Rabu, 12 April 2023

There Is A Bot Located At A Pair

There Is A Bot Located At A Pair

there is a pair of curtains at the big window artinya

Daftar Isi

1. there is a pair of curtains at the big window artinya

Ada sepasang tirai di jendela besarTRANSLATION
Answer :
Ada sepasang tirai di jendela besar itu

2. there is a pair of ...... (sepatu)​




semoga membantu ya kak

Semoga membantu yaa!

3. where is the post office located?a. it is located between the city Park at the bank.b. it is located between the bank at the mosque.c. it is located between the mall at the bankd. it is located between the mall at the mosque​​


c it is located between the mall at the bank

4. there is a new hotel in my city . it is a four star hotel. it is located downtown

Yes, and people can go there doing fellatio and other holes.

5. Somaliland is located at = ....​

The Republic of Somaliland (Somali language: Soomaaliland) is a former British territory located in the northwestern part of Somalia in the Horn of Africa. In May 1991, clans in the north proclaimed the independence of Somaliland which now covers 5 of Somalia's 18 administrative regions.

Somaliland is part of Somalia and the larger Horn of Africa region.

6. kalimat negatif there is a pair of slippers in front of the door

there isn't a pair of slippers in front of the doorThere isn't a pair of slippers in front of the door.

7. where is the post office located?a. it is located between the city Park at the bank.b. it is located between the bank at the mosque.c. it is located between the mall at the bankd. it is located between the mall at the mosque​


a. it is located between the city park at the bank


maaf kalau salah

semoga membantu

8. (5) at no.5 Gorontalo Street. Itis a big school because it (6)24 classrooms. There is alanguage laboratory where we(6) A. locate B. locates C. located D. is locating​


Jawaban nya C


semoga membantu. Cmiiw.

9. a-pair- there-are-of-lovebird

There are a pair of lovebird.there are a pair of lovebird

10. 39. on -- the - is - There - a chalk - table40. Makassar - is located - Where - ?​


39.on the table there is a chalk

40.Where is location Makassar?

11. Istana maimum is located at.. ​


maksudnya istana Maimun mungkin? kalau iya itu ada di :

jl sultan ma'moen Al Rasyid no.66 ,A U R ,selengkapnya ada di google

12. Look at the table and choose the right sentences!Spectacles ShoesTrousersRp. 500.000,- Rp. 350.000,- Rp. 410.000,-From the table above we know that ....a. a pair of shoes is the most expensive ofalla pair of spectacles is the cheapesta pair of spectacles is cheaper than a pairof trousersd. a pair of trousers is more expensive thana pair of shoes​



13. a-pair- there-are-of-lovebird

There are a pair of lovebird.There are a pair of lovebird Semoga membantu

14. is there a pair ok glases on the table ?apa jawabnya​


apakah ada kacamata di atas meja?

15. kalimat tanya there is a pair of slippers in front of the door

Who is the sandals?

What objects are in front of the door?

16. 4. Look at the picture. Fill the blanks with the suitable answer!This is my living room. There is a window. It is coveredwith a pair of .....(a). There is a comfortable ...(b) where !sit on it. There is alan ...(C) between the sofa and the lamp.There is also alan ... (d) on the table.​



3. a table

4. a telephone

17. There is a canteen. There are man many. Our Canteen is located. There are Cupboars. The Canteen is closed. dibuat (+) (-) (?) (?)(+) (?)(-)tolong ka bsk dikumpulkan ​


(+) There is a canteen

(–) There is not a canteen

(?) Is there a canteen?

(+) There are many

(–) There are not many

(?) Are there many?

(+) Our canteen is located

(–) Our canteen is not located

(?) Is our canteen located?

(+) There are cupboards

(–) There are not cupboards

(?) Are there cupboards?

(+) The canteen is closed

(–) The canteen is not closed

(?) Is the canteen closed?

18. a-pair-there-are-of-lovebird

There are a pair of lovebird


there are a pair of lovebird

19. the school is located at

sekolah terletak di...
sekolah nya terletak di

20. Tugas 6 Buatlah 10 kalimat menggunakan there is/there are berdasarkan gambar. Contoh There is a pair of curtain on the wall


There are two bags in the bookshelf

There are some pictures on the wall

There is a pair of curtain on the window

There are many books in the bookshelf

There is a lamp on the table

There is a television on the table

There is a sofa near the window

There is a bookcase next to the table

There is a telephone in front of the lamp

There is a carpet under the table

There is a table on the carpet

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