Rabu, 26 April 2023

A Customer Calls Complaining Their Laptop Won t Start

A Customer Calls Complaining Their Laptop Won t Start

What Is The Customer Complaining About In His Letter​

Daftar Isi

1. What Is The Customer Complaining About In His Letter​


where is the letter, huh?

2. What is the customer complaining abot in hid letter​


Apa yang dikeluhkan pelanggan dalam suratnya


itu terjemahannya

semoga membantu dan bermanfaat :-)

3. What would the students probably do after reading the announcement? A.tell other students not to do it. B.ask their teacher why they have to do it. C.go to their teacher and start complaining. D.take notes what to do and start doing it.

D. take notes what to do and start doing it

4. what should the customer do to withdraw their money?

The customer is counting the money

5. write a dialog using a expresion willingness (using modal will and won"t)​

Jawaban :

Write a dialog using a expresion willingness (using modal will and won"t)​

Beni    : When will you go to Surabaya ?

Dina    : I won't not go to Surabaya but I will go to Jakarta

Beni    : How long will you be there in Jakarta ?

Dina    : Only for 2 weeks

Beni    : What will you do there ?

Dina    : I will learn about english communication

Beni    : Is that exchange scholl program?

Dina    : Yes, it’s kind of short course. I got the scholarship last year, and will leave to Jakarta by this end of year

Beni    : That’s great. I hope you will have a great time there

Dina    : Sure do ! Thank you

Penjelasan :

Expression of willingness menggunakan will merupakan ungkapan untuk mengekspresikan suatu kesiapan untuk melakukan sesuatu.

Rumus :

S + will + V1

S + would + V1

S + is willing + to V1

Will you + V1

Are you willing to + V1

Contoh kalimat expression of willingness using will :

I will buy UHT milk in the supermarket

Mina is willing to swep the floor this afternoon

I would to see you at the restaurant

Will you come to my birthday party ?

Are you willing to come my house this afternoon ?

Pelajari lebih lanjut

materi penjelasan expressing of will pada link



6. what should the customer do to withdraw their money?

apa yang harus dilakukan pelanggan untuk menarik uang mereka?
maaf klo salah

7. Many cabin crews have been complaining about …………... tight schedules. * that theirs their them they




Many cabin crews have been complaining about their tight schedules.

Cabin crews = Plural / Lebih dari satu orang maka bentuk kepunyaan yang tepat adaoah Their

8. Organizations may receive customer complaints. How companies respond to their customer complaints and how they handle them.They?​

Companies usually respond to customers' complaints by being patient and replying it with kindness and politeness in order to keep a good impression so that their company will have a good reputation amongst the customers.


Organizations may receive customer complaints. How companies respond to their customer complaints and how they handle them.


The word "They" in the sentence refers to Companies / Organizasions.


Kata "They" dalam kalimat pada soal mengacu pada kata Perusahaan-perusahaan, bagaimana cara perusahaan / organisasi tersebut mengatasi keluhan para pelanggan mereka.

Semoga membantu ya.

9. 4. I didn't like them because they .... a. always complaining b. are always complaining C. were always complaining d. was always complaining​


d. was always complaining



C. I didn't like them because they werealwayscomplaining.


Kenapa jawabannya C? karena didn't adalah past tense, jadi harus menggunakan were atau was, karena itu adalah kata they/mereka kita menggunakan were

Semoga bermanfaat

jgn lupa jadikan jawaban terbaik

10. Untuk mematikan sementara laptop/komputer yang tidak digunakan, dapat menggunakan pilihan .... a. shutdownb. restartc. sleepd. start​


Untuk mematikan sementara laptop/komputer yang tidak digunakan, dapat menggunakan pilihan ....

a. shutdown

b. restart

c. sleep

d. start​


1. Shut down

Shut down adalah perintah yang digunakan untuk mematikan komputer secara total. Ini merupakan salah satu perintah terpenting di komputer.

2. Restart

Restart adalah perintah yang digunakan untuk mematikan komputer lalu menghidupkannya lagi secara otomatis.

3. Sleep

Sleep adalah perintah yang digunakan untuk menidurkan atau mengistirahatkan komputer. Saat perintah ini dijalankan, layar komputer akan mati namun mesin inti (Processor, RAM & VGA) tetap berjalan secara siaga sehingga program yang dijalankan tidak akan tertutup. Layar akan hidup kembali saat menekan sembarang keyboard.

11. Nightfall / began / cricketers / the / at / their / piercing / calls


Malam tiba / mulai / pemain kriket / di / di / mereka / menusuk / panggilan

Malam tiba / mulai / pemain kriket / di / di / mereka / menusuk / panggilan

12. Chandra doesn't have a laptop computer and attends a fun bike there are many prizes to ben won at the fun bike, including laptop computers. he hopes?


He hopes to get a laptop computer as a gift when he attends a fun bike event


Chandra tidak punya laptop komputer, dan harapannya adalah memenangkan hadiah tersebut di acara fun bike

13. Asyraf, Wei Ming and Vignesh won laptops of different values at a competition. Wei Ming’s laptop was worth $976 more than Vignesh’s laptop. Asyraf’s laptop was worth $3123. Vignesh’s laptop was worth $1231 less than Asyraf’s laptop. What was the value of Wei Ming’s laptop?

Answer: wei Ming laptop worth $2868

Explanation: Asyraf laptop worth $3123 and vignesh laptop worth 1231 less than asyraf laptop that means $3123 - $1231 it is $1.892

wei Ming laptop worth 976 more than vignesh laptop and that means


hope its helpful thank yo

14. di bawah ini adalah tampilan yang ada pada laptop kecuali A. title bar B. start menu C. wallpaper D. taskbar​


C. wallpaper


semoga membantu

15. If a customer is spending more than expected, the customer’s intrinsic value is ________ their actual value.


"Change" Sorry If Wrong

16. what should the customer do to withdraw their money?


17. write a dialog using a expresion willingness (using modal will and won"t)?​


menulis dialog menggunakan kemauan ekspresi

18. No,I won 't. Don't worry

No, i won't . Don't worry.

I won't berasal dari will not di singkat jadi won't.

Berarti arti keseluruhan " Tidak saya tidak akan ( tidak akan melakukan sesuatu atau menolak sesuatu apapun itu tergantung kalimat Sebelumnya). Jangan khawatir.

19. a. Won`tb. wasc. wasn`td. willdijawab yang bener gk boleh ngasal​


d. will


Karena opsi adan bbermakna negatif dan was digunakan untuk masa lampau. Jadi jawabannya adalah willyou go to Jakarta next month? yang artinya 'akankah kamu pergi ke Jakarta bulan depan?'

20. If Andhika had … the short stnoory writing contest, she would have … a new laptop.A. win, haveB. won, haveC. win, hadD. won, hadE. winning, had​


A. win, have

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