Selasa, 28 Maret 2023

If T Is The Midpoint Of Su Find X

If T Is The Midpoint Of Su Find X

Given the centre of a circle is the midpoint of (-5,4) and (9,-10). If the circle passesthrough (7,-3), find the general equation of the circle.​

Daftar Isi

1. Given the centre of a circle is the midpoint of (-5,4) and (9,-10). If the circle passesthrough (7,-3), find the general equation of the circle.​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

2. point M is the midpoint of seg AB if AB= 10the AM=?​




Given, 'M' is a midpoint of AB and AB = 10


AM =AB/2

AM=10/2 =5

3. The midpoint of (4, 2) and (10, 12) is...​


(7, 7)

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

midpoint/titik tengah rumusnya adalah

((x1+x2)/2, (y1+y2)/2)






((4+10)/2, (2+12)/2)

(14/2, 14/2)

(7, 7)

4.  Q is the midpoint of the straight line which joined point P (-3, 4) and point R (7, 10). Determine the y-coordinate of point Q. *​


5. Below is a diagram of a right pyramid with a square base. The length of each side of the base is 162.4m. The vertical height of the pyramid is 112.5m. P is the midpoint of EF diagram not to scale 112.5m C X D 162 Am E (a) Calculate the length AP. [2] (b) Calculate the area of triangle AEF. [2] (c) () Find the surface area of the pyramid, including the square base. [2] (ii) Write your answer in the form ax 10", where 1 Sa<10 and kez [2] (d) Find the angle between AP and the square base. [2] Jason is standing 10m from the base of the pyramid as shown in the diagram below. A I diagram not to scale X P 10m (e) Write down the length JX. [1] (1) Find the angle of elevation from Jason to the apex of the pyramid. [2]


Di bawah ini adalah diagram piramida siku-siku dengan alas persegi. Panjang setiap sisi

dasarnya adalah 162,4m. Ketinggian vertikal piramida adalah 112,5m. P adalah titik tengah dari


diagram tidak untuk skala

112,5 juta




162 pagi


(a) Hitung panjang AP.


(b) Hitung luas segitiga AEF.


(c) () Tentukan luas permukaan limas, termasuk alas persegi.


(ii) Tuliskan jawaban Anda dalam bentuk ax 10 ", dengan 1 Sa <10 dan kez


(d) Tentukan sudut antara Titik Akses dan alas persegi.


Jason berdiri 10m dari dasar piramida seperti yang ditunjukkan pada diagram di bawah ini.



diagram tidak untuk skala




(e) Tuliskan panjang JX.


(1) Tentukan sudut ketinggian dari Jason ke puncak piramida.


6. Given a triangle ACD with DC _|_ AC and DC equals to 3/2 of AC. If B is the midpoint of AC and BE _|_ DA, then the ration for area of ACD and BEA is .... _|_ artinya tegak lurus. Mohon bantuannya

Jawaban dan penjelasan terlampir. Semoga membantu :)

7. Congratulations on your success as the firstwinner of swimming competition. I heard from Su-zanne that you break your own record. I am reallyproud of you.Your best friendMarsha8. The purpose of the text is​

Selamat atas kesuksesan Anda sebagai yang pertama pemenang kompetisi renang. Saya mendengar dari Su- Zanne bahwa Anda memecahkan rekor Anda sendiri. aku benar benar bangga padamu. Sahabatmu Marsha 8. Tujuan teks adalah


cuma artinya


Selamat atas kesuksesan Anda sebagai yang pertama

pemenang kompetisi renang. Saya mendengar dari Su-

Zanne bahwa Anda memecahkan rekor Anda sendiri. aku benar benar

bangga padamu.



8. raul:HI,good morning. nice weather , isn't it ? su jin : ................................................... raul : my name is raul. l am from kuala lumpur, malaysia. su jin:...................................................... raul:what l like about this place is the scenic view of the huge vrater here. what do you think? su jin:..............................................Yes, l like the cool and fresh weather of the mountain. raul:it is the first time for me to come here. have you ever been here before? su jin:..............................................It is the second time for me to be here . l came two years ago. raul:l see, what do you come here for? su jin:..................................... l like travelling. raul:so dol. l like travelling to exotic places. l have been to many parts of the wold, but l enjoy mountains the most. su jin:good!Anyway,my group will leave for sari ater hot spring water now. nice to meet you raul. raul:................................................ TOLONG JAWAB PLIS YA

Raul : Hi, good morning. Nice weather, isn't it?

Su Jin : Yes, it is. By the way, may I know what is your name?

Raul : My name is Raul. l am from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Su Jin : I see. Why do you came here? Do you like this place?

Raul : What l like about this place is the scenic view of the huge crater here. What do you think?

Su Jin : I think so too. Yes, l like the cool and fresh weather of the mountain.

Raul: It is the first time for me to come here. Have you ever been here before?

Su Jin : Yes, I have. It is the second time for me to be here. l came two years ago.

Raul : l see, what do you come here for?

Su Jin : To enjoy exploring this place with my group. l like travelling.

Raul : So do l. l like travelling to exotic places. l have been to many parts of the world, but l enjoy mountains the most.

Su Jin : Good! Anyway, my group will leave for Sari after hot spring water now. Nice to meet you Raul.

Raul : Nice to meet you too, Su Jin.

9. IIT Desenbe the posttion of certain things based on the following picturesf Da11. Where is the laptop?12 Do you notice two pillows? Where are they?je su13. Look you can see a car from the window. Whereis the curtainJen14. Where is the position of the calendar?15. Do you see the broom? Where is it?16. There is a map Where can you find it?17. Can you show me where the clock is?Oto18. The positon of the door is19. Where can you find a bag?druOU20. The position of the vase is​


3. We will give you exercises and advice.. get the best result. 4. They ... If yor tooth is still herting you tomorrow, you... go to the dentist. ... Clean your face... make it clean. ... My uncle said that he buys all the foods ... celebrating his graduation. 19. Sharon does not know that her father sells some stuff at hom


10. s = {x|x<10, bilangan prima} t = {1,3,5,7,9} anggota himpunan su t adalah

jawaban dan perhitungan terlampir

11. The midpoint of the diagonal of a square is 2 units from the vertex of the square. Calculate area of the square.​


Titik tengah diagonal persegi adalah 2 satuan dari titik sudut persegi. Hitung luas persegi.


Soal tidak dilengkapi dengan subject atau mata pelajaran sekolah yang dimaksud sehingga sulit dijawab sesuai keinginan pengepos soal. Maksud pertanyaan ini jika dialihbahasakan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah ‘ayo belajar mata pelajaran sekolah’, ‘Lengkapi dengan huruf benar untuk menemukan sebuah mata pelajaran’.


Soal di atas boleh jadi adalah permainan di mana siswa disajikan kata yang rumpang atau bagian-bagian tertentunya tidak diisi dengan huruf. Siswa kemudian diminta mencari huruf yang hilang tersebut dan menemukan nama mata pelajaran.

Di Indonesia sendiri school subject atau mata pelajarannya antara lain sebagai berikut:

Bahasa IndonesiaMatematikaFisikaKimiaBiologiPendidikan AgamaPPKN

Dan lain-lain.

Sementara di luar negeri, subject-nya contohnya:

LanguageArtsMathematics atau MathEnglishHistoryPhysicsBiologyForeign LanguageSocial StudiesPelajari Lebih LanjutPelajari lebih lanjut tentang materi to complete a conversation pada link berikut



13. raul:HI,good morning. nice weather , isn't it ? su jin : ................................................... raul : my name is raul. l am from kuala lumpur, malaysia. su jin:...................................................... raul:what l like about this place is the scenic view of the huge vrater here. what do you think? su jin:..............................................Yes, l like the cool and fresh weather of the mountain. raul:it is the first time for me to come here. have you ever been here before? su jin:..............................................It is the second time for me to be here . l came two years ago. raul:l see, what do you come here for? su jin:..................................... l like travelling. raul:so dol. l like travelling to exotic places. l have been to many parts of the wold, but l enjoy mountains the most. su jin:good!Anyway,my group will leave for sari ater hot spring water now. nice to meet you raul. raul:................................................ TOLONG JAWAB PLIS YA

Raul : Hi, good morning. Nice weather, isn't it?

Su Jin : Yes, it is. By the way, may I know what is your name?

Raul : My name is Raul. l am from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Su Jin : I see. Why do you came here? Do you like this place?

Raul : What l like about this place is the scenic view of the huge crater here. What do you think?

Su Jin : I think so too. Yes, l like the cool and fresh weather of the mountain.

Raul: It is the first time for me to come here. Have you ever been here before?

Su Jin : Yes, I have. It is the second time for me to be here. l came two years ago.

Raul : l see, what do you come here for?

Su Jin : To enjoy exploring this place with my group. l like travelling.

Raul : So do l. l like travelling to exotic places. l have been to many parts of the world, but l enjoy mountains the most.

Su Jin : Good! Anyway, my group will leave for Sari after hot spring water now. Nice to meet you Raul.

Raul : Nice to meet you too, Su Jin.

14. My Unele's HouseOn my holidays. I wally Vish my uncle hehas a house. His house is small, but itbeautiful and shadyIn front of his house there is large yard inthe yard, there is a big tree Noor te trouthere is a pathWe can find a pond and a purk beside thehouse. Next to the pond, there is a lamp Wecal also find a garden behind the lateThere are many trees there. so we can getfresh air to breathe1. What is the title of the text?2. When does the writer visit his uncle!3. Is the house large?4. What is there in front of the house?5. Is there a big tree in the yard?6 Where is the path7. What can we find beside the house?8. Why can we get fresh su to breatheGood Luck!!!​


1. 'My Uncle's House'.

2. On his/her holidays.

3. No, it's not/it isn't.

4. There is a large yard.

5. Yes, there is.

6. Under the big tree.

7. A pond and a park.

8. Because there are many trees.


Tidak ada penjelasan. jika jawaban kurang jelas dipersilakan untuk bertanya di kolom komentar, terima kasih.

15. raul:HI,good morning. nice weather, isn't it ? su jin:.................................................. raul:my name is raul. l am from kuala lumpur , malaysia. su jin:...................................................... raul:what l like about this place is the scenic view of the huge crater here . what do you think? su jin:.................................. Yes, l like the cool and fresh weather of the mountain raul:it is the first time for me to come here. have you ever been here before? su jin:................................... it is second time for to be here. l came two years ago. raul:l see, what do you come here for? su jin:.................................. l like travelling. raul:so do l . l like travelling to exotic places. l have been to many parts of the world, but l enjoy mountains the most. su jin:Good!Anyway, my group will leave for sari ater hot spring water now. nice to meet you raul. raul:...................................... TOLONG JAWAB PLIS YA , SEMUANNYA DI JAWAB YA

Ini jawaban untuk titik-titiknya    Su Jin: It is,by the way,what's your name? Su Jin: What do you like about this place? Su Jin: I also like this place Su Jin: Yes,I have Su Jin: I come here because Raul: Nice to meet you too,goodbye!!   Maaf ya kalau salah..

16. The area of a square is 64 cm2. Let E be the midpoint of AB and F be the midpoint of BC. The area of the trapezoid AEFC is.... A. 32 cm2 B. 28 cm2 C.24 cm2 D.16 cm2

Smoga bnar dn mmbantu ^^

17. the shop -across- is -the buat station susunlah kata kata tersebutJawaban ..............tolong bantu Jawab ya ​


the shop is across the station


the station is across the shop


karena ada subyek, predikat, obyek

18. Find the midpoint of 1. (1,-2) and (7,5) 2. (-4,-3) and (2,5) 3. (10,-2) and (-2,10)


Temukan titik tengah

1. (1, -2) dan (7,5)

2. (-4, -3) dan (2,5)

3. (10, -2) dan (-2,10). maaf klo salah

19. find the length, midpoint and equation of the line joining each pair of points :a. (3,6) and (9,12)b. (4,10) (2,6)​


b itu jawabannya

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:



jawabnya B

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

B. (4,10) (2,6)

20. Full take blank with Mewah tek titik ini dengan kata suCAanwant the driple a glass of water because3 weerdo itwell4 The test isevery Shidant canslihe boy is veryHe always comes to school lakeSheThe girl gets tes in mathemathic7He ishis mother isis sick1o The antonymi (laman learn) of expensiveg the oneaning of Carelessof the synonym (persaman leato) of sickS​



Kosongkan sepenuhnya dengan Aku

wah tek titik ini dengan kata su



ingin meneteskan segelas air karena

3 weer



4 Ujiannya adalah

setiap Shidant bisa

anak laki-laki slihe sangat

Dia selalu datang ke danau sekolah


Gadis itu mendapat tes matematika


Dia adalah

ibunya adalah


1o Antonymi (laman belajar) yang mahal

g salah satu dari Ceroboh

dari sinonim (persaman leato) dari sakit


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