ... atau d. Tidak juga

♦ Jawaban ♦


[ Bahasa Inggris ] ← A. As... as →


[ Bahasa Indonesia ]← A. Sebagai ... sebagai→

#⃣ Semoga Bermanfaat

#⃣ Mari Belajar Bersama

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