Jumat, 31 Maret 2023

The Stolen Party Commonlit Answer Key

The Stolen Party Commonlit Answer Key

1. Someone stole the key from the drawer.The correct passive form of the sentence is ....a. Someone is stolen the key from the drawer.b. The key was stolen from.the drawerc. Someone stolen the key from the drawerd. The key stole someone from the drawer​

Daftar Isi

1. 1. Someone stole the key from the drawer.The correct passive form of the sentence is ....a. Someone is stolen the key from the drawer.b. The key was stolen from.the drawerc. Someone stolen the key from the drawerd. The key stole someone from the drawer​


1. B. the key was stolen from the drawer



2. ATTITUDE is THE KEY, what the answer ?​


pernyataan evaluatif terhadap objek, orang atau peristiwa. ini yng bhs inggris (Evaluative statements on objects, people or events)


maaf jika salah

3. commonlit the unspoken history behind a surname


Biar lebih enak Kita termahkan saja Yukk ^____^

Bahasa Inggris

commonlit the unspoken history behind a surname

Bahasa Indonesia

commonlit sejarah yang tak terucapkan di belakang nama keluarga


Selamat Puasa

4. soal :1 .... makes an invitation card2. the invitation card is for ....3. the party is held on .....4. the card is from ....5. ........ will receive the cardsoal kedua1. who makes the invitation card ? answer :2 what date is the birthday party ? answer :3 when is the birthday party held? answer :4. what time will rafi hold the birthday party ? answer:5. who receives the invitation card ? answer :

1. rafi
3. august 16 th 2017
4. rafi
5. joko

2.august 16 th 2017
4.04.00 pm
1. Rafi makes an invitation card
2. the invitation card is for joko
3. the party is held on jl raya bogor 05, bandung
4. the card is from rafi
5. joko will receive the card

1. rafi makes the invitation card
2. it’s on august 16th 2017
3. it’s on 04.00 pm
4. joko receives the invitation card

5. Answer the questions based on the dialogue! 1. Who are the girls in the dialogue?Answer: 2. Who will have barbeque party?Answer: 3. Where will she hold the party?Answer: 4. Whom does she invite to the party?Answer: 5. What is Lani's plan tonight?Answer: 6. Does she know what movie she is going to watch?Answer:​



3.backyard at ita is house

4.all members of ita is big family

5.watching a movie in the cinema with her cousins

6.no,she will decide it after know which movie are played


hope it helps!

-maaf kalo salah

6. 1. Whose birthday is that?Answer:2. How old is he?Answer:......3. When is his birthday party?Answer: ....4. What time is the birthday party?Answer: ....5. Where is the birthday party?Answer: ....​

1. it is chad’s birthday
2. he is turning 8
3. on saturday, april 4th
4. 4-7 pm
5. on chad’s house 5632 mount lake


1. chads birthday

2. 8 years old

3. Saturday , April 4th

4. 4-7 pm

5. chads house

maaf kalau salah

7. Can chris come to the party ? Answer


yes of course chris :)



8. 3AnswerWhen was the party started?Answer:.....​


aku translate kan ya :)



Kapan pesta dimulai?

Jawaban: .....mungkin pesta nya malam jam 18:00


maaf kalu salah

9. 1.greedy - they – the – party – in - eatAnswer: ​


they eat greedy in the party

10. 1. Who will have a birthday party? Answer: 2. How old is Fitria? Answer: 3. Where will the party be held? Answer: 4. What time will the birthday party be started? Answer: 5. How long does the party last?Answer:​​


1. Fitria

2. 14 years old

3. Jln S Parman no 105 Surakarta

4. 10 am

5. 3 hour


Semoga membantu

11. greedy-they-the-party-in-eatAnswer: ​


the greedy eat in the party


semoga membantu


Greedy - they - the - party - in - eat

*They greedy eat in the party


Arrange words are rearranging random words so that they become correct sentences.

Semoga membantu:-)

Jangan lupa jawabannya dikasih terbaik><

12. We've done this math problem at leastten times, but our answer is wrongaccording to the answer key. The answerin the book .......be wrong.​



semoga membantu



semoga membantu ,maaf kalau salah

13. Answer these questions based on the dialogs above.1. What are they talking about?Answer:2. Who will hold the birthday party next weekend?Answer:3. Who accepted the invitation?Answer:4. Which sentence expresses "declining"?Answer:Who is the funny boy?Answer:Who will come in the birthday party next weekend?Answer:7. Who did Melinda send the message?Answer:8. Who declined the invitation?Answer:9. Why can not he come in the birthday party next weekend?Answer:10. "..., but his sister will get married." What does the word 'his' refer to?Answer:​


i need the dialogs before answer, sender?

14. 1.the door is not being painted 2.the key car has been stolen(di jadikan ke aktif)

1.the door is painted
2.the key car has stolen

Subject : English

Category : Structure and Written Expression

Sub-category : Active and Passive Sentence

Level : JHS VIII

Code : 5

Keywords : active


Kalimat aktif (active voice) adaalah sebuah kalimat di mana subject kalimat melakukan aksi yang disebutkan oleh kata kerja dalam kalimat tersebut.

Pola kalimat aktif adalah : subject + verb + (object) + (etc)


Passive : The door is not being painted.

Kalimat pasif di atas menggunakan present progressive (am/is/are + v-ing).

Active : He is not painting the door.

Passive : The car key has been stolen.

Kalimat pasif di atas menggunakan present perfect (have/has + v₃)

Active : Someone has stolen the car key.

15. 1. What is the invitation card about?Answer: 2. Who sent the invitation card?Answer:3. Who are invited by Anton?Answer:4. When will the birthday party be held?Answer:5. Where is the location of the party?Answer:​


1. Its about Anton's birthday

2. Anton

3. To All Friends of Anton

4. Saturday, November 10, 2014 at 3 pm

5. in Pahlawan Hotel


1.Pesta ulang tahun


3.Teman teman Anton (freinds)

4.Sabtu,10 November 2014 jam 3 sore

5.Di pahlawan hotel 1

16. how long does the party last? please answer!!

the last party long is three hours
three hours.........

17. No: NgasalHarus dgn penjelasannya4.) where will the party be held ?Answer: .......5.) when will the party be held ?Answer: ..............jawabannya ada di gambar.bantu ngerjain tugas saya​


4 and 5). where will the party be held ?

Answer: athotelhayatintheevening

4 dan 5 sama aja kan *soalnya


at hotel hayat in the evening


maaf klo salah

semoga membantu

soal no 4 dan 5 sama

18. 1. Who are the girls in the dialogue?Answer:2. Who will have the barbeque party?Answ3. Where will she hold the party?Answer:4 Whom does she invite to the party?Answer:5. What is Aurel's plan tonight?Answer:6. Does she know what movie she is going to watch?Answer:​


1. Aurel and Dinda

2. Dinda and her family

3. At the back yard of her house

4. All members of Dinda's family

5. Watch the movie in the cinema with her cousin

6. No, she doesn't know about the movie who Will she is going to watch.







6.No,shenotknow.they only know ifthe moviewhich played


19. Can chris come to the party ? Answer

yes, he can come to the party

semoga membatu


Yes, he can come to the party.



20. looked for-in-she-key-her-yesterday-yard-the answer :.....................

She looked for her key yesterday in the yard

She looked for her key in the yard yesterday

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