Selasa, 03 Januari 2023

If A Traffic Signal Is Out Of Order

If A Traffic Signal Is Out Of Order

• One of these computers … a) Is out of order b) Are out of order c) Out of order d) Have been out of order

Daftar Isi

1. • One of these computers … a) Is out of order b) Are out of order c) Out of order d) Have been out of order

B. Are Out Of Order. Semoga bermanfaat

2. 16. What does the notice mean? NoticeOUT OF ORDERO The machine is outO The machine is brokenO The machine is not in orderThe machine is out of orderYang lain:​

B) The machine is broken (Mesin sedang rusak)

•(Out of order) Machine that are out of order are broken or not working correctly

Penjelasan: "Out of order" biasanya peringatan tersebut sering dijumpai di supermarket, Lift dan elevator yang sedang rusak.

3. CAUTION! FLOOR SLIPPERY! WHEN WETOUT OF ORDER28. What does the notice mean?A. The machine is outB. The machine is brokenC. The machine is not in orderD. The machine is out of order​


B. The machine is broken


maaf ya kalo salaj, gk ada ceritanya soalnya, pilih jawaban tercerdas kalo benae

4. Apa arti dari out of order( for a machine that is not warking)


rusak (untuk mesin yang tidak bekerja)

semoga membantu ^^


Arti kata out of order dalam Kamus Bahasa Inggris – Indonesia adalah rusak


maaf kalau slah

5. the traffic sing of " trun round " is

kayaknya maksudmu "the traffic sign of turn around is..."
jawabannya: ↶ atau ↷ tergantung kemudi di sebelah mana
atau lihat gambar udah aku attach :)
turn around adalah berbelok/memutar
tanda/marka jalan sudah d berikan oleh rekan saya d jwbab sblumnya...thanks to u panda

6. CAUTION! FLOOR SLIPPERY! WHEN WETOUT OF ORDER28. What does the notice mean?A. The machine is outB. The machine is brokenC. The machine is not in orderD. The machine is out of order​

Jawaban: the machine is broken


7. buat lah percakapan bahasa inggris 8 tentang out of order/rusak

Itu bahasa Inggris kelas 8 atau percakapannya 8?
Ini percakapan yang pendek, semoga bermanfaat!
A: "Hey, B. What are you doing there?"
B: "I'm drinking my coffee."
A: "Okay... There are some thing that you must know, since you are a new worker here in this office."
B: "Yes, what is it, A?"
A: "The lift which connect the 6th floor to the 29th floor is out of order."
B: "I knew it. No wonder that the lift didn't respond to me at all when I press the button."
A: "And, some computers in Building E, Building K, and Building A are broken because of the wire that was accidentally burned by the fire that made Building X gone by the flames."
B: "That's it?"
A: "Yes, now, enjoy your coffee."
B: "Thanks."
A: "Now, let's open my laptop. What??? There's no internet?"
B: "Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you. The Wi-Fi is not working at the moment!"
A: "Then, how suppose we work?"
B: "I don't know, ask the boss then."
A: "Okay, then."

8. The traffic sign of "crossrood" is

ini gambar crossroad Kalau disuruh mengartikan,
Tanda rambu lalu lintas untuk perempatan adalah...

Kalau disuruh jawab, tandanya kayak yang digambar. Tanda +

9. arti dari elevator out of order dan apa maksudnya

Elevatornya sedang rusakElevator sedang rusak

10. tuliskan sebuah conversation tentang "out of order"​

A:"Hey,B.What are you doing there?"
B:"I'm drinking my coffee."
A:"Okay...There are some thing that you must know,since you are a new worker here in this office."
B:"Yes,what is it,A?"
A:"The lift which connect the 6th floor to the 29th floor is out of order."
B:"I knew it.No wonder that the lift didn't respond to me at all when I press the button."
A:"and,some computers in Building E,Building K,and Building A are broken because of the wire that was accidentally burned by the fire that made building x gone by the flames."
B:"That's it?"
A:"Yes,now,enjoy your coffee."
A:"Now,let's open my laptop.what??? There's no internet?"
B:"Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you.the Wi-Fi is not working at the moment."
A:"Then,how suppose we work?"
B:"I don't know,ask the boss then."

11. 1. My telephone is out of order, working A.Your B. our C.His D.Their​


A) your


semoga bermanfaat bagi Klian ^_^






12. This notice is commonly put on an electrical or mechanical device that ..OUTOFORDER​


Out. semoga membantu.

Maaf kalo salah

13. 1. Heavy traffic causes a lot of pollution. The correct passive voice of the sentence is ........ a. Heavy traffic is caused a lot of pollution B. A lot of pollution are caused by heavy traffic C. A lot of pollution is caused by heavy traffic D. A lot of pollution was caused by heavy traffic


Lalu lintas yang padat menyebabkan banyak polusi. Kalimat pasif yang benar dari kalimat tersebut adalah .... sebuah. Lalu lintas padat menyebabkan banyak polusi B. Banyak polusi disebabkan oleh lalu lintas yang padat C. Banyak polusi disebabkan oleh lalu lintas yang padat D. Banyak polusi disebabkan oleh lalu lintas yang padat

c .

maaf kalau salah ya


B. A lot of polllution are caused by heavy traffic


Kunci dalam passive voice adalah menukar subjek dan objek, serta menggunakan verb 3.

Intinya: S+are/am/is+verb 3

A lot of pollution (sebelumya subjek dalam active voice) are ( subjek jamak) caused (verb 3) by heavy traffic

14. dimana kamu bisa menemukan notice "out of order"?

Notice berupa "OUT OF ORDER" biasanya ditemukan di lift/elevator yang rusak dan juga toilet yang mampetmaybe in minimarket or caffe

15. 1. Heavy traffic causes a lot of pollution. The correct passive voice of the sentence is ........ a. Heavy traffic is caused a lot of pollution B. A lot of pollution are caused by heavy traffic C. A lot of pollution is caused by heavy traffic D. A lot of pollution was caused by heavy traffic


1. Heavy traffic causes a lot of pollution. The correct passive voice of the sentence is C. A lot of pollution is caused by heavy traffic

16. Apa yang dimaksud dengan out-of-order issue​


out of order adalah kata yang memiliki artinya dalam Menyiapkan Kamar Untuk Tamu, Perhotelan, Hotel & Traveling, dll.

17. what is a synonym of "caught in traffic jams"?

Stuck in the traffic jams

Jadikan jawaban terbaik yaaa

18. OUT OF ORDER what does the notice mean?

tidak bisa digunakan atau rusak

19. 9. If the red light of the traffic light is on,...( if clause as general truth)

if the red light of the traffic light is on, cars are supposed to stop.

20. if the colour of traffic light is we sheuld stop​


artinya:Jika warna lampu lalu lintas ini kita harus berhenti


maaf kalau salah

arti dari if the colour of traffic light is we sheuld stop adalah :

Jika warna lampu lalu lintas ini kita harus berhenti

maaf kalo salah

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