Selasa, 03 Januari 2023

Low Beam Headlamps Are Only Effective For Speeds Up To

Low Beam Headlamps Are Only Effective For Speeds Up To

perbedaan low beam dan high beam

Daftar Isi

1. perbedaan low beam dan high beam

High beam lampu jauh

2. _____ greyhound, can achieve speeds up to thirty-six miles per hour.

Mr or Mister

Karena greyhound itu seperti nama laki laki

3. 1). What are effective spoken and written advertisements?2). How to design effective spoken advertisements? 3). How to design effective written advertisements?​

1. Written advertising and spoken advertising are not very effective.

2. By utilizing technology to design effective advertisements

3. By gaining the trust of others and taking advantage of technology.


Iklan merupakan sebuah bentuk promosi barang dalam bentuk yang menarik, iklan juga harus bisa menarik perhatian banyak orang, iklan harus efektif agar bisa dipercayai masyarakat dengan cepat. Berikut contoh jenis iklan :

 ・Iklan layanan masyarakat

 ・Iklan kesehatan

 ・Iklan komersial

 ・Iklan non-komersial

 ・Iklan barang, dll

Ciri-ciri iklan yang efektif :

 ・Jangkauan maksimum


 ・Menarik Pelanggan

 ・Dapat meyakinkan orang

 ・Mengikuti praktik Periklanan standar


Advertising is a form of promotion of goods in an attractive form, advertisements must also be able to attract the attention of many people, advertisements must be effective so that people can quickly trust them. Following are examples of ad types:

 ・Public service Advertisement

 ・ Health advertisements

 ・ Commercial advertising

 ・ Non-commercial advertising

 ・ Goods advertisements, etc.

Effective advertising features:

 ・ Maximum reach

 ・ Economy

 ・ Attract Customers

 ・ Can convince people

 ・ Follow standard Advertising practices

4. arti dari you are the only one for me dan i hope that

kamu hanya satu"nya untuk ku dan aku berharap itu

bisa di artikan seperti itu"You are the only one for me = Kamu adalah satu-satunya untukku.

I hope that : Saya berharap bahwa

5. toefl it is more difficult to write simply direcly and effective than to employ. Flowery but vague expressions that only obscure one's meaning A. More difficult B. effective C. To employ D. Vague


toefl it is more difficult to write simply direcly and effective than to employ. Flowery but vague expressions that only obscure one's meaning

A. More difficult

B. effective

C. To employ

D. Vague. the answer is A.More difficult

toefl lebih sulit untuk menulis secara langsung dan efektif daripada mempekerjakan. Ekspresi bunga tapi samar-samar yang hanya mengaburkan makna seseorang

A. Lebih sulit

B. efektif

C. Untuk mempekerjakan

D. Samar. jawabannya adalah A. Lebih sulit


maaf kalau ada yang salah semoga membantu


A.More difficult


ya maap klo salah dikasi tau translate wkwkkw

6. 43. Ramayana Department Store (announces) A (the bigger) B sale of the year. (Discounts) C are up toA - B70%. This (interesting) D offer is (only for) E three days.​


B sale of the year. (Discounts)


7. Each team may have up to eleven players ,only seven of whorn are allowed to play at the same time .one team should wear blue caps

Setiap tim dapat memiliki hingga sebelas pemain, hanya tujuh dari yang diizinkan untuk bermain pada waktu yang sama. satu tim harus memakai topi biru

setiap tim memiliki sebelas pemain,hanya tujuh pemain yang dapat bermain pada saat bersamaan. Satu tim harus memakai topi biru

8. "for veterinary use only" means...A. Only a veterinary may usethe drugB. The tablets are intended for a veterinarianC. The tablets are produced only by a veteranianD. We need a veterinarian's prescription to use the drug​


D. we need a veterinarian's prescription to use the drug

9. for veterinary use only means a. only a veterinary may use the drug b. the tablets are intended for a veterinarian c. the tablets are produced only by a veterinarian d. for cats and dogs only, not for human usebantuin dong buat menterjemahkan dn menjawab​


b semoga membantu

10. she only ____ fish for lunch( to eat)​




karna pakai subject nama orang jadi verb nya tambahin S

11. What government should do to create pilotri Stability 2 (A) Law enforcement should work effec-tively (B) The effective work of law enforcement (C) Enforcing the low to work effective (D )Working to make law enforcement effective (E) To make law enforcement work effectively

E. To make law enforcement work effectively
semoga membantu ya

12. Manakah yg benar? How do I not thinking about you when you are the first and the only one that comes up to my thoughts? Atau How haven't I thought about you when you are the first and the only one that comes up to my thoughts?

How do I not thinking about you when you are the first and the only one that comes up to my thoughts?

13. you are the only one to

You are the only one (kamu adalah satu-satunya) to (untuk)........
Jika diartikan akan seperti itu.

14. those of Harvard2. This university's programs(A) come secondafter(B) are second only to(C) are first except for(D) are in second place from​


A.come second after


maaf klo slh

15. tolong terjemahin :) our low price guarantee does not only apply to limited quantity offers

menjamin harga murah, tidak hanya untuk penawaran barang yg limited(sedikit/special)
jaminan harga rendah kami tidak hanya berlaku untuk penawaran kuantitas terbatas

16. Manakah yg benar? How do I not thinking about you when you are the first and the only one that comes up to my thoughts? Atau How haven't I thought about you when you are the first and the only one that comes up to my thoughts?

How haven't I thought about you when you are the first and the only one that comes up to my thoughts?

17. What is the meaning of “private activities” on 2nd paragraph?a. Private activities are the activities which belonging to or for the use of one particular person or group of people only.b.Private activities are the activities which belonging to or for the use of two particular person or group of people only.c.Private activities are the activities which belonging to or for the use of three particular person or group of people only.d.Private activities are the activities which belonging to or for the use of four particular person or group of people only.Please Answers.​


the answer is "a" because private means something that only some of them knows


i dont really understand but please show me the picture of the 2nd paragraph you mean


Private activities are the activities which belonging to or for the use of two particular person or group of people only.



18. tolong susunin besok di kumpul1. So, what are you waiting for?2. Only for today, you will get 50% off.3. Hurry up! Choose the goodies you like best.4. You only need to pay Rp390,000.00 for it.5. Attention, please. We have a special offer foryou.6. Look! This beautiful handbag is Rp780,000.007. People will be impressed when you carry thishandbag.8. There are original and handmade leatherhandbags and wallets.9. You can get other elegant and luxurious goodsat low prices.​



Semoga membantu

19. my mobile phone was low battery last night. i _________ a phone call to you.a.can lift up b.can't lift upc.could lift up d.couldn't lift up​


b.can't lift up

maaf kalau salah ya teman teman


B. can't lift up


semoga bermanfaat buat kakak☺️

20. Where is the volume knob moved to set up the loud and low voice

on the side of the phone

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