Minggu, 02 April 2023

Explain The Steps To Determining The Presence Of Pb2+ Ions

Explain The Steps To Determining The Presence Of Pb2+ Ions

Copper has the structure of a typical metal. It has a lattice of positive ions and a "sea of mobile electrons. The lattice can accommodate ions of a different metal. a) Give a different use of copper that depends on each of the following. i) The ability of the ions in the lattice to move past each other ii) The presence of mobile electrons iii) The ability to accommodate ions of a different metal in the lattice (3

Daftar Isi

1. Copper has the structure of a typical metal. It has a lattice of positive ions and a "sea of mobile electrons. The lattice can accommodate ions of a different metal. a) Give a different use of copper that depends on each of the following. i) The ability of the ions in the lattice to move past each other ii) The presence of mobile electrons iii) The ability to accommodate ions of a different metal in the lattice (3

different metal in the lattice

2. explain 5 steps of the water cycle​


5 Tahapan Daur Air

Penguapan. Penguapan adalah perubahan wujud benda dari cair menjadi gas. ...

Kondensasi. Kondensasi merupakan peristiwa pengembunan, yaitu perubahan wujud benda gas menjadi cair. ...

3. Presipitasi. Presipitasi adalah jatuhnya air di udara yang terkumpul dalam awan. ...

4. Limpasan. ...



maaf kalo salah ya

evaporation, condensation, precipitation, runoff, infiltration

maaf jika salah...

3. explain the steps involved in formation of seed


apa yang ditanya?


explain information

pernyataan umum

deret penjelas


kalau salah maaf yaa

4. the pourposte of the text is to explain?​

tujuan teks ini untuk menjelaskan?


itu suruh menerjemahkan?

5. Clould you explain the steps



ini mo dijadiin ke bhs indonesia yhh?

7. explain the using of " to be"

to be is
am, is, and are
( am ) using to = I
( is ) using to = she, he, it
( are ) using to = you, they, we

The verb “To be” also acts as a linking verb, joining the sentence subject with a subject complement or adjective complement. A linking verb provides no action to a sentence: the subject complement re-identifies the subject; the adjective complement modifies it. (For further information and additional vocabulary in dealing with linking verbs, visit the hyperlinks in this paragraph.)

8. Please explain the steps op matemorposis


what are the steps for metamorposis,bro?

9. Please briefly explain the steps of writing a flutter apps?

To start with flutter you need to have basic understanding of Dart programming language. For that you can take the tutorial on Tutorials Point.

When you are confident enough you can start with dart. Flutter's official documentation is good enough to get started. Here,

1) Building layouts using Flutter’s layout mechanism.

2) Adding interactivity to your Flutter app, you’ll extend the simple layout app created in “Building Layouts in Flutter” to make an icon tappable.

3) Animations in Flutter, as it guides you through a progression of tween animations using different aspects of the animation APIs.

4) Internationalizing Flutter apps. A guide through the widgets and classes that enable apps to display their content using the user’s language and formatting conventions.

Sorry if this isn't brief enough

10. Explain how to determine the lifespan of the stars?

Twinkle twinkle little stars

11. explain what the meaning of management according to the expert

Management is the organization and coordination of the activities of a business in order to achieve defined objectives.

according to Peter Drucker, the basic task of management include both marketing and innovation  

12. The most appropriate to complete the dialogue is A.please attention pay B.please pay attention C.Do you know what i am saying D.please explain the steps of metamorphosis


B.please pay attention

13. ExerciseNow,explain the steps how to make a kite by yourself.First prepare the tools of making a kite,Second,Third,NextFinally,​


second,:Cross the bamboo that has been cut into 2 parts, then tie the 2 pieces of wood together

third : then attach the plastic to the wood, follow the shape of the wood and then heat it in order stick to

next : attach the kama rope to the kite

Finally The kite is ready

cmiiw:3, dont forget to like thank you

14. 2. The purpose of the text above isa. to entertain the reader how to makesometthingb. to describe how to use somethingthrough sequence of actionsc. to tell how to make something throughsequence of stepsd. to explain the ingredients of makingbergedel tempe​


d.To explain ingredients of making bergedel tempe


maaf kalau salah

15. to explain the functions of pronouns​



A pronoun can show ownership (possessive case). A pronoun can also can act as a subject (nominative case) or as an object of a verb or preposition (objective case).


semoga membantu

jadikan jawaban terbaik

16. Base on the picture rerrange the sentences into a good paragraf the explain about the steps of photosynthesis

Berdasarkan gambar tersebut susunlah kembali kalimat-kalimat tersebut menjadi paragraf yang baik yang menjelaskan tentang langkah-langkah fotosintesis

17. The synonym of "Presence" is???

not present ( tidk hadir

18. 2. The purpose of the text above is ....a. to entertain the reader how to makesometthingb. to describe how to use somethingthrough sequence of actionsc. to tell how to make something throughsequence of stepsd. to explain the ingredients of makingbergedel tempe​


a.to entertain the reader how to make sometthing

maaf kalo salah

19. to explain the types of pronouns ​

Jawaban:it is

Like me

20. explain the using of to be going to​


The expression be going to, followed by a verb in the infinitive, allows us to express an idea in the near future: I'm going to talk to him. Very soon I will talk to him.


jelaskan kegunaan dari to

Maaf ya, aku cuma bisa menerjemahkannya saja (❁´◡`❁)

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