Kamis, 09 Februari 2023

How Much Is 2/3 Cup Of Ice Cream

How Much Is 2/3 Cup Of Ice Cream

Two liters of ice cream is divided equally into nine bowls. Calculate, to the nearest milliliter, how much ice cream is in two bowls.

Daftar Isi

1. Two liters of ice cream is divided equally into nine bowls. Calculate, to the nearest milliliter, how much ice cream is in two bowls.

444,444 ml

because :

2 liters are 2000 ml

2000 ml : 9 bowls = 222,222ml

222,222ml × 2 bowls = 444,444ml

2. Suatu ice cream memiliki 10 macam rasa,banyaknya cup ice cream yang dapat dibuat kalau dalam suatu cup isinya 2 rasa adalah


5 cup mungkin

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

karena 1 cup 2 rasa

10 : 2= 5

jadi cup yang diisi 5 cup


3. I had ... cup of the and ... ice cream


arti Indonesia

aku punya ....... secangkir dan ...... es krim

yg kurang cuman 2 kata yaitu adalah

aku punya gelas secangkir dan saya punya es krim

semoga membantu

4. Ibu membeli ice cream untuk anak-anaknya di sebuah toko. Ibu membeli 3 ice cream cone dan 4 cup seharga Rp 68.000,00. Dua hari kemudian di toko yang sama ibu membeli lagi 8 ice cream seharga Rp 84.000,00 yang terdiri dari 5 cone dan sisanya cup. Selisih harga ice cream cone dan cup adalah...​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


misal :

ice cream cone = x

ice cream cup = y

3x + 4y = 68.000...pers(1)

5x + 3y = 84.000...pers(2)


3x + 4y = 68.000 |×3|

5x + 3y = 84.000 |×4|

9x + 12y = 204.000

20x + 12y = 336.000

________________ -

-11x = -132.000

x = -132.0000 / -11



3x + 4y = 68.000

3(12.000) + 4y = 68.000

36.000 + 4y = 68.000

4y = 68.000 - 36.000

4y = 32.000

y = 32.000 / 4


maka selisih harga ice cream cone dan ice cream cup adalah :


5. jika kita memiliki 32 macam ice cream ada berapa cup ice cream dapat di buat kalo satu cup isinya dua rasa​



32! : (32-2)!2!

32! : 30!2!

32 x 31 x 30! : 30!2!

32 x 31 : 2!

16 x 31

= 496 cup dengan rasa yang berbeda-beda

6. 5. a cup - do - like - you - ice cream - ? - of​


do you like a cup of ice cream?


artinya = apakah kamu suka secangkir es krim?


do you like ice cream of a cup?




7. 2. How much is a kg of sugar?3. How much is a bottle of oil?​


Saya terjemahkan dan beri jawaban


2. How much is a kg of sugar ? berapa kg gula

   3 kg sugar = 3 kg gula

3. How much is a bottle of oil ? berapa botol minyak

   5 bottle oil = 5 botol minyak

8. 2. How much is a kg of sugar?3. How much is a bottle of oil?​


2. Berapa kg gula?

3. Berapa botol minyak?


Ini diapakan ya?

Kalau diartikan yaitu :

2. Berapa kg gula?

3. Berapa botol minyak?


Semoga membantu:)

9. what is the shape of ice cream?

es cream= kerucut
kerucut= coneWhat is the shape of ice cream ?
Apa bentuk dari es krim ?

the shape of ice cream is cone
Bentuk dari es krim adalah kerucut

10. Jenna buys.. A. a bowl of ice cream B. a glass of ice cream C. a scoop of ice cream D. a cube of ice cream

C. a scoop of ice cream

knp c krn es krimkan pake skop es krim, jd kalau mau beli mbak/mas satu skop es krim ya. gak mungkin segelas, semangkuk, sekubus.

11. Dika eats an ice creamit is .....ice creamthe ice cream is....​


1. an vanilla

2. delicious


maaf kalo salah

12. .... order some cup of ice cream ? i'm so thirsthy now​


can you


maaf kalau salah

Can you order some cup of ice cream? I’m so thirsthy now.


Can you


Maaf jika salah

13. How to Make an Ice Cream : Ingredients : ~ 2 cups heavy cream                ~ 1 cup whole milk                    ~ 2/3 cup sugar                   ~ 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Steps : ~ First, mix the ingredients ~ Second, heat until the sugar is dissolved ~ Third, Chill the mixture in the refrigerator ~ Next, Freeze the ice cream in an ice cream maker ~ After that, Add chopped chocolate bar ~ Finally, Finish freezing the ice cream Answer The Questions Below 1. What is the purpose of the text ? a. How to make an ice cream  b. How to buy an ice cream c. How to sell an ice cream 2. What are ingredients we need to make an ice cream ? a. 2 cups heavy cream, 1 cup whole milk, 2/3 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract b.1 cups heavy cream,1 cup whole milk, 2/3 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract c. 2 cups heavy cream, 1 cup whole milk, 2/3 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon chocolate extract 3.What should we do first to make an ice cream based on the text ? a. Buy the ingredients b. Mix the ingredients c. Heat until the sugar is dissolved 4.What the second step to make an ice cream based on the text ? a. Heat until the sugar is dissolved b. Mix the ingredients c. Add chopped chocolate bar 5. What should we do after we heat until the sugar is dissolved ? a. Freeze the ice cream in an ice cream maker b. Add chopped chocolate bar c. Chill the mixture in the refrigerator 6. What should we do after we chill the mixture in the refrigerator ? a. Add chopped chocolate bar b. Freeze the ice cream in an ice cream maker c. Finish freezing the ice cream 7. How much heavy cream that we need to make an ice cream based on the text ? a. 2 cups b. 1 cup c. 1/2 cup 8. How much milk that we need to make an ice cream based on the text ? a. 2 cups b. 3 cups c. 1 cup 9. How much sugar that we need to make an ice cream based on the text ? a. 2/3 cups  b. 3/2 cups c. 1/3 cups 10. What is the last steps of making an ice cream ? a. Add chopped chocolate bar b. Finish freezing the ice cream c. Mix the ingredients​


1. A. How to make an ice cream

2. A. 2 cups heavy cream, 1 cup whole milk, 2/3 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

3. B. Mix the ingredients

4. A. Heat until the sugar is dissolved

5. C. Chill the mixture in the refrigerator

6. B. Freeze the ice cream in an ice cream maker

7. A. 2 cups

8. C. 1 cup

9. C. 1/3 cups

10. B. Finish freezing the ice cream

14. ice cream is a kind of​





[tex]\tt \color{d6900f}{Al}\tt \color{d6970f}{e} \tt \color{d6a80f}{x} \tt \color{d6b50f}{nyc}\tt \color{d6c20f}{z} \tt \color{ed2ba9}{♡}[/tex]


definitely the favorite frozen dessert type of everyone around the world



15. The shape of an ice cream is

Triangle maybe...
maaf kalau salah...Translate : Bentuk es krim ini adalah

Answer : frozen but could easily be formed but had to use an ice cream maker

maaf kalau salah

16. 1. how much is the price of a glass of lemon tea is Rp2,000.00.2. how much does a glass of ice tea cost? a glass of ice tea is Rp2,500.00.3. .......................................................4. .......................................................5. .......................................................6. .......................................................7. .......................................................​

3.How much is the price a plate of bolu cake is? A price of bolu cake is Rp.5.000.00.-

4.How much does the price a glass of mineral water cost? A glass of mineral water is Rp. 3.500.00.-

5.How much is the price a plate of noodle is? A price of the noodle is Rp.10.000.00.-

6.How much does the price a plate of chicken porridge cost? A price of the chicken porridge is Rp. 8.500.00.-

7.How much is the price a glass of manggo juice is? A price of the manggo juice is Rp. 6.000.00.-

Semoga bermanfaat jawabannya :)

17. I had ... cup of the and ... ice cream


i had a cup of tea and an ice cream


menggunakan “a” jika diawali huruf konsonan (b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, etc.)

menggunakan “an” jika diawali huruf vokal (a, i, u, e, o)

semoga membantu! ^__^


i had a cup of the and an ice cream


kata a/an dalam bahasa inggris menyatakan 'sebuah'

perbedaan penggunaannya yaitu:

a = digunakan pada benda yang memiliki huruf depan berupa huruf konsonan (selain a, i, u, e, o).

contoh: a cup, a flower, a book, a mask, etc.

an = digunakan pada benda yang memiliki huruf depan berupa huruf vokal (a, i, u, e, o).

contoh: an ice cream, an apple, etc.

maaf klo salah, semoga membantu

18. The shape of ice cream is




semoga membantu (✿^‿^)

maaf kalo salah ಠ︵ಠ

19. How to make an ice cream Ingredients:2 cups heavy cream,1 cup whole milk,2/3 cup sugar and 1 tea spoon vanilla extract. Steps: first :mix the ingredients.Second:heat until the sugar is dissolved.Third: Chill the mixture in the refrigerator.Next:freezer the ice cream in an cream maker.After that:add chopped chocolate bar.Finally:finishing freezing the ice cream. 1.what is the prupose of the text? 2.what are ingredients we need to make an in ice cream? 3.what the second steps to make ice cream based on the text? 4.what should we do first to make in an ice cream based on the text? 5.what should we do after we heat until the sugar is dissolved? 6.how much milk that we need to make an ice cream based on the text? 7.what are the text above?

1. The text’s purpose is to explain how to make ice cream.
2. The ingredients we need to make ice cream are 2 cups of heavy cream, 1 cup of whole milk, 2/3 cup of sugar, and 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract.
3. The second step to make ice cream based on the text is to heat the sugar until dissolved.
4. We should mix the ingredients first to make ice cream based on the text.
5. After we heat the sugar until dissolved we should chill the mixture in the refrigerator.
6. We need 1 cup whole milk to make ice cream based on this text.
7. The text above is a procedure text, it explains how to make ice cream.
semoga bermanfaat
jadikan brainliest answer yaa

20. Arrange the jumble sentences become steps" how to make an ice cream". _ finally,finish freezing the ice cream. _ how to make an ice cream _ 2 cup heavy cream _ next,freeze the ice cream in an ice cream maker _ first, mix the ingredients _ 1 cup whole milk _ 2/3 cup sugar _ 1 teaspon vanilla extract _ after that, add chopped chocolate bar _ third, chill the mixture in the refrigerator _ second, head until the sugar ia dissolved.


1. how to make an ice cream

2. first, mix the ingredients

3. 1cup whole milk

4. 2 cup heavy cream

5. 1 teaspon vanilla extract

6. 2/3 cup sugar

7. after that,add chopped chocolate bar

8. second, heat until the sugar is dissolved

9. next, freeze the ice cream in an ice cream maker

10. third, shill the mixture in the refrigerator

11. finally, finish freezing the ice cream

enjoy :) good luck and thank you

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