Jumat, 14 April 2023

Identify The Reagents Needed To Carry Out Each Reaction

Identify The Reagents Needed To Carry Out Each Reaction

Bring in two written examples ofroutine jobs in your workplace.Explain the sequence of eventsneeded to carry out these tasks​

Daftar Isi

1. Bring in two written examples ofroutine jobs in your workplace.Explain the sequence of eventsneeded to carry out these tasks​

Artinya: Bawalah dua contoh tertulis dari

pekerjaan rutin di tempat kerja Anda.

Jelaskan urutan kejadiannya

yang dibutuhkan untuk melaksanakan tugas-tugas ini?

Maaf kak kalau salah btw follow aku yaa

2. 1. identify each event in each caption2. identify the agent(s) in each caption3. identify the situation in each caption​


1. mengidentifikasi setiap peristiwa di setiap keterangan.2. mengidentifikasi agen di setiap keterangan.3. mengidentifikasi situasi di setiap keterangan.

3. X is a compound with three carbon atom and isomeric with y. X reacts with Tollen's reagent and acidified KMnO4. Y has no reaction with both reagents. A. Identify x and y b. Draw structural equation on the reaction.

Senyawa X adalah propanal dengan gambar struktur:



CH₃ - CH₂ - C - H

Senyawa Y adalah propanon dengan gambar struktur:



CH₃ - C - CH₃

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


Senyawa X terdiri dari 3 atom karbon.

Senyawa X berisomer dengan Y.

Senyawa X bereaksi dengan Tollens dan KMnO₄.

Senyawa Y tidak bereaksi dengan Tollens dan KMnO₄.


a. Identifikasi senyawa X dan Y

b. Gambarkan rumus strukturnya


Menentukan senyawa X dan gambar strukturnya.

Senyawa X bereaksi dengan Tollens dan KMnO₄. Hal ini berarti senyawa X memiliki gugus fungsi aldehida (R-CHO) yang memiliki 3 atom karbon. Maka gambar rumus strukturnya adalah:



CH₃ - CH₂ - C - H


Menentukan senyawa Y dan gambar strukturnya.

Senyawa Y tidak bereaksi dengan Tollens dan KMnO₄. Hal ini berarti senyawa Y memiliki gugus fungsi keton (R-CO-R') yang memiliki 3 atom karbon sama dengan senyawa X. Karena senyawa X dan senyawa Y saling berisomer. Maka gambar rumus strukturnya adalah:



CH₃ - C - CH₃


Pelajari lebih lanjut

Membedakan aldehida dan keton https://brainly.co.id/tugas/15050391Isomer fungsi aldehida dan keton https://brainly.co.id/tugas/14079172



4. penjelasan be careful when weighing out chemical and reagents dont return excess materials into the stock container​


Berhati-hatilah saat menimbang bahan kimia dan bahan reaksi, jangan kembalikan bahan sisa kedalam wadah penyimpanan.

Be careful = hati hati

When = saat

Weighing out = menimbang

Chemical = bahan kimia

Reagents = bahan reaksi

Return = kembalikan

Excess = sisa

Materials = bahan

Into = kedalam

Stock container = wadah penyimpanan

Semoga Membantu.

Jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya ^0^

5. Apa yang dimaksud carry out dan summary out ?


Carry out yaitu sistem pelayanan dimana tamu datang untuk membeli makanan yang telah siap ataupun disiapkan terlebih dahulu, dibungkus dalamkotak untuk dibawa pergi, jadi makanan tidak dinikmati di tempat. Sedangkan Summary out adalah teknik yang digunakan konselor untuk menyimpulkan atau ringkasan mengenai berbagai apa yang telah dikemukakan klien pada proses komunikasi konseling


Semoga membantu

6. do you know that at the moment some amazing experiments ... by the university research biologist? A. Carried outB. To Carry OutC. Are Being Carried OutD. Be Carried Out

C. Are being carried out

7. do you know that at the moment some amazing experiments ... by the university research biologist? A.carried outB. to carry outC. are being carried outD. be carried out




ini merupakan present continuous tense, perhatikan time signal “at the moment” yang menunjukkan continuous. Maka menggunakan rumus S + Is/am/are + Being + Verb3.

8. identify the profession of each person in the picture :)​

5. Architect

6. Mechanic

7.bisa Artist (seniman) atau Sculpture (pembuat patung)

8. Cashier

Maaf bila ada salah

9. 1. identify the use of to be.2. identify the use of to have.3. identify the use of simple present.​


mengidentifikasipenggunaantobe.mengidentifikasipenggunaantoheve.mengidentifikasipenggunaan tosimplepresent.

10. how many tables are needed to seat 237 people when the tables seat 11 people each?


There are 237 People and each tables can seat 11 people. Then the table that needed to seat 237 are: 22 tables are needed, 21 tables each contain 11 people and 1 table plus only contains 6 people.

11. Using the identification key on page 71, identify which group of vertebrateseach animal belongs to.​


ini soalnya mana ya


maaf kurang jelas

12. Identify the subject of each sentence below: 1. Wildlife needs to be protected.


The subject of this sentence is wildlife.

13. chandra couldn't carry the boxes. they were too heavy.a)the boxes were too heavy to carryb)the boxes were for heavy to carryc)the boxes were too heavy for carryd)the boxes were for heavy to carry

Jawabannya A 
The boxes were too heavy to carry 
(Kotaknya terlalu berat untuk dibawa)

*semoga membantuJwban yg lebih tepat adalah A
(Kotak-kotak itu terlalu berat untuk dibawa)

14. in this place, a fund raising event .........(carry out) to help the disaster victims​


In this place, a fundraising event is being carried out to help the disaster victims.

15. Make a letter to your pall and identify the main idea each paragraf

Kelas: SMA
Pelajaran: English
Kategori: informal letter

Here's the example of the letter (email) to you pal:

Dear Sabine,

        How have you been, Sabine? it's been a while, since I received your last letter. I do hope you're fine.
    (main idea: introduction)

       So, how was your summer holiday? Did you finally go to Scotland? I'd love to hear it all from you. If you do, I'm sure you wouldn't miss the visit to Iverness, wouldn't you? You probably saw at glance of the sea monster, Loch Ness there.
(main idea: inquiry about Sabine's holiday)

      As for me, I went on holiday to Peru. It was awesome as I could finally get a chance to see Macchu Picchu, the old city on the top of the mountain. Unfortunately, the way to go there was quite challenging so you had to be extremely fit for it.
(main idea: about the sender's holiday)

     OK, I hope I can see you sometime next month when you have a school trip here. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards,


16. write one of the 'useful phrases' as an appropriate reaction to each of the following events from the script.


In making an appropriate response or reaction, you need to look carefully at the expression or sentences used as well as its tone, whether it is meant to be humorous or serious one. Then, you can respond it in a creative way too, instead of just ordinary ones so long as appropriate. Here's the possible phrases to respond

- The cruel king has threatened to invade!

(Really? Then we'd better prepare ourselves. for normal reaction)

(What else is new? He's just bluffing. for unusual reaction)

- We are still alive; the soldiers are gone!

(Then we shall pray for them. They have fought bravely to protect us. (normal reaction)

(That's rather ironic for them. They should've been alive instead of us, who aren't trained for war. (uncommon reaction)

- The riddle is solved!

(At last! after a while - normal)

(Are you kidding me? what took you so long to solve such easy riddle - uncommon )

- We need a drum that sounds when nobody beats it!

(Such is impossible! - normal)

(Really? are you still in wonderland? - uncommon sardonic)

- Will the paper drum with the bee work?

(Huh, I don't get it - normal as it's unclear in meaning)

Kelas: SMP

Mapel: English

Kategori: expression and response

17. We will read each text carefully in order to identify the sentences in the text artikan

Kami akan membaca teks dengan sesama/ teliti untuk mengidentifikasi teks tersebut

18. 8. some material (be) very heavy to carry out ​


8. Some Material is Very Heavy to Carry Out


Dikarenakan Kata "Material" yang bersifat tunggal maka disini kita harus menggunakan to be "is"

19. can our cells also carry out processes that are sensitive to the environment?


Yes, our cells can carry out processes that are sensitive to the environment. Our cells are equipped with a variety of sensors and signaling pathways that allow them to respond to changes in their environment. For example, cells can respond to changes in temperature, pH, or the presence of certain chemicals by adjusting their metabolic processes or by activating defense mechanisms. In addition, cells can also respond to signals from other cells or tissues, allowing them to coordinate their activities with the rest of the body. Thus, our cells have the ability to detect and respond to changes in their environment, allowing them to maintain their normal functions and survive in a wide range of conditions.


Yes, our cells are capable of carrying out processes that are sensitive to the environment. They can detect and respond to various stimuli from the environment, such as changes in temperature, light, and chemical signals, to regulate their functions and behaviors.

Bahasa Indonesia: Ya, sel-sel kita mampu melakukan proses yang sensitif terhadap lingkungan. Mereka dapat mendeteksi dan merespons berbagai rangsangan dari lingkungan, seperti perubahan suhu, cahaya, dan sinyal kimia, untuk mengatur fungsinya dan perilakunya.

20. read the following blank form! Identify each section and its function! then try to fill it!

Destination: Bandung
Date: 1 September 2018
Departure time: 10.30
Number of passengers: Adult 2 Children 1
Gate: --

Customer name: Katherine
Phone: +6281356740123
Booking total: Rp. 150.000
Payment: Cash

Semoga Membantu

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