Kamis, 16 Februari 2023

A Summer Camp Counselor Wants To Find

A Summer Camp Counselor Wants To Find

Maya, Sandra and Tika are going to Summer Holiday. Maya: "Next week is our summer holiday. We are going to the Summer Camp." Sandra: Tika:

Daftar Isi

1. Maya, Sandra and Tika are going to Summer Holiday. Maya: "Next week is our summer holiday. We are going to the Summer Camp." Sandra: Tika:


Sandra : Oh Ok Maya

Tika : YAY

Penjelasan: Maaf Kalau Salah

2. an overview of the summer camp

Ikhtisar perkemahan musim panas

3. When a student wants to study, ………………… should try to find a quiet place.​




he untuk laki-laki

she untuk perempuan

they untuk 'mereka'

tergantung, "a student" itu tidak memberitahukan kalo "orangnya" itu perempuan, laki-laki atau apa

4. anne is going to a birthday party.she wants to find a suitable birthday present for assistant what to give...dibuat dialog

A : excusme sir, can you help me for a moment?

B : with my pleasure beauty, what can i do for you?

A : my best friend, Mary have a birthday party tomorrow, what present do you think that suitable for her?

B : hmm... let me think... how about a cute dress?

A : that's a perfect present! thank you sir.

B : your welcome beauty.

5. anne is going to a birhtday party.she wants to find a suitable birtyday present for her friend.she asks the shop assistant what to get

i want a good present for my friend for her birthday

6. Your staff member wants to quit from his job and trieds to find a new one to get a better salary

So the question is...

7. where is the location of the summer camp

dimana lokasi penginapan musim panasdimana lokasi perkemahan musim panas?

8. BANTU JAWAB PLIS BUTUH BGT 2. Maya, Sandra and Tika are going to Summer Holiday. Maya: "Next week is our summer holiday. We are going to the Summer Camp." Sandra: Tika:


Sandra : "Wow, that's a good idea."

Tika : "Yea, that would be great."

Jadikan jawaban terbaik ya

semoga membantu >.<

9. what does the song tell us about?a. the writer wants to go to Paris and romeb. the writer wants to take aero planec. the writer wants a summer dayd. the writer wants to go hometolong dijawab​

What does the song tell us about?

Artinya :

Apa yang diceritakan lagu itu kepada kita?


Lagunya mana :v

10. The doctor (help)..................................People at the hospital. Today he (Go)..................................To a summer camp because he (go).....................To Work there for two months My parents (meet)................................. His parents last summer​


The Doctor Helping people at the hospital.

Today he Going to a summer camp because he Going to work there for two months

11. -She will invite her friends to the brithday party(-) (?) -They are going to take a part in a summer camp in bromo(-)(?)bantu pleaseee​


(+) She will invite her friends to the brithday


(-) She won't invite her friends to the

brithday party

(?) Will she invite her friends to the brithday



(+) They are going to take a part in a

summer camp in bromo

(-)They aren't going to take a part in a

summer camp in bromo

(?) Are they going to take a part in a

summer camp in bromo?


Menggunakan SimpleFutureTense

Digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang akan dilakukan di masa mendatang


(+) S + Wil + Verb 1 + O

(-) S + Will + Not + Verb 1 + O

(?) Will + S + Verb 1 + O ?


(+) S + Is/Am/Are + Going to + Verb 1 + O

(-) S + Is/Am/Are + Not + Going to + Verb 1 +


(?) Is/Am/Are + Going to + S + Verb 1 + O ?


▫Will not = Won't

▫Aren't = Are not

✨☁️Semoga Membantu☁️✨

12. You staff member wants to quit from his job and tries to find a new one to get a better salary

Anda anggota staf ingin berhenti dari pekerjaannya dan mencoba mencari yang baru untuk mendapatkan gaji yang lebih baik

13. Ada yang tahu ini kalimat ini maksudnya apa? 'It's your character's first day at a new school. She wants to get a fresh start, develop a new identity. But in her homeroom, your character encounters a kid she knows from summer camp...'

'It's your character's first day at a new school. She wants to get a fresh start, develop a new identity. But in her homeroom, your character encounters a kid she knows from summer camp...'

"Ini karakter Anda hari pertama di sekolah baru. Dia ingin mendapatkan sebuah awal baru, mengembangkan identitas baru. Tapi di kelas nya, karakter Anda bertemu dengan anak dia tahu dari perkemahan musim panas ... '

semoga bisa membantu!! :D

14. what does the song tell us about?a. the writer wants to go to Paris and timeb. the writer wants to go homec. Aero planed. summer day​




the writer wants to go home

15. Ada yang tahu ini kalimat ini maksudnya apa? 'It's your character's first day at a new school. She wants to get a fresh start, develop a new identity. But in her homeroom, your character encounters a kid she knows from summer camp...'

"Hari ini adalah hari pertama A masuk sekolah baru. Dia ingin memiliki awal yang baru, membuat identitas baru. Tapi di kelasnya, A bertemu dengan anak yang dia kenal dari kamping musim panas."

Your character = Karaktermu. Disini maksudnya kamu membuat seorang tokoh, yang saya beri nama A.

Homeroom = Kelas di Amerika adalah kelas berjalan (murid mencari kelasnya, bukan murid diam di kelas gurunya datang). Homeroom adalah kelas pertama yang lebih berfungsi sebagai jam ke-0 untuk pengumuman, absen, dsb sebelum mereka mencari kelas masing2 di jam selanjutnya.

Singkatnya, tokoh A ingin memulai hidup yang baru dengan identitas baru, tapi dia kesulitan karena di kelasnya ada anak yang kenal dengan dia.

16. Mr. Hadi design many building. She is.... Mr. Robert wants to find a fish. He wants a.... Plis jawab oyy


Mr. Hadi design many building. She is architect.

Mr. Robert wants to find a fish. He wants a fish.


1. Architect.

2. Fishing line and bucket for catching fish.


1. Mr. Hadi design many building. He is?

Awr: Architect (arsitek).

2. Mr. Robert wants to find a fish. He wants a?

Awr: Fishing line and bucket for catching fish.

Maaf kalau salah..

17. We will have long holiday or summer camp next month.what do you prefer to join?

I think i will join to long holiday. Because, it's more fun and refreshing.

18. have-i-also-been- for - Summer-For- last -week- Camp​



19. They are going to take a part in a summer camp in Bromo mount(kata negatif)(kata tanya)​

(kata negatif) They are not going to take a part in a summer camp in Bromo mount
(kata tanya) Are they going to take a part in a summer camp in Bromo mount?

20. a. she wants go to italyb. she wants to go italy c. she wants to go to italy d. she wants go to to italy e. she wants go to italy to​


A.she wants go to italy


C. She wants to go to Italy

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