Sabtu, 27 Mei 2023

Find A Polynomial Of Degree That Has The Following Zeros

Find A Polynomial Of Degree That Has The Following Zeros

find the sentence that contains of comparative degree and superlative degree in the dialog​

Daftar Isi

1. find the sentence that contains of comparative degree and superlative degree in the dialog​

A:I have a doll bigger than yours...

B:Are you  sure?Maybe my is the biggest...

A:Maybe they are same?

B:send photo of your big doll!

(after send the photo)

B:Aaahh...yours is the biggest one

2. Find the bend allowance for a 90 degree bend that has a radius of 0.250 inch for material 0.040 inch in thickness

Temukan tunjangan tikungan tikungan 90 derajat yang memiliki radius 0,250 inci untuk ketebalan 0,040 inci material

3. find the degree of comparison from the dialog​


1. Siapa Mereka Dalan dialog?

2.Dari Mana Helen Berada?

3.Bagaimana Skotlandia berdasarkan dialog?

4.Siapa anggota keluarga helen?

5.Temukan tingkat perbandingan dari dialog?


maaf kalo salah:)

4. complete the following sentences with the correct degree of comparison​


1. well

2. popular

3. faster

4. tall

5. more nourishing

6. most valuable

7. great

8. more famous

9. most precious

10. wiser


5. find out and make a summary as complete as possible of the following language features! 1. the simple persent tense 2. descriptive words ( order of adjective).3. degree of comparison.​


yes i do no


maaf kalo salah

6. One fifth of the sum of two angles is 24 degree. Half of their difference is 14 degree. Find the two angles​

74⁰ and 46⁰

cara dan jawabannya seperti di foto ya.

semangat belajar....

7. find the comparison degree sentences from the dialogue!​

1. i think your skirt is shorter
2. you are getting taller
3. however i suggest you to buy a bit bigger than usual

8. Complate the following wards degree of camparison Positif comparative superlative Long Big Clever


Degree of Comparison

2. I usually help Bayu and my manager. Santi helps nearly all the people in our department. (helpful)

Santi is more helpful than me.

3. Dika can lift that heavy box. The cleaning service men can’t lift it. (strong)

Dika is stronger than the cleaning service men.

4. I work from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. My manager often works from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. (hard-working)

My manager is more hard-working than me.

5. My house is 5 km from the office. Santi’s house is 21 km from the office. (far)

Santi’s house is farther than my house.

6. I play badminton, often swim and go to the gym three times a week. Santi swims once a week. (active)

I’m more active than Santi.

7. Santi’s working booth is very neat. She puts things neatly. My working booth is a bit untidy. (organized)

Santi’s working booth is more organized than mine.

8. Our office building has three floors. Other office buildings in the area have more than three floors. (high)

Other office buildings are higher than our office building.

9. The street in front of our office building has some potholes. The street on the other block has no potholes at all. (bad)

The street in front of our office is worse than the street on the other block.

10. The staff in our department created a replica of the office building out of used tissue boxes. Staff of other departments used new materials. (creative)

The staff in our department are more creative than the staff of other departments.



Comparative digunakan untuk membandingkan dua buah objek, yang salah satu objeknya memiliki sifat "lebih" dari objek lainnya.

Contoh: fast > faster (cepat > lebih cepat)

Superlative digunakan untuk menyatakan satu objek yang memiliki sifat “paling” jika di bandingan dengan objek lainnya.

Contoh: fast > the fastest (cepat > paling cepat)

Namun, ada beberapa kata sifat yang memiliki sifat ireguler. Untuk kata-kata tersebut maka kalian harus sedikit menghafalkan bentuk comparative dan superlativenya. Beberapa kata sifat itu adalah:

Well - better - best

Badly - worse - worst

Little - less - least

Much - more - most

Far - farther/further - farthest/furthest

Nah, untuk kata-kata dengan dua, tiga atau lebih syllables (suku kata), kita menggunakan more untuk membandingkan secara comparative dan menggunakan most untuk superlative.

Contohnya seperti kata-kata sifat berikut:

Thoughtful (2 syllables) => Thought + ful menjadi more thoughtful/the most thoughtful

Intelligent (4 syllables) => In + tel + li + gent menjadi more intelligent/the most intelligent

9. find a paragraph using degree of comparison of person learn the paragraph you have found to know more about degree of comparison


temukan paragraf dengan menggunakan tingkat perbandingan orang. Pelajari paragraf yang Anda temukan untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang tingkat perbandingan

10. Write a story that consists of equal degree, comparative degree and superlative degree. The theme is "my school".​

*Maaf tulisan jelek,karna udh lama : )



a. Menggunakan adj + 'er' untuk 1 s/d 2 suku kata.

1. Milo is taller than Nicol

2. Dany is shorter then Fahri

3. Eli is sweeter then Kyla

4. Fely is faster then Choco

5. Elina is smarter then Nathan

b. Menggunakan 'more' + adj untuk lebih dr 2 suku kata.

1. Milo is more talkative than Dany

2. Nicol is more riddiciolus than Fahri

3. Nathan is more confident than Eli

4. Kyla is more amazing than Choco

5. Elina is more beautiful than Fely


a. Menggunakan the + adj + 'est' untuk 1 s/d 2 suku kata.

1. Eli is the prettiest girl in the class

2. John is the shortest boy in the house

3. Kyla is the tallest girl in the class

4. Nathan is the fastest boy in the school

5. Elina is the smartest girl in the school

b. Menggunakan the + 'most' + adj untuk lebih dari 2 suku kata.

1. Milo is the most talkative in the class

2. Nicol is the most riddiciolus in the class

3. Nathan is the most confident in the school

4. Kyla is the most amazing in the class

5. Elina is the most beautiful in the school


Karna g ada teksnya saya buat sendiri ya : )

sekian terimakasih ;)

Jika ada yang ditanyakan, silahkan tanyakan di kolom komentar.

11. write the comparative form of superlative degree of the following stationlike Toba is the ........ (beautiful) like in Indonesia​

Like Toba is the mostbeautiful like in Indonesia.


Degrees of comparison

Adalah pernyataan dalam melakukan perbandingan terhadap objek lainnya tersebut.

Superlativedegreeadalah perbandingan yang paling diatas lebih. Setiap kata bisa diakhiri dengan -est seperti : best, biggest, smallest, smartest, etc. Namun, ada juga yang menggunakan kata most di awal kata tanpa menggunakan -est diakhir kata seperti : most beautiful, most handsome, etc. Menggunakan pola, yakni :

S + the + V1/adj/adv + -est.

Atau, jika tanpa -est diakhir kata maka menggunakan pola kalimat :

S + the + most + V1/adj/adv.________

Comparativedegreeadalah pernyataan dalam melakukan perbandingan antar objek yang akan dibandingkan dengan lainnya dengan pernyataanlebih. Pada setiap kata seperti kata kerja, keterangan, ataupun sifat diakhiri dengan -er seperti : smarter, smaller, higher, etc. Tidak untuk semua kata bisa diakhiri dengan -er, namun juga ada yang diawali dengan more seperti : more beautiful, more handsome, more stupid, etc.

Dengan penggunaan pola, yakni :


Atau, jika tidak diakhiri dengan -er namun diawali dengan more, maka polanya :

S+more+V1/adj/adv+than+....__________Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Materi tentang Superlative and Comparative degree

Detail Jawaban

Kelas : VIII SMP

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Materi : Comparative and Superlative

Kode Kategorisasi : 8.5.7

Kata Kunci : Degrees of comparison, superlative and comparative degree

12. write sentences with degree of comparisons! USe the Following adjectives a. Hard b.serious​


A. Hard

- Positive Degree: This question is as hard as my sister's question.

- Comparative Degree: This challenge is harderthan my sister's question.

- Superlative Degree: This question is the hardest question that I have ever read.

B. Serious

- Positive Degree: My opinion is as serious as yours.

- Comparative Degree: I know, that your opinion is more seriousthan mine.

- Superlative Degree: This is the most serious effect that I have ever seen.


Kalimat dengan Comparison degree merupakan kalimat yang biasanya membandingkan kata sifat (adjective). Bisa dua atau lebih dari dua kata sifat.

Ada tiga bentuk dari Comparison degree yaitu positive (menyatakan kedudukan dari dua kata sifat itu sama), comparative (menyatakan kedudukan dari dua kata sifat itu tidak sama/ada yang lebih tinggi di antaranya) dan superlative (menyatakan kedudukan dari dua kata sifat itu ada yang paling tinggi di antaranya) degree.


- Positive Degree: as + adjective + as

- Comparative Degree: adjective-er + than atau more + adjective + than (untuk adjective dengan lebih dari dua suku kata)

- Superlative Degree: the + adjective-est atau the + most + adjective (untuk adjective dengan lebih dari dua suku kata)

Good luck :)

13. 4. Change the following sentences.Positive Degree.a. This cat is (big) that oneComparative Degree.b. Lisa is (diligent) SintaSuperlative Degree.c. Rani is (clever) student of them all.​


a. as big as

b. more diligent than

c. the cleverst

Penjelasan: semoga membantu^^


a. this cat is bigger that one

b. Lisa is more diligent than Sinta

c. Rani is cleverest student of them all

14. Compelete the word below of the positive degree, the comparative degree and superlative degree​

yg no terakhir maaf jika slh, soalnya krg jls

15. Quiz MathGiven that an exterior angle of an n-sided regular polygon is [tex] 5\degree [/tex] . Find the value of n.

Sudut luar = 5°

Jumlah semua sudut luar poligon selalu 360°, jadi :

SL  = 360°/n

5° = 360°/n

n = 360/5 = 72 sisi


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

16. write sentences by using degree of comparison based on the following situation a. Dion is 65 kg . Roland is 59 kg. (fat) b. Dave has Rp.25000. david has Rp40.000

a. Dion is fatter than Roland.
b. Dave has fewer (money) than David
  atau David has more (money) than Davedion fatter than roland

17. divide the polynomial f(x) = x^4 -2 by the polynomial g(x) = 5x-x ^2+1 and find the quotient and reminder

quotient = -x^2-5x-26
reminder = 135x+24The answer and the way there is on attachment

18. Determine the part of speech the following word noun verb adjective or adverb dan find the synonym of the words from the text the text is from the new research Which was announced by molecular Cell journal find that the pretend like in our Brain be able to cause the Outside The Experiment from University of Toronto was founded by decreasing protein degree NSR 150 Man of Steel and the result showed that the one heart of every problem with the most experiment for the protection of a hundred head blok the normal Brain development so that the crossing and The Only Hope has caused enough for all the Habit


Penerjemahan ke Indonesianya adalah

Tentukan bagian dari pidato kata berikut kata benda kata benda atau kata kerja dan temukan sinonim dari kata-kata dari teks teks dari penelitian baru yang diumumkan oleh jurnal Cell molekuler menemukan bahwa berpura-pura seperti di Otak kita dapat menyebabkan Diluar The Experiment dari University of Toronto didirikan dengan menurunkan kadar protein NSR 150 Man of Steel dan hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa satu hati dari setiap masalah dengan percobaan terbanyak untuk perlindungan seratus kepala blok perkembangan otak normal sehingga persilangan dan Satu-satunya Harapan telah menyebabkan cukup untuk semua KebiasaanSelamat puasa

19. put the following sentences into the degree of Comparison​


8. Shorter

9. Younger

10. Shorter


Semoga Membantu



1. Shorter

2. Younger

3. Shorter

20. A. Write 3 sentences that contain prefix with the following meaning: Negation Repetition Degree, measure or size​


A. Tulislah 3 kalimat yang mengandung prefiks dengan arti sebagai berikut:

 Negasi

 Pengulangan

 Derajat, ukuran atau ukuran


semoga membantu

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