Kamis, 12 Januari 2023

Which Conclusion Is Supported By The Graph

Which Conclusion Is Supported By The Graph

Formation of the solar system many theories but most plausible is big bang theory which is supported by most scientists

Daftar Isi

1. Formation of the solar system many theories but most plausible is big bang theory which is supported by most scientists

Pembentukan sistem tata surya banyak teori tapi yang paling masuk akal adalah teori big bang yang banyak didukung oleh ilmuwan

2. Which of the following statements correctly describes the motion of the car shown by the velocity time graph

Mana dari pernyataan-pernyataan berikut benar menjelaskan gerakan mobil yang ditunjukkan oleh kecepatan waktu grafik.

3. What is globalization supported by


globalisasi adalah suatu proses sosial yang di dalamnya kendala geografi terhadap pengaturan sosial dan budaya menjadi surut dan manusia menjadi semakin sadar bahwa pengaturan tersebut menjadi semakin surut


Globalization isa social process in which the geographical barriers to social and cultural governance are diminishing more and more people realize that they are slipping away

4. What is the conclusion taken from the text ?​


jawabanya apa kesimpulan yang diambil dari teks tersebut

maaf kalau salah

5. what is the conclusion of the experiment?

observing something in the laboratory

6. What is the conclusion of the text


In composition, the term conclusion refers to the sentences or paragraphs that bring a speech, essay, report, or book to a satisfying and logical end. Also called the concluding paragraph or closing. The length of a conclusion is generally proportional to the length of the whole text

7. which graph represents the solution of the inequality -12x > 36​


the working and the answer are shown in the pic.

semangat belajar;))

8. which distance-time graph respresents a body whose speed is decreasing

Which distance-time graph respresents a body whose speed is decreasing is the line on the graph is sloping downwards. Additionally, you may also notice that the distance between points on the graph is getting smaller as well - this, too, is an indication that the speed is slowing down.


Pada pokok bahasan kinematika, grafik dijadikan salah satu representasi untuk menjelaskan konsep gerak. Konsep-konsep kinematika gerak meliputi perpindahan, kecepatan dan percepatan yang berhubungan dengan fungsi waktu. Bentuk-bentuk gerakan partikel (benda) dapat diketahui dengan menelaah grafik kinematika.

Pada umumnya grafik jarak-waktu ditunjukkan dengan grafik garis yang dapat menjelaskan suatu benda pergerakannya cepat atau lambat dalam waktu tertentu. Ada faktor lain yang dapat mempengaruhi grafik jarak-waktu (seperti percepatan), jadi penting untuk mempertimbangkan semua ini sebelum membuat kesimpulan. Namun, jika Anda melihat kemiringan ke bawah atau jarak antar titik yang lebih kecil, dapat dikatakan bahwa kecepatan yang ditunjukkan oleh grafik memang menurun.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Pelajari lebih lanjut materi tentang grafik hubungan antara jarak tempuh dengan waktu tempuh pada GLB: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/32589749

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4

Thesis (peenyataan dari penulis tentang pengenalan topik) : There are some reasons why learning English is important.

Arguments (pendapat penulis yang menguatkan thesis) : - First, English is the language that is udes in gadget.

- In addition, If you want to study abroad, English is one of the requirements.

-Moreover, English is the most used and spoken language around the world.

Reiteration (penegasan ulang terhadap topik) : Learning English has many advantages for us.

Language feature (unsur kebahasaan) :

-Using simple present

- Using internal conjunction (first, second, third, moreover, in addition)

- Using causal conjunction (so, because, therefore)

10. which graph represents the solution of the inequality -12x > 36​


the working and the answer are shown in the pic.

semangat belajar;))

11. what is the conclusion taken from the text?

Jawaban:Apa kesimpulan yang diambil dari teks?


12. What is the conclusion of the experiment?

apa kesimpulan dari percobaan ??

13. what is the conclusion of the text?​

jane is working on her project paper that has to be submitted tomorrow, and siti offers to help jane

14. what is the conclusion of the text??

the greatness of a drug called antibiotics that kill bacteria and disease in the human body

correct me if i wrong

15. ... by many scientists and researc hers throughout the world, robotics is employed in auto mobile manufacturing. (A) supporting (B) it supported (C) supported (D) have been supported

C. Supported
semoga membantu... by many scientists and researc hers throughout the world, robotics is employed in auto mobile manufacturing.

↪(A) supporting

[tex] Semoga [/tex] [tex] Membantu [/tex] ⛅

16. What is the conclusion taken from the advertisement?

the conclusion we taken is the advertisement to informs and easier to sell a product and distribute of it

17. what is the best conclusion taken from the text​


c.the first class Will take place on15th january 2018




define you

thing i occur

19. what is the conclusion of the text??

Abiotic benefits are to stop the growth process of organisme, especially bacteria, treat bacterial, infectivas, as genetic engineering in biotechnology.

I hope this helps;)

20. What is the velocity/time gradient graph for the oscillator ?


The gradient of speed-time and velocity-time graphs represent acceleration. The area under a speed-time graph represents the distance travelled. Likewise, the area under a velocity-time graph represents the displacement of the moving object.


Gradien grafik kecepatan-waktu dan kecepatan-waktu mewakili percepatan. Area di bawah grafik kecepatan-waktu mewakili jarak yang ditempuh. Demikian juga, area di bawah grafik kecepatan-waktu mewakili perpindahan benda yang bergerak.

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