Selasa, 21 Maret 2023

On Page 14 Of The Call Of The Wild Weegy

On Page 14 Of The Call Of The Wild Weegy

Pesan Moral Dari Film The Call Of The Wild​

Daftar Isi

1. Pesan Moral Dari Film The Call Of The Wild​


pesan dari film Call Of The Wild adalah jangan jadi penghianat Teman seperti kacang lupa kulit di Kak reggi kannn hayooo Regi ( Miawaugg )

2. Alur cerita Film Call of the Wild! Apa Reviewmu?​


Film The Call of The Wild ini adalah merupakan film pertama yang menggunakan nama dan logo baru 20th Century Studios, pasca dibelinya studio Fox oleh Disney. Sebagai trivia, film Call of The Wild tahun 1935 adalah film terakhir yang diproduksi 20th Century Pictures sebelum berganti nama menjadi 20th Century Fox ini. Sebuah kebetulan yang menarik yang sayangnya tertutupi oleh nada skeptis yang diterima film ini sebelum rilis.

Nada skeptis menyeruak manakala tersiar kabar bahwa film ini akan memakai teknologi motion capture CGI untuk karakter dognya. Di dalam sebuah film dog bergenre petualangan untuk keluarga ini adalah hal yang langka dan aneh, walaupun industri perfilman Hollywood sudah lazim menggunakan teknologi CGI dan motion capture. Tidak digunakannya dog sungguhan yang terlatih sebagai karakter sentral berpotensi membuat karakter dog tersebut terasa artifisial dan akibatnya membuat para pemerhati film skeptis sebelum menyaksikan film ini.

3. We will play the roles of the speakers onthe next page.​

Terjamah ke B.Indonesia :

Kami Akan Memainkan peran Sebagai Pembicara halaman Selanjutnya

Terjamah Ke B.Arab :

سنلعب أدوار المتحدثين في الصفحة التالية

4. What do you predict blazer will do when she hears the next call of the wild

Hear and run

#gooluckhear and run

I am sorry

5. Read and record task 2 page 39 on the top of the page. Say yourname in the recording and upload here.artinya​



Baca dan catat tugas 2 halaman 39 di bagian atas halaman. Katakan milikmu

nama di rekaman dan unggah di sini.artinya


Semoga bermanfaat;))




Baca dan catat tugas 2 halaman 39 di bagian atas halaman. Katakan milikmu

nama dalam rekaman dan unggah di sini

6. What is the communicative pupose of the text on page 43 ( i.e. 'On Different Grounds')​

Apa tujuan komunikatif dari teks di halaman 43 (yaitu 'Di Berbagai Alasan')

jwb sndri





7. 10. a. The heart structure of amphibians consist of........chamber (Page 63)b. The heart structure of mamals and birdsconsist of........chamber (Page 63)c. The heart structure of fish consist of........chamber (Page 62)​


a=3 chamber

b=4 chamber

c=2 chamber



8. A lot of Wild animals live in the jungle. The opposite of the italicized Word is

yang font nya di italicized itu “wild” kan? jawabanya “timid” :)

9. 1. identify the social function of the text on yourbook page 502. analyze the arguments of the text on your bookpage 503. how many conjuction in the text on your bookpage 50 and write it​


1. mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial teks pada buku kamu halaman 50

2.analisis argumen teks pada buku kamu halaman 50

3.berapa banyak konjungsi dalam teks dibuku kamu halaman 50 dan tulislah

10. write your name.... the top of the page a. inb. atc. ofd. on

on the top of the pagein karena itu di atas halaman buku

11. Make some dialogues about some opinion! ( Based on the dialogues of the handbook on page 20)​


Sarah : i like a horror movies , because i like the story , do you like Indah ?

Indah : i don't like a horror movies because the horror movies make me scared.

Indah : hey Sarah , i like play a war game , do you like it ?

Sarah : No , i don't agree with you because the war game is can't be played with children , and my opinion for you is don't play a war game always because you can be lazy and don't want to do work.

Indah : ohh , now i know and i agree with your opinion how important it is not to see war games continue to spread


jadikan jawaban terbaik kaka :)

12. At the end of the first chapter you shoul.white your journal on page 16 artinya​


diakhir dari bab 1 kamu harus menulis journal mu pada halaman 16.

13. Thank the customer is one of the part of? A. Finishing the call B. Introducing C. Opening the call


A. Finishing the call

maaf kalau salah

Thank the customer is one of the part of....



Because Thank the customer is part of Finishing the call.



14. The icon is above everything else on the document. It’s __________ the page.Select one:a. at the bottom ofb. belowc. at the top of​



15. "WILD ANIMALS" The antonym of the word"WILD" is A.tame B.hard C.huge D.dangerous

Jawabannya adalah A.TameA.Tame................

16. Have a wild time on your birthday ! What is the purpose of the text?

To make sure we have a great (wild) time on our birthday
to congratulate someone's birthday party.

17. Offers and suggestion TASK 1. Read the dialogue in English E-Book page 2 until Page 3 2. Study the Material of Suggesting and Ofering on page 4 until 7 TASK 2 1.Answer the Question the material of Suggesting and Offering on page 8 until page 11 2.Study the material the transaction based on the suggestion and offers on page 12 until 13

gangerti maksud soal kamu saya translatein aja ya.

Penawaran dan saran TUGAS 1. Baca dialog dalam Bahasa Inggris E-Book halaman 2 hingga Halaman 3 2. Pelajari Materi Saran dan Penawaran pada halaman 4 hingga 7 TUGAS 2. Jawab Pertanyaan tentang bahan Saran dan Penawaran pada halaman 8 sampai halaman 11 2. Mempelajari materi transaksi berdasarkan saran dan penawaran pada halaman 12 hingga 13

18. Make some dialogues about some opinion! ( Based on the dialogues of the handbook on page 20)​


Rita : hey i'm so curious about why do you like harry potter movies? can you tell me?

roman : because harry potter movies is a fantasy movie that can show you something that you would never imagine..

Rita : no no no I think it's to boring to watch that even the storyline is so unexpected and for me it's hard to understand it

roman : well people have a different side of no wonder you would think like that..

Rita : thanks for appreciating my opinion roman

roman : what do you think about playing tags Rita?do you think it's fun and pleasant?

Rita : in my opinion well it's fun but I don't think it's a good game, because when we looses the game, it will feel like a competition and we will ended up fighting about it..

roman : in my opinion it's fun and very healing and makes us happy...


maaf kalau salah ya!!don't forget to give like and support..!:)

19. Materials→ Hard paperVarious stickersColoring pensHow to Make a Greeting CardInstruction:Fold the paper into two.Decorate the front page with the various stickers,Open the paper.Write the name of the receiver of the card atthe upper part with coloring pens,Don't forget to write the name of the sender ofthe card under it.You greeting card is ready to send,We write the name of the sender of the card on the ...,upper part of the second pageunder the content of the messagefront page of the cardcenter part of the page​


Bahan untuk kertas kasar berbagai stiker mewarnai pena cara membuat instruksi kartu ucapan: lipatlah kertas menjadi dua. Hiasi halaman depan dengan berbagai stiker, buka kertas. Tulislah nama penerima kartu di bagian atas dengan pena warna, jangan lupa untuk menulis nama pengirim kartu di bawahnya. Anda kartu ucapan siap untuk mengirim, kami menulis nama pengirim kartu di … , bagian atas dari halaman kedua di bawah isi halaman depan dari bagian tengah kartu


Itu artinya semoga membantu terima kasih

20. Write the direction and then answer the question! 1. What is the theme of KD. 2? 2. What is the purpose of KD. 2? I will learn to share and inquire: a. .................... b. .................... c. .................... 3. On which page is the materiel of your identities? Page ... to ... . 4. On which page is the materiel of your hobbies and what you like? Page ... to ... . 5. On which page is the materiel of members of our family? Page ... to ... . 6. Record your voice of 3 materials (Identities, hobbies and what you like, members of family) then send it into the google classroom!


Tulis petunjuknya dan jawab pertanyaannya! 1. Apa tema KD. 2? 2. Apa tujuan KD. 2? Saya akan belajar untuk berbagi dan bertanya: a. 3. Di halaman manakah materiil identitas Anda? Halaman ke. 4. Di halaman manakah materi dari hobi Anda dan apa yang Anda sukai? Halaman ke. anggota keluarga kita? Halaman ke. 6. Rekam suara Anda dari 3 materi (Identitas, hobi dan apa yang Anda suka, anggota keluarga) lalu kirimkan ke google kelas! b. 5. Di halaman mana materiil tersebut

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