Jumat, 14 April 2023

You re Moving Into A New Apartment Weegy

You re Moving Into A New Apartment Weegy

Jerry doesn't need ...help moving to their new apartment

Daftar Isi

1. Jerry doesn't need ...help moving to their new apartment

Jerry tidak butuh bantuan pindah ke apartemen baru mereka Jerry doesn’t need some help moving to their new apartement

Semoga membantu

2. A : Hi , Josh. I hear that you_____move into a new apartment.B : That’s right. Sara and I found a great apartment on 45th streetA : I_____help you on moving  day if you like.B :Hey, great! we’d really appreciate that.​


A : Hi , Josh. I hear that you will move into a new apartment.

B : That’s right. Sara and I found a great apartment on 45th street .

A : I will help you on moving  that day if you like.

B : Hey, great! we’d really appreciate that.​


will, will

3. Make a story about moving into a new house/country/place

Today is my last day in my old house,i am going to have a new neighbour,a new life and a new house.i took a glance at my old room then leave the house.after i left,the driver of the taxi puts my luggage in the bagage.after a few minutes i arrived at my new house.i payed the driver and got inside my new house.i took a warm shower first then i put all my things in my new room.i laid in my bed exhausted.well having a new home isn't that bad at all..
(maaf kalo agak aneh ya)

4. Uncle : Hey, I heard that you bought a new apartment. Did you ? Ongky : You bet, uncle. Uncle : Well, ___________________ Ongky : _______________________


uncle : well, how is the state of your apartment

ongky : very good


5. Rosemary and Frank are moving into their new home.(-)(+)​


(+) Rosemary and Frank are moving into the new home

(-) Rosemary and Frank aren't moving into the new home

6. Uncle: Hey, I heard that you bought a new apartment. did you? ongky: you bet, uncle Uncle: well................................................................... Ongky:................................................................ Call me at my place and i'ii show you my new apartment. Uncle: don't worry. next week, I"II drop by

uncle : well, thats great.
ongky : thanks uncle.Uncle: Can i visit your apartment
Ongky: Ok

7. jamitra and yosephine(move).... into new house for a week a. moves b. moving c. moved d. has moved e. have moved

Jamitra and yosephine have moved into new house for a week

Jawabannya yang E. ✔️

PEMBAHASAN Present Perfect

Digunakan untuk menyatakan Kegiatan atau Peristiwa yg sudah selesai tapi masih ada kaitannya di masa sekarang.

Ciri Present Perfect => For=> Since => Already => dll.

Rumus Present Perfect(+) S + has/have + V3 (-) S + has/have + not + V3 (?) has/have + S + V3?


➡️ I/you/we/they/2 nama + have✔️

➡️ He/she/it/satu nama + has

Pilihan yg tersedia:a. moves ➡️ Verb+sb. moving ➡️ Verb-ingc. moved ➡️ Verb-2d. has moved ➡️ has + V3e. have moved = have + V3 ✔️


Jamitra and Yosephine have moved into new house for a week

Ada 2 nama Ada ciri Present Perfect “for”

Jadi, menggunakan Have + V3 = have moved (E) ✔️

Pelajari Lebih LanjutPresent Perfect:brainly.co.id/tugas/25353908brainly.co.id/tugas/25356108

Detail JawabanMapel: Bahasa InggrisMateri: Present PerfectLevel: JHSKode Soal: 5Kode Kategorisasi: 9.5

Kata Kunci: For

8. The Lees will not move into their new apartment if​


Keluarga Lee tidak akan pindah ke apartemen baru mereka jika

9. Edo : Hi , Josh. I hear that you_____move into a new apartment.Josh : That’s right. Sara and I found a great apartment on 45th streetEdo : I and my brother_____help you on moving day if you like.9. *A. Will, Is going toB. Will be, are going toC. Won’t, willD. Are going to, will​


B. Will be, are going to



c won't, will


maaf kalau salah

10. kalimat tentang moving to a new home beserta artinya

i get moving to a new home yesterday
saya pindah kerumah baru kemarin

11. Contoh percakapan bahasa inggris moving day apartment

X:hey , where are you going ?
Y:i moving apartement
X:oh i see , so where are you gonna stay now ?
Y:My mother house
X:Ok , good luck with that

12. Buatkan dialog tentang moving to a new city dalam bahasa inggris

Jeno : Hi Lucas, how are you? You look so happy today!
Lucas : Oh, hello Jen. I want to tell you that i will move to new city tommorow!
Jeno : Really? Wow it’s a good news! What’s the name of the city?
Lucas : The city name is Jakarta
Jeno : Wow.. it sounds cool. I think i have heard about that city before, it have many large buildings!
Lucas : That’s right! I can’t wait to moving there with my parents
Jeno : By the way, why are you moving?
Lucas : Oh, it’s because my father work at BeBe Company in Jakarta. So if we move in to Jakarta my father’s work will be easy
Jeno : I see. Well, i hope you will have a nice living in there! Don’t forget to chat me Ok?
Lucas : Ok!

13. indah: heard that you bought a new apartment congratulations can i come overRina : ........sure ,just call me.i'll show you aroud​

rina : Yes sure,just call me. i'll show you around

14. i heard you' re opening a new laundry, i......... you Will succeed


i heard you' re opening a new laundry, i hope you Will succeed

15. Sarah.....moving to new Zealand

Sarah is moving to New Zealand

maaf kalau salah ya . . .

I think the answer is : is

Sarah is moving to New Zealand

Sorry if it's wrong

16. Rosemary and frank are moving into the new home ?••tolong jawab dengan cara positif dan negatif​

Rosemary and Frank are moving into the new home

(+) Rosemary and Frank are moving into the new home

(-) Rosemary and Frank aren't moving into the new home

(?) Are Rosemary and Frank moving into the new home?

17. The Lees will not move into their new apartment if​

The Lees will not move into their new apartment if they have no transportation to move their apartment.

18. 4. What is sender's purposes forsending the card? *OTo help someone to buy a newhouseOTo congratulate someone formoving into a new houseOTo invite someone to come to thenew houseTo give warmth someone for movinginto a new house​


to invite to come to the new house


biasanya kartu undangan digunakan untuk jamuan warga baru

Karena tidak ada penjelasan atau card yang disertakan, jadi aku simpulkan kemungkinan jawabannya tocongratulatesomeoneformovingintoanewhouse.

Semoga membantu, tolong koreksi jika salah.

19. 1 hi john i heard that you .... move into new apartment, 2.i... do it ,3. i ....help you on moving day if you like , 4. so you ... get merried . lengkapilah will atau tobe going to

1. To be
2. Will
3. Will
4. Going to
Maaf klo salah

20. Change the following sentence into "to be going to"i will move to a new apartment tonight(+)(-)(?)​


+ I will move to a new apartment tonight

- I will not move to a new apartment tonight

? Will I move to a new apartment tonight?

Semoga membantu, Good Luck!!


(+)I will move to a new apartment tonight

(-)I will move to a new apartment tonight

(?)Will I move to a new apartment tonight?


Detail Jawaban



Bab 1 || future tense

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