Jumat, 26 Mei 2023

During 2025 Each Of The Assets Was Removed From Service

During 2025 Each Of The Assets Was Removed From Service

Why the State of Palestine was removed from the map?#SavePalestine✨​

Daftar Isi

1. Why the State of Palestine was removed from the map?#SavePalestine✨​


Google spokeswoman said: “There has never been a ‘Palestine’ label on Google Maps, however we discovered a bug that removed the labels for ‘West Bank’ and ‘Gaza Strip’. We’re working quickly to bring these labels back to the area.”


Google spokeswoman said: “There has never been a ‘Palestine’ label on Google Maps, however we discovered a bug that removed the labels for ‘West Bank’ and ‘Gaza Strip’. We’re working quickly to bring these labels back to the area.”

A petition from March this year urging Google to include Palestine on their maps has gained traction in the last few days, now with almost 250,000 signatures.

Cr: The Guardian.com 10 Aug 2016

From the river to the sea

Palestine will be free✊✊✊✊✊✊

2. Container x contained 1200g of sand. after an equal amount of sand was removed from each container, container y now has 7 times as much sand container x.how much san was removed from each container?



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


3. Container X contained 1200 g of sand. Container Y contained 7.2 kg of sand. After an equal amount of sand was removed from each container, Container Y now has 7 times as much sand as container X. How much sand was removed from each container?


Container X contained 1200 gr of sand. Container Y contained 7.2 kg of sand. After an equal amount of sand was removed from each container, Container Y now has 7 times as much sand as Container X. How much sand was removed from each container?


Pada soal di atas diketahui bahwa Container X dan Container Y memiliki masing-masing 1200 gr dan 7.2 kg pasir. Maka, bentuk persamaannya menjadi:

Container X = 1200 gr

Container Y = 7.2 kg = 7200 gr

Ketika sejumlah pasir diambil dari masing-masing Container, jumlah pasir di Container Y menjadi 7 kali lebih banyak daripada Container X.

Kita misalkan sejumlah pasir ini dengan variabel z.

Container X = 1200 - z

Container Y = 7200 – z

Jumlah pasir di Container Y menjadi 7 kali lebih banyak daripada Container X.

Container Y = 7 x Container X

7200 – z = 7 (1200 - z)

7200 – z = 8400 – 7z

6z = 1200

z = 200 gr

Jadi, jumlah pasir yang diambil dari kedua Container adalah 200 gr.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Semoga penjelasannya membantu. Apabila ingin mempelajari lebih lanjut, disarankan untuk mempelajari:

- Soal Cerita Aljabar, yang ada di https://brainly.co.id/tugas/2019053 dan https://brainly.co.id/tugas/719064

Detail Tambahan

Kelas: 7 SMP

Mapel: Matematika

Materi: Aljabar

Kata Kunci: aljabar, soal cerita

Kode: 7.2.3

4. Write the response of offering service from the dialog above


the beauty of friendship at school is a lot of friends to meet.

5. There is one sentence in each of the following paragraph that does not contribute to the main idea. It does not belong in the four (4) paragraphs. Write the sentence that should be removed from each paragraph on your answer booklet.​


There is one sentence in each of the following paragraph that does not contribute to the main idea. It does not belong in the four (4) paragraphs. Write the sentence that should be removed from each paragraph on your answer booklet.

6. Container X contained 1200 g of sand, Container Y contained 7.2 kg of sand. After an equal amount of sand was removed from each container, Container Y now has 7 times as much sand as Container X. How much sand was removed from each container? Give your answer in kilograms.

x = 1200 gr = 1,2 kg
y = 7,2 kg = 7200 gr

Misalkan jumlah pasir yg diambil dari masing2 kontainer adalah sebanyak a maka
7200 - a = 7(1200 - a)
7200 - a = 8400 - 7a
7a - a = 8400 - 7200
6a = 1200
a = 1200/6
a = 200

Jadi pasir yg diambil dari masing2 kontainer adalah 200 gr atau 0,2 kg.

===maaf kalau salah===


7. Some food mixture was removed from a part of the human digestive system. Which of the following questions should you ask in order to identify where the food was from? a) what type of food was eaten? b) What were the enzymes present in the food mixture? c) How much food was left in that part of the digestive system? d) When was the food eaten?

b. what were the enzyme present in the foodmixture?

8. There is one sentence in each of the following paragraph that does not contribute to the main idea. It does not belong in the four (4) paragraphs. Write the sentence that should be removed from each paragraph on your answer booklet. ​


you kon ol


maaf kalo salah

9. write the correct from of the infinitive verb in each of the following sentence​


12. (is)

13. (was)

14. (vary)

15. (bring)

16. (are)

17. (belongs)

18. (is)

19. (has)

20. (are)

10. All of the students should stay at home during the school time periode and do the tasks from each teacher of each subject artikan pake bahasa indonesia

Semua siswa harus tinggal di rumah selama periode waktu sekolah dan melakukan tugas dari setiap guru dari setiap mata pelajaran


Semua siswa harus tinggal di rumah selama periode waktu sekolah dan melakukan tugas-tugas dari setiap guru dari setiap mata pelajaran


11. Container X contained 1200 g of sand. Container Y contained 7.2 kg of sand. After an equal amount of sand was removed from each container, Container Y now has 7 times as much sand as container X. How much sand was removed from each container?


Container X contained 1200 gr of sand. Container Y contained 7.2 kg of sand. After an equal amount of sand was removed from each container, Container Y now has 7 times as much sand as Container X. How much sand was removed from each container?


Pada soal di atas diketahui bahwa Container X dan Container Y memiliki masing-masing 1200 gr dan 7.2 kg pasir. Maka, bentuk persamaannya menjadi:

Container X = 1200 gr

Container Y = 7.2 kg = 7200 gr

Ketika sejumlah pasir diambil dari masing-masing Container, jumlah pasir di Container Y menjadi 7 kali lebih banyak daripada Container X.

Kita misalkan sejumlah pasir ini dengan variabel z.

Container X = 1200 - z

Container Y = 7200 – z

Jumlah pasir di Container Y menjadi 7 kali lebih banyak daripada Container X.

Container Y = 7 x Container X

7200 – z = 7 (1200 - z)

7200 – z = 8400 – 7z

6z = 1200

z = 200 gr

Jadi, jumlah pasir yang diambil dari kedua Container adalah 200 gr.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Semoga penjelasannya membantu. Apabila ingin mempelajari lebih lanjut, disarankan untuk mempelajari:

- Soal Cerita Aljabar, yang ada di brainly.co.id/tugas/2019053 dan brainly.co.id/tugas/719064

Detail Tambahan

Kelas: 7 SMP

Mapel: Matematika

Materi: Aljabar

Kata Kunci: aljabar, soal cerita

Kode: 7.2.3

12. Sunday, being the day of the Sun, as the name of the first day of the week,is derived from Egyptian astrology, where the seven planets. knovin in English as Satum, Jupiter, Mars, the Sunvenus, Mercury and the Moon, each had an hour of the day assigned to them, and the planetwhich was regent during the first hour of any day of the week gave its name to that day. Duringthe 1st and 2nd century, the week of seven days was introduced into Rome from Egypt, and theRoman names of the planets were given to each successive dayTolong Bantu Translitin ya Kak​


Hari Minggu,sebagai hari matahari,sebagai nama hari pertama dalam minggi itu,


Astrologi Mesir dimana 7 planet.Knovin sebagai bahasa inggris Saturnus,Jupiter ,Mars, Matahari,Merkurius dan bulan,masing masing memiliki satu jam sehari ditugaskan kepada mereka,dan planet ini merupakan bupati selama jam pertama setiap hari dalam seminggu memberikan namanya pada hari itu.Selama abad 1 dan 2,minggu tujuh hari diperkenalkan ke Roma dan Mesir,dan nama nama Romawi dari planet planet itu diberikan pada setiap hari berturut turut.


smg membantu

13. in the figure, 4 quadrants, each of radius 2 m, are removed from a rectangle. find the perimeter and the area of the figure​



Kok yang nanya pakai Bahasa Inggris ya?

14. Al Shea is the sole owner and operator of SawTooth Company. As of the end of its accounting period, December 31, 2007, SawTooth Company has assets of $925,000 and liabilities of $285,000. During 2008, Al Shea invested an additional $50,000 and withdrew $30,000 from the business. What is the amount of net income during 2008, assuming that as of December 31, 2008, assets were $980,000, and liabilities were $255,000?


amount of net income during 2006 is $65000

Step-by-step explanation:

Given data

assets in 2005 =  $925,000

liabilities in 2005 =  $285,000

invested an additional $50,000

withdrew $30,000

assets in 2006=  $980,000

and liabilities in 2006 =  $225,000?

to find out

amount of net income during 2006


in 2005

assets =  $925,000

liabilities =  $285,000

so stock holder equity = $640000

and in 2006

assets =  $980,000

and liabilities  =  $225,000

so stock holder equity = $725000

so retaining earning for both year is $725000 - $640000 i.e $85000

so net income = retaining earning + withdrew - investment

net income = $85000 + $30,000 -  $50,000

net income = $65000

amount of net income during 2006 is $65000

15. In the figure, 4 quadrants, each of radius 2m, are removed from a rectangle. Find : (i) the perimeter (ii) the area tolong ya kak terima kasih


mumpung td sama soalnya dan aku udh ketemu jawabannya (td aku jg bingung tp udh tau jawabannya)


oghey so......

I. perimeter= 28.56 m /28.6m

II. 50. 44 m2

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


9-4= 5


5 + 3.14 + 3 + 3.14 + 5 + 3.14 + 3 + 3.14

= 28.56 m

Kalau di rounded off:

= 28. 6 m


3 + 2 + 2= 7 (breadth)

total area = 9 x 7

= 63 m 2

a= 22/7 x 4

a= 3.14

total area - 3.14 x 4

63 - 3.14 - 3.14 - 3.14 - 3.14

= 50.44 m2

16. In the figure, 4 quadrants, each of radius 2 m, are removed from a rectangle. Find(i) the perimeter(ii) the area,of the remaining figure.​


1. perimeter= 28.56 m/28.6m

II. 50. 44 m2

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


9-4= 5


5 + 3.14 + 3 + 3.14+ 5+ 3.14 + 3 + 3.14

= 28.56 m

Kalau di rounded off:

= 28. 6 m


3+2+2=7 (breadth) total area = 9x7 = 63 m 2

a= 22/7 x 4

a= 3.14

total area - 3.14 x 4

63 - 3.14 - 3.14 - 3.14 - 3.14

= 50.44 m2

semoga membantu

maaf klo salah

17. the tofu is removed from the middle of each triangle because we....a. change the middle parts of the tofu with other fresh tofub. combine the tofu parts in the middle with a part of filling

jawabannyaa yangg b yaaa

18. Why Palestine was not recognized by the world until it was removed from the map?- No Copas !!- Use Explain !!#SavePalestineFormAstanaKazakhstan✨​


because Palestine is a state that is considered non-existent because Palestine is temporarily considered defeated and Palestine is temporarily a state belonging to Israel, if Palestine wins, Palestine will get its state, but if Palestine loses, Israel will own the state.


hope it helps ehe~


19. Who was the general of france during ww2?​


Charles de Gaulle

Preceded by Philippe Pétain (Chief of the French State) Pierre Laval (Chief of the Government)

Succeeded by Félix Gouin

Leader of Free France

In office 18 June 1940 – 3 June 1944


charles de gaulle


From 1939 until 1940, the French Third Republic was at war with Germany. The period from 1940 until 1945 saw competition between Vichy France and the Free French Forces under General Charles de Gaulle for control of the overseas empire.

20. why was uniform ruined though she removed the iron from the shirt?​


kenapa seragam hancur meski dia melepas setrika dari kemeja?


itu artinya

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