Minggu, 05 Maret 2023

65 Of What Is 39

65 Of What Is 39

Beersebba Bhs...Hari ini 10.31Today is rain we should bring anA umbrella23 Amal that has bankiAlephant BeaceDrabbit15. Teacher And don't play in the clasAndyAthank you bye Clam sorry Diam fine35. Aneby past sevenCten past26. What month is beforemayOmanFill in the Bank with the correct answer!36 This motorcycle37 How do you spell classroom38. The number is6539. A What day is today?& Today is (rabu)40 What month is it now?41 What month after november it is42. The opposite of south is43. The studiereadmgathe perpustakaan44. The cat on the floor last week (tidur)45.A s the weather in Pekanbaru- it is omamnu)27. The book Rp 2000Acheap BiligentClarythick28. A Narn English twice a weekA teach Beaches teaching techsCRead the following text carefully!9 We orange ce yesterdayAdring. Branko rinkingOdrinks30 Aid Mr Lee visit his daughter two daysMy mother is a nurse. Her name is Susanti.She goes to work by motorcycle in thehospital the treats patient nicely. I visit her inthe nurse's room Mymother dits on woodenchair There is a table in front of her. On thetable see tensemeter andthermometer There are some stationary toMy mother witites the patient condition everyAldidthey areshe didhe did31. When do leaves of the tree falls down?Ain summerCin springDin autumn32. She a new bas two yesterdayAbuy bought CbuyingD buysBased on the text.Answer the question below!$6. What does Mrs Susanti do?47 How does she treat the patient?48. What are on the tables?49. How does Susanti go the hospital?So What does "wooden chair" med38. We can see snow inA summerCwinterBspringDautumn​

Daftar Isi

1. Beersebba Bhs...Hari ini 10.31Today is rain we should bring anA umbrella23 Amal that has bankiAlephant BeaceDrabbit15. Teacher And don't play in the clasAndyAthank you bye Clam sorry Diam fine35. Aneby past sevenCten past26. What month is beforemayOmanFill in the Bank with the correct answer!36 This motorcycle37 How do you spell classroom38. The number is6539. A What day is today?& Today is (rabu)40 What month is it now?41 What month after november it is42. The opposite of south is43. The studiereadmgathe perpustakaan44. The cat on the floor last week (tidur)45.A s the weather in Pekanbaru- it is omamnu)27. The book Rp 2000Acheap BiligentClarythick28. A Narn English twice a weekA teach Beaches teaching techsCRead the following text carefully!9 We orange ce yesterdayAdring. Branko rinkingOdrinks30 Aid Mr Lee visit his daughter two daysMy mother is a nurse. Her name is Susanti.She goes to work by motorcycle in thehospital the treats patient nicely. I visit her inthe nurse's room Mymother dits on woodenchair There is a table in front of her. On thetable see tensemeter andthermometer There are some stationary toMy mother witites the patient condition everyAldidthey areshe didhe did31. When do leaves of the tree falls down?Ain summerCin springDin autumn32. She a new bas two yesterdayAbuy bought CbuyingD buysBased on the text.Answer the question below!$6. What does Mrs Susanti do?47 How does she treat the patient?48. What are on the tables?49. How does Susanti go the hospital?So What does "wooden chair" med38. We can see snow inA summerCwinterBspringDautumn​


Today is raining, we should bring an umbrella

Thank you, bye

Before may is April

Today is Wednesday

It is May

After November is December

Opposite ofSouth is North

The cat slept on the floor last week

The book is cheap

Leaves of the tree falls down in Autumn

She bought...

We can see snow in Winter


Tolong soalnya dipeerbaiki, agar lebih mudah dikerjakan... Beberapa soal tidak bisa saya kerjakan karena kurang jelasnya kalimat. Terima kasih, semoga membantu

2. Short story of the Titanic On April 15, 1912, one of the deadliest maritime disaster in history occurred. At 2:45 am on April 15; 5 days after its original departure from Liverpool, England, the Titanic struck a large iceberg in the Atlantic Ocean. The ship Titanic was the second in a three ship set; the Olympic, Titanic, and Britannica. She was 300 yards long, and weighed several hundreds of thousands of pounds. The great ship, made mostly of metal, was thought to be unsinkable. Then the impossible happened. Captain Edward John Smith had altered the Titanic’s course slightly to the south, hoping to avoid the icefields that had been spotted and reported by other ships. Unfortunately, the change in course didn’t help much. In the late hours of April 14, the Titanic collided with a large iceberg. Upon striking the berg, the Titanic's flood compartments, made for just such an occasion, began to fill with water. The titanic could have stayed afloat if only 4 of the compartments were flooded, but the water quickly filled 6, making the bow sink slowly into the 28 °F degree (-2° Celsius degree) water. Many passengers were actually spotted playing soccer with the chunks of ice, unaware of the danger posed to them. There wasn’t a rush to get into the lifeboats at first, because passengers would rather stay on the warm ship, than go out into the cold and the unknown of the sea in a small boat. The first of the 20 lifeboats simply left with 28 people aboard, although they were designed to hold 65 passengers. When the danger became apparent, 3rd class passengers were locked down into their 3rd class area, unable to escape to the safety of a lifeboat. 1 st and 2nd class passengers got to the lifeboats quicker and easier, because they had boats on their decks. The stewards and stewardesses didn’t lock the 3rd class passengers because they wanted them to die. They locked them until they were given orders. Once the orders were given to let the women and children out first and not let any men out, they unlocked the doors, but had a hard time getting just the women and children out. Desperate men actually dressed as women so they would be allowed to enter a lifeboat. There are undisclosed rumors, still to this day, that say the Titanic's crew shot passengers who wanted a lifeboat. The lifeboats were picked up by the Carpathia. This is where the Titanic's journey ends. She soon went down "head-first" into the icy depths. Hundreds perished that night, men, women, children, even dogs. One of the passengers described the ride down with the sinking ship "like an elevator ride". The survivors recalled that there were so many dead, they could hardly row through the bodies. Out of the 1523 people in the water, 7 were found alive. Out of the 2228 passengers aboard the ship only 705 survived. All of the men in the engine room died. On April 17, 1912 the 705 survivors finally reached their destination of New York City. The Carpathia arrived at 9:35 p.m. and started to unload the survivors. Interviewers swarmed the passengers asking them what had happened. All of them agreed that their lives would never be the same again. AFTER YOU READ THE STORY OF TITANIC ABOVE, PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS CAREFULLY AND HONESTLY. 1. FIND THE SYNONYMS OF THE FOLLOWING WORDS: A. Deadliest B. Unsinkable C. Altered D. Collided with E. Apparent F. Perished G. Swarmed 2. RETELL FIRST HOW THE TITANIC STARTED ITS JOURNEY (WHAT KIND OF SHIP, WHERE WAS THE DEPARTURE, WHEN THE CRUISE STARTED) 3. RETELL THE CHRONOLOGICAL STORIES IN BRIEF OF HOW TITANIC SUNK. 4. IF YOU WERE ONE OF THE PASSENGERS ON THE SHIP WHAT WOULD YOU DO IN THE HARD SITUATION?


1. A. Deadliest = dangerous

B. Unsinkable = not sinkable

C. Altered = Change

D. Collided with = crash into

E. Apparent = visible / recognizable

F. Perished = die

G. Swarmed = flood

2. Titanic is a great metal ship that depart from liverpool city in england in April 10, 1912

3. The captain, Edward john smith change the titanic course slightly to the south in last minutes after a warning from another ships, but the change didn't help much, so titanic striking the large iceberg. The titanic's flood compartments quickly filled the 6 compartments. Making the bow sink slowly.

4. Well, i'm gonna try to not panic and pray to the god.


3. BERTANYA! Alfred Hitchcock Born in London on August 13, 1899, Alfred Hitchcock worked for a short time in engineering before entering the film industry in 1920. He left for Hollywood in 1939, where his first American film, Rebecca, won an Academy Award for best picture. Hitchcock created more than 50 films, including the classics Rear Window, The 39 Steps and Psycho. Nicknamed the "Master of Suspense”. Alfred Hitchcock was raised by strict, Catholic parents. He described his childhood as lonely and sheltered, partly due to his obesity. He once said that he was sent by his father to the local police station with a note asking the officer to lock him away for 10 minutes as punishment for behaving badly. In 1920, Hitchcock entered the film industry with a full-time position at the Famous Players-Lasky Company designing title cards for silent films. Within a few years, he was working as an assistant director. In 1925, Hitchcock directed his first film and began making the "thrillers" for which he became known the world over. His 1929 film Blackmail is said to be the first British "talkie." In the 1930s, he directed such classic suspense films as The Man Who Knew Too Much and The 39 Steps. In 1939, Hitchcock left England for Hollywood. The first film he made there, Rebecca (1940), won an Academy Award for best picture. Some of his most famous films include Psycho, The Birds and Marnie. His works became renowned for their depictions of violence, although many of his plots merely function as decoys meant to serve as a tool for understanding complex psychological characters. His cameo appearances in his own films, as well as his interviews, film trailers and the television program Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1962-65), made him a cultural icon. Hitchcock directed more than 50 feature films in a career spanning six decades. He received the American Film Institute's Life Achievement Award in 1979. One year later, on April 29, 1980, Hitchcock died peacefully in his sleep in Bel Air, California. He was survived by his lifetime partner, assistant director and closest collaborator. Susunlah beberapa informasi dari bacaan di atas dengan menggunakan table berikut. Year | What Happened

1899: Alfred Hitchcock was born
1920: Alfred worked for a short time in engineering then he entered the film industry with a full-time position at the Famous Players-Lasky Company designing title cards for silent films.
1925: Alfred directed his first film and began making the "thrillers"
1929: Alfred Hitchcock's film, Blackmail. Is said to be the first british "talkie"
1939: Alfred Hitchcock left England to Hollywood and began to produce his first American Film, Rebbeca.
1940: Alfred's first American Film, Rebbeca. Won the Academy Awards for best picture.
1962: Alfred's own television program, Alfred Hitchcock Presents and his cameo appearances in his television programs made him a cultural icon.
1979: Alfred received the American Film Institute's Life Achievement Award.
1980: Hitchcock died peacefully in his sleep in Bel Air, California.

4. Mari kita lihat contoh yang lainnya. Bacalah biography di bawah ini tentang Alfred Hitchcock, seorang filmmarker terkenal. Alfred Hitchcock Born in London on August 13, 1899, Alfred Hitchcock worked for a short time in engineering before entering the film industry in 1920. He left for Hollywood in 1939, where his first American film, Rebecca, won an Academy Award for best picture. Hitchcock created more than 50 films, including the classics Rear Window, The 39 Steps and Psycho. Nicknamed the "Master of Suspense”. Alfred Hitchcock was raised by strict, Catholic parents. He described his childhood as lonely and sheltered, partly due to his obesity. He once said that he was sent by his father to the local police station with a note asking the officer to lock him away for 10 minutes as punishment for behaving badly. In 1920, Hitchcock entered the film industry with a full-time position at the Famous Players-Lasky Company designing title cards for silent films. Within a few years, he was working as an assistant director. In 1925, Hitchcock directed his first film and began making the "thrillers" for which he became known the world over. His 1929 film Blackmail is said to be the first British "talkie." In the 1930s, he directed such classic suspense films as The Man Who Knew Too Much and The 39 Steps. In 1939, Hitchcock left England for Hollywood. The first film he made there, Rebecca (1940), won an Academy Award for best picture. Some of his most famous films include Psycho, The Birds and Marnie. His works became renowned for their depictions of violence, although many of his plots merely function as decoys meant to serve as a tool for understanding complex psychological characters. His cameo appearances in his own films, as well as his interviews, film trailers and the television program Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1962-65), made him a cultural icon. Hitchcock directed more than 50 feature films in a career spanning six decades. He received the American Film Institute's Life Achievement Award in 1979. One year later, on April 29, 1980, Hitchcock died peacefully in his sleep in Bel Air, California. He was survived by his lifetime partner, assistant director and closest collaborator. Source: http://www.biography.com/people/alfred-hitchcock-9340006 Susunlah beberapa informasi dari bacaan di atas dengan menggunakan table berikut. Year What Happened Teksnya NB:pokok isikan sebanyak 10 kolom

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5. Read the following text! Then answer the questions! How to Incubate Chicken Eggs Materials needed: Pre-made chicken egg incubator Hygrometer Thermometer Non-toxic marker Instructions: 1. Pick clean, undamaged eggs for incubation. Eggs should be set within a week after laying, and it is best not to store them before incubation. If you wait ten days to set, you have probably waited too long and the chances of hatching drop. For hatching to occur, the eggs must be fertile. Fertile eggs can be hatched from hens who are housed with a rooster. 2 Prepare your incubator. Before putting the eggs into the incubator, plug it in and set it to the correct temperature. Use your thermometer for measuring the temperature of the incubator. The best incubator temperature for chicken eggs is 37 to 37.5 degrees Celsius for a forced air incubator. A still air incubator have higher temperatures around 38 to 39 degrees Celsius. Humidity for hatching chicken eggs matters as well. Use hygrometer for measuring the humidity of the incubator. For days 1 to 18, the humidity should be 45 to 50%. Then, the humidity should increase in the final days to 65%. Use non-toxic marker to mark your eggs while turning. The mother hen naturally knows how to rotate her eggs throughout the setting process, but it isn't so natural for a human. Therefore, draw an X on one side and an O on the other side. Doing so allows you to see whether or not you have flipped your eggs sufficiently. Be sure to turn them at least three times a day. 4 Put the eggs in the incubator. As soon as your incubator is up to the correct temperature and humidity. you can set your eggs inside. Put your eggs into the incubator with the narrow end lower in elevation. 5. Rotate your eggs three to five times daily, so set the alarm on your phone for the first 18 days. If it has been 18 days, you can stop turning and wait for the eggs to hatch. Typically, an egg hatches three days after you stop turning. Eggs typically hatch in 21 days. Of course, that will vary with every clutch.1. Mention command verbs found in the text! 2. What tense does the text mostly use? 3. Can you find complex sentences in the text? Give two examples! 4. Rewrite three adverbs found in the text! 5. Rewrite a conditional sentence followed by suggestion!​

Some command verbs found in the text are pick, prepare, plug it, set it, use, draw, put, rotate. The text mostly use the simple present tense. Complex sentences in the text are “If you wait ten days to set, you have probably waited too long and the chances of hatching drop”, and “The mother hen naturally knows how to rotate her eggs throughout the setting process, but it isn't so natural for a human”.Three adverbs found in the text are typically, daily, naturally. The conditional sentence and followed by suggestion is: “If you wait ten days to set, you have probably waited too long and the chances of hatching drop, so don’t wait until ten days to set”. Pembahasan

Teks di atas termasuk ke dalam procedural text yang berisi petunjuk urutan langkah-langkah dalam melakukan sesuatu. Ciri-cirinya selalu menggunakan tenses yang paling dasar dalam bahasa Inggris yaitu simple present tense dan berisi command verbs seperti di atas.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Tentang procedural text: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/37780655


6. Translate ke Indonesia Tanpa pakai Google Translate, mesti manual :D Makasih kalau nomor-nomornya tidak usah di translate, cuma kalimatnya saja 1 [ Mouse squeaks ] 2 [ Penguins chirp ] 3 [ All cheering ] 4 00:00:10,211 --> 00:00:13,212 [ Screeches ] 5 00:00:13,214 --> 00:00:14,346 Adventure Time 6 00:00:14,348 --> 00:00:15,681 come on, grab your friends 7 00:00:15,683 --> 00:00:18,450 we'll go to very distant lands 8 00:00:18,452 --> 00:00:20,686 with Jake the dog and Finn the human 9 00:00:20,688 --> 00:00:22,488 the fun will never end 10 00:00:22,490 --> 00:00:24,857 it's Adventure Time 11 00:00:32,499 --> 00:00:34,533 Finn: Yee-ow! 12 00:00:34,535 --> 00:00:35,968 Whoops. 13 00:00:35,970 --> 00:00:39,805 And I dub thee sir Jake the dog. 14 00:00:40,840 --> 00:00:42,975 [ Ting! ] 15 00:00:42,977 --> 00:00:45,144 You two now comprise the royal guard 16 00:00:45,146 --> 00:00:47,479 of the one true princess of ooo -- 17 00:00:47,481 --> 00:00:48,380 that's me! 18 00:00:48,382 --> 00:00:50,215 As such, you may no longer 19 00:00:50,217 --> 00:00:52,351 own property or operate children 20 00:00:52,353 --> 00:00:54,586 and must render all treasure and wives 21 unto your sworn princess within a hangman's fortnight. 22 [ Scoffs ] Joke's on you, man. 23 00:00:59,527 --> 00:01:01,927 We spent all our treasure the other day -- 24 00:01:01,929 --> 00:01:03,395 plus, don't even have any wives. 25 00:01:03,397 --> 00:01:06,065 Wait, what? What about lady? 26 00:01:06,067 --> 00:01:07,533 Lady's my girlfriend. 27 00:01:07,535 --> 00:01:09,334 Wait, but... 28 00:01:10,437 --> 00:01:12,237 That was tree trunks. 29 00:01:12,239 --> 00:01:13,172 Oh, yeah! 30 00:01:13,174 --> 00:01:15,007 We, the inhabitants of ooo, 31 00:01:15,009 --> 00:01:17,209 owe you heroes our very lives. 32 00:01:17,211 --> 00:01:20,846 As the once powerful and dignified Princess Bubblegum 33 00:01:20,848 --> 00:01:22,848 sulked off into exile, 34 00:01:22,850 --> 00:01:24,583 it fell upon you two 35 00:01:24,585 --> 00:01:27,386 to save us from the impending comet of doom 36 00:01:27,388 --> 00:01:29,922 and/or from the hideous orgalorg, 37 00:01:29,924 --> 00:01:31,790 who aimed to eat the powerful comet 38 00:01:31,792 --> 00:01:34,093 and grow invincible! 39 00:01:34,095 --> 00:01:36,728 And for that, we are eternally grateful. 40 00:01:36,730 --> 00:01:37,963 I know I am. 41 00:01:37,965 --> 00:01:40,232 But now your bravery is essential 42 00:01:40,234 --> 00:01:42,201 to a new heroic task! 43 00:01:42,969 --> 00:01:44,303 Can you guess what it is? 44 00:01:44,305 --> 00:01:45,537 Uh... 45 00:01:45,539 --> 00:01:46,572 Come on. Guess! 46 00:01:46,574 --> 00:01:47,639 Um... 47 00:01:47,641 --> 00:01:49,541 Fight a -- fight a dragon? 48 00:01:49,543 --> 00:01:51,677 Wrong! Follow me. 49 00:01:55,148 --> 00:01:57,883 [ Sighs ] Man, this is stupid as heck. 50 00:01:57,885 --> 00:01:59,051 I miss p.B. 51 00:01:59,053 --> 00:02:01,587 [ Panting ] Yeah, I guess. 52 00:02:01,589 --> 00:02:02,955 Phew! [ Sighs ] 53 00:02:02,957 --> 00:02:05,290 I mean, except for this sweet armor, though. 54 00:02:05,292 --> 00:02:07,292 This armor's hot like fire. 55 00:02:07,294 --> 00:02:09,495 Nah. The armor's stupid, too. 56 00:02:09,497 --> 00:02:12,164 Dang king of ooo, going around like d.J. Snappy. 57 00:02:12,166 --> 00:02:13,465 This is it, fellas -- 58 00:02:13,467 --> 00:02:16,135 the only spot in the kingdom left unscoured 59 00:02:16,137 --> 00:02:17,636 during my treasure census. 60 00:02:17,638 --> 00:02:20,139 I'm afraid it'll explode or something if I open it. 61 00:02:20,141 --> 00:02:21,840 But I really think there could -- 62 nay, there might be precious treasures in there, 63 so I want you two to do it. 64 00:02:27,148 --> 00:02:30,149 Man, this seems like a really bad idea. 65 00:02:30,151 --> 00:02:32,684 Yeah, well, it's an order from your princess. 66 00:02:32,686 --> 00:02:33,752 Git, git, git! 67 00:02:33,754 --> 00:02:34,987 Both: Hey! [ Grunting ] 68 [ Thudding ] 69 Come on! All right, all right! 70 [ Door creaks ] 71 All: Hello. 72 Old guard #1: We are the sworn protectors

5. waktu berlibur
6. kemarilah, tangkap temanmu

7. Mari kita lihat contoh yang lainnya. Bacalah biography di bawah ini tentang Alfred Hitchcock, seorang filmmarker terkenal. Alfred Hitchcock Born in London on August 13, 1899, Alfred Hitchcock worked for a short time in engineering before entering the film industry in 1920. He left for Hollywood in 1939, where his first American film, Rebecca, won an Academy Award for best picture. Hitchcock created more than 50 films, including the classics Rear Window, The 39 Steps and Psycho. Nicknamed the "Master of Suspense”. Alfred Hitchcock was raised by strict, Catholic parents. He described his childhood as lonely and sheltered, partly due to his obesity. He once said that he was sent by his father to the local police station with a note asking the officer to lock him away for 10 minutes as punishment for behaving badly. In 1920, Hitchcock entered the film industry with a full-time position at the Famous Players-Lasky Company designing title cards for silent films. Within a few years, he was working as an assistant director. In 1925, Hitchcock directed his first film and began making the "thrillers" for which he became known the world over. His 1929 film Blackmail is said to be the first British "talkie." In the 1930s, he directed such classic suspense films as The Man Who Knew Too Much and The 39 Steps. In 1939, Hitchcock left England for Hollywood. The first film he made there, Rebecca (1940), won an Academy Award for best picture. Some of his most famous films include Psycho, The Birds and Marnie. His works became renowned for their depictions of violence, although many of his plots merely function as decoys meant to serve as a tool for understanding complex psychological characters. His cameo appearances in his own films, as well as his interviews, film trailers and the television program Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1962-65), made him a cultural icon. Hitchcock directed more than 50 feature films in a career spanning six decades. He received the American Film Institute's Life Achievement Award in 1979. One year later, on April 29, 1980, Hitchcock died peacefully in his sleep in Bel Air, California. He was survived by his lifetime partner, assistant director and closest collaborator. Source: http://www.biography.com/people/alfred-hitchcock-9340006 Susunlah beberapa informasi dari bacaan di atas dengan menggunakan table berikut. Year What Happened Teksnya NB:pokok isikan sebanyak 10 kolom

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8.  Fill in the blanks with to be is, am, or are   A.  Hello, I ……1……. Tanti, I live in Bandung, and I ……2…… a salesgirl. I work hard everyday, except on Sundays and holidays. My work hours …3…..from eight o’clock in the morning until four in the afternoon, but at twelve, there ……4… a lunch break of half an hour.       My job ……5…….selling consumers products, especially cleaners such as soaps, detergents, and glass cleaners, with a bag-full of goods I go from house to house, so naturally, most of my costumers…6….. housewives. But not every housewife ……7….willing to buy, sometimes, she …8…reluctant to even open the door for me, and sends her maid to tell that she…9….not in. At other times, a dangerous-looking dog 10…..right behind the front gate to keep salespeople away. But I …11.. not afraid of dogs. More often, however, the housewives…12….happy to try out the products I offer for sale.         My salary …13……small, but in addition to my salary there …14…. a commission on each article I sell. The more I sell, the more money I make. Well, the work……15………hard, but I like it.   B.     Udin and Budi …16.. on the same bus. They ..17… on their way to Jakarta. Budi …18…… from Jakarta, but Udin …19… from a village  in central of Kalimantan. It …20… the first time that Udin goes to Jakarta. Udin asks : “How  ……21… Jakarta Budi ? What ……22…….. it like ?”       “Well, it …23….. very big ! Jakarta …24…. not small as your village, Udin.”       “How many people …25….. there in Jakarta ?”       “Well, let’s see. According to the latest census, There …26….. 7.5 million. And there ……27… more and more people come to Jakarta all the time. By the way, Udin, why do you want to come to Jakarta ? What …28…… your reason?” “People say it …29… easy to get a job there. I want to earn money than I can get in my village. That …30…. actually the reason. …31……….it really easy to get a good job, Budi, or …32……. it difficult ?”       Well, it ……33……... not really all that easy, Udin, but I hope you ……34…. lucky.”     Put the verb in parenthesis into the correct SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE form.         Toni …35… (live) in Bogor, but he …36. (go) to the university of Indonesia in Jakarta. He .37.. (travel) more than one hundred kilometres on the bus each day, back and forth from his hometown to the capital. The bus ride the university …38….  (take) between one and two hours and the ride home, just as much.       Every morning at six o’clock, Toni ..39... (be) at the bus station. Many other commuters ...40…. (be) there with him. They all …41…….. (want) to find a good seat on the bus. But a young  boy like Toni …42.. (sit, negative) all the time. Toni always …43… (stand) up for an old woman, and often for an old man.       Once in a while, Toni ..44…. (give) his seat to a young girl. She ..45…. (be) usually pretty, of course! Just ..46….. (smile) at him and they …47….(change) places . She ..48.... (sit) and he …49.. (stand). His books ..50…. (be) under one arm, and his other arm …51…. (find) support on the back of the girl seat. When the bus …52.. (reach) the first stop in Jakarta, the pretty girl …53.. (get) off. There …54… (be) no smile for Toni this time. She …55… (hurry) to get the next bus that will take her into the city. And on that bus she …56.. (smile) at another young boy. That’s the way life is!   Fill in the blanks with the correct negative (isn’t or doesn’t)         Aswin ……57…. very happy today. He …58..... have his homework and he ……59….. ready for the test that the teacher plans to give. Aswin would really like to be a good student but he ……60……… plan his time very well. In class, he ……61….. always listen to his teacher so he……62... have complete notes. Sometimes he …63……… realize that a test has been announced.       Aswin ……64……. really stupid. When he studies, he gets a good grades. But he …65……….. always like to study. Perhaps Aswin just …66…….. mature enough yet.   ​


semoga membantu yaaa ...

Hello, I am Tanti, I live in Bandung, and I am a salesgirl. I work hard everyday, except on Sundays and holidays. My work hours is from eight o’clock in the morning until four in the afternoon, but at twelve, there is a lunch break of half an hour. My job is selling consumers products, especially cleaners such as soaps, detergents, and glass cleaners, with a bag-full of goods I go from house to house, so naturally, most of my costumers are housewives. But not every housewife is willing to buy, sometimes, she is reluctant to even open the door for me, and sends her maid to tell that she is not in. At other times, a dangerous-looking dog is right behind the front gate to keep salespeople away. But I am not afraid of dogs. More often, however, the housewives are happy to try out the products I offer for sale. My salary is small, but in addition to my salary there is a commission on each article I sell. The more I sell, the more money I make. Well, the work is hard, but I like it.  

Udin and Budi are on the same bus. They are on their way to Jakarta. Budi is from Jakarta, but Udin is from a village  in central of Kalimantan. It is the first time that Udin goes to Jakarta. Udin asks : “How  is Jakarta Budi ? What is it like ?”       “Well, it is very big ! Jakarta is not small as your village, Udin.”       “How many people are there in Jakarta ?”       “Well, let’s see. According to the latest census, There are 7.5 million. And there are more and more people come to Jakarta all the time. By the way, Udin, why do you want to come to Jakarta ? What is your reason?” “People say it is easy to get a job there. I want to earn money than I can get in my village. That is actually the reason. is it really easy to get a good job, Budi, or is it difficult ?”       Well, it is not really all that easy, Udin, but I hope you are lucky.”    

Toni lives in Bogor, but he goes to the university of Indonesia in Jakarta. He travels more than one hundred kilometres on the bus each day, back and forth from his hometown to the capital. The bus ride the university takes between one and two hours and the ride home, just as much.       Every morning at six o’clock, Toni is at the bus station. Many other commuters are there with him. They all want to find a good seat on the bus. But a young  boy like Toni doesn't sit all the time. Toni always stands up for an old woman, and often for an old man.       Once in a while, Toni gives his seat to a young girl. She is usually pretty, of course! Just smiles at him and they change places . She sits and he stands. His books are under one arm, and his other arm finds support on the back of the girl seat. When the bus reaches the first stop in Jakarta, the pretty girl gets off. There is no smile for Toni this time. She hurries to get the next bus that will take her into the city. And on that bus she smiles at another young boy. That’s the way life is!  

Aswin isn’t very happy today. He  doesn’t have his homework and he isn’t ready for the test that the teacher plans to give. Aswin would really like to be a good student but he doesn’t plan his time very well. In class, he doesn’t always listen to his teacher so he doesn’t have complete notes. Sometimes he doesn’t realize that a test has been announced.       Aswin isn’t really stupid. When he studies, he gets a good grades. But he doesn’t  always like to study. Perhaps Aswin just isn’t mature enough yet.   ​

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