Selasa, 14 Maret 2023

Analyzing The Development Of A Central Idea

Analyzing The Development Of A Central Idea

The idea that is the subject of paragraph development is called PLEASE HELP​

Daftar Isi

1. The idea that is the subject of paragraph development is called PLEASE HELP​

The idea that forms the basis for paragraph development is called the MAIN IDEA or IDEAS. ... The main idea or idea aims to explain the core or a problem of a paragraph. By identifying the main idea, we can find out the main idea of the paragraph.


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maaf kalo salah

2. what is the aim of the development of infrastructure?​


Functions to facilitate and support the smooth running of social and economic activities of the community, such as the distribution of goods and services

3. Please read the text, and answer for questions number 17-20! (Bacalah teks berikut ini, dan jawablah pertanyaan nomor 17-20!) Java has six provinces. One of them is Central Java. The capital city of Central Java is Semarang. Semarang is on the south of Central Java. There are a lot of cities in the Central Java. Batang is on the north of Central Java. Rembang is on the north east of Central Java. Sragen is on the east of Central Java. Purworejo is on the south of Central Java. Cilacap is on the south west of Central Java. Purbalingga is on the west of Central Java. Brebes is on the north west of Central Java. How many provinces does Java have? *​


Java has six provinces:)

4. 4 What is the significance of the development of production and the productivity in modern economies 4 What is the significance of the development of production and the productivity in modern economies 4 What is the significance of the development of production and the productivity in modern economies 4 What is the significance of the development of production and the productivity in modern economies

The significance of the development of production and the productivity in modern economies greatly determines the level of output of the production. This is because the development of production filled with technological innovation will greatly increase the level of output. Likewise, productivity will also be boosted by technological developments in production.

Jadi pentingnya hubungan antara pengembangan produksi dan produktifitas dalam ekonomi modern sangat menentukan kuantitas dan kualitas output yang dihasilkan, sebab pengembangan dan penerapan teknologi dalam proses produksi akan sangat meningkatkan laju produksi. Tentu saja hal ini juga akan sangat meningkatkan produktifitas.  


Proses produksi yang dikembangkan dengan teknologi produksi terkini akan sangat meningkatkan laju output. Apalagi dengan ekosistem industri 4.0 ketika adopsi teknologi terbaru dalam proses produksi adalah hal yang mutlak maka pengembangan produksi bukan sekedar terbatas pada bagian riset saja, namun harus sudah memasuki tahap realisasi. Di sinilah pentingnya hubungan antara pengembangan proses produksi dan produktifitas.

Pelajari lebih lanjutMateri tentang pengertian produksi

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ1

5. explain the development of the things in the picture!

In the Picture? Picturennya mana ya?



6. 2. what is the main idea of the first paragraph? 3. what is the main idea of the second paragraph? 4. what is the main idea of the last paragraph? ​


2.apa ide pokok paragraf pertama

3.apa ide pokok paragraf kedua

4.apa gagasan utama paragraf terakhir

7. the govornor of central java is


Ganjar Pranowo

I hope this helps :)

8. Analyzing Analyze the compliment expression had in the text below. What does the text tell us about? What kind of expression had in the text below? Read it and analyze the main idea of the compliment text mentioned in the text below!


Menganalisis Analisis ekspresi pujian yang ada dalam teks di bawah ini. Apa yang dikatakan teks itu kepada kita? Ekspresi macam apa yang dimiliki teks di bawah ini? Baca dan analisis ide utama pujian tersebut

9. a. what the main idea of the second paragraph?b. what the main idea of the third paragraph?c. what the possible littel for the text?​


a. Tesla's origins and family

b. Tesla's school and work careers before the peak of his life

c. Nikola Tesla, the Genius' life

I'm sorry if this isn't correct nor enough

10. Who benefited from the development of chimney sweep in the Industrial Revolution? Also, who was benefited from the development of chimney sweep?

tanks you somats


terimakasih atas 13 pointnya


thank you so much


terima kasih pointnya!!!!!!!!

11. The file of Greek and latin in the development of language teaching


ini yang Anda maksud artinya bukann??

File bahasa Yunani dan Latin dalam pengembangan pengajaran bahasa

File bahasa Yunani dan Latin dalam pengembangan pengajaran bahasaPelajari pengucapannya


12. how the development of tourism in indonesia?

Tourism in Indonesia is an important component of the Indonesian economy as well as a significant source of its foreign exchange revenues. The vast country of sprawling archipelago has much to offer; from natural beauty, historical heritage to cultural diversity. According to the World Travel and Tourism Council, the direct contribution of travel and tourism to Indonesia's GDP in 2014 was IDR 325,467 billion (US$26,162 million) constituting 3.2% of the total GDP. By 2019, the Indonesian government wants to have doubled this figure to 8 percent of GDP and the number of visitors needs to double to about 20 million. The tourism sector ranked as the 4th largest among goods and services export sectors.

Indonesia possess rich and colourful culture, such as Barong dance performance in Bali.
In year 2015, 9.73 million international visitors entered Indonesia, staying in hotels for an average of 7.5 nights and spending an average of US$1,142 per person during their visit, or US$152.22 per person per day. Singapore, Malaysia, China, Australia, and Japan are the top five sources of visitors to Indonesia.

The Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report 2015 ranks Indonesia 50th out of 141 countries overall. The report ranks the price competitiveness of Indonesia's tourism sector the 3rd out of 141 countries. It mentions that Indonesia has quite good travel and tourism policy and enabling conditions (ranked 9th). The country also scores quite good on natural and cultural resources (ranked 17th). However, the country scored rather low in infrastructure sub-index (ranked 75th), as some aspect of tourist service infrastructure are underdeveloped.

In 2016, the government was reported to be investing more in tourism development by attracting more foreign investors. The government has given priority to 10 destinations as follows: Borobudur, Central Java; Mandalika, West Nusa Tenggara; Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara; Bromo-Tengger-Semeru, East Java; Thousand Islands, Jakarta; Toba, North Sumatra; Wakatobi, Southeast Sulawesi; Tanjung Lesung, Banten; Morotai, North Maluku; and Tanjung Kelayang, Belitung. As quoted in the Jakarta Post, the government is aiming for 275 million trips by domestic tourists by end of 2019. The government has also secured commitments from potential investors, totalling US$70 million in the areas of building accommodation, marina and ecotourism facilities in 3 of the 10 areas.

13. What of the characteristic of sustainable development is?

when the development Will continue in positive way such

14. The role of Greek and latin in the development of language teaching


Ini yang andaaksud artinya bukannn???

File bahasa Yunani dan Latin dalam pengembangan pengajaran bahasa

Pelajari pengucapannya


15. mention the members of central government

menyebutkan anggota pemerintah pusat

maaf kalau salah arti nya

16. Please write down the main idea of the main idea of second paragraf

Where is the paragraph?

17. the main of idea adalah​


Main idea atau gagasan utama merupakan suatu gagasan yang menjadi inti dari suatu paragraf

18. plis bangetttt tolongG. Main ideas. Work in groups and find the main ideas of the paragraph. 1. The main idea of the text:2. The purpose of the text:3. The main idea of the first paragraph:Write the details that support the main idea.4. The main idea of the second paragraph:Write the details that support the main idea.5. The main idea of the third paragraph:Write the details that support the main idea.6. The main idea of the fourth paragraph:Write the details that support the main idea. 7. The main idea of the fifth paragraph: Write the details that support the main idea.​


G. Gagasan utama. Bekerja dalam kelompok dan temukan gagasan utama paragraf.

1. Ide utama teks:

2. Tujuan teks:

3. Gagasan utama paragraf pertama:

Tuliskan detail yang mendukung gagasan utama.

4. Gagasan utama paragraf kedua:

Tuliskan detail yang mendukung gagasan utama.

5. Gagasan utama paragraf ketiga:

Tuliskan detail yang mendukung gagasan utama.

6. Gagasan utama paragraf keempat:

Tuliskan detail yang mendukung gagasan utama.

7. Gagasan utama paragraf kelima:

Tuliskan detail yang mendukung gagasan utama.

Bacalah teks berikut dengan seksama.

Sistem Budidaya di Jawa

Pemerintah kolonial Belanda menerapkan The Cultivation System atau cultuursteisel (Belanda) pada lahar pada pertengahan abad ke-19. Dengan sistem tersebut, Pemerintah Belanda berencana memonopoli budidaya tanaman ekspor di Jawa. Akibatnya, banyak ava menjadi perkebunan Belanda

Sistem tersebut mewajibkan penduduk desa untuk mengabdikan 20% dari lahan budidaya mereka untuk mengekspor hasil panen yang diputuskan oleh Belanda. Diantaranya adalah tembakau, tebu, karet, dan coklat. Penduduk desa kemudian harus menggarap perkebunan Belanda selama 60 hari dalam setahun . Untuk memastikan orang tidak luput dari pekerjaan, Pemerintah Belanda membatasi mobilitas manusia. Orang tidak diperbolehkan bepergian dengan bebas tanpa izin. Mereka yang melanggar aturan ditangkap dan dipenjarakan

Untuk menangani dan mengontrol proses tersebut, Belanda membangun jaringan perantara lokal, yang mendapat keuntungan besar dari sistem tersebut. Belanda memberikan banyak bonus jika residensi memberi lebih banyak hasil panen daripada sebelumnya mengakibatkan masyarakat setempat mengalami penindasan yang parah.

Sistem Budidaya sangat sukses. Belanda memperoleh banyak uang untuk menjalankan pemerintahan kolonial mereka. Antara tahun 1832 dan 1852, 19% dari total pendapatan Belanda berasal dari koloni mereka di Jawa. Angka tersebut meningkat menjadi 35% antara tahun 1860 dan 1866

Bagi masyarakat lokal, sistemnya sangat buruk. Mereka menderita karena standar hidup mereka. Mereka bekerja keras untuk bercocok tanam tetapi mereka mendapat sedikit uang, karena pemerintah Belanda menerapkan penetapan harga melalui faks

Dari beberapa sumber (PR / 200

Penjelasan: jawabannya kamu kerjain sendiri yah

19. jelaskan the history of development money​


follow Ig gua kodiralfasss nanti gua kasih jawaban nya di wa

20. what the function of culture in the development of language.

There are various theories regarding the relationship of language and culture. Some say that language is part of culture, but there are also those who say that language and culture are two different things, but have a very close relationship, so that it cannot be separated. Some say that language is strongly influenced by culture, so that everything in culture will be reflected in language. On the other hand, there are also those who say that language is strongly influenced by the culture and way of thinking of humans or their speaking communities.

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