Jumat, 12 Mei 2023

506 709 In Word Form

506 709 In Word Form

write the dates in word form​

Daftar Isi

1. write the dates in word form​


1. 14-12-2010 = The fourteenth of December two thousand ten.

2. 19-01-2010 = The nineteenth of January two thousand ten.

3. 01-03-1999 = The first of March nineteen ninety-nine.

4. 10-08-2003 = The tenth of August two thousand and three.

5. 21-06-2007 = The twenty first of June two thousand and seven.

6. 20-10-1983 = The twentieth of October nineteen eighty-three.

7. 04-09-2014 = The fourth of September two thousand fourteen.

8. 11-02-2009 = The eleventh of February two thousand and nine.

9. 29-05-2008 = The twenty ninth of May two thousand and eight.

10. 22-07-2001 = The twenty second of July two thousand and one.


Pola dari penulisan tanggal di atas adalah

Cardinal number + of + month + year.

Cardinal number adalah angka yang digunakan untuk penulisan tanggal atau menunjukkan angka ke -.

Cardinal number ditandai dengan penambahan huruf st, nd, rd, dan th pada akhir angka.

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai cardinal number pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/12166856


2. Word Formation : Nouns Fill in the correct form of the word :​

15. Performance
16. Appearance
17. Decision
18. Marriage
19. Construction
20. Behavior
21. Departure
22. Discussion
23. Signature
24. Requirements
25. Management
26. Refusal
27. Swimmer
28. Entrance
29. Delivery
30. Knowledge
31. Proof
32. Explanation
33. Arrangement
34. Comparison
35. Assistance
36. Demonstration
37. Improvement

3. correct word in the form of conditional sentence

21 I would have told you
22 we would have talked
23 she had spoken slowly
24 we would go to night
25 peter would pass

4. 1.Please make sentences using word "arrive" in simple past tense form and simple present perfect form! *2.Please make sentences using word "see" in simple past tense form and simple present perfect form! *​



My parents arrived from vacation last night (simple past tense)

They have arrived at the hotel. (simple present perfect tense)


He saw the movie last night and did not like it (simple past tense).

I have seen that girl before. (simple present perfect tense).


5. Fill in the blank with the right word form the list bow- taj mahal

where is the text or some blank sentences?

6. Create a sentence with the word “go” in simple past form

i went to zoo, last nightI went to my grandparent's house yesterday.

7. fill the blanks by changing the word form in the bracket ​


1. Drinking

2. Going

3. Singing

4. Watching

5. Shopping

6. Listening

7. Playing

8. Coming

9. Traveling

10. Writing


Semoga membantu.

8. Change the form of a word in bracket to complete sentence type 1

Pembahasan conditional TYPE 1

Rumus yang digunakan adalah :

If + simple present, conditional (= will + V1)

Jawaban :

1). If I HAVE enough money, I (WILL BUY) a new travel bag.

2). If it (DOES NOT RAIN), we WILL HAVE our mini trip around Aceh.

3). If she COMES to the camping area, I (WILL BE) happy.

4). If you INVITE me to join your summer holiday, I (WILL COME)

5). If you (STUDY) hard, your mother WILL BUY you a ticket to Bali.

6). He (WILL CALL) you if you ARE NOT bussy

7). We (WILL VISIT) museum if we HAVE time.

8). My parents (GIVE) me a present if I WIN the competition.

9). He WILL STUDY in Makassar if he (GETS) scholarship.

10). My father (IS) angry if I DON'T OBEY his advice.

11). If my brother ALLOWS, I (WILL BRING) his camera.

12). If Shinta LENDS me her shoes, I (WILL WEAR) them for jogging.

13). They WILL HAVE lunch at home if they (HAVE) time.

14). Alisa (WILL GO) to her grandmother's house if she HAS a good present for her.

15). Nadia WILL GIVE me a chocolate bar if she (RETURNS) from her vacation.

Catatan !!!

* Dalam simple present untuk subject I/you/they/we/plural subject kata kerjanya cukup menggunakan V1 saja.

* Dalam simple present untuk subject orang ketiga tunggal seperti she/he/it/dsb, maka kata kerjanya ditambahkan s/es


Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Materi : Conditional Sentences

Kelas : 10

Kode Soal : 10.5

Kode Kategorisasi : 10.5.7

9. Put the word in brackets in the correct form 1. The sun (rise). In the east.


1. The sun rises in the east.


Ini adalah kalimat simple present tense, yang salah satu fungsinya adalah menggambarkan sesuatu yang merupakan fakta yang bersifat umum.

rise ditambahkan s menjadi rises karena subjeknya, The sun adalah kata singular noun (kata benda tunggal).

Seperti diketahui dalam simple present tense, jika subjek kalimatnya adalah: He, She, It, singular atau uncountable noun, maka verb1 akan mendapatkan tambahan huruf -satau -es tergantung verb nya.

Semoga bermanfaat.

10. Which form does usually have the word "amount in words"? A purchasing order form B membership form C bank deposit slip/form D medical form E application form


maksud nya seperti ini

Which form usually has the word "number in words"?

A. Purchase order form

B. Membership form

C bank deposit slip / form

D. Medical form

E. Application form

the meaning!


Bentuk manakah yang biasanya memiliki kata "jumlah dalam kata-kata"?

A.Formulir pesanan pembelian

B.Formulir keanggotaan

C slip / formulir setoran bank

D.formulir medis

E.Formulir aplikasi


A. purchase order from


A.formulir pesanan pembelian


maaf kalau salah :D

11. What form usually has the word “amount in words”?


What form usually has the word “amount in words”? = Bentuk apa yang biasanya memiliki kata "jumlah dalam kata-kata"?

12. jawaban write the correct form of the word in brackets

The form is not correct because there is no word in brackets

13. Change the word in comparative and superlative is this formShow....long....big...handshome....beautifull....​


- Long (Panjang)

Comparative:Lala's hair is longerthan Nina's hair.

Superlative: Lala's hair is the longest

- Big (Besar)

Comparative:This TV is bigger than our old TV.

Superlative: This TV is thebiggest

- Handsome (Tampan)

Comparative: Arthur is morehandsome than Nathan

Superlative: Arthur is the mosthandsome

- Beautiful (Cantik)

Comparative: Mawar is morebeautifulthan Melati

Superlative: Mawar is the mostbeautiful


Tambah -er untuk Comparative dan -est untuk Superlative.

dan jika kata adjective nya memiliki single vowel.

Tambah moreuntuk Comparative dan mostuntuk Superlative.


14. Complete the text with the word given in bracket in form of simple present tense


Hi! My name is Lucy. This is my daily routine on weekdays.

Hi! My name is Lucy. This is my daily routine on weekdays.I getup at half past seven and I have breakfast with my parents and my younger sister Paula. I like cereals but my sister likes bacon and eggs. My parents eat coffee and toast.

We go to school by bus, but my father goes by train. My mother works at home. She is a journalist.

We have lunch at school, because in the afternoon we do activities; I sing in the choir and play basketball. My sister goes to art class and plays badmintoon.

After school we go home and my mother helpsus with the homework. We also help at home. I cleanthe rooms and my sister washes the dishes.

In the evening we watch TV, play games and talk about our day. My sister and Igo to bed at nine o'clock.

On weekends we getup later, around nine o'clock. We play outdoors games in the park or our garden. Then wevisit our grandmother. I like her very much. She makesus cakes and we play all afternoon with our cousins. It's great fun!


Simplepresent adalah tenses gang digunakan untuk menjelaskan suatu kebenaran umum dan menjelaskan suatu kegiatan ataupun kebiasaan yang dilakukan sehari-hari. Simple present ada 2 jenis, yaitu :

Simple present verbalSimple present nominal


(+) S + V1 (s/es) + O

(-) S + Do/does + not + V1 + O

(?) Do/does + S + V1 + O

Untuk subject I/you/they/we/pluralsubject kata kerja yang digunakan pada kalimat positif (+) adalah verb-1 tanpa tambahan s/es. Dan auxiliary verb yang digunakan untuk kalimat (-) dan (?) adalah do.Untuk subject orang ketiga tunggal seperti she/he/it/namaorang/bendatunggal maka kata kerja pada kalimat positif menggunakan verb-1 dengan tambahan s/es. Dan auxiliary verb yang digunakan pada kalimat (-) serta (?) adalah does.

Berikut ini kalimat dari teks di atas yang termasuk ke dalam simplepresentverbal :

I get up at half past seven.Ihave breakfast with my parents and my younger sister Paula.I like cereals.Mysister likes bacon and eggs.Myparents eat coffee and toast.We go to school by bus.Myfathergoes by train.Mymotherworks at home.Wehave lunch at school.We do activities.Ising in the choir and play basketball.Mysistergoes to art class and plays badmintoon.We go home Mymotherhelps us with the homework.We also help at home.I clean the rooms.Mysisterwashes the dishes.We watch TV, play gamesand talk about our day.MysisterandIgo to bed at nine o'clock.We get up later, around nine o'clock.We play outdoors games in the park or our garden.We visit our grandmother.Ilike her very much.She makes us cakesWe play all afternoon with our cousins.


(+) S + To be (am/are/is) + complement

(-) S + To be (am/are/is) + not + complement

(?) To be (am/are/is) + S + complement

To be am digunakan jika subject nya "I"To be are digunakan jika subject nya "you/they/we/plural subject".To be is digunakan jika subject nya orang ketiga tunggal seperti "she/he/it)

Yang termasuk ke dalam simplepresentnominal dari teks di atas adalah sbb :

She is a journalist.














15. write the plurals form of the word in assigment 4 Mohon Dijawab:)

1. Children 2. Friends 3. Babies 4. Aunts 5. Uncles 6. Nephews 7. Cousins  8. Nieces 9. Grand mothers 10. Sisters

16. write the appropriate form of the word in parentheses to complete each sentence!​


Task 9 :

1. slower

2. higher

3. cleaner

4. the easiest

5. the newest

6. more interesting

7. the most delicious

8. more comfortable

9. longer

10. the heaviest

sekian terimakasii, semoga membantu yaa

17. exercise s-107 direction: decide which Underlined word has the correct word form for its use in the sentence. put the letter of the incorrect word form in the blank beside the sentence

8. A
9. B
10. B
11. A
12. B
13. B
14. A
15. A
8. honoured
9. chemical
10. repetition
11. agricultural
12. -
13. lecturer
14. satisfactory
15. department

18. . Make 5 example of sentences with using word "Will" in form pisitive and introgative

1. I will do my my homework as soon as possible

2. I will bring your book to school

3. I will help you at 8.20

4. Will you help me ?

5. Will you bring my book to school ?

19. The word "child" in the plural form is ..... ​




maaf kalo salah


The word "child" in plural form is "children"


Plural nouns digunakan untuk benda-benda yang berjumlah lebih dari satu.

20. Create a sentence with the word " Speak " in Present perfect Form !​


Maksy have been spoken to Sarah.


Has speaked: She has speaked for about 10 minutes.

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