Senin, 09 Januari 2023

How Many Miles Is 40 000 Feet

How Many Miles Is 40 000 Feet

How many square miles are needed to take a photograph of seven billion peopleA. one thousand and five hundred square milesB. fourty two million square milesC. six square feetD. five hundred square miles​

Daftar Isi

1. How many square miles are needed to take a photograph of seven billion peopleA. one thousand and five hundred square milesB. fourty two million square milesC. six square feetD. five hundred square miles​




Fun fact dari internet bahwa dipercaya 500 Square Miles atau sekitar 1,300 KM² bisa memuat 7 milliar manusia di bumi ini.

2. how many miles of telegraph signal range code!tolong di jawab ya

30 miles / 21 km

Hope you can helptranslate : berapa mil kode sinyal telegraf ?
jawaban : satu, yaitu kode morse

3. ... is Bandung? It is about 6542 square miles. A. How wide B. How high C. How large D. How long​



maaf klo salah

4. If a 40 watt lamp is turned on for one hour, how many joules of electrical energy have been converted by the lamp? a. 40 J b. 3640 J c. 144 000 J d. 2400 J


c. 144 000 j



3600×40=144 000 J

5. A driver takes 3.2 seconds to react to a situation complex while traveling at 55 miles per hour. How far (in feet or feet, ft) the vehicle is moving before the driver initiates a physical response to the situation (stepped on the brakes)?


[tex] \sqrt{3 = 522 \\ 222240. \times 526} [/tex]

6. OCCO... tomatoesA. This isB. It isC. These areA. : ... clocks are there?B There are twelve clocks000A How isB. How areC. How manyThis number is twenty.A 12B. 20T​

1. C. These are

2. C. How many

3. B. 20

(these are easier than i tought lol)

7. If on a map scale drawing 75 feet are represented by 45 inches, then a scale of 1/5 inch (convert to decimals) represents how many feet?

0,3 feet

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Translate :

Jika pada skala peta gambar 75 kaki diwakili oleh 45 inci, maka skala 1/5 inci (konversikan ke desimal) mewakili berapa kaki?

Penyelesaian :

[tex]\frac{75kaki}{45inci} = \frac{x}{0.2inci} \\ \frac{45inci}{75kaki} \times 0.2inci \: = x \\ 0.3kaki = x[/tex]

8. After running so many miles, the runners are....... ​

really tired and thirsty

After runing so many miles, the runners are tired

hope it helps

9. how do you feet about tht( )

I feel good

sorry if wrong

10. 1. how long is the tropical climate?answer:2. how long is our wet season?answer:3. how long is the weather?answer:4. can the weather change many times in a day?answer:5. can the season change many times in a year?answer:remedy000​


1. berapa lama iklim tropis?


2. berapa lama musim hujan kita?


3. berapa lama cuacanya?


4. dapatkah cuaca berubah berkali-kali dalam sehari?


5. dapatkah musim berganti berkali-kali dalam setahun?





maaf kalo salah ☺️

11. how many palindromic numbers between 1000 and 1000 000 are there?


1000= 4 number

1000.000=7 number

mff kalo salah


1000= 4numbers

1000,000 = 7numbers


maaf kalo salahh

12. If a trip of 270 miles required 12 gallons of fuel, how many gallons are required for a trip of 400 miles


400 miles/270 miles x 12 gallons

= 4.800/270

= 17 210/270

= 17 21/27

= 17 7/9 gallons

13. How big can a tree trunk be in circumference? a. 60 feet b. 16 feet c. 18 feet d. 80 feet​

Jawaban:A. 60 feet

Penjelasan:maaf kalo salah :v

14. Problem Solving1. Charlie is training to run a marathon. Every dayhe puts on his sneakers and runs 12 miles. Charlinever misses a day. How many miles doesCharlie run in one full year, or 365 days?​


4,380 miles

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

365 × 12 miles= 4,380 miles

Maaf kalau salah

15. sarah jogged 4.8 km each day for 20 days last month how many miles did sarah jog in total

sarah jogged 154.464 miles (in total)

[tex] \\ [/tex]

step-by-step explanation└( ^ω^)」

[tex] \sf4,8\:km\times20 [/tex]

[tex] =\sf96\:km [/tex]

[tex] \\ [/tex]

[tex] \sf1\:mile=1.609\:km [/tex]

[tex] \sf96\:km=96\times1.609\:km [/tex]

[tex]\sf96 \: km = {\boxed{ \sf{154.464 \: miles}}}[/tex]

[tex] \\ [/tex]

[tex] - \: \cal TERGULING \: - [/tex]

16. You bought a brand new hybrid car that runs at 50 miles per gallon. If gas costs $4.00 per gallon and you only had $20.00 for gas, how many miles could you go?

$20.00 : $4.00 = 5 gallons

50 miles /galon

5 gallons x 50 miles = 250 miles.


17. 1. How Many classrooms are there in SMP N 1 Weleri?2. How much rice do you eat in a day? 3. How Many feet does monkey have?4. How much is your mobile phone? 5 . How many school bags do you have?tolong jawab yang bener gue butuh sekarang jawabannya​


Maaf adik soalnya khusus untuk adik (sekolah adik) tapi kakak bantu bahasa indonesia in ya :)

1. Berapa jumlah ruang kelas di SMPN 1 Waleri?

2. Berapa kali makan sehari?

3. Berapa banyak kaki monyet? = 2

3. Ada berapa ponselmu?

5. Berapa banyak tas sekolah yang kamu punya?


Saya cuma bisa jawab nomor 3, karena nomor 1,2,4,5 adalah opsional untuk diri sendiri

Terimakasih! n sehat selalu

18. 40 feet dalam m adalah​

40 feet = ( 40 × 0,305 )

12,192 m

19. If on a map scale drawing 6,174 feet are represented by 45 inches, then a scale of 20 inches represents how many feet?


0,3 feet

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Translate :

Jika pada skala peta gambar 75 kaki diwakili oleh 45 inci, maka skala 1/5 inci (konversikan ke desimal) mewakili berapa kaki?

Penyelesaian :

\begin{gathered}\frac{75kaki}{45inci} = \frac{x}{0.2inci} \\ \frac{45inci}{75kaki} \times 0.2inci \: = x \\ 0.3kaki = x\end{gathered}










Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

yuyonghagileul balabnida(◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*。

20. It is a small. It has many feet, it likes to depend. It is a


spider i guess?



i think it’s spider lol


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