Minggu, 26 Maret 2023

Match The Following Overhead Activities To The Correct Time Period

Match The Following Overhead Activities To The Correct Time Period

Taks 8 match the following sentences with the correct time!!​

Daftar Isi

1. Taks 8 match the following sentences with the correct time!!​


→ g→ b→ a→ j→ d→ c→ e→ i→ h→ f

2. Match the following expressions with the correct responses


Where's the expressions and responses?

3. Match the following expressions with the correct responses


1). (E)

2). (A)

3). (D)

4). (B)

5). (C)


1). May I help you? (Bolehkah saya membantumu?)

Respon yang tepat adalah (e)Artinya "baiklah, tentu. Terima kasih"Ketika ada yang membantu maka harus di akhir dengan kata "thank you" saat meresponnya.

2). Can I borrow your cell phone? (Bolehkah saya meminjam telepon kamu?)

Respon yang tepat adalah (a) Artinya "Maaf, baterainya low"

3). Can I use your computer? (Bolehkah saya menggunakan komputer kamu?)

Jawabannya (d) Artinya "Maaf, tapi listriknya padam/mati"

4). Close the curtains, please. (Tolong tutup hordengnya)

Respon yang tepat yaitu (b) Artinya "Tentu. Tidak masalah"

5). Turn off the TV. (Matikan TV nya)

Respon untuk kalimat ini adalah (c) Artinya "baiklah".







4. A. Match the beginnings of the sentences to the correct endings ! ​


1. f

2. d

3. g

4. a

5. h

6. b

7. c

8. e


smoga membantu yaa

5. Match the beginnings of the sentences to the correct endings. ​

The weather was so bad that we stayed at home all day. (1,f).

It was such a cold day that we couldn't go out at all. (2,e).

The shoes were so cheap that i bought 3 pairs. (3,g).

It was such an expensive dress that i couldn't afford to buy it. (4,h).

The exam was so difficult i only ansewered 3 question. (5,a).

It was such an easy exam that i finished it an hour early. (6,c).

The cake was so delicious that i ate 3 pieces. (7,b).

It was such a horrible cake, i couldn't eat any of it. (8,d).


6. match the sentences to the correct clause! ​


this is the answer if wrong idk

7. Write the correct time for the following picture


gambarnya mana.........


sorry, where is the picture?

8. A. Write the correct time for the following picture! ​


1. Ten past three (3.10)

2. Quarter past Seven (7.15)

3. Half-past Nine (9.30)

4. Forty past one (1.40)

5. Ten to eleven (10.50)

6. Twenty-five past one (1.25)

7. Ten o'clock (10.00)

8, Five past six (6.05)

Terima kasih, Semoga membantu!

Mata Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris

Tingkat: Sekolah Dasar

Kata Kunci: Write the correct time for the following picture!

9. listen to the following riddles match the riddles with the answer riddles

The answer riddles matched the riddles:

Why is water like a horse? → They both run.What has four legs and flies? → A dirty horse.It grows down. → A beard.It has legs but it cannot walk. → A table.Half of it is sand, but people eat it. → A sandwich.

Simak penjelasan berikut.


Untuk mencocokkan pertanyaan teka-teki dari jawaban yang tersedia. Kita pahami terlebih dulu artinya. Arti dari pertanyaan terkadang mengandung makna tertentu atau makna kiasan.

Sebelum menjawab pertanyaan, kita pahami pilihan dari jawaban.

A table = sebuah meja.They both run = mereka berdua lari.A sandwich = roti lapis daging.Seekor kuda yang kotor.

Berikut terjemahan pertanyaan dan penjelasan jawaban tiap teka-teki di atas.

1. Mengapa air seperti seekor kuda?

Air dan kuda sama-sama melakukan gerakan 'run'. 'Run' yang dimaksud untuk kuda adalah berlari. Sedangkan, 'run' yang dimaksud untuk air adalah mengalir, bergerak (berjalan) cepat. Dengan demikian, air dan kuda sama-sana 'run', they both run.

2. Apa yang memiliki 4 kaki dan lalat?

Pertanyaan ini agak menjebak. Yang memiliki 4 kaki tentunya adalah hewan. Tetapi memilliki lalat juga. Maksudnya adalah ada lalat di tubuhnya. Maka, jawaban yang paling sesuai adalah kuda yang kotor, a dirty horse.

3. Ini tumbuh ke bawah.

Apa yang tumbuh ke bawah? Tentunya sesuatu yang memanjang ke bawah. Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah jenggot, beard.

4. Memilili kaki dan tidak bisa berjalan.

'Kaki' pada soal tersebut memiliki makna kiasan. Kaki yang dimaksud adalah kaki meja, karena kaki meja tidak bisa berjalan. Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah a table.

5. Setegah dari itu adalah pasir, tetapi orang-orang memakannya.

Satu-satunya nama makanan yang diawali dengan sand adalah sandwich.

Pelajari lebih lanjutMatch the riddles with the answer: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/1559972125 Soal riddles (teka-teki): https://brainly.co.id/tugas/3836770Perbedaan riddle dan proverb brainly.co.id/tugas/6095216

Detail jawaban

Kelas: VII SMP

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Describing objects, people and places

Kode: 7.5.7


10. Reading Task 1 -Match the following adjectives with their correct meaning in the box! ​


1. Fluffy (g)

2. Scaly (d)

3. Smooth (c)

4. Loyal (e)

5. Gentle (i)

6. Smelly (b)

7. Poisonous (f)

8. Energetic (j)

9. Lazy (h)

10. Tiny (a)

semoga membantu :)

11. write the correct time for the following picture​


1. It's ten past three

2. It's five to five


Semoga membantu

12. match the words to the correct definitions. write the letter​


1. C

2. F

3. A

4. E

5. H

6. B

7. G

8. D


Based on cambridge dictionary :

1. Acceptance means general agreement that something is satisfactory or right, or that someone should be included in a group

2. Degree means a course of study at a college or university, or the qualification given to a student after he or she has completed his or her studies

3. Promotion means the act of raising someone to a higher or more important position or rank

4. Rensposibility means something that it is your job or duty to deal with

5. Challenge means (the situation of being faced with) something that needs great mental or physical effort in order to be done successfully and therefore tests a person's ability

6. Innovative means using new methods or ideas

7. Strategy means a detailed plan for achieving success in situations such as war, politics, business, industry, or sport, or the skill of planning for such situations

8. Task means a piece of work to be done, especially one done regularly, unwillingly, or with difficulty

13. Look at the following phrases and match them with the correct purpose.see the example


Look at the following phrases and match them with the correct purpose.

1. Love  = before signing a letter (g)

2. That reminds me = to share some information (k)

3. Why don't we = to suggest or invite (h)

4. I'd better get going = to ask for a response (j)

5. Thanks for your letter = to thank a person for writing (c)

6. Please let me know = to ask for a reply (i)

7. I'm really sorry = to apologize (b)

8. Could you do something for me? = to ask a favor (f)

9. Write soon = to finish a letter (a)

10. Did you know that = to change a subject (e)

11. I'm happy to hear that = to begin a letter (d)


Soal di atas adalah menjodohkan antara kalimat dengan tujuan pada bagian surat. Pada kolom sebelah kiri merupakan kalimat-kalimat yang biasa ditemukan pada surat. Sedangkan pada kolom sebelah kanan adalah tujuan dari penulisan kalimat-kalimat tersebut.

Pelajari lebih lanjut parts of personal letter dapat dilihat di https://brainly.co.id/tugas/4687698


14. match the following animals with their correct place ! tolong jawab​


No 1. Savanah

No 2. Jungle

No 3. Savanah

No 4. Sea

No 5. Savanah

No 6. desert

No 7. jungle

No 8. jungle

No 9. Sea

No 10. Savanah (mostly)

No 11. jungle

No 12. sea

Maaf kalau salah... itu hanya pendapat saya belum tentu benar :)

semoga membantu



- shark


- whale



- tiger

- zebra

- cheetah

- giraffe

- elephant



- camel



- monkey

- scorpion

- snake

Thank you...

jadikan jawabn terbaik yaa (ga maksa)

Maaf bila ada kesalahan..

15. Choose the correct adjectives from the below list to match the picture​


embarrassed (Malu) Tired (Lelah) Angry (Marah) HelpFul (Menolong) Worried (Cemas) Fed Up (Kesal)


Mapel : Bhs Inggris

Semoga membantu

16. Match the following statements with correct responses in the box. Write the letter in the brackets!​


1.) d

2.) g

3.) e

4.) c

5.) i

6.) b

7.) j

8.) a

9.) h

10.) f

17. the activities to do in the morning, the activities to do in the afternoonthe activities to do in the eveningthe activities to do at any time of the dayplease jawabnya yg bener ya, butuh banget soalnya

Wake Up

Playing with friends

Go Home

Wake Up-Take a wash - breakfast- studying-playing-Heping Parents-Take a rest -dinner - Sleep

18. ask your friends about their activities on Break Time use the correct forms of past continuous tense to complete the following tabledijawab ya trmksh​


ini kamu disuruh nanyain ketemen kamu hobi nya apa?.mksdnya gini kamu disuruh nulis nama temen kamu terus kamu disuruh nanya hobi temen mu apa?

19. match the following sings with the correct placses in the box below.write your answers below the pictures ( apa arti dari semua itu )

cocokkan lagu lagu tersebut dengan tempat-tempat kotak dibawah ini. tulis jawabanmu dibawah gambar tersebut


cocokan masalah berikut ke dalam saran yang tepat

moga membantu ya :)selesaikan masalah berikut dengan jawaban atau solusi yang sesuai

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