Senin, 24 April 2023

You Have A Column Of Dog Breeds

You Have A Column Of Dog Breeds do you have? I have a dog

Daftar Isi

1. do you have? I have a dog


what pet do you have? I have a dog

tinggal tambahkan kata "what" di awal kata

Kategori soal : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : X
Materi : Descriptive text
Kata kunci : The Breeds Originate England

There are over 30 breeds originate dog England, such as
- hunting dogs,
- companion dogs,
- guard dogs,
- sheepdogs

The dog breeds featured in the jumble was original bred in England is The English Bulldog

The featured is :

-  The English Bulldog is one of the most popular breeds dog in the world which actually number five in ranking.
-  This breed is the national symbol of England and it has been associated with Winston Churchill which appeared in many cartoons such as Spike from Tom & Jerry, movies, commercials, is the official mascot of the United States Marine Corps and the list goes on and on.
-  why this dog gets so much love because 
#   it has an intimidating look,
#   is courageous,
#   was used for bullfights and dog fights,
#   is a loyal and very friendly breed that loves kids and long naps.

3. What's the passive of "I have a dog"? ​


kurang tau


4. Questions :1. He has a dog. is cute.2. have a doll?3. Mr. Alex .......a car.4. Have/ has =.......5. My father ...... drives a car.​



2. Do

3. Have


mmf kalo salah yaaaa


1) He has a dog. His/The dog is cute

2) Do you have a doll?

3) Mr Alex has a car

4) Have/has = I, you, they, we/he, she, it

5) My father drives a car (sudah benar)

Maaf jika ada yang salah

5. have-does-?she-red-a-skirttrunk-elephant-an-?does-have-ado-?you-a-have-bicycle?do-have-they-a-video gamedoes-a-dog-?-he-have

does she have a red skirt?
does an elephant have a trunk?
do you have a bicycle?
do they have a bicycle
do they have a video game?
does he have a dog?she does have a red skirt?
trunk does have a elephant an?
do you have a bicycle?
they do have a video game?
he does have a dog?
kalau gak salah
smg membantu

6. leila likes (she) but she is scare of(you)....because (you) looks wild and scary​


Her, yours, your


tolong jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya:))

7. 1 a .Make a list of five kinds of variation that you can see between the dogs inthe photograph above.b .Suggest why scientists classify all domestic dogs in the same species.even though the different breeds of dog show so much variation.​


1 a. Buat daftar lima jenis variasi yang dapat Anda lihat di antara hewan hewan tersebut

foto di atas.

b. Jelaskan mengapa para ilmuwan mengklasifikasikan semua hewan peliharaan dalam spesies yang sama.

Meskipun ras hewan yang berbeda menunjukkan begitu banyak variasi.

8. You have three need a lot of attention?a. yourb. herc.theird. Its​


You have three dogs ... dog need a lot of attention?

*a. Your.


a. Your (kamu) → Used to replace the word You.

b. Her (dia perempuan) → Used to replace the word She.

c. Their (Mereka) → Used to replace the word They.

d. Its → Used to replace the word It.


Pronouns are words that can replace a noun or noun phrase. Pronouns prevent the repetition of the same noun or noun phrase previously mentioned.

Semoga membantu:-)

*Detailed Answer*

Mapel: English

Kelas: Tingkatan Umum

Materi: Grammar

Kata kunci: Grammar

Kode soal: 5

Kode kategorisasi: -



9. A.        ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. USE SHORT ANSWERS.1.       Have you got a brother? _________2.       Have you got a sister? _________3.       Have you got a cat? _________4.       Have you got a dog? _________tlong kak mau dikumpulin nanti​


Arti dari pertanyaan di atas

1. Apakah kamu mempunyai saudara laki-laki

》 Yes, i have a brother

2. apakah kamu mempunyai saudara perempuan

》 no, i don't have sister

3. apakah kamu mempunya kucing

》 no, i don't have a cat

4. apakah kamu mempunyai

》 no, i don't have


▪︎ pertanyaan tersebut dijawab sesuai anggota keluarga kamu.

▪︎ yang diatas tersebut merupakan cara menjawab pertanyaan dan arti dari kalimat terseb

10. Write the activities of animals in the column! Eagle,snake,dog,camel,cat,buffalo,tiger,kangaroo,horse,frog,iguana

1. the eagle fly so high 
2. the snake bites people using its deadly weapon
3. the dog is walking around with it's owner
4. the came eat in a slow motion
5. the cat is so lazy
6. the buffalo is eating and it's so big
7. the tiger is so brave and right now is chasing it's victim
8. the kangaroo is jumping high
9. the horse is running 
10. the frog is living in the pond
11. the iguana is changing color

semoga membantu, tandai jawaban terbiak ya ka:)

11. 14. ... you ever ... by a dog? A. Have- bitten B. Did - bitten C. Were - bitten D. Have - bite​




Semoga membantu

12. a dog ..... like a bird because ...... a dog doesn't have wings​


a dog want to fly like a bird because animals a dog doesn't have wings

13. Have you ever tried to send your problems to an advice column?

me:has never been


14. Apa jawaban Lisa:Dayu,do you have a pet? Dayu:Yes,I do.I have a dog Lisa:I love dogs!.......................?


can i play with your dog?

15. I have a dog.......Dog has brown fur​


I have a dog. The dog has brown fur

jadikan jawaban terbaikk


semoga bermanfaat^^


kalau menurut saya bisa dimasukkan kata "my"

my dog has brown fur

semoga membantu :)

mohon maap, saya tidak mengerti artinya, tolong artikan ke indonesia dulu yaaa

17. A dog.......... four legs (have) ​


A dog has four legs


its that simple lmao


A dog have four legs


Seekor a n j i n g memiliki empat kaki

Maaf kalo salah^w^

18. I have a funny is smart​


i have a funny dog my dog is smart

19. If you have a pet dog,you......feed every day or it will die

If you have pet a dog , you had better feed every day or it will die

20. quiz ・ᴗ・ eazy1. Rina : hi Rizki, what pet do you have? Rizki : ... a. i have a cat and a dog b. cat and dog c. a cat a dog​


Mungkin itu jawabannya

#gak bisa bahasa inggris


A. i have a cat and a dog


itu dibelakang ada 'have' jadi kalo mau lengkap sama biar ngena ke pertanyaannya pakai "i have a cat and a dog"

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