Rabu, 05 April 2023

Why Should An Ice Cream Scoop Be Stored

Why Should An Ice Cream Scoop Be Stored

Jenna buys.. A. a bowl of ice cream B. a glass of ice cream C. a scoop of ice cream D. a cube of ice cream

Daftar Isi

1. Jenna buys.. A. a bowl of ice cream B. a glass of ice cream C. a scoop of ice cream D. a cube of ice cream

C. a scoop of ice cream

knp c krn es krimkan pake skop es krim, jd kalau mau beli mbak/mas satu skop es krim ya. gak mungkin segelas, semangkuk, sekubus.

2. a.26. Why does the ice cream should be storedin the freezer?To avoid antsb. To prevent from meltingTo keep the fressnessd. To keep the flavourC.​


Jawabanya B


Semoga Membantu :) Jadiin jawaban terbaik yaa..


B. To prevent from melting


Untuk mencegah es krim mencair

3. 5. A : May I eat ice cream, mum ? B : ..... a. Sureb. Are you serious ?c. Let's buy ice cream nowd.Eat a scoop of ice cream​


its a.sure



jawabannya yang A. Sure

4. bahasa inggris ice cream =a atau an​









5. Demain buys an ice cream. it is like a cone. it is ... ice cream​


It is an ice cream



Demain buys an ice cream, it is like a cone. it is an ice cream​.

6. 35. Change the following words in form ofSimple Present Tense:I like ice CreamWe................. ice creamShe...... - ice creamBot.............ice creamMama.... ice creamThey..... ... ice cream​


I like ice Cream

We like ice cream

She likes ice cream

Both like ice cream

Mama likes ice cream

They like ice cream​


1. We like ice cream.

2. She likes ice cream.

3. Bot like ice cream.

4. Mama likes ice cream.

5. They like ice cream.

Rumus Simple Present Tense

1. Subject+Verb 1 (+s/es)+Object


2. Subject+am/are/is+Adjective

He, She, It : +s/es

I, You, We, They : tidak

Am : I

Are : You, We, They

Is : He, She, It

Bedanya rumus 1 dan 2, rumus satu untuk kata kerja dan rumus 2 untuk kata sifat/menunjukkan sifat seseorang.

7. the product should NOT be stored in​

Jawab :

The answer is definitely the bathroom since it is not cold or dry.

Don't forget to pick me as the best answer.

8. Q. Pada Malam Hari Chika dan Saya membeli Ice Cream, Chika beli 100.000 Ice Cream, dan Saya beli 1 Ice Cream.Jika saya minta 99.998 Ice Cream dari Chika.Soal :Maka berapa sisa Ice Cream Chika?Berapa Total Ice Cream saya? ;-;Note : .....​

Diketahui :

Ice Cream Chika = 100.000

Ice Cream saya = 1

Saya minta 99.998 Ice Cream dari Chika

Penyelesaian :

Sisa Ice Cream Chika

= 100.000 - 99.998

= 2

Ice Cream Chika sisa 2

Ice Cream saya

= 99.998 + 1

= 99.999

Ice Cream saya 99.999


Chika beli 100.000 ice cream

Saya beli 1 ice cream

Saya meminta 99.998 ice cream dri chika

= 100.000 - 99.998

= 2 (sisa ice cream chika)


Sisa ice cream chika?

Dan Total ice cream sy


Sisa ice cream chika

= 100.000 - 99.998

= 2 buah ice cream

Total ice cream saya

= 1 + 99.998

= 99.999 buah ice cream

9. THUIZZ!!Ice = -15Cream = -30Cream ÷ Ice × Ice ÷ Cream = ... aaaaaaaaa ice cream ._.​


ICE =-15










Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


Ice =-15

Cream =-30


Cream ÷Ice ×Ice ÷Cream =...





note :Gk ada-

10. Why ice cubes are stored in the thermos?​


Mengapa es batu disimpan di termos?


kok bisa di termos seharusnya di lemari es

maaf kalau salah dan jadikan terbaik


to keep the temperature of the ice cubes stay cold.

semoga membantu, maaf klo salah

11. Dika eats an ice creamit is .....ice creamthe ice cream is....​


1. an vanilla

2. delicious


maaf kalo salah

12. an-cream-she-ice-cone-has​


she has an ice cream cone




Semoga membantu!

13. She (give) us an ice cream

She Gave Us An Ice Cream

14. Why ice cream can melt?

Ice cream melt because it is heated by the objects and air touching it and its melting point is much lower than room temperatureIce crem melt because it is heated by the objects and air touching it andits melting point ismuch lower than room temperature

maaf jika salah:)

15. 25. Choose 3 reasons why you should clean out your refrigeratorA. Your Food is MoldyB. Your ice will be meltC. The smell of your refrigerator will be betterD. You can enjoy an ice creamE. Your refrigerator will not be easily damaged​


C. The smell of your refrigerator will be better

D. You can enjoy an ice cream

E. Your refrigerator will not be easily damaged

16. what is an ice cream like?​


Es krim adalah sebuah makanan beku dibuat dari produk susu seperti krim (atau sejenisnya), digabungkan dengan perasa dan pemanis buatan ataupun alami. Campuran ini didinginkan dengan mengaduk sambil mengurangi suhunya untuk mencegah pembentukan kristal es besar.

Ini penjelasannya yang pake bahasa Inggris yaa ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓

Ice cream is a frozen food made from dairy products such as cream (or the like), combined with artificial or natural flavorings and sweeteners. This mixture is cooled by stirring while reduce its temperature to prevent large ice crystals from forming.

# sorry if wrong :) #Maaf kalo salah :) # Hope it helps ʘ‿ʘ#Semoga membantu #don't forget to follow me #Jangan lupa follow aku yaa :D

17. He ..... an ice cream

jawaban nya ada have(memiliki)


maap kalo salah

Answer (jawaban):

Ate (makan)

18. Mengapa ice cream di singapure di sebut uncle ice cream ?

Disebut Uncle Ice Cream karena rata- rata penjualnya adalah bapak-bapak tua.Karena kebanyakan yang menjual Ice Cream Di Singapore Adalah Orang Tua ( bapak - bapak)

19. The boy...an ice cream


the answer is :

The boy eats an ice cream


simple past tense: the boy eats an ice cream

20. Bella: ...?Ardo: Yes, There is an ice cream in the fridge?A. Is the an ice cream in the fridge?B. Can you make an ice cream?C. Are there an ice cream in the fridge?D. May I take some ice cream from the fridge?u The similar meaning​


yang C

maaf kalo salah ya

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