Kamis, 27 April 2023

What Is The Cold Herbal Tea Paraguayans Drink

What Is The Cold Herbal Tea Paraguayans Drink

TeaTea is a kind of drink. It is made ofdry tea leaves. It is served as hot or colddrinkHot tea is served in the cup Coldtea is served in the glass The kind of tra isgreen our body. It contains manyantioxidants11.The text abovo tells abouta Drinkb. Foodd. Coffoceeс. Тea​

Daftar Isi

1. TeaTea is a kind of drink. It is made ofdry tea leaves. It is served as hot or colddrinkHot tea is served in the cup Coldtea is served in the glass The kind of tra isgreen our body. It contains manyantioxidants11.The text abovo tells abouta Drinkb. Foodd. Coffoceeс. Тea​



semoga membantu

2. the boys are......... (drink) cold tea in the school canteen

The boys are drinking cold tea in the school canteen .

Maaf klo salahDrinking jawabannya inshaallah

3. the boy is … (drink) cold water.

The Boy is drinking cold waterThe boy is (drinking) cold water.

4. you can drink the green tea from the drugstore.it is ......... to drink​


Anda bisa minum teh hijau dari apotek itu si .... untuk diminum



5. Soal: Is she drinking tea? The passive form is ... Is tea being drunk by her? Is tea being drunk by she? Is tea being drink by she? Is tea being drink by her? Tolong bantu ya

Is tea being drunk by her?

(Active present continous jika diubah ke passive verb nya menjadi bentuk lampau)

Semoga membantu

6. Pay attention to the following dialogue. study how the meaning of the sentence changes when "not" is added. - The iced tea is too cold. you cannot drink it. - It is not too hot. It can still drink it

- The iced tea is too cold. you cannot drink it.

7. pay attention to the following dialogue. study how the meaning of the sentence changes when "not" is added. - The iced tea is too cold. you cannot drink it. - It is not too hot. It can still drink it thankss beforeeee

Pembahasan = 
1. The iced tea is too cold. you cannot drink it.
Pada kalimat diatas ini, "not" bermakna "Tidak bisa / Tidak boleh"

2. It is not too hot. It can still drink it
Pada kalimat diatas ini, "not" bermakna "Tidak terlalu"


8. eThe suitable utterance of asking foropinion is...a. What are your feelings about thetea that I made?b. Do you think I can make a tea?C. I make tea. You should taste it.d. Please, drink the tea before it'scold.​


A.what are you feelings about the tea that I made

9. Soal: Is she drinking tea? The passive form is ... Is tea being drunk by her? Is tea being drunk by she? Is tea being drink by she? Is tea being drink by her? Tolong bantu ya


Is tea being drunk by her?


Karena saat membuat kalimat pasif kita menggunakan verb 2.

Verb 1 > Verb 2

Drink > Drunk

Penggunaan subject "she" biasanya digunakan untuk kalimat aktif  karena kata "she" harus didepan kalimat sedangkan penggunaan subject 'her" digunakan untuk kalimat pasif.

10. Bela: "Steve, what seems to be the problem?" James: "Well, I have a bad cold and the doctor gave me some medicine." Bela: "Listen! Forget about the medicines. Try this herbal one." James: "Oh, no, thanks."What does Bela offer? * 1 poin Herbal medicine. Some medicine. Fresh herbal. Cool drink. The doctor.

the answer is herbal medicine

11. Explain the function and the difference of “too” and “enough” based on the following sentences : The tea is not too hot, I can still drink it. It’s cold enough to drink


Kata too dan enough dalam bahasa Inggris digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang lebih. Misalnya  too beautiful dan beautiful enough. Namun dalam segi arti kedua kata-kata ini memiliki arti dan makna yang berbeda satu sama lainnya. Too artinya terlalu atau sesuatu yang berlebihan, sedangkan enough berarti cukup.

12. very - tea - the - cold - ice - issusunlah menjadi kalimat yg benar!​


the tea is very cold


artinya teh itu sangat dingin


the ice tea is very cold


the ice tea is very cold

13. 1. What is Cahya's favourite drink?A. His favorite drink is pizza.B. His favorite drink is ice tea.C. Her favorite drink is orange juice.D. His favorite drink is orange juice​


c.her favorite drink is orange juice

14. TeaTea is a kind of drink. It is made of drytea leaves. It is served as hot or cold drink,Hot tea is served in the cup. Cold tea isserved in the glass, The kind of tea is greentea, black tea and red tea. Tea is good forour body. It contains many antioxidants.a11. The text above tells about ....a. Drinkc. Teab. Food d. Coffee12. Tea is made of ....a. PlantC Creatureb. Animal d. Human13. Tea contains many ....a. Vitaminb. Mineralc. Antioxidantsd. Carbohydrate14. Satay is kind of ....a. Drink c, Foodb. Vegetable d, Fruit15. These are kinds of drinks,except...a. breadb. a cup of coffec. an iced tead. a can of coca colatolong di jawab yah kaka yg baik besok mau di kumpulin☺​

11. c. tea

12. a. plant

13. c . antioxidan

14. c. food

15. a. bread







15. what is the synonym of the drink?


maaf kalo salahSynonim of the drink is a FOOD

16. ... its is a drink. It is sweet and cold. What is that? That is...​

ARTINYA...itu adalah minuman. Ini manis dan dingin. Apa itu? itu...


17. Explain the function and the difference of "too" and "enough" based on the following sentences : The tea is not too hot, I can still drink it. It's cold enough to drink

Too = Terlalu

Too hot = Terlalu panas.

The tea is not too hot

= Teh itu tidak terlalu panas

I can still drink it

= Saya masih dapat meminum nya.

Enough = Cukup.

Cold enough = Cukup dingin

It's coldenough to drink

= Teh itu cukupdingin untuk diminum

# CUKUP kalau diikuti dengan KATASIFAT

= Terjemahan bahasa Inggris nya DIBALIK


Cukup cantik

= Beautiful enough

# CUKUP kalau diikuti dengan KATABENDA

= Terjemahan bahasa Inggris nya sama ( TIDAKDIBALIK )

Contoh =

Cukup gula

= Enough sugar

Cukup buku

= Enough books

18. what is the flavor of the drink




19. tolong terjemahkan teks berikut in the united states people drink the for breakfast of after meals. americans usually have tea in teapots. in the summer, many americans drink cold tea-called `iced tea`. they sometimes drink iced tea from cans, like soda.

di Amerika Serikat orang minum untuk sarapan setelah makan. Amerika biasanya memiliki teh di teko. di musim panas banyak orang Amerika minum teh dingin yang disebut "ice tea". mereka kadang minum es teh dari kaleng seperti soda
di united stases orang orang minum untuk sarapan daripada makan. orang amerika selalu memiliki teh di tempat air minum. di musim panas
banyak orang amerika meminum teh dingin yang disebut 'teh es'. mereka sering minum es teh dalam kaleng, seperti soda.

mohon maaf jika berantakan, soalnya saya lagi ngga pake kamus

20. use as...as 1.the coffee is hotter than the tea(cold) the tea..... 2.miss herlin is 150cm and miss hilda is 140cm miss hilda...

1. the tea is cooler than the coffee
2. miss hilda is shorter than miss herlin1. the coffee isnt as cold as the tea
2. miss herlin isnt as short as miss hilda

tlg jadikan jawaban yg terbaik
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