Rabu, 08 Maret 2023

2 3 Of A Yard

2 3 Of A Yard

1. The black board..............in front of the class room 2. ...................the students in the yard 3. .................. He a libbarian

Daftar Isi

1. 1. The black board..............in front of the class room 2. ...................the students in the yard 3. .................. He a libbarian

1. the black board is in front of the class room
2. Are the students in the yard?
3. is he a librarian?1. Is
2. All of
3. -
Maaf kalo salah, smoga membantu^^

2. The writer says that the yard of his house is wide. It means the yard of the house is not . . . *2 poinA. bigB. narrowC. smallD. tallGT​

A. big

maaf jika salah (´・_・`)Question/Pertanyaan:

The writer says that the yard of his house is wide. It means the yard of the house is not...


B. Narrow

The writer says that the yard of his house is wide. It means the yard of the house is not narrow.


Big-> besar

Narrow -> sempit

Small -> kecil

Tall -> tinggi

So the answer is B!

Jadi Jawabannya adalah B!

Sorry if it's wrong.

maaf kalo salah.

3. What is the meaning of school yard​


school yard: lapangan sekolah


berarti ya mbak bener kui

4. Make a simple conversation of proise something 1. Your classroom 2. Your school 3. Your scool yard 4. Your bedroom 5. Your house

3.taman sekolahmu
4.kamar tidurmu

5. Jika setiap 1 yard 90 cm dan setiap inch 3 cm berapa inch kah dala 3 yard

1 yard = 90 cm
1 inch = 3 cm
3 yard = 3 × 90 : 3 = 90 inch

6. is there a yard or garden behind or in front of your hous​


apakah ada pekarangan atau taman di belakang atau di depan rumah kamu?

7. I yard sana dengan 90 cm, dan 1 inch 3 m 3 yard adalah berapa inch?


o,9 inch

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

90×3=270 =270:300=0,9


1 yard = 90cm

1 inch = 3 m

jawab :

3 yard = ...

1inch = 3 m

1 yard = 90 cm

1yard = 300 m / 90 cm

= 3,33 inch

3 yard = 3,33×3

= 9,99 inch

8. jika setiap 1 yard = 90 cm dan setiap 1inc = 3 cm . berapa inch kah panjang dari 3 yard ?

A. Cari Panjang 3 Yard Dalam cm

3 yard = 90 . 3
3 yard = 270 cm

B. Ubah ke Inch

1 inch = 3 cm

= 270/3
= 90 inch

Jadi, 3 yard = 90 inch.

➡Jadikan sebagai yang ter-brainly!
➡Follow me!

9. Bila 2 1/2 yard kain harganya 20 dolar, berapa harga 3 1/2 yard? Mohon bantuannya

2 1/2 yard = 5/2 yard = 2,5 yard

2,5 yard = 20 dolar

1 yard = 20/2,5 = 8 dolar

3 1/2 yard = ... dolar

= 7/2 x 8

= 28 dolar

semoga membantu :)

X=28 dolar

Jadi harga kain 3,5 yard harganya 28 dolar

Semoga dapat membantu yak

10. a. 30 yard .... inchib. 10 yard .... inchi​


1. 1080

2. 360

semoga membantu:))

11. In front of the house, there is a yard. The yard is..... not large. There are beautiful flowers around the yard. A small garage..... on the left side of the house. On the right side....... a narrow alley that leads to the back of the house. Tolong jawabkan titik titiknya.

In front of the house, there is a yard . The yard is *garden* not large . There are beautiful flowers around the yard. A small garage *there* *is* on the left side of the house . On the right side *there* *is* a narrow alley that leads to the back of the house

12. a. Yard& Poolb. courtd. segangelique wijaya is one of indonesian athlete​


maaf soalnya kurang jelas

Jawaban :

a. yard : sebuah

& pool : dan kolam

b. court : pengadilan

d. seg : seg

angelique wijaya is one of indonesian athlete​ : angelique wijaya adalah salah satu atlet yang ada di Indonesia






: )

13. Jika setiap 1 yard : 90 cm, setiap inch : 3 cm, berapa inch kah panjang dari 3 yard.

1 yard = 90 cm, 1 inch = 3 cm.
maka 3 yard = 270cm
jadi 3 yard = 90 inch

14. buatlah percakapan dari kata dan kalimat : 1.get / a bottle of water, 2.clean/the board, 3. sweep /the back yard , 4. wash /the dirty shoes

1. Can you get me a bottle of water
2. Can you please clean the board
3. Can you sweep the backyard
4. Please wash this dirty shoes

15. jogging dengang 50 yard kemudian Sprint sejauh....a. 50 Yardc. 20 yardb. 90 Yardd. 30 Yarde. 40 Yard​


B.90 Yard


Semoga Benar

16. 7. There is. in front of my housea. Flowersc. Windowb. A yardd. Streets​


A yard


Maaf jika salah

semoga membantu!

there is in front of my house


17. the canteen is in southwest of the yard​


kantin berada di sebelah barat daya lapangan

18. In front of the house, there is a yard. The yard is..... not large. There are beautiful flowers around the yard. A small garage..... on the left side of the house. On the right side....... a narrow alley that leads to the back of the house. Tolong jawabkan titik titiknya.

1. Small
3.there is
Jadi =
In front of the house there is a yard, the yard is small not large, there are a beautiful flowers around the yard. A small garage is on the left side of the house. On the right side there is a narrow alley that leads to the back of the house In front of the house, there is a yard. The yard is small, not large. There are beautiful flowers around the yard. A small garage is on the left side of the house. On the right side there is a narrow alley that leads to the back of the house.

19. Bila 1 inci = 2,54 cm, dan 1 yard = 36 inci, maka 2 yard =.... Bila 1 inci = 2,54 cm, dan 1 yard = 36 inci, maka 2 yard = .....


72 inci = 184,88 cm


1 inchi = 2,54 cm

1 yard = 36 inci

2 yard = 2 x 36 = 72 inci

72 inci = 2,54 x 72 = 184,88 cm

20. jika 1 yard=90cm dan 1 inch=3cm . berapa inchkah panjang 3 yard?​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1 yard = 90 cm × 3

=270 cm

1nch = 3 cm


=90 inch

Maaf kalo salah.Semoga membantu.Mohon di follow yah kakak

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1 yard = 90cm

1 inch = 3 cm

30 inch = 90 cm

1 yard = 30 inch

3 yard = 3×30 = 90 inch

maaf jika salah,

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