Rabu, 22 Februari 2023

Similarities Between Burris Ewell And Walter Cunningham

Similarities Between Burris Ewell And Walter Cunningham

2 similarities between singapore and Indonesia

Daftar Isi

1. 2 similarities between singapore and Indonesia


1. Sama Sama negara Berbentuk Republik

2. Merupakan negara yang sama-sama terletak di ASEAN

3. Kedua negara Sama-sama Berumpun Melayu

4. Kedua Negara sama-sama merupakan negara berkembang

5. Kedua Negara sama-sama merupakan Negara yang pernah dijajah

6. Kedua Negara Sama-sama merupakan negara yang Berbatasan dengan Malaysia

7. Merupakan Negara yang menjadi pendatang para etnis Cina


maaf kalo salah dan maaf kalo bahasa indo

2. mention the similarities between descriptive and explanation text

they both describe things

3. what are the similarities between dolphins and whales

They both are mammalsThey are big fish and live at the sea

4. What are the similarities between Dina and Dani?


Apa persamaan Dina dan Dani?

5. make a list of similarities between Africa and Nepal​


1.Africa and Nepal are considered as “poor countries” yet they can handle and provide the solution to poverty by utilizing their natural sources.

2. Africa and Nepal are rich in natural sources so that they are agricultural countries.

6. Find out the similarities and the differentiate between those invitations

Mana teksnya gan?.....

7. try to find the similarities and differences between text 1 and text 2.

Try to find the similarities and differences between text 1 and text 2. Text 1 berjudul Tanjung Puting National Park dan Text 2 berjudul Taj Mahal


Try to find the similarities and differences between text 1 and text 2. Kita diminta untuk mencari persamaan dan perbedaan dari Text 1 yang berjudul Tanjung Puting National Park dan Text 2 yang berjudul Taj Mahal.

Text 1 mendeskripsikan tentang Tanjung Puting National Park adalah tempat wisata berbasis alam atau Ecotourism. Di Tanjung Puting National Park terdapat penangkaran orangutan bekas tangkapan manusia. Orangutan tersebut dilatih lagi agar terbiasa hidup di alamnya. Ini bertujuan agar nanti ketika mereka dilepas, mereka tidak kesusahan untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan alam. Dalam teks ini dijelaskan tentang pengalaman menarik yang akan kita dapatkan ketika menaiki perahu klotok. Kita akan makan, masak, dan tidur disitu. Kita bisa menikmati suasana alam secara langsung.

Teks 2 mendeskripsikan tentang Taj Mahal. Taj Mahal adalah sebuah lambang dari cinta seorang Raja kepada Permaisurinya. Taj Mahal dibangun oleh Kaisar Mughal Shah Janan untuk mengenang istrinya tercinta. Dalam teks tersebut di sebuatkan bahwa Taj Mahal adalah hasil atau karya arsitektur termegah dan terhebat. Kita juga disuguhkan suasana-susasana Taj Mahal ketika pagi, siang, mataari terbenam, dan saat malam hari.

Similarities (Kesamaan) dari text 1 dan 2 adalah:

Kedua text sama-sama berbentuk descriptive text.Kedua text sama-sama menggunakan simple present tense.Kedua text sama-sama mendeskripsikan tentang sebuah tempat

Difference (Perbedaan) dari text 1 dan 2

Teks 1 mendeskripsikan tentang sebuah tempat wisata alam sedangkan teks 2 mendeskripsikan tempat wisata museum.Teks pertama lebih condong mendeskripsikan tentang fungsi lain dari wisata tersebut yaitu sebagai cagar alam. Sedangkan pada teks 2, lebih banyak dideskripsikan tentang kemegahan Taj Mahal serta asal usul dibangunnya.


Pelajari lebih lanjut  

1.  Tanjung Puting National Park https://brainly.co.id/tugas/8444263

2. Taj Mahal https://brainly.co.id/tugas/8939441


Detil Jawaban  

Kelas : 10

Mapel : B Inggris

Bab : Chapter 4

Kode :10.5.4

Kata Kunci: tanjung puting national park, Taj Mahal

8. mention similarities between the writer and his brother!

sebutkan kesamaan antara penulis dan saudara laki lakinya 

9. Explain the relationship between semantics and syntax, their differences, and their similarities!


Semantics is the study of meaning communicated through language

(Saeed, 1997, p. 3),

"Syntax is the study of the principles and processes by which sentences

are constructed in particular languages. Syntactic investigation of a given

language has as its goal the construction of a grammar that can be viewed

as a device of some sort for producing the sentences of the language

under analysis."

(Noam Chomsky, Syntactic Structures, 1971)


Semantic dan syntax are part of linguistic, semantic and syntax are important to make a sentence in English.

similarity: Both of semantic and syntax take a part in a sentence, semantic and syntax are part of linguistic

Difference: Semantic : studies the meaning of the sentence, Syntax : studies the rule or structure of the sentence


10. Can you find any similarities between Ki Hajar Dewantara and yourself?


jaisnehsnss bh haisnsns


11. What are the similarities between Rationalism and Empiricism


i don t no what is thad oooooo


In philosophy, rationalism is the epistemological view that "regards reason as the chief source and test of knowledge" or "any view appealing to reason as a source of knowledge or justification".

In philosophy, empiricism is a theory that states that knowledge comes only or primarily from sensory experience.



12. 1. what are the similarities between magazines and newspaper?2. is a magazine thicker than a newspaper?3. what are the similarities between magazine and books?tolong dibantu ya...

1. magazines and newspaper share information. both things tell knowledge for people. both have pictures and articles inside.

2.yes, magazines are often thicker than newspaper.

3. magazines and books share information and knowledge. both are very enjoyable.

sorry if it's not what you're looking for

13. Can you find any similarities between Ki Hajar Dewantara and yourself?


Can you find any similarities between Ki Hajar Dewantara and yourself?

*As for similarities I can only relate to his patience and reasonable as the most close for me to him.

Semoga membantu:-)

Jangan lupa dikasih jawaban the best><

14. What is the similarities between a squid and octopus?

they catch their preys with their tentacles/arms.

15. Activity 12 write down the similarities and the differences between them​

Jawaban :

Artinya : Kegiatan 12 tuliskan persamaan dan perbedaannya

Penjelasan :

Maaf kalau salah

16. can you find any similarities between R.A Kartini and yourself? describe.

1. We are both females
2. We are both Indonesians
3. Both of us care about education
4. Both of us are the descendants of the javanese people

17. What are the similarities and differences between hotel and restaurant foodservice?


Hotels and Restaurants are both business establishments that cater to different needs of customers. The basic aim of a hotel is to provide accommodation whereas the basic aim of a restaurant is to provide food and drink. This is the main difference between hotel and restaurant. Sometimes a restaurant can be found inside a hotel as well.

18. how many similarities do you find between cats and dogs​


The similarities between cats and dogs are that they have the same four legs, eat meat, breathe using lungs, and have a tail

19. Write a conclusion about the differences and similarities between hope and wish in english!​


Hope mainly expresses a desire that is possible or likely to happen.

Example : The sky is dark. I hope it will rain soon.

Wish usually expresses a desire that is impossible or unlikely to happen.

Example: I wish she would tell me her secrets.

semoga membantu ☺️

20. What are the similarities between narrative and recount text


Talk about something that happened in the past, both of them using past tense.


Narrative dan recount text sama-sama menceritakan sesuatu hal yang tlah lalu

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